Driver's license suspensions push poor deeper into poverty

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Driver apos s license suspensions push poor deeper into poverty report says - LA Times
I am really becoming a police hater. The functions of the police have been reduced to killing minorities, stealing working class people's money and protection of "property". I'm so "glad" we live in a society where I can walk the streets in constant fear of our so called protectors.
What is the nature of this fear?
Traffic violations are a cause of terrible injustice in this country. A $300 ticket to a 23 year old raising a kid might be the difference between getting groceries and paying for electricity; but To a wealthy person it's barely even a deterrant. They should change it to reflect income somehow.
"Hey Mr. Liberal, you've been whining and bitching all day long about increasingly stupid problems!!! What are you going to do now???"

"I'm going to DISNEYLAND!!!"
Traffic violations are a cause of terrible injustice in this country. A $300 ticket to a 23 year old raising a kid might be the difference between getting groceries and paying for electricity; but To a wealthy person it's barely even a deterrant. They should change it to reflect income somehow.
Easy solution, if you can't pay the ticket don't get one, it's not that hard just obey the traffic laws. :dunno:
Thus this system works:
You do realize the initial fine isn't what destroys these people's lives right? Fines are added to their fines until they can't afford it anymore and their possessions get stolen by the capitalists who invented the fines to begin with.
We are living in capitalist society that is why fines must save us!
Driving is a privilege, not a right, according to the DMV manual.

If you can't afford to drive a car, you must give it up and walk or take public transportation.

It's not the government's job to be your babysitter and solve all your problems.
Traffic violations are a cause of terrible injustice in this country. A $300 ticket to a 23 year old raising a kid might be the difference between getting groceries and paying for electricity; but To a wealthy person it's barely even a deterrant. They should change it to reflect income somehow.
Easy solution, if you can't pay the ticket don't get one, it's not that hard just obey the traffic laws. :dunno:
That doesn't address my point. And most people who get tickets are generally doing their best to follow the law btw.
Simple.....Don't speed! I've received two traffic violations in my life (years ago) for speeding, which I was. Paid them, went on my way. Simple.

Today, driving up the strip to the Rivera (wanted t see it one last time before they blow it up) and saw 4 people on their cell phones, three talking and one texting. Totally irresponsible. I feel cops should be able to destroy the phone when stopped for a violation.
Traffic violations are a cause of terrible injustice in this country. A $300 ticket to a 23 year old raising a kid might be the difference between getting groceries and paying for electricity; but To a wealthy person it's barely even a deterrant. They should change it to reflect income somehow.

Traffic violations should be based on income. The deterant effect is then equally applied to all.
"Hey Mr. Liberal, you've been whining and bitching all day long about increasingly stupid problems!!! What are you going to do now???"

"I'm going to DISNEYLAND!!!"
Why, since the liberal lives in Florida?
Traffic violations are a cause of terrible injustice in this country. A $300 ticket to a 23 year old raising a kid might be the difference between getting groceries and paying for electricity; but To a wealthy person it's barely even a deterrant. They should change it to reflect income somehow.

Traffic violations should be based on income. The deterant effect is then equally applied to all.
I agree. Justin Bieber's been pulled over for literally racing Lamborghini's multiple times and he just laughs it off. Meanwhile some poor schlub living paycheck to paycheck finds himself in a speed trap in a location where the speed drops suddenly/unexpectedly, and he's got a ticket and court fees and maybe can't pay his electric bill and gets slapped with late fees.
Traffic violations are a cause of terrible injustice in this country. A $300 ticket to a 23 year old raising a kid might be the difference between getting groceries and paying for electricity; but To a wealthy person it's barely even a deterrant. They should change it to reflect income somehow.
Easy solution, if you can't pay the ticket don't get one, it's not that hard just obey the traffic laws. :dunno:
That doesn't address my point. And most people who get tickets are generally doing their best to follow the law btw.
Obviously their best isn't good enough........ :eusa_whistle:
If a person gets a ticket it is because they have broken the law.

Really simple when you think about it. ...... :cool:
No, it's often because a cop had a quota to meet. A common thing here is to ride 6" from someone's bumper, usually with hi-beams on. If they go a little faster, pull them over. (Every time I see that, I hope they do it to a guy in an old beater Suburban, and he STANDS on his brakes!)

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