Drive the police out of town

What would we do without the government goons? We would....

1. Restore the sanctity of the civilian militia.

2. Form watches and patrol our own neighborhoods.

3. Train independent working class citizens with self defense skills.

4. Distribute firearms to our neighbors so they are always well prepared for an emergency.

5. Establish a communications network so the dedicated civilian soldier in all of us can come to each others aid.

Let's get the government enforcers out of our communities. Prefer the human option.

Paid? Volunteer?

Who does the training? How proficient do you have to be to have the weapon? What is your use of force criteria?

Who is going to enforce traffic laws? DUIs (as drunk drivers kill more people than guns do).

What are you going to do that night when everyone is tired and nobody wants to patrol? Fire them?


The militia constitutes the collective armed population.


You do not volunteer for the militia.

It operates on a combined consciousness.

Who does the training?

Someone that understands practical combat and crisis skills.

How proficient do you have to be to have the weapon? What is your use of force criteria?

There is no criteria for the militia.

You are not understanding the concept here.

Who is going to enforce traffic laws? DUIs (as drunk drivers kill more people than guns do).

Traffic laws, being fundamentally sources of government income and not true road safety measures, should not exist.

If someone tries to drive drunk or acts like idiots on the road, then that behavior should be rejected, scrutinized, and possibly even prevented with physical force since they are endangering lives.

What are you going to do that night when everyone is tired and nobody wants to patrol?

Community watch volunteers commonly have schedules and patrol routes. An organized structure and what not.
Sounds like a cartoon show. In real life crime will skyrocket, which has happened due to police pulling back since they can do nothing right in the eyes of people like you.

That's just conjecture.

If you want to argue the logistics, then I am all game.

No one needs to give me a firearm, if someone doesn't want one, giving them one would be off the charts stupid.

Simple. Then they do not need to take a firearm.

Society is better off if everybody is armed, which means firearms need to be treated as a public good.
No, it's a fact. Cops backed off due to orders from up high and crime went way up. Some people should not be armed, felons, nut cases, liberals, etc.
I'm not a cop and admit I don't understand the how and why of their training, etc. As a citizen I just see them as being very aggressive nowadays, a bit too much IMO. I understand why they are trained like this, I'm not against cops and want them all to come home to their families at night. We need cops and should respect them, they play an important part in our society and have a tough job. It just seems they too often are the ones escalating situations and should turn it down a notch. Of course if it is a life threatening situation I completely understand being aggressive.

I guess I just don't understand why some cops are hyper aggressive. I got a speeding ticket over the summer on my bike, pulled right over, wasn't stunting or anything stupid like that, just speeding. And this guy wants to search me, is your bike legal, all in my face. wtf? How about give me some respect and I will accept the ticket and we can both be on our way. I was very polite and the guy was a straight up asshole towards me. So that leaves me with the feeling why should I respect or be polite to an officer when they treat me like crap.
No, it's a fact. Cops backed off due to orders from up high and crime went way up.

That proves my point.

Civilians should not be dependent on government goons for their defense. Also what constitutes crime is conjecture via the arbitrary will of the state, and therefore irrelevant.

Some people should not be armed, felons, nut cases, liberals, etc.

So you are an anti-american scumbag who wants to discriminate on who can own a firearm, in direct violation of the 2nd amendment of the constitution of the United States of America?
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I guess I just don't understand why some cops are hyper aggressive. I got a speeding ticket over the summer on my bike, pulled right over, wasn't stunting or anything stupid like that, just speeding. And this guy wants to search me, is your bike legal, all in my face. wtf? How about give me some respect and I will accept the ticket and we can both be on our way. I was very polite and the guy was a straight up asshole towards me. So that leaves me with the feeling why should I respect or be polite to an officer when they treat me like crap.

It has to do with the mentality of the average individual seeking a badge and gun.

Police are in a position of authority and power (or so they think). Authority and power corrupt, and this is even more true in those that seek authority and power.

We need cops and should respect them, they play an important part in our society and have a tough job. It just seems they too often are the ones escalating situations and should turn it down a notch. Of course if it is a life threatening situation I completely understand being aggressive.

This is bullshit.

Cops almost never respond in time for a crime in process. Police response times in some places can range anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, which is fucking terrible. Is the world ending in these places? No it is not.

Society has never needed cops for protection. Cops have universally sucked at protecting people also.

The government needs cops to collect revenue and enforce its arbitrary will. That is the sole reason militias and town watches were replaced by government police forces in America.
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The militia constitutes the collective armed population.


You do not volunteer for the militia.

It operates on a combined consciousness.

Who does the training?

Someone that understands practical combat and crisis skills.

