Draining the Swamp


Dec 6, 2018
I do believe that Donald Trump was elected because many, many Americans believed he would "drain the swamp" and bring real change to Washington and how it does business. The problem wasn't the message. It was the person chosen to champion the idea. Namely, a reality TV person who has made his money the old fashioned way, illegally and unethically, has likely committed tax fraud, bank fraud, violated the Constitution, and believes he is above the law.

If Americans really want change and to drain the swamp then two things need to happen: 1) Term limits in both Houses must be enacted. No Senator or Congressperson should be allowed to remain in office for more than 2 terms! 2) Campaign finance reform must occur. Every candidate should have a cap on the amount of money they can spend to run for elected office. Citizens United should be overturned. The system is suppose to be "one person, one vote." It is not one person, one vote plus as much money as a corporation or group of individuals who create a Political Action Committee want to donate to a candidate.

The biggest problem in this country is that people do not vote. Many, especially young voters, believe voting doesn't matter and is merely an exercise in futility. Even if true, which I prefer to believe isn't, then what is the downside of voting anyway? It could make a difference. I love this country. I am grateful that my Grandparents left Ireland, came to America, and started a new life. I'm extremely blessed to have been born in the greatest country in the world. I choose to believe the best for all of us is yet to come. But, I know if Donald Trump is re-elected in November, our country is in grave danger of becoming everything it was founded NOT TO BE!

God Bless America and have mercy on us all!
Nobody watches you on TV Mr. Lemon...why would we read what you say on this message board?

God bless our president!!!
It might seem like a lifetime to some but Trump has only been in office for three years and with a hostile do-nothing democrat majority on his back undermining every effort to make America great again.
It might seem like a lifetime to some but Trump has only been in office for three years and with a hostile do-nothing democrat majority on his back undermining every effort to make America great again.

Its amazing what Trump has managed to accomplish in only 3 years considering the swamp is freaking out and opposing him. The swamp was 50 years in the making not even the mighty Trump can drain it in a single term.
I do believe that Donald Trump was elected because many, many Americans believed he would "drain the swamp" and bring real change to Washington and how it does business. The problem wasn't the message. It was the person chosen to champion the idea. Namely, a reality TV person who has made his money the old fashioned way, illegally and unethically, has likely committed tax fraud, bank fraud, violated the Constitution, and believes he is above the law.

If Americans really want change and to drain the swamp then two things need to happen: 1) Term limits in both Houses must be enacted. No Senator or Congressperson should be allowed to remain in office for more than 2 terms! 2) Campaign finance reform must occur. Every candidate should have a cap on the amount of money they can spend to run for elected office. Citizens United should be overturned. The system is suppose to be "one person, one vote." It is not one person, one vote plus as much money as a corporation or group of individuals who create a Political Action Committee want to donate to a candidate.

The biggest problem in this country is that people do not vote. Many, especially young voters, believe voting doesn't matter and is merely an exercise in futility. Even if true, which I prefer to believe isn't, then what is the downside of voting anyway? It could make a difference. I love this country. I am grateful that my Grandparents left Ireland, came to America, and started a new life. I'm extremely blessed to have been born in the greatest country in the world. I choose to believe the best for all of us is yet to come. But, I know if Donald Trump is re-elected in November, our country is in grave danger of becoming everything it was founded NOT TO BE!

God Bless America and have mercy on us all!
Great post! What has shocked me the most is the number of Trump supporters who just do not get it.

Thank goodness the founding Father's did not think like Trump supporters or they would have created a country that would have been lucky to last 10 years.

Most Trump supporters, just like Trump, have very little knowledge of history.
I do believe that Donald Trump was elected because many, many Americans believed he would "drain the swamp" and bring real change to Washington and how it does business. The problem wasn't the message. It was the person chosen to champion the idea. Namely, a reality TV person who has made his money the old fashioned way, illegally and unethically, has likely committed tax fraud, bank fraud, violated the Constitution, and believes he is above the law.

If Americans really want change and to drain the swamp then two things need to happen: 1) Term limits in both Houses must be enacted. No Senator or Congressperson should be allowed to remain in office for more than 2 terms! 2) Campaign finance reform must occur. Every candidate should have a cap on the amount of money they can spend to run for elected office. Citizens United should be overturned. The system is suppose to be "one person, one vote." It is not one person, one vote plus as much money as a corporation or group of individuals who create a Political Action Committee want to donate to a candidate.

The biggest problem in this country is that people do not vote. Many, especially young voters, believe voting doesn't matter and is merely an exercise in futility. Even if true, which I prefer to believe isn't, then what is the downside of voting anyway? It could make a difference. I love this country. I am grateful that my Grandparents left Ireland, came to America, and started a new life. I'm extremely blessed to have been born in the greatest country in the world. I choose to believe the best for all of us is yet to come. But, I know if Donald Trump is re-elected in November, our country is in grave danger of becoming everything it was founded NOT TO BE!

God Bless America and have mercy on us all!
Great post! What has shocked me the most is the number of Trump supporters who just do not get it.

Thank goodness the founding Father's did not think like Trump supporters or they would have created a country that would have been lucky to last 10 years.

Most Trump supporters, just like Trump, have very little knowledge of history.
What amazes me is how the left throws out all these accusations when investigations have found nothing to back them up.
I do believe that Donald Trump was elected because many, many Americans believed he would "drain the swamp" and bring real change to Washington and how it does business. The problem wasn't the message. It was the person chosen to champion the idea. Namely, a reality TV person who has made his money the old fashioned way, illegally and unethically, has likely committed tax fraud, bank fraud, violated the Constitution, and believes he is above the law.

If Americans really want change and to drain the swamp then two things need to happen: 1) Term limits in both Houses must be enacted. No Senator or Congressperson should be allowed to remain in office for more than 2 terms! 2) Campaign finance reform must occur. Every candidate should have a cap on the amount of money they can spend to run for elected office. Citizens United should be overturned. The system is suppose to be "one person, one vote." It is not one person, one vote plus as much money as a corporation or group of individuals who create a Political Action Committee want to donate to a candidate.

The biggest problem in this country is that people do not vote. Many, especially young voters, believe voting doesn't matter and is merely an exercise in futility. Even if true, which I prefer to believe isn't, then what is the downside of voting anyway? It could make a difference. I love this country. I am grateful that my Grandparents left Ireland, came to America, and started a new life. I'm extremely blessed to have been born in the greatest country in the world. I choose to believe the best for all of us is yet to come. But, I know if Donald Trump is re-elected in November, our country is in grave danger of becoming everything it was founded NOT TO BE!

God Bless America and have mercy on us all!
I agree with you about campaign funding which is an affront to democracy. I dont agree about term limits though. You would have a revolving door of inexperienced people in the control of the civil service.
It might seem like a lifetime to some but Trump has only been in office for three years and with a hostile do-nothing democrat majority on his back undermining every effort to make America great again.

So what's the excuse for the first two years of his administration, you know, the ones where he had Republican majorities in both House and Senate? No great healthcare at a fraction of the cost, no big beautiful wall (just replaced fencing..that was already there), more days working (not golfing) like Obama..and I could go on and on. A nice fat tax cut gift to wealthy conservative donors and budgets that blow the deficit up more than Obama dreamed of ever accomplishing. Drain the swamp? Please. All he did was use his crappy real estate "skills" to expand the swamp and fill it with bigger and swampier creatures. Trump IS the swamp.
He's ridding the swamp of those pesky vertebrates. They were making things rough for the spineless yes-men.

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