Dropbox is Hiring: Whites need not apply

Just make up for all the countless times whites have discriminated against Blacks and other brown people.
Right... btw, it didn't take more than a few minutes to totally uninstall it and its components. Ain't freedom grand?
Not sure what youre talking about or how it pertains to one less white being given a job they didnt deserve.
Just pointing out that it didn't take long to uninstall that racist program from a company called dropbox, from my computer. They can hire whoever they choose and I can do business with whoever I choose. No harm, no foul.
Oh, and you're a racist POS. You and those like you aren't interested in true equality, you want revenge for past sins and what you aren't capable of grasping is that if you push hard enough, no government is going to be able to save you from the blowback you will cause, Mr 13%.
Just pointing out that it didn't take long to uninstall that racist program from a company called dropbox, from my computer. They can hire whoever they choose and I can do business with whoever I choose. No harm, no foul.
Oh, and you're a racist POS. You and those like you aren't interested in true equality, you want revenge for past sins and what you aren't capable of grasping is that if you push hard enough, no government is going to be able to save you from the blowback you will cause, Mr 13%.
So you think leveling up the playing field is a bad thing? You and those like you wish to enjoy your pole position gained by stepping on the backs of others and now youre whining when you have to compete the same way Blacks and other brown people do. Truly shameful.
Didn't say they all were......employer though doesn't want the best first he wants color first.......obviously his smaller pool will have fewer good better best choices. Simple math
That depends. Maybe all the best choices are Black and other brown people. Its a numbers game and there are more of us than whites so the pool is larger not smaller.
So you think leveling up the playing field is a bad thing? You and those like you wish to enjoy your pole position gained by stepping on the backs of others and now youre whining when you have to compete the same way Blacks and other brown people do. Truly shameful.
You level the playing field by stopping preferential treatment, not by tilting it the other way to disadvantage another group.
You level the playing field by stopping preferential treatment, not by tilting it the other way to disadvantage another group.
Thats only one step. In fact it's the last step not the first. You have to first rectify the status quo. Racist whites love to claim preferential treatment should stop but only after they have amassed their ill gotten gains.
Surprising how one's indoctrinated bias blinds them to such a simple idea.
It's a simply dumb idea. One that makes no sense unless youre lying to yourself. You cant hire a million whites and then start whining because 1000 qualified Blacks have been hired specifically to try and level the playing field. No you first hire a million Blacks then you can start attempting to achieve equality.

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