Dr. Kings DAUGHTER Speaks Out

Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.

Stay there
Suck my black dick.


Thanks for staying there for 60 years.
I have been in white communities son. Divorcees whose white ex husbands couldn't lay the pipe proper invited me into their homes.

Yeah, we believe you

Since you claim to be articulate that must mean you fail personal hygiene according to Joe Biden.

What you believe or don't is irrelevant.
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.
How can you live that long and still be so fucking stupid?
I am smarter than you.

Not according to CRT and Biden
CRT says nothing about intelligence and neither does Biden.
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.

Stay there
Suck my black dick.


Thanks for staying there for 60 years.
I have been in white communities son. Divorcees whose white ex husbands couldn't lay the pipe proper invited me into their homes.

Really...you choice of words keeps making me feel that they should be doing a DNA sample on you and matching it with police databases. How did you get "invited" exactly?

The same way most men get invited by women.
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.
How can you live that long and still be so fucking stupid?
I am smarter than you.

Not according to CRT and Biden
CRT says nothing about intelligence and neither does Biden.

"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” Biden

You, sir are a joke
Why do you racists always run away from the thread topic?
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.
How can you live that long and still be so fucking stupid?
I am smarter than you.

Not according to CRT and Biden
CRT says nothing about intelligence and neither does Biden.

"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” Biden

You, sir are a joke
CRT says nothing about intelligence and neither does Biden. I know you want to make Biden a klansman but if blacks chose not to vote for every white candidate who said something stupid we would never vote. You are the joke.
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.
I lived for more than 60 years and spent a considerable number of years working
in INNER CITY (aka IN THE HOOD) hospitals. The hoods is damned dangerous
especially for children -----TRAUMA of many flavors
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.

Stay there
Suck my black dick.


Thanks for staying there for 60 years.
I have been in white communities son. Divorcees whose white ex husbands couldn't lay the pipe proper invited me into their homes.

In your anger you changed the topic: "live"

They just say you are there to clean.

I have tapped some blacque Bootay. They love being treated like a lady for a change and not acting out a mysogynistic rap song.
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.

Stay there
Suck my black dick.


Thanks for staying there for 60 years.
I have been in white communities son. Divorcees whose white ex husbands couldn't lay the pipe proper invited me into their homes.

Really...you choice of words keeps making me feel that they should be doing a DNA sample on you and matching it with police databases. How did you get "invited" exactly?

and fingerprints
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.

Stay there
Suck my black dick.


Thanks for staying there for 60 years.
I have been in white communities son. Divorcees whose white ex husbands couldn't lay the pipe proper invited me into their homes.

LOL! In your dreams, Sambo... In your dreams...

No cracker, it was in my reality.

Fat white girls with low self esteem do still want some from whoever will lower their standards that far
Not Alveda, who was raised by Kings brother. These are words spoken by Kings own daughter.

Would you tapp Bernice's Bootay?

Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.

Stay there
Suck my black dick.


Thanks for staying there for 60 years.
I have been in white communities son. Divorcees whose white ex husbands couldn't lay the pipe proper invited me into their homes.

LOL! In your dreams, Sambo... In your dreams...

No cracker, it was in my reality.

Yeah, here's your "reality":

Not Alveda, who was raised by Kings brother. These are words spoken by Kings own daughter.

Who gives a flying fuck what that cow has to say? She has no special gift that allows her to speak wisdom to the masses. She's just another whiny ape, and nothing more...

The only whiners are you saltines.

Shit, you and your little sister Paul are the two whiniest fuckin' negroes I've ever encountered.

Oh, and for the record? Names like "cracker" and "saltine" are absolutely, utterly meaningless to me...
Why do you racists always run away from the thread topic?

I'm not running away from anything.

I don't give a fuck what that land-whale has to say. You post it, though, as if it's the divine word of the good Lord himself.

But, no, most people couldn't gie a fuck about King's daughter, and care even less about what she says when she starts flappin' those lips...
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.

Stay there
Suck my black dick.


Thanks for staying there for 60 years.
I have been in white communities son. Divorcees whose white ex husbands couldn't lay the pipe proper invited me into their homes.

You wrote teh book on it:

Amazon product ASIN B07NK6HY63
Did she say anything about all the little black kids getting shot in the head?

Did she say anything about little white kids getting shot up by other white kids is schools?
The most dangerous place in the world is a black neighborhood
I've managed to live nearly 60 years in black communities so I know thats is incorrect.

Stay there
Suck my black dick.


Thanks for staying there for 60 years.
I have been in white communities son. Divorcees whose white ex husbands couldn't lay the pipe proper invited me into their homes.

