Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Another marchin lootin coon day....OH BOY! Kids love having day off and I enjoy not having to get up early....then get to troll the morons on FB LOL. Ah a day celebrating a womanizer,plagiarist,alcoholic and known communist.
Scratch a conservative, find a racist.
You MIGHT have a point if I was a conservative. I am not one...I despise conservatives,I think they are weak spine pussies. I am a Racial Socialist....What's best for my race is what I advocate for.
You mean you’re a racist. Why not just say what you are?
My ideology is Racial Socialism,look it up. My religion is called Creativity. Racial Socialists RIGHTFULLY believe in White Supremacy as we are superior to all other races. The word "racist" was made up by a Jewish communist but hey fits you well to use it. Your buzz words don't bother me,being inaccurate is irritating though...not like ANY of you leftists care about being accurate.
Yeah, like I said, racist. What a pity you’re too ashamed to call yourself what you really are.
Another marchin lootin coon day....OH BOY! Kids love having day off and I enjoy not having to get up early....then get to troll the morons on FB LOL. Ah a day celebrating a womanizer,plagiarist,alcoholic and known communist.
Scratch a conservative, find a racist.
You MIGHT have a point if I was a conservative. I am not one...I despise conservatives,I think they are weak spine pussies. I am a Racial Socialist....What's best for my race is what I advocate for.
You mean you’re a racist. Why not just say what you are?
My ideology is Racial Socialism,look it up. My religion is called Creativity. Racial Socialists RIGHTFULLY believe in White Supremacy as we are superior to all other races. The word "racist" was made up by a Jewish communist but hey fits you well to use it. Your buzz words don't bother me,being inaccurate is irritating though...not like ANY of you leftists care about being accurate.
Yeah, like I said, racist. What a pity you’re too ashamed to call yourself what you really are.
Like I said you are a communist,anti white racist,a leftist scumbag. :) Just because I said so...see how that works.
Happy Birthday Dr King

A Nation turns its lonely eyes to you

and MLK's niece is a big Trump supporter. Thanks MLK.

Yea...Alveda sold herself out for the publicity

How does the rest of the family feel about Trump?
That is only one misguided person in his whole family. It means nothing.

she has been designated as the family spokesperson since MLK was shot. I am quite sure the family shares her views or she would not be allowed to state them publically.
The family has disowned Alveda
She speaks for herself
Scratch a conservative, find a racist.
You MIGHT have a point if I was a conservative. I am not one...I despise conservatives,I think they are weak spine pussies. I am a Racial Socialist....What's best for my race is what I advocate for.
You mean you’re a racist. Why not just say what you are?
My ideology is Racial Socialism,look it up. My religion is called Creativity. Racial Socialists RIGHTFULLY believe in White Supremacy as we are superior to all other races. The word "racist" was made up by a Jewish communist but hey fits you well to use it. Your buzz words don't bother me,being inaccurate is irritating though...not like ANY of you leftists care about being accurate.
Yeah, like I said, racist. What a pity you’re too ashamed to call yourself what you really are.
Like I said you are a communist,anti white racist,a leftist scumbag. :) Just because I said so...see how that works.

You poor thing, bless your heart. You fit your own description of yourself ...


a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race​

... while I don’t fit the description you childishly made up of me.
You MIGHT have a point if I was a conservative. I am not one...I despise conservatives,I think they are weak spine pussies. I am a Racial Socialist....What's best for my race is what I advocate for.
You mean you’re a racist. Why not just say what you are?
My ideology is Racial Socialism,look it up. My religion is called Creativity. Racial Socialists RIGHTFULLY believe in White Supremacy as we are superior to all other races. The word "racist" was made up by a Jewish communist but hey fits you well to use it. Your buzz words don't bother me,being inaccurate is irritating though...not like ANY of you leftists care about being accurate.
Yeah, like I said, racist. What a pity you’re too ashamed to call yourself what you really are.
Like I said you are a communist,anti white racist,a leftist scumbag. :) Just because I said so...see how that works.

You poor thing, bless your heart. You fit your own description of yourself ...


a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race​

... while I don’t fit the description you childishly made up of me.
Science proves that correct so. Deny science have at it.
You mean you’re a racist. Why not just say what you are?
My ideology is Racial Socialism,look it up. My religion is called Creativity. Racial Socialists RIGHTFULLY believe in White Supremacy as we are superior to all other races. The word "racist" was made up by a Jewish communist but hey fits you well to use it. Your buzz words don't bother me,being inaccurate is irritating though...not like ANY of you leftists care about being accurate.
Yeah, like I said, racist. What a pity you’re too ashamed to call yourself what you really are.
Like I said you are a communist,anti white racist,a leftist scumbag. :) Just because I said so...see how that works.

