Dr. Mordechai Kedar - Why is the Middle East such a violent area?


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Hello everyone,

I Would like to share with you a very insightful speech by Dr.Mordecai Kedar explaining the main components of the M.E. and few words about Israel as well.

He's full of crap. Our troops went to Israel to train to fight in Iraq, why didn't Israelite go fight in Iraq. He can look no further than Israel to look at racism and tribalism. For many centuries they tried to live among others but it didn't work, that is why they need their own land. Pot calling kettle here.
Think certain enviroments aren't well-suited for human habitation. I really think we need the color green. I was never more depressed than when living in a city and the scenery was completely devoid of green but the occaisonal trees or tiny lawns. Think the colors do something psychologically. And if it's all bland sand color and city colors I thik over time that causes stresses which make any triggering events more likely to result in violence. Whereas if in a more natural green setting you're much more mellow and relaxed.

And it can't help that in the middle east the chance of some US drone or plane dropping a bomb on you isn't like non-existant. That's even more stress.
He's full of crap. Our troops went to Israel to train to fight in Iraq, why didn't Israelite go fight in Iraq. He can look no further than Israel to look at racism and tribalism. For many centuries they tried to live among others but it didn't work, that is why they need their own land. Pot calling kettle here.
He is an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. He also holds a Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University..I Assume you're smarter..
Think certain enviroments aren't well-suited for human habitation. I really think we need the color green. I was never more depressed than when living in a city and the scenery was completely devoid of green but the occaisonal trees or tiny lawns. Think the colors do something psychologically. And if it's all bland sand color and city colors I thik over time that causes stresses which make any triggering events more likely to result in violence. Whereas if in a more natural green setting you're much more mellow and relaxed.

And it can't help that in the middle east the chance of some US drone or plane dropping a bomb on you isn't like non-existant. That's even more stress.
Pick a guess.


Anyway, as a green loving person I can relate, but environmental hardship is no longer the like in Aladdin, actually when the environment demand tough people you suppose to get closer and pull each other - or at least your tribe, your people - but this belong to the past world, now with countless money and efforts it is only the mind barrier that set people against each other.
He's full of crap. Our troops went to Israel to train to fight in Iraq, why didn't Israelite go fight in Iraq. He can look no further than Israel to look at racism and tribalism. For many centuries they tried to live among others but it didn't work, that is why they need their own land. Pot calling kettle here.
He is an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. He also holds a Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University..I Assume you're smarter..

The one who is full of crap here is the female skinhead who is constantly blaming Israel for something of other. She. unlike Dr. Kedar, has a PhD in Stupidity which is awarded to those who follow the hate sites like Stormfront. I am sure that the viewers have noticed that even though this Skinhead wants to pass herself off as a Christian, she has had nothing to say about the Christians being harassed, persecuted, and murdered in the Middle East by her new bestest friends in the entire world. If you want to see actual racism, all you have to do is read some of the hate sites in which they show their hatreds for those who are Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc. As far as tribalism, isn't it pathetic how the skinheads posting overlook all the Arabs tribes who appear to be fighting and killing each other on a regular basis.
He's full of crap. Our troops went to Israel to train to fight in Iraq, why didn't Israelite go fight in Iraq. He can look no further than Israel to look at racism and tribalism. For many centuries they tried to live among others but it didn't work, that is why they need their own land. Pot calling kettle here.
He is an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. He also holds a Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University..I Assume you're smarter..

The one who is full of crap here is the female skinhead who is constantly blaming Israel for something of other. She. unlike Dr. Kedar, has a PhD in Stupidity which is awarded to those who follow the hate sites like Stormfront. I am sure that the viewers have noticed that even though this Skinhead wants to pass herself off as a Christian, she has had nothing to say about the Christians being harassed, persecuted, and murdered in the Middle East by her new bestest friends in the entire world. If you want to see actual racism, all you have to do is read some of the hate sites in which they show their hatreds for those who are Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc. As far as tribalism, isn't it pathetic how the skinheads posting overlook all the Arabs tribes who appear to be fighting and killing each other on a regular basis.