How proficient do you have to be to have the weapon? What is your use of force criteria?

There is no criteria for the militia.

You are not understanding the concept here.

Who is going to enforce traffic laws? DUIs (as drunk drivers kill more people than guns do).

Traffic laws, being fundamentally sources of government income and not true road safety measures, should not exist.

If someone tries to drive drunk or acts like idiots on the road, then that behavior should be rejected, scrutinized, and possibly even prevented with physical force since they are endangering lives.

What are you going to do that night when everyone is tired and nobody wants to patrol?

Community watch volunteers commonly have schedules and patrol routes. An organized structure and what not.

Wow. I don't think you have thought this through much. Here are the biggest holes in your "plan":

1) You forget the general population is FUCKING LAZY. People won't volunteer a couple of hours to help with their kids soccer or baseball team. Now you want them to patrol their neighborhood at all hours of the night? Good luck with that. What will happen is 2 people in the neighborhood will do all the work, get tired of it, and say "fuck it." Half the people are too lazy to spend 15 minutes to vote. Remember that.

2) No traffic law enforcement. OK, good luck with that. The only thing that keeps some semblance of order to the road is the fear of getting pulled over. No cops? You are going to have half the people driving 75 mph and the other half afraid to drive at all. People driving drunk with no fear of repercussions. Your "plan" is to use force on that person? So you go from cops to vigilantes? What if the driver is also armed, which according to you they should be? How are you going to stop that person?

That's just a start.
I guess I just don't understand why some cops are hyper aggressive. I got a speeding ticket over the summer on my bike, pulled right over, wasn't stunting or anything stupid like that, just speeding. And this guy wants to search me, is your bike legal, all in my face. wtf? How about give me some respect and I will accept the ticket and we can both be on our way. I was very polite and the guy was a straight up asshole towards me. So that leaves me with the feeling why should I respect or be polite to an officer when they treat me like crap.

It has to do with the mentality of the average individual seeking a badge and gun.

Police are in a position of authority and power (or so they think). Authority and power corrupt, and this is even more true in those that seek authority and power.

We need cops and should respect them, they play an important part in our society and have a tough job. It just seems they too often are the ones escalating situations and should turn it down a notch. Of course if it is a life threatening situation I completely understand being aggressive.

This is bullshit.

Cops almost never respond in time for a crime in process. Police response times in some places can range anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, which is fucking terrible. Is the world ending in these places? No it is not.

Society has never needed cops for protection. Cops have universally sucked at protecting people also.

The government needs cops to collect revenue and enforce its arbitrary will. That is the sole reason militias and town watches were replaced by government police forces in America.

And now YOU want that power. Interesting. Who is YOUR oversight?
1) You forget the general population is FUCKING LAZY. People won't volunteer a couple of hours to help with their kids soccer or baseball team. Now you want them to patrol their neighborhood at all hours of the night? Good luck with that. What will happen is 2 people in the neighborhood will do all the work, get tired of it, and say "fuck it." Half the people are too lazy to spend 15 minutes to vote. Remember that.

Except you do not need 100% commitment from 100% of people to form an effective public defense. If just a small proportion of a population can fully commit, then that is sufficient.

By the way, you do not even need organized watches to have a functional public defense. The whole idea is that every working class citizen is prepared and ready to help themselves and others when danger occurs.

For example, if I saw someone being mugged, I would just call the Militia hotline. The key difference is that public defenders serve the people before the government, whereas it is the other way around for police.

2) No traffic law enforcement. OK, good luck with that. The only thing that keeps some semblance of order to the road is the fear of getting pulled over. No cops? You are going to have half the people driving 75 mph and the other half afraid to drive at all. People driving drunk with no fear of repercussions. Your "plan" is to use force on that person? So you go from cops to vigilantes? What if the driver is also armed, which according to you they should be? How are you going to stop that person?

Traffic enforcement? Yes.

Traffic law enforcement? Idiocy.
And now YOU want that power. Interesting. Who is YOUR oversight?

I want power.

Power for the people and power for the individual. Not power for the government or power for the ruling class.

One is a force for moral good, whereas the other is a force for systematic moral wrongdoing.
1) You forget the general population is FUCKING LAZY. People won't volunteer a couple of hours to help with their kids soccer or baseball team. Now you want them to patrol their neighborhood at all hours of the night? Good luck with that. What will happen is 2 people in the neighborhood will do all the work, get tired of it, and say "fuck it." Half the people are too lazy to spend 15 minutes to vote. Remember that.

Except you do not need 100% commitment from 100% of people to form an effective public defense. If just a small proportion of a population can fully commit, then that is sufficient.

