Dr. Jill Biden?

Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

She earned a phD.
That earns her the title of “doctor” based on our cultural norms.
She is a “real doctor”. She didn’t earn the degree out of a Cracker Jack box (do they still do Cracker Jack prizes?)
Attacking her over this is silly at best, petty partisan BS at most, and damaging to our societal norms at worst.
We can’t participate in tearing down small pieces of our society when it’s politically convenient and then bitch about “liberals destroying the culture”.

As for her respectability, the character of doctors in the medical Community (md, do, dc, dpt, dds), and other such debates are a side note. Having a degree of any kind doesn’t mean the person is a good person. As loathe as I am to use nazi references, Dr. mengele was a Doctor. Did he earn the degree and deserve respect in that regard? Yup. Did he keep his oath and deserve to keep sucking oxygen? Fuck no.

Technically, she did not earn a PhD. She earned an EdD. They're both doctoral level degrees, and you can get a PhD in Education. The difference is largely one of curriculum and focus.

Whether or not she got it "out of a Cracker Jack box" depends on the quality of the University of Delaware, which I can't speak to.
She is an EdD?
I wasn’t aware.
Not that It matters to me though.
She earned a doctorate, she is a doctor.
This has got to be one of the dumber topics/debates I have ever seen. It’s incredible that placing people on different “teams” will suddenly get them to bicker over the most assinine things.

Hey, I'm not saying she isn't technically entitled to use the honorific. I am agreeing with the op-ed writer that insisting on it and demanding to be addressed by it makes her look like a pretentious douchebag harpy. And all her newly-minted fans flying into a rage about his opinion makes her and them look even more pretentious and douchy.

I never used her honorific before, because I didn't know she had a doctorate. NOW I won't use it on purpose, just because I make it a policy to never show any respect to people who demand it. Respect is earned; if you have to demand it, it's proof that you shouldn't be respected at all.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

I don't really care that she's so insecure she feels the need to be referred to as "doctor", but it worries me that we have Democrats, like Whoopi Goldberg, who are SO retarded they want Jill Biden to be appointed Surgeon General. That type of ignorance is much more dangerous than a pretentious old lady whose only real job now is covering for her brain-damaged husband.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

The title Dr. is commonly used in Central Europe for those who are PhD's. In the US it is not and considered a bit pompous. One of the few who used it was Henry Kissinger, but then he is from Central Europe.
Simply not true.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

The title Dr. is commonly used in Central Europe for those who are PhD's. In the US it is not and considered a bit pompous. One of the few who used it was Henry Kissinger, but then he is from Central Europe.

And noticeably, he was almost never referred to by that title in the media.

For that matter, the media rarely ever refers to Ben Carson as "Dr. Carson", and he actually IS a medical doctor.

So no, I'll take a hard pass on verbally genuflecting to the new First Shrew.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

You guys really are deplorable. Did we go after melania for being a prostitute? What education does melania have?
As to her education I can't speak but she does speak five or six different languages which attests to some degree of intelligence, likely far superior to your own.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

The title Dr. is commonly used in Central Europe for those who are PhD's. In the US it is not and considered a bit pompous. One of the few who used it was Henry Kissinger, but then he is from Central Europe.

And noticeably, he was almost never referred to by that title in the media.

For that matter, the media rarely ever refers to Ben Carson as "Dr. Carson", and he actually IS a medical doctor.

So no, I'll take a hard pass on verbally genuflecting to the new First Shrew.
Specifically a neural surgeon if I remember correctly.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

Just about all of them. It's alot of work to get there. I knew a physicist named ernie that did not care what you called him but ya kinda rare. They call it a doctoral for a reason.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

The title Dr. is commonly used in Central Europe for those who are PhD's. In the US it is not and considered a bit pompous. One of the few who used it was Henry Kissinger, but then he is from Central Europe.

And noticeably, he was almost never referred to by that title in the media.

For that matter, the media rarely ever refers to Ben Carson as "Dr. Carson", and he actually IS a medical doctor.

So no, I'll take a hard pass on verbally genuflecting to the new First Shrew.
Specifically a neural surgeon if I remember correctly.

He is one of the premier pediatric neurosurgeons in the world, a pioneer in the field.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

I occasionally do, depending on the situation.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

Just about all of them. It's alot of work to get there. I knew a physicist named ernie that did not care what you called him but ya kinda rare. They call it a doctoral for a reason.

I've known a large number of people who have had doctorates, including a lot of medical doctors, owing mostly to the fact that I used to work for the University of Arizona. Most of them didn't make a big deal out of it; those that did also happened to be assholes in general. This was not a coincidence.

I understand that Jill herself tells the story that she got the doctorate because she was offended that mail always came to their house addressed to "Senator and Mrs. Biden". If so, I respect her even less.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

I don't really care that she's so insecure she feels the need to be referred to as "doctor", but it worries me that we have Democrats, like Whoopi Goldberg, who are SO retarded they want Jill Biden to be appointed Surgeon General. That type of ignorance is much more dangerous than a pretentious old lady whose only real job now is covering for her brain-damaged husband.
Amazing, considering this all started by some insecure male writing an article for the WSJ....but, of course....She's the insecure one? :heehee:
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

I don't really care that she's so insecure she feels the need to be referred to as "doctor", but it worries me that we have Democrats, like Whoopi Goldberg, who are SO retarded they want Jill Biden to be appointed Surgeon General. That type of ignorance is much more dangerous than a pretentious old lady whose only real job now is covering for her brain-damaged husband.
Amazing, considering this all started by some insecure male writing an article for the WSJ....but, of course....She's the insecure one? :heehee:
She was the one on late night tv with Colbert, another libber all offended and put out.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

Dr. Biden is a real doctor. She's not a medical doctor, but them neither is my friend in Montreal who is a published research PhD whose studies on Alzheimer's patients are currently being published in peer reviewed journals. He has a PhD in psychology, and no one has ever once suggested he isn't a "real" doctor.