The M.E. is violent no doubt about it but the west must realize a new approach to fit the difference of thinking.
He's full of crap. Our troops went to Israel to train to fight in Iraq, why didn't Israelite go fight in Iraq. He can look no further than Israel to look at racism and tribalism. For many centuries they tried to live among others but it didn't work, that is why they need their own land. Pot calling kettle here.
He is an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. He also holds a Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University..I Assume you're smarter..

The one who is full of crap here is the female skinhead who is constantly blaming Israel for something of other. She. unlike Dr. Kedar, has a PhD in Stupidity which is awarded to those who follow the hate sites like Stormfront. I am sure that the viewers have noticed that even though this Skinhead wants to pass herself off as a Christian, she has had nothing to say about the Christians being harassed, persecuted, and murdered in the Middle East by her new bestest friends in the entire world. If you want to see actual racism, all you have to do is read some of the hate sites in which they show their hatreds for those who are Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc. As far as tribalism, isn't it pathetic how the skinheads posting overlook all the Arabs tribes who appear to be fighting and killing each other on a regular basis.

The M.E. is violent no doubt about it but the west must realize a new approach to fit the difference of thinking.

Hello everyone,

I Would like to share with you a very insightful speech by Dr.Mordecai Kedar explaining the main components of the M.E. and few words about Israel as well.

"Iran will take over Afghanistan , and they do not care about any human rights" "Iran is not a nation, nor is Syria? We are fooled by thinking every country is one solid state and its not" (Hum sounds like Israel over the Pals.)

this guy is hilarious, yes he is bias, and that is what makes me smarter. He then goes on to talk about how western Israel is, and has freedom, and its a load of junk.
He's full of crap. Our troops went to Israel to train to fight in Iraq, why didn't Israelite go fight in Iraq. He can look no further than Israel to look at racism and tribalism. For many centuries they tried to live among others but it didn't work, that is why they need their own land. Pot calling kettle here.
He is an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. He also holds a Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University..I Assume you're smarter..

another bunch of crap. It has been proven there was no nuclear weapons or uranium to even make nuclear weapons in Iraq . This is how underhanded Israel is, and your bragging is going to get you in trouble. I 'm sure there are a few who are just itching to tell how he(along with others) planned 911.
You had no problem with the French helping you make nuclear weapons, but how dare the help Iraq, which by the way they didn't. The world looks down on what Israel did and yet yous brag about it. You will be doing the same to Iran, I' m surprised it hasn't happened yet. At least in Iraq, many were graduating from HS, the marriage age was 18, and now what, now look at it, easier to take over a country in rambles than to overrule a strong ruler hey
rule no 1 of Israel, strike first and kill, wrong we all know the truth, Israel should of been punished. No they did not praise and bless you, your bloated boasting killers, and one day the truth of 911 will come out as you love to brag .