By the way, you do not even need organized watches to have a functional public defense. The whole idea is that every working class citizen is prepared and ready to help themselves and others when danger occurs.

For example, if I saw someone being mugged, I would just call the Militia hotline. The key difference is that public defenders serve the people before the government, whereas it is the other way around for police.

2) No traffic law enforcement. OK, good luck with that. The only thing that keeps some semblance of order to the road is the fear of getting pulled over. No cops? You are going to have half the people driving 75 mph and the other half afraid to drive at all. People driving drunk with no fear of repercussions. Your "plan" is to use force on that person? So you go from cops to vigilantes? What if the driver is also armed, which according to you they should be? How are you going to stop that person?

Traffic enforcement? Yes.

Traffic law enforcement? Idiocy.

So you decide what is right and wrong instead of having set laws.

Got it.
So you decide what is right and wrong instead of having set laws.

Got it.

I govern by principal and not by establishment. Every man needs to fight for what he believes is right.

Do you believe the state is the ultimate arbitrator of right and wrong? That would mean you support the ruling class determining what is right and wrong.
And now YOU want that power. Interesting. Who is YOUR oversight?

I want power.

Power for the people and power for the individual. Not power for the government or power for the ruling class.

One is a force for moral good, whereas the other is a force for systematic moral wrongdoing.

No, you want power for yourself. It is obvious from everything you type.

Your plan would fail miserably. You have a severe lack of understanding of human nature.

Every group with power is corrupt in your mind, but your would be different because it is a "citizen militia." Right. Yours would be the only group not to let the power go to its head. OK.

You also act like cops aren't citizens. We are. We arte involved in our neighborhoods as much or more as anyone else. We aren't evil robots.
No, you want power for yourself. It is obvious from everything you type.

If I wanted power for myself, then I would support government.

Government is the ultimate tool for seekers of power and authority.

Your plan would fail miserably. You have a severe lack of understanding of human nature.

This is a demonstration of ignorance.

Do you think there were strong established laws or police forces in colonial America?

Every group with power is corrupt in your mind, but your would be different because it is a "citizen militia." Right. Yours would be the only group not to let the power go to its head. OK

Actually yes, because the civilian militia (collective armed population) has important philosophical and logical distinctions from the state.

For starters, a civilian militia does not exercise control over you. It will not tell you what to do or condition your beliefs. It serves to protect, with none of the bullshit and abuse.

You also act like cops aren't citizens. We are.

You sold your citizen status the moment you signed away your loyalty to the government.

We are involved in our neighborhoods as much or more as anyone else.

In a morally dishonest manner.

Do what you do without being obligated to the government. Protect the people because it is the right thing to do, and stop enforcing the corruption of the ruling class government.

We aren't evil robots.

You work at the behest of the machine. I agree that you are not a robot, but you assist in maintaining one.

Although you did reject some of your humanity when you put on the badge.
What would we do without the government goons? We would....

1. Restore the sanctity of the civilian militia.

2. Form watches and patrol our own neighborhoods.

3. Train independent working class citizens with self defense skills.

4. Distribute firearms to our neighbors so they are always well prepared for an emergency.

5. Establish a communications network so the dedicated civilian soldier in all of us can come to each others aid.

Let's get the government enforcers out of our communities. Prefer the human option.
Fock that. Let's just find a dictator

So you don't support police because they do their jobs?
Shouldn't your focus be on the cause and not the effect?
What would we do without the government goons? We would....

1. Restore the sanctity of the civilian militia.

2. Form watches and patrol our own neighborhoods.

3. Train independent working class citizens with self defense skills.

4. Distribute firearms to our neighbors so they are always well prepared for an emergency.

5. Establish a communications network so the dedicated civilian soldier in all of us can come to each others aid.

Let's get the government enforcers out of our communities. Prefer the human option.
So you don't support police because they do their jobs?

Their job is to act as revenue collectors for the government.

So yeah, I do not support them.

Shouldn't your focus be on the cause and not the effect?

It is not the root of the problem, but it also is not the stem.

The state is the root of the problem, but if civilians can defend and organize themselves without the police and government, then the state is powerless.

The power of the state comes from a weak and dependent population, which for whatever reason, feels they need established authority to survive and prosper.
So you don't support police because they do their jobs?

Their job is to act as revenue collectors for the government.

So yeah, I do not support them.

Shouldn't your focus be on the cause and not the effect?

It is not the root of the problem, but it also is not the stem.

The state is the root of the problem, but if civilians can defend and organize themselves without the police and government, then the state is powerless.

The power of the state comes from a weak and dependent population, which for whatever reason, feels they need established authority to survive and prosper.
The root of the problem is the government. Period.

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