You poor thing, bless your heart. You fit your own description of yourself ...


a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race​

... while I don’t fit the description you childishly made up of me.
Science proves that correct so. Deny science have at it.
Is that racist science, racist?

My ideology is Racial Socialism,look it up. My religion is called Creativity. Racial Socialists RIGHTFULLY believe in White Supremacy as we are superior to all other races. The word "racist" was made up by a Jewish communist but hey fits you well to use it. Your buzz words don't bother me,being inaccurate is irritating though...not like ANY of you leftists care about being accurate.
Yeah, like I said, racist. What a pity you’re too ashamed to call yourself what you really are.
Like I said you are a communist,anti white racist,a leftist scumbag. :) Just because I said so...see how that works.

You poor thing, bless your heart. You fit your own description of yourself ...


a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race​

... while I don’t fit the description you childishly made up of me.
Science proves that correct so. Deny science have at it.
Is that racist science, racist?

Factual science...but as usual if you DARE say IQ and Race are linked you are banned,kicked out,shunned whatever. The US is Rome on a large scale. Fascinating to watch.
Yeah, like I said, racist. What a pity you’re too ashamed to call yourself what you really are.
Like I said you are a communist,anti white racist,a leftist scumbag. :) Just because I said so...see how that works.

You poor thing, bless your heart. You fit your own description of yourself ...


a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race​

... while I don’t fit the description you childishly made up of me.
Science proves that correct so. Deny science have at it.
Is that racist science, racist?

Factual science...but as usual if you DARE say IQ and Race are linked you are banned,kicked out,shunned whatever. The US is Rome on a large scale. Fascinating to watch.
Is that why you’e too ashamed to just say what you are?
No other previous president had no support from the opposition party. Republicans did not provide a single vote in support of Obama.
No other President was refused the right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy

I reject you pretense that you are so stupid that you have not noticed that we are is a period of increasingly bitter partisan divide.

YOu may be stupid, but you are not that stupid. Stop pretending to be even stupider than you actually are.
You can’t deny it...

No other previous president had no support from the opposition party. Republicans did not provide a single vote in support of Obama.
No other President was refused the right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy

Republicans poisoned the bipartisanship well

I already rejected your pretense of being so stupid that you have not noticed that we are is a period of increasingly bitter partisan divide.

I'm willing to meet you half way on this.

I will admit that you are very, very stupid.

BUT, you are not as stupid as you pretend to be.

Do you remember when we impeached Bill Clinton? Who was white?

Impeachment is the most powerful attack on the Presidency that an opposing party can launch, short of open warfare.

We did that to Bill Clinton, the dem President immediately preceding Obama.

So don't pretend that this harsh divide is something that just started when the black guy showed you, you dishonest race baiting moron.
Name calling again.
Poor Klan Boy
Really lost on this thread

You are the one that supports racial discrimination and want's to see that discrimination increase to permanent oppression.
Happy Birthday Dr King

A Nation turns its lonely eyes to you
And all his work was nullified by Obama
Dr King would have been thrilled with the election of Obama

It was the fulfillment of his.......I have a dream

Actually, as he won against Hillary in the primaries because of his black skin and not the content of his character,

it is actually a complete and total repudiation of his dream.
He beat Hillary because he was the better candidate and we now know that she was much less popular than people thought.

He was an inexperienced lightweight. He would have been ignored, if not for his black skin.
Blacks came back from WWI after fighting for their country. They found they were treated better by the French than in their own country
They thought they could come home to Liberty and freedom. Instead, there was a resurgence of the klan to keep them in their place

So, the French were pretty cool, huh?

In terms of how they viewed race

They were

Oh, so now you understand the concept that a nation or a people can be "cool" or "great", even if they, in other ways, did not live up to your modern PC standards.

Now that you understand that, let US revisit the Americans of the 1940s, who fought and died in large numbers, to save the World from the Evil of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Were they "great" or not?

Especially the black Americans who went to liberate people half way across the world while they themselves were treated as second class citizens back home...so much so, that they were lynched just for wearing the uniform. If anything was great about America back then, it was definitely them.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

How many people lynched black veterans?
Fuck that piece of shit and all the ghetto streets named after him.