Iraq and France claimed that the Iraqi reactor was intended for peaceful scientific research.[9] Agreements between France and Iraq excluded military use.[28] The American private intelligence agency STRATFOR wrote in 2007 that the uranium-fueled reactor "was believed to be on the verge of producing plutonium for a weapons program".[29] In a 2003 speech, Richard Wilson, a professor of physics at Harvard University who visually inspected the partially damaged reactor in December 1982, said that "to collect enough plutonium [for a nuclear weapon] using Osirak would've taken decades, not years".[30] In 2005, Wilson further commented in The Atlantic:
the Osirak reactor that was bombed by Israel in June 1981 was explicitly designed by the French engineer Yves Girard to be unsuitable for making bombs. That was obvious to me on my 1982 visit.[31]
Elsewhere Wilson has stated that
Many claim that the bombing of the Iraqi Osirak reactor delayed Iraq's nuclear bomb program. But the Iraqi nuclear program before 1981 was peaceful, and the Osirak reactor was not only unsuited to making bombs but was under intensive safeguards.[32]
In an interview in 2012, Wilson again emphasised: "The Iraqis couldn't have been developing a nuclear weapon at Osirak. I challenge any scientist in the world to show me how they could have done so."[33]
Iraq was a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, placing its reactors under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards.[18] In October 1981, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists published excerpts from the testimony of Roger Richter, a former IAEA inspector who described the weaknesses of the agency's nuclear safeguards to the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Richter testified that only part of Iraq's nuclear installation was under safeguard and that the most sensitive facilities were not even subject to safeguards.[34] IAEA's Director-General Sigvard Eklund issued a rebuttal saying that Richter had never inspected Osirak and had never been assigned to inspect facilities in the Middle East.[34] Eklund claimed that the safeguards procedures were effective and that they were supplemented by precautionary measures taken by the nuclear suppliers.[34] Anthony Fainberg, a physicist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, disputed Richter's claim that a fuel processing program for the manufacturing of nuclear weapons could have been conducted secretly.[34] Fainberg wrote that there was barely enough fuel on the site to make one bomb, and that the presence of hundreds of foreign technicians would have made it impossible for the Iraqis to take the necessary steps without being discovered.[5]
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[QUOTE="Penelope, post: 10135348,

"Iran will take over Afghanistan , and they do not care about any human rights" "Iran is not a nation, nor is Syria? We are fooled by thinking every country is one solid state and its not" (Hum sounds like Israel over the Pals.)

this guy is hilarious, yes he is bias, and that is what makes me smarter. He then goes on to talk about how western Israel is, and has freedom, and its a load of junk.[/QUOTE]

Penelope---every time you write you prove that you are brainless. Do
you know anything about Afghanistan? have you ever known an
Afghani? Have you ever known Iranians? -------I have over the past
more than 45 years An interesting factoid regarding Afghanistan and
Iran is that CULTURALLY----Iran is far closer to Afghanistan than is
PAKISTAN to any arab state ----although Pakistanis do like to
EMULATE arabs even in dress Linguistically-----URDU---is
a little mixed up with Farsi----the the language of Afghanistan is all
but-----regular Iranian Farsi----(sorta). More stuff----the CLOSE
relationship between iran and Afghanistan dates back thousands of
years (learn some history)

If you make an "assertion"----<< that is a comment you want to convey
as fact, then be prepared to support that assertion. You claimed
Dr Kedar is "bias"-----<<<not English---but I get the idea. Can
you cite a statement that he made in the video that you would
call "biased"?

I have been in Israel-----culturally it is very much what people
call "western" and it is very free.----very comparable to
what people call "western countries" like the USA For
part of my life I lived in New Jersey------on walking about I
often had to remind myself that I am not in Jersey------some
parts look like Hoboken---home of FRANK SINATRA ---
Jersey's favorite son.
I don't wish to devote that much time to watching a video, but the reason the middle east is so violent has to do with the practice of Arab inbreeding. Generation after generation of sex between very close family members has resulted in the degradation of intelligence and emotional stability, and the orientation around clan creates fierce hatreds for any and all that is not considered one's own. Add in the element of supremacist religious doctrine teaching an inferior culture that it is superior and it is a veritable recipe for bloodshed.

xenophobia + inbreeding + chip on the shoulder = violence
I don't wish to devote that much time to watching a video, but the reason the middle east is so violent has to do with the practice of Arab inbreeding. Generation after generation of sex between very close family members has resulted in the degradation of intelligence and emotional stability, and the orientation around clan creates fierce hatreds for any and all that is not considered one's own. Add in the element of supremacist religious doctrine teaching an inferior culture that it is superior and it is a veritable recipe for bloodshed.

xenophobia + inbreeding + chip on the shoulder = violence

Doggie----leave it alone-----arab custom ----being tribal
in nature-----does promote close cousin marriage which does
lead to the expression of lots of recessive traits. One of them
in the arab culture of Israel and "Palestine" is hereditary
deafness. ----HOWEVER it does not really lead to general
congenital dementia (aka mental retardation)-----it might lead
to a few more cases of hereditary neuropathic sicknesses---but --really
you are OVER STATING I do not believe that your theory is baseless.

