Dr. Jill Biden?

Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor

I heard her announced on TV as a doctor last night. That'll be the new spin.

Next thing you know, she'll be giving medical advice on talk shows.

Same with Trump's vaccine. They are avoiding crediting Trump with Warp Speed by calling it the Pfizer vaccine.

You know it would be the Obama vaccine if Barry had done it.

They even named the ACA Obamacare just because Barry signed it. A pen and 5 seconds.
So...what you are telling us is that you are unaware of the title Doctor being tied to PhDs.....try getting out more. Just sayin'
Sleepy needs the constant care of a Doctor to change his Depends.....
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

She earned a phD.
That earns her the title of “doctor” based on our cultural norms.
She is a “real doctor”. She didn’t earn the degree out of a Cracker Jack box (do they still do Cracker Jack prizes?)
Attacking her over this is silly at best, petty partisan BS at most, and damaging to our societal norms at worst.
We can’t participate in tearing down small pieces of our society when it’s politically convenient and then bitch about “liberals destroying the culture”.

As for her respectability, the character of doctors in the medical Community (md, do, dc, dpt, dds), and other such debates are a side note. Having a degree of any kind doesn’t mean the person is a good person. As loathe as I am to use nazi references, Dr. mengele was a Doctor. Did he earn the degree and deserve respect in that regard? Yup. Did he keep his oath and deserve to keep sucking oxygen? Fuck no.

Technically, she did not earn a PhD. She earned an EdD. They're both doctoral level degrees, and you can get a PhD in Education. The difference is largely one of curriculum and focus.

Whether or not she got it "out of a Cracker Jack box" depends on the quality of the University of Delaware, which I can't speak to.
You guys do understand that in a few years when you guys are rallying around someone whom you're calling "doctor"...the same argument is going to be made against him.

For example...since you guys set the bar for getting credit for Bin Laden's death at Obama being on the strike team...we can't give His Blobness any credit for the vaccines since he wasn't on the team doing the actual development.

Every destruction of our common norms is just ammunition to be used later on.

You do understand that we're unlikely to be rallying around someone who demands to be addressed as "Doctor", especially someone who isn't actually a medical doctor. Thank you for wasting our time ASSuming that your idiocy is universal.
Wow.....another one.................:heehee:
It is a longstanding custom for people who have doctorates in fields other than physical medicine to be addressed as "doctor," as have people with religious degrees. Where have you people been? Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Robert Jeffress, pastor, are also afforded this title, even though they are not medical doctors, as were my history and law professors. James Dobson, who has a doctorate in psychology, also is referred to using this title.

Who started this stupid, petty argument?

Laura Ingram holds a Doctorate in Law, and has used the Doctor title in the past and none of them objected but do it because Jill Biden is married to Joe Biden...

I have the same education as she does. I guess I just have to find a lucrative TV gig. Nobody with a J.D. ever uses this title.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

She earned a phD.
That earns her the title of “doctor” based on our cultural norms.
She is a “real doctor”. She didn’t earn the degree out of a Cracker Jack box (do they still do Cracker Jack prizes?)
Attacking her over this is silly at best, petty partisan BS at most, and damaging to our societal norms at worst.
We can’t participate in tearing down small pieces of our society when it’s politically convenient and then bitch about “liberals destroying the culture”.

As for her respectability, the character of doctors in the medical Community (md, do, dc, dpt, dds), and other such debates are a side note. Having a degree of any kind doesn’t mean the person is a good person. As loathe as I am to use nazi references, Dr. mengele was a Doctor. Did he earn the degree and deserve respect in that regard? Yup. Did he keep his oath and deserve to keep sucking oxygen? Fuck no.

Technically, she did not earn a PhD. She earned an EdD. They're both doctoral level degrees, and you can get a PhD in Education. The difference is largely one of curriculum and focus.

