Zone1 Dramatic Rise in Antisemitism in America

Was there a HR Resolution on BLM I'm not familiar with or are we mixing apples and oranges?
Don't pretend you don’t see the hypocrisy. When anyone suggested that ALL lives matter, you libs were adamant that this is about BLACK lives only and to “water it down” to include others is…..wait for it….raaacist!

Yet you somehow have a problem that in the aftermath of an antisemitic Democrat Congressperson spewing her anti-Jew tropes, it’s somehow wrong to focus on Jews only.

The resolution was so watered down that Omar, in triumph, told her constituents that Congress issued an anti-Islamophobia resolution.
Don't pretend you don’t see the hypocrisy. When anyone suggested that ALL lives matter, you libs were adamant that this is about BLACK lives only and to “water it down” to include others is…..wait for it….raaacist!

Yet you somehow have a problem that in the aftermath of an antisemitic Democrat Congressperson spewing her anti-Jew tropes, it’s somehow wrong to focus on Jews only.

The resolution was so watered down that Omar, in triumph, told her constituents that Congress issued an anti-Islamophobia resolution.
The hypocrisy is taking a movement to protect Black lives and watering it down so it would appear that Black lives were in no more danger than any other group.
The hypocrisy is taking a movement to protect Black lives and watering it down so it would appear that Black lives were in no more danger than any other group.
Black lives aren’t in any more danger by cops, which is what set the whole thing off. Why are you so insistent, as leftists often are, on setting aside blacks ALONE as needing protection from prejudice but all other groups can be lumped together? Jews are more likely to be victims of hate crimes than are blacks.
Black lives aren’t in any more danger by cops, which is what set the whole thing off. Why are you so insistent, as leftists often are, on setting aside blacks ALONE as needing protection from prejudice but all other groups can be lumped together? Jews are more likely to be victims of hate crimes than are blacks.
How many Jews were killed last year by police? Jews were killed by deranged, deluded psychos last year but probably at the same rate as other groups? There is a fundamental difference between a random hate crime and an act of an authority or institution. Jews more than any group should appreciate that difference.
How many Jews were killed last year by police? Jews were killed by deranged, deluded psychos last year but probably at the same rate as other groups? There is a fundamental difference between a random hate crime and an act of an authority or institution. Jews more than any group should appreciate that difference.
Huh? You’re actually going to claim that because so many fewer Jews than blacks were killed by police, that means that police are more bigoted against blacks? OMG. It’s because it‘s so rare to come across a violent, defiant Jew threatening a cop.

And you’re doing that leftist thing: downplaying the awful antisemitism sweeping through the country with the message that the racism against blacks is more concerning. That attitude is rampant through the Democrat Party, which is a big reason I left them.
Can you blame the Jews if they favored Muslims over Christians? Christians periodically expelled Jews from their countries while Muslims took them in. The first Christian Crusade was aimed at Jews. Christians created the first Ghetto. Anti-Semitism was in Christianity from its' very beginning and I wonder if it is you who can't deal with 'real history''?

More rubbish history. It was Jews who attacked Christians for centuries. The ghettos were requested by Jews themselves, as they didn't want to be 'tainted' by exposures to goy culture, and the Crusades were self-defense. Claiming Christianity is 'antisemitic' is ridiculous on its face, but you aren't bright enough to figure out why. Christians met in synagogues, until expelled and Jews began murdering them when the opportunity came along. Christianity is the largest Jewish sect.
More rubbish history. It was Jews who attacked Christians for centuries. The ghettos were requested by Jews themselves, as they didn't want to be 'tainted' by exposures to goy culture, and the Crusades were self-defense. Claiming Christianity is 'antisemitic' is ridiculous on its face, but you aren't bright enough to figure out why. Christians met in synagogues, until expelled and Jews began murdering them when the opportunity came along. Christianity is the largest Jewish sect.
When Jews had more power than Christians Jews persecuted Christians. When Christians had more power than Jews Christians persecuted Jews. Christians had more power for a much longer period of time. Christian persecution of Jews lasted longer.
The hypocrisy is taking a movement to protect Black lives and watering it down so it would appear that Black lives were in no more danger than any other group.
Black lives are mainly endangered by other blacks.