NATURE AND NURTURE makes a person-----that means ---
da genes AND da creeds. For a really good insight
into the importantance of "nuture"----read geniuses such as
Erich Fromm and Erik Erikson------uhm----childhood and society
is one of the best books------I think that one was Erikson
Doggie----leave it alone-----arab custom ----being tribal
in nature-----does promote close cousin marriage which does
lead to the expression of lots of recessive traits. One of them
in the arab culture of Israel and "Palestine" is hereditary
deafness. ----HOWEVER it does not really lead to general
congenital dementia (aka mental retardation)-----it might lead
to a few more cases of hereditary neuropathic sicknesses---but --really
you are OVER STATING I do not believe that your theory is baseless.

NATURE AND NURTURE makes a person-----that means ---
da genes AND da creeds. For a really good insight
into the importantance of "nuture"----read geniuses such as
Erich Fromm and Erik Erikson------uhm----childhood and society
is one of the best books------I think that one was Erikson

Doggie----leave it alone-----arab custom ----being tribal
in nature-----does promote close cousin marriage which does
lead to the expression of lots of recessive traits. One of them
in the arab culture of Israel and "Palestine" is hereditary
deafness. ----HOWEVER it does not really lead to general
congenital dementia (aka mental retardation)-----it might lead
to a few more cases of hereditary neuropathic sicknesses---but --really
you are OVER STATING I do not believe that your theory is baseless.

NATURE AND NURTURE makes a person-----that means ---
da genes AND da creeds. For a really good insight
into the importantance of "nuture"----read geniuses such as
Erich Fromm and Erik Erikson------uhm----childhood and society
is one of the best books------I think that one was Erikson


yeah----like I said-----and LEAVE ME ALONE WITH THE DAMNED
CALCULUS------I gave it up decades ago
[QUOTE="Penelope, post: 10135348,

"Iran will take over Afghanistan , and they do not care about any human rights" "Iran is not a nation, nor is Syria? We are fooled by thinking every country is one solid state and its not" (Hum sounds like Israel over the Pals.)

this guy is hilarious, yes he is bias, and that is what makes me smarter. He then goes on to talk about how western Israel is, and has freedom, and its a load of junk.[/QUOTE]

Penelope---every time you write you prove that you are brainless. Do
you know anything about Afghanistan? have you ever known an
Afghani? Have you ever known Iranians? -------I have over the past
more than 45 years An interesting factoid regarding Afghanistan and
Iran is that CULTURALLY----Iran is far closer to Afghanistan than is
PAKISTAN to any arab state ----although Pakistanis do like to
EMULATE arabs even in dress Linguistically-----URDU---is
a little mixed up with Farsi----the the language of Afghanistan is all
but-----regular Iranian Farsi----(sorta). More stuff----the CLOSE
relationship between iran and Afghanistan dates back thousands of
years (learn some history)

If you make an "assertion"----<< that is a comment you want to convey
as fact, then be prepared to support that assertion. You claimed
Dr Kedar is "bias"-----<<<not English---but I get the idea. Can
you cite a statement that he made in the video that you would
call "biased"?

I have been in Israel-----culturally it is very much what people
call "western" and it is very free.----very comparable to
what people call "western countries" like the USA For
part of my life I lived in New Jersey------on walking about I
often had to remind myself that I am not in Jersey------some
parts look like Hoboken---home of FRANK SINATRA ---
Jersey's favorite son.[/QUOTE]

sure Israel looks free, I mean the gay parade yearly, but look at how they treat the Pals, Iran is a country and Iraq use to be, there is some talk now of making it into what 2 or 3 countries? Is everyone living in a country suppose to be the same. He is comparing all countries to Israel and Palestine, but not talking about the civil war they have going on. Being a Zionist makes him bias, and thinking everyone should be more like the West does as well.

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