Dropbox is Hiring: Whites need not apply

You're confusing "racist" for payback.
Payback against whom? The more qualified candidate who didn't get the job because of the color of his skin very likely never discriminated against anyone in hiring. What you're calling payback is payback against an entire race - pure racism.

The hiring manager at Dropbox clearly demonstrates that she believes non-white people cannot get ahead on their own, that their inferior human beings and require her lily white ass to help them up in the world. She virtue signals her racism against non-whites in a way to make it sound like she's anti-white. She's not anti-white. She's a white supremacist offering her bit of pity to non-whites.

If she truly believed that non-whites should be hired and have been oppressed and giving jobs to non-whites is the right thing to do then she would have quit her own white job and given it to a person of color. She's a white supremacist.
Payback against whom? The more qualified candidate who didn't get the job because of the color of his skin very likely never discriminated against anyone in hiring. What you're calling payback is payback against an entire race - pure racism.

The hiring manager at Dropbox clearly demonstrates that she believes non-white people cannot get ahead on their own, that their inferior human beings and require her lily white ass to help them up in the world. She virtue signals her racism against non-whites in a way to make it sound like she's anti-white. She's not anti-white. She's a white supremacist offering her bit of pity to non-whites.

If she truly believed that non-whites should be hired and have been oppressed and giving jobs to non-whites is the right thing to do then she would have quit her own white job and given it to a person of color. She's a white supremacist.
"The hiring manager at Dropbox clearly demonstrates that she believes non-white people cannot get ahead on their own, that their inferior human beings and require her lily white ass to help them up in the world."

Is that why whites discriminated against Blacks? Is it because they felt whites were inferior and needed to hold Blacks back to build an almost insurmountable head start?
Payback against whom? The more qualified candidate who didn't get the job because of the color of his skin very likely never discriminated