
Should we give Dreamers Amnesty for a binding pledge not to sponsor their family into the country?

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Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
Okay, so I was surfing around and ran across a small segment of Tucker Carlson and he and this other person, I think it was a congressman from somewhere, were discussing the parameters of deporting or keeping the dreamers.

Of course, the congressman was all about having compassion for the plight they are in and how we needed to ensure that they were not abused by our system of government. I was surprised Carlson didn't say something about how our system of government is abusing American citizens with this nonsense, but that isn't what I wanted to cover. Carlson said something else that had the congressman dodging like he was in the world dodgeball championship game. It went something like this.

What if we allow these 800,000 (approx.) dreamers stay in the US and follow a path to citizenship (they would not be permitted to be citizens right away) but in exchange for this magnanimous gesture, they would have to sign a binding and legal document that forbids them from ever sponsoring any of their family into the country after they achieved their citizenship.

So, I'm curious. Does this sound reasonable? They get to stay, and we won't get burdened with the millions of extended family members these 800,000 will be bringing in.

What say you?
Dreamers are illegals We have too many friggin illegals already. Piss on them. The only reason the filthy Liberals want them in this country is that they are potential Democrat voters. Terrible reason to screw this up even more than it already is.
Why should be negotiate with criminals who are here to steal jobs and welfare checks from the taxpaying citizens??

Deport all illegals. No exceptions. That's what the law says.
Reagan made an amnesty deal with democrats 30 years ago and the dems reneged. A famous cartoon from that time shows moron ronnie saying " You mean they ... they... LIED to me?"
What if we allow these 800,000 (approx.) dreamers stay in the US and follow a path to citizenship (they would not be permitted to be citizens right away) but in exchange for this magnanimous gesture, they would have to sign a binding and legal document that forbids them from ever sponsoring any of their family into the country after they achieved their citizenship.

And then the courts would declare the legal document unconstitutional and that would be that.

Your idea is terrible. PLEASE THINK next time.
What if we allow these 800,000 (approx.) dreamers stay in the US and follow a path to citizenship (they would not be permitted to be citizens right away) but in exchange for this magnanimous gesture, they would have to sign a binding and legal document that forbids them from ever sponsoring any of their family into the country after they achieved their citizenship.

And then the courts would declare the legal document unconstitutional and that would be that.

Your idea is terrible. PLEASE THINK next time.
My idea? I was proposing AN idea I had heard. It's all spelled out in the OP.
What if we allow these 800,000 (approx.) dreamers stay in the US and follow a path to citizenship (they would not be permitted to be citizens right away) but in exchange for this magnanimous gesture, they would have to sign a binding and legal document that forbids them from ever sponsoring any of their family into the country after they achieved their citizenship.
Having achieved this much concession from the Republicans, as soon as it was signed into law they would begin working on this one, too.

They would start calling the Republicans "heartless" and "racist" and the usual collection of names, smears and insults, and keep at it until the Republicans caved on that one too and granted the Dreamers full citizenship with no restrictions.

Never make a compromise or concession with Democrats. EVER.

It won't last - they'll make sure of that.
Give them amnesty....We're more big enough to hold a few million people that already have lived their entire lives here.

SO.... forget the Laws of the Land? Many of those "Dreamers" will NOT vote Democrat...know why? Because they are hard core Christians like much of Latin America and they aren't in tune with the Liberal Left.....surprise.....I'll bet you aren't so eager to grant amnesty now.

But you say people that committed crimes 10, 20, 30 years ago...they've already lived a good part of their lives without being caught....let's give em amnesty?

When you start skipping the enforcement of laws for political reasons, you begin the erosion of law and order and the VERY thing that makes America a desirable place to come live.

How about Dreamers pay back America for the privilege of the time they were allowed to enjoy a good life here as they head home?
I am a dreamer. My parents came here from Europe legally, I don't expect special treatment for it. It cuts both ways. Your parents lied and they dragged you in to their little scam, it makes you a "schemer", not a dreamer. Please. Let's end this mass delusion of a program.
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First obey the law. Deport anyone in the United States that broke the law to get here. If someone has been here long enough to raise their grandchildren and contributed positively to their community, they should be given priority to become a legal citizen. Allowing any illegal to vote here in our country is a bizarre as us crossing into Canada to vote in their elections, or Spain's, or Denmark's.
I really cant see any conservative voting for this unless they want to lose their seat. I don't care what these Obama lovers say its bullshit for any illegal to get a job over any American period.
Reagan made an amnesty deal with democrats 30 years ago and the dems reneged. A famous cartoon from that time shows moron ronnie saying " You mean they ... they... LIED to me?"
that's a Bull crud LIE.

the republicans in Congress betrayed him....Reagan wanted the immigration reform and amnesty program to include STRICT laws AGAINST employers that hired illegals with very heavy punishments....

The republicans in Congress were lobbied by the Small Business Association to remove the harsh penalties for businesses that hired illegals....Republicans stripped the amnesty of the harsh penalties against businesses at the last minute before the amnesty bill went to a vote...and THAT is WHY we are in the same mess today that we were back then....

a wall wouldn't ever be needed if employers would stop hiring them....if there was no work here to be had for illegals, then illegals would not cross the border.... and without harsh penalties against employers then there will always be illegals coming here or over staying visas for work and a better life.
a wall wouldn't ever be needed if employers would stop hiring them....if there was no work here to be had for illegals, then illegals would not cross the border.... and without harsh penalties against employers then there will always be illegals coming here or over staying visas for work and a better life.

I'm all for locking up employers who hire illegals but the illegals will still stay because of all the freebies we give them. Trump needs to enforce the law and announce illegals will not be allowed in schools and will not get welfare. He can also stop them from getting free health care though that is trickier since laws conflict on that issue.
I really cant see any conservative voting for this unless they want to lose their seat. I don't care what these Obama lovers say its bullshit for any illegal to get a job over any American period.

I agree they will lose their seat if they vote for amnesty. OTOH, everyone has a price and if the corporate bribe is big enough they may vote for amnesty anyway.
I heard that term before "Dreamer". I wonder what exactly means, whats the difference between a dreamer and a regular illegal immigrant?
they should be given priority to become a legal citizen.

They have taken for free (and against our laws) what many law-abiding people in foreign lands have waited for years for. The nicest thing we should do for them is agree not to prosecute them if they go back to their country of legal citizenship, and get in the back of the line to get the same visas that the law-abiding ones have been waiting for WITHOUT breaking our laws.
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