BlackCrime 3.jpg
Can you blame the Jews if they favored Muslims over Christians? Christians periodically expelled Jews from their countries while Muslims took them in. The first Christian Crusade was aimed at Jews. Christians created the first Ghetto. Anti-Semitism was in Christianity from its' very beginning and I wonder if it is you who can't deal with 'real history''?
The Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Nothing in the New Testament claims that persecution against non Christians is ever acceptable.
Huh? You’re actually going to claim that because so many fewer Jews than blacks were killed by police, that means that police are more bigoted against blacks? OMG. It’s because it‘s so rare to come across a violent, defiant Jew threatening a cop.
Maybe it is a chicken/egg thing? Jews don't expect cops to become violent and aggressive towards them, Blacks do.

And you’re doing that leftist thing: downplaying the awful antisemitism sweeping through the country with the message that the racism against blacks is more concerning. That attitude is rampant through the Democrat Party, which is a big reason I left them.
Anti-Semitism is as bad as racism. Killing or jailing Black men is another level of bad.
More rubbish history. It was Jews who attacked Christians for centuries. The ghettos were requested by Jews themselves, as they didn't want to be 'tainted' by exposures to goy culture, and the Crusades were self-defense. Claiming Christianity is 'antisemitic' is ridiculous on its face, but you aren't bright enough to figure out why. Christians met in synagogues, until expelled and Jews began murdering them when the opportunity came along. Christianity is the largest Jewish sect.
You know even less about Christianity than you do about history. Matthew 27:25
Maybe it is a chicken/egg thing? Jews don't expect cops to become violent and aggressive towards them, Blacks do.
Or Jews aren’t violent and defiant when dealing with cops. It’s pretty obvious that, with extremely rare exceptions, cops are not violent toward those who are not threatening to them.
Anti-Semitism is as bad as racism. Killing or jailing Black men is another level of bad.
What do you mean killing or jailing Black men? Any unarmed black man killed by a cop is a 1 in 10 million occurrence, and even then it’s usually when dealing with a defiant and/or stoned man threatening the cops.

And as far as jailing black men, you libs are going to such an extreme to “equitize” the prison population that you‘re allowing criminals to roam free, back on the streets within hours of an arrest, to hurt someone else. Your sympathy lies more with a black thug because.…equity!…..than his next innocent victim.
More rubbish history. It was Jews who attacked Christians for centuries. The ghettos were requested by Jews themselves, as they didn't want to be 'tainted' by exposures to goy culture, and the Crusades were self-defense. Claiming Christianity is 'antisemitic' is ridiculous on its face, but you aren't bright enough to figure out why. Christians met in synagogues, until expelled and Jews began murdering them when the opportunity came along. Christianity is the largest Jewish sect.
Oh, lookie…..another rant by the poster who insists he’s not an antisemite.
When Jews had more power than Christians Jews persecuted Christians. When Christians had more power than Jews Christians persecuted Jews. Christians had more power for a much longer period of time. Christian persecution of Jews lasted longer.

More rubbish. You seem to think Christians ruled the entire world; they didn't, they didn't even control Europe, mostly ruled by fuedal rulers. Jews were 'persecuted' because in the West they were suspected of aiding Muslim invaders and pirates, rightly so in many cases, and they worked for the kings, as tax farmers and bureaucrats, and also self-segregated, same as the Lombards, Hanseatic traders, also not well liked by the local populace as exploitive foreigners extorting the locals in partnerships with the kings and princes.
You know even less about Christianity than you do about history. Matthew 27:25

You don't seem to know Jesus and Mathew were well educated Jews, and knew exactly what they were talking about re the Babylonian cultists. You really don't know squat; that's because you prefer the fantasy.
Oh, lookie…..another rant by the poster who insists he’s not an antisemite.

Oh look, Lisa posts another fake claim, with zero proof. Too bad for bigots like Lisa there are still Jews who don't indulge their racist right wingers and write real history.
The Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Nothing in the New Testament claims that persecution against non Christians is ever acceptable.

It also claims there is no such thing as a 'Jewish race', and you clearly claim there is. There is nothing in the New Testament that supports your claim that persecuting Christians is acceptable either.
When Jews had more power than Christians Jews persecuted Christians. When Christians had more power than Jews Christians persecuted Jews. Christians had more power for a much longer period of time. Christian persecution of Jews lasted longer.
The key word there is "persecution". It then boils down to as it always does. Haves and Have Nots. Jealousies and anger then dominate the ways of groups. And with it there are always those in power who push the mechanisms of stirring the swill to increase that power.
The Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Nothing in the New Testament claims that persecution against non Christians is ever acceptable.
Christianity is a fine religion but it does have things like Matthew 27:25 that can be problematic. Christians are very human so don't always live up to the ideals of the NT.

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