I'm celebrating a much better holiday.

It is narrow minded to deny the greatness of the rest of 1940s society because of that one aspect.
That was one hell of an aspect

MLK saved us without resorting to violence

Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
I am well aware of our history

That is why I honor MLK in this thread

Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
During Obama’s,s tenure we saw how racist the nation still was.

That is fucking bullshit. Did we impeach him? Did we fly a balloon of him wearing a fucking diaper?
Blacks came back from WWI after fighting for their country. They found they were treated better by the French than in their own country
They thought they could come home to Liberty and freedom. Instead, there was a resurgence of the klan to keep them in their place

So, the French were pretty cool, huh?

In terms of how they viewed race

They were

Oh, so now you understand the concept that a nation or a people can be "cool" or "great", even if they, in other ways, did not live up to your modern PC standards.

Now that you understand that, let US revisit the Americans of the 1940s, who fought and died in large numbers, to save the World from the Evil of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Were they "great" or not?

Especially the black Americans who went to liberate people half way across the world while they themselves were treated as second class citizens back home...so much so, that they were lynched just for wearing the uniform. If anything was great about America back then, it was definitely them.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

How many people lynched black veterans?

We will never know who participated and who was complicit
So, the French were pretty cool, huh?

In terms of how they viewed race

They were

Oh, so now you understand the concept that a nation or a people can be "cool" or "great", even if they, in other ways, did not live up to your modern PC standards.

Now that you understand that, let US revisit the Americans of the 1940s, who fought and died in large numbers, to save the World from the Evil of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Were they "great" or not?

Especially the black Americans who went to liberate people half way across the world while they themselves were treated as second class citizens back home...so much so, that they were lynched just for wearing the uniform. If anything was great about America back then, it was definitely them.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

How many people lynched black veterans?

We will never know who participated and who was complicit

You won't. Because you refuse to consider any information that might challenge your world view.

You are a coward like that.
That was one hell of an aspect

MLK saved us without resorting to violence

Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
I am well aware of our history

That is why I honor MLK in this thread

Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
During Obama’s,s tenure we saw how racist the nation still was.

That is fucking bullshit. Did we impeach him? Did we fly a balloon of him wearing a fucking diaper?
WTF?? We didn’t impeach Trump either.
Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
I am well aware of our history

That is why I honor MLK in this thread

Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
During Obama’s,s tenure we saw how racist the nation still was.

That is fucking bullshit. Did we impeach him? Did we fly a balloon of him wearing a fucking diaper?
WTF?? We didn’t impeach Trump either.

I see your utter inability to answer a fucking question continues.

Want to ask me to explain one of the words, you already know the definition to?

We could spend a couple of days talking about the possible meanings of the word, and you could whine about me not wanting to tell you something you already know.
In terms of how they viewed race

They were

Oh, so now you understand the concept that a nation or a people can be "cool" or "great", even if they, in other ways, did not live up to your modern PC standards.

Now that you understand that, let US revisit the Americans of the 1940s, who fought and died in large numbers, to save the World from the Evil of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Were they "great" or not?

Especially the black Americans who went to liberate people half way across the world while they themselves were treated as second class citizens back home...so much so, that they were lynched just for wearing the uniform. If anything was great about America back then, it was definitely them.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

How many people lynched black veterans?

We will never know who participated and who was complicit

You won't. Because you refuse to consider any information that might challenge your world view.

You are a coward like that.
Lynching along with arson,assault and intimidation were common.
Especially among returning black veterans. For some reason they were considered “uppity” for expecting to be treated with respect
Oh, so now you understand the concept that a nation or a people can be "cool" or "great", even if they, in other ways, did not live up to your modern PC standards.

Now that you understand that, let US revisit the Americans of the 1940s, who fought and died in large numbers, to save the World from the Evil of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Were they "great" or not?

Especially the black Americans who went to liberate people half way across the world while they themselves were treated as second class citizens back home...so much so, that they were lynched just for wearing the uniform. If anything was great about America back then, it was definitely them.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

How many people lynched black veterans?

We will never know who participated and who was complicit

You won't. Because you refuse to consider any information that might challenge your world view.

You are a coward like that.
Lynching along with arson,assault and intimidation were common.
Especially among returning black veterans. For some reason they were considered “uppity” for expecting to be treated with respect

And now you are moving the goal posts. Normally a cowardly and dishonest tactic.

But I will allow it.

Define "common" and then support it.

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