Whether or not she got it "out of a Cracker Jack box" depends on the quality of the University of Delaware, which I can't speak to.
She is an EdD?
I wasn’t aware.
Not that It matters to me though.
She earned a doctorate, she is a doctor.
This has got to be one of the dumber topics/debates I have ever seen. It’s incredible that placing people on different “teams” will suddenly get them to bicker over the most assinine things.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

The title Dr. is commonly used in Central Europe for those who are PhD's. In the US it is not and considered a bit pompous. One of the few who used it was Henry Kissinger, but then he is from Central Europe.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

The title Dr. is commonly used in Central Europe for those who are PhD's. In the US it is not and considered a bit pompous. One of the few who used it was Henry Kissinger, but then he is from Central Europe.
Right, among America hating socialists the title is quite common.
Like this ^^^^^^ butthurt RWI.

Pretty funny hearing the most whiny, needy, butthurt snowflakes the planet has ever seen now complaining about other people just because they are telling you what you need to hear. :21:

Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

At least she is not a sex object nude model who married a man as old as her dad.
The attack in Jill Biden for her title is unwarranted. You don’t do your side any favors by lowering yourself to personal attacks on a woman who by all accounts has been a good person.

Oh, for pity's sake, no one "attacked" her. The guy expressed an opinion, which was that it's a douchebag move to insist on being addressed with that honorific, and also confusing when one isn't a medical doctor. He's correct about both, and he's also entitled to have and express the opinion. The REAL attack here was the left freaking the fuck out and demanding that the op-ed be pulled and the editor of the op-ed page issue copious apologies for allowing an opinion they didn't like to be expressed.

Way to counteract the accusation of "pretentious douchebag" on their part.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor

I heard her announced on TV as a doctor last night. That'll be the new spin.

Next thing you know, she'll be giving medical advice on talk shows.

Same with Trump's vaccine. They are avoiding crediting Trump with Warp Speed by calling it the Pfizer vaccine.

You know it would be the Obama vaccine if Barry had done it.

They even named the ACA Obamacare just because Barry signed it. A pen and 5 seconds.

I think we were the ones who labeled it Obamacare, actually, to make sure we hung that stinking pile of shit around his neck good and proper.
Don't forget "doctor" Martin King Jr. who plagiarized some crap to get the fake degree while he read scripts written by lawyers from Brooklyn!

Yes, we use titles to show respect.

Human beings are very frail beings, and respect makes them feel good.

Napoleon, I believe, said something to the effect that soldiers would do anything in return for some recognition, maybe like a ribbon, etc.

We refer to "Dr. King" in order to show respect. If we did not use that title, some people would be very hurt. I remember some Americans of a certain ethnicity felt very hurt when TV newsreaders or ordinary people referred to "Obama" instead of "President Obama."

So let's refer to "Dr. Biden," if that makes her (and her family) happy.

(I once read that in Germany -- at least in the past -- if you earned two doctorates in any field, you would expect to be addressed as, for example, "Dr. Dr. Merkel."

I don't particularly respect her, though. And I DEFINITELY don't respect her if she's running around demanding it.

I assume the "Dr. King" you're referring to is MLK Jr. I don't refer to him as Dr. King. I might refer to him as Reverend on occasion, but mostly, I just refer to him by name. I also respect him more than I do her. I think I usually hear his honorific as "Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr." That's fine, because I'm pretty sure with that formula, most people understand his degree wasn't medicine.

Gandhi said, "No one can hurt me without my permission." Perhaps those people who get "very hurt" because I don't use an honorific for someone else should consider that, and stop investing so much of themselves into other people following their scripts.
Maybe they'll have to change Judge Judy to Arbitrator Judy, while we are at it.
Should "Dr. Phil" have to change the name of his show?

I believe psychology is considered an adjunct of the medical field.

Doctor Phil IMO is little more than an old gym teacher with folksie advice! What a joke! :stir:

Um, no, Dr. Phil is a man with a doctorate in clinical psychology. You don't have to like him, but you don't get to lie about him because of it.
They asked Jill what her doctorate and expertise was in, Education or Philosophy......she said "Depends"

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