In your anger you changed the topic: "live"

They just say you are there to clean.

I have tapped some blacque Bootay. They love being treated like a lady for a change and not acting out a mysogynistic rap song.

Before I got with my hot Puerto Rican girlfriend, there was this fine black lady, a bartender at a local club, who I used to spend time with on occasion.

Definitely in the top three blowjobs I've ever had, and she was, well, let's just call it "enthusiastic" between the sheets.

She told me that she preferred white guys, for the simple reason that white guys know how to treat a lady like a lady. She said "n****rs act like we're they're slaves."

She also said that negroes are greasy and they stink...
My family has been here longer than yours. I was born here and this is not a white country. Since I was born here I have the right to demand things. I think you need to recognize that because it's apparent that you are ashamed of white european culture because you don't move back to Europe.

It’s not a white country? You’re speaking a white man’s language aren’t you? Our society is based on laws, much like Europe created. If it’s not white, what is It? Chinese? African?
Do enlighten us.

I have lived in Europe for several years. Unlike you I’m not scared to live where my ancestors came from. It’s civilized, it’s beautiful, and it’s mostly all white.

America was founded as a British colony. Those white colonists gained their own independence. Independence for them and their white children. I know you’re side is all butt hurt they didn’t create a new nation for Africans, but hey African culture is wonderful and you can still move there. We know you won’t though, because you love white culture so much you want it for yourself. You think if you just “replace” all the whites then it will prove “people of color” can be just as civilized as whites. Good luck.
It's not a white mans country. The indigenous people of this country were not white. I am. I am not scared to live in Africa but I was born here and don't have to go anywhere . And if I don't like the way things are, I have the right to air my grievance. So if you don't like that, move back to Europe because I don't have to be quiet about white racism and you just have to accept the fact that I won't be.

And white boy, if the shit you pricks have done is called civilized, then civilized doesn't exist.


This Mornings Lesson:


Seasoning was a process conducted during the Atlantic slave trade for the purpose of "breaking" slaves. It also took away the slaves' identities to make them more likely to do what they are told. Also during the seasoning process the slave would sometimes have hot tar and oil poured onto their sores and wounds so that they would fetch a higher price at auction.

On reaching the Americas the slaver ship crews prepared the Africans for sale. They washed, shaved and rubbed them with palm oil to disguise sores and wounds caused by conditions on board. The captains usually sold their captives directly to planters or specialized wholesalers by auction. Families who had managed to stay together were now often broken up. Bonds formed during the voyage were also broken.

Many slaves shipped directly to North America bypassed this process; however most slaves (destined for island or South American plantations) were likely to be put through this ordeal. The slaves were tortured for the purpose of "breaking" them (like the practice of breaking horses) and conditioning them to their new lot in life. Jamaica held one of the most notorious of these camps.

Immediately owners and their overseers sought to obliterate the identities of their newly acquired slaves, to break their wills and sever any bonds with the past. They forced Africans to adapt to new working and living conditions, to learn a new language and adopt new customs. They called this process 'seasoning' and it could last two or three years.

For Africans, weakened by the trauma of the voyage, the brutality of this process was overwhelming. Many died or committed suicide. Others resisted and were punished. The rest found ways of appearing to conform which still preserved their dignity.

Most of the Africans brought into North America prior to 1740 came by way of the West Indies. The most valuable slaves were those born in the Americas--known as Creole slaves, and the least valuable were those directly from Africa. Traders tried to present the enslaved African as being as much like a Creole slave as possible in look and behavior. The process began with the sale itself. Although no standard applied for everywhere in the Americas, the most experienced slavers usually cleaned up the Africans by shaving all the hair from their bodies, washing them with water, and oiling them down with palm oil. The about-to-be-sold slave was also fed often but in small amounts for a few days prior to the sale, trained not to resist having all parts of their bodies examined--especially their reproductive organs, and sometimes allotted a little rum to liven their spirits. In the West Indies, traders might put those slaves destined for the American South into sugar plantation work gangs for a few weeks labor to break them in to the routine. After 1740, when the demand for slave labor was highest, most enslaved people sold into the American South came directly from Africa, and they had to be seasoned by their American owners.

Already branded in Africa with the traders mark, they might be branded again with the mark of the new owner. They also would receive new names--usually Christian ones, or names from Classical Rome and Greece--such as Jupiter or Plato, or African-sounding names--like Quack (which was derived from the African word Quaco, meaning a male born on Wednesday) or Squash (which probably came from the word Quashee, meaning a female born on Sunday).

(Nothing like being "civilized" into the white mans ways}

You don't like the way things are because you're mentally ill. You need serious care.

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