Dentists, psychologists, and veterinarians are all called Doctor too, and none of them are medical doctors. Their PhD's are in other fields as is Dr. Biden's degree. My male PhD friends have no problem getting people to call them "Dr.". Female PhD's who are not medical doctors have their hard work and credentials questioned all of the time.

Thank you for proving your misogyny, yet again.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

Just about all of them. It's alot of work to get there. I knew a physicist named ernie that did not care what you called him but ya kinda rare. They call it a doctoral for a reason.

I've known a large number of people who have had doctorates, including a lot of medical doctors, owing mostly to the fact that I used to work for the University of Arizona. Most of them didn't make a big deal out of it; those that did also happened to be assholes in general. This was not a coincidence.

I understand that Jill herself tells the story that she got the doctorate because she was offended that mail always came to their house addressed to "Senator and Mrs. Biden". If so, I respect her even less.
Not like they cared at the bowling alley or just running around but ya at work. They cared. Of course I am sort of the wallowitz of the group might just be trying to get my goat. Don't bother me either way.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

Dr. Biden is a real doctor. She's not a medical doctor, but them neither is my friend in Montreal who is a published research PhD whose studies on Alzheimer's patients are currently being published in peer reviewed journals. He has a PhD in psychology, and no one has ever once suggested he isn't a "real" doctor.

Dentists, psychologists, and veterinarians are all called Doctor too, and none of them are medical doctors. Their PhD's are in other fields as is Dr. Biden's degree. My male PhD friends have no problem getting people to call them "Dr.". Female PhD's who are not medical doctors have their hard work and credentials questioned all of the time.

Thank you for proving your misogyny, yet again.
Oooh thanks arrogant uber educated libber for chastising us and working in another of your stupid big words there at the end.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

Just about all of them. It's alot of work to get there. I knew a physicist named ernie that did not care what you called him but ya kinda rare. They call it a doctoral for a reason.

I've known a large number of people who have had doctorates, including a lot of medical doctors, owing mostly to the fact that I used to work for the University of Arizona. Most of them didn't make a big deal out of it; those that did also happened to be assholes in general. This was not a coincidence.

I understand that Jill herself tells the story that she got the doctorate because she was offended that mail always came to their house addressed to "Senator and Mrs. Biden". If so, I respect her even less.

That explains why she got what is generally considered one of the easiest Ph.Ds to achieve, in Education. It's fine to refer to someone like that as "doctor" in an academic setting, since academics are generally very insecure and status conscious, but it just comes off as a little sad and desperate when you demand to be called "doctor" in the real world.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

I don't really care that she's so insecure she feels the need to be referred to as "doctor", but it worries me that we have Democrats, like Whoopi Goldberg, who are SO retarded they want Jill Biden to be appointed Surgeon General. That type of ignorance is much more dangerous than a pretentious old lady whose only real job now is covering for her brain-damaged husband.

"Pretentious old lady"???? How curious. A woman who has worked hard for accomplishments and credentials is "pretentious" for using the honorific she earned. The current First Lady claimed a degree she never earned, and a linguistic ability she has never displayed, and yet Republicans celebrate her as both highly educated and multi-lingual.

Of course they also called the Ivy League educated Michelle Obama, a man, so they're delusional. I guess can hardly expect these idiots to treat Dr. Biden any better.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

The title Dr. is commonly used in Central Europe for those who are PhD's. In the US it is not and considered a bit pompous. One of the few who used it was Henry Kissinger, but then he is from Central Europe.
Simply not true.
True enough. I live in the part of the world that loves titles. Many people are Ings (engineers-title for masters) and more Phds than you can imagine. In less elites societies is is considered pompous.

Madam?, you don't know wtf you're talking about.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

I don't really care that she's so insecure she feels the need to be referred to as "doctor", but it worries me that we have Democrats, like Whoopi Goldberg, who are SO retarded they want Jill Biden to be appointed Surgeon General. That type of ignorance is much more dangerous than a pretentious old lady whose only real job now is covering for her brain-damaged husband.

"Pretentious old lady"???? How curious. A woman who has worked hard for accomplishments and credentials is "pretentious" for using the honorific she earned. The current First Lady claimed a degree she never earned, and a linguistic ability she has never displayed, and yet Republicans celebrate her as both highly educated and multi-lingual.

Of course they also called the Ivy League educated Michelle Obama, a man, so they're delusional. I guess can hardly expect these idiots to treat Dr. Biden any better.
Not to mention current First Lady Trump plagiarized her speech & Fake Billionaire Donald Trump didn't write his book "The Art of the Deal"
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Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

I don't really care that she's so insecure she feels the need to be referred to as "doctor", but it worries me that we have Democrats, like Whoopi Goldberg, who are SO retarded they want Jill Biden to be appointed Surgeon General. That type of ignorance is much more dangerous than a pretentious old lady whose only real job now is covering for her brain-damaged husband.

"Pretentious old lady"???? How curious. A woman who has worked hard for accomplishments and credentials is "pretentious" for using the honorific she earned. The current First Lady claimed a degree she never earned, and a linguistic ability she has never displayed, and yet Republicans celebrate her as both highly educated and multi-lingual.

Of course they also called the Ivy League educated Michelle Obama, a man, so they're delusional. I guess can hardly expect these idiots to treat Dr. Biden any better.
Perhaps we can have a new title, like "Dingbat", Db. Would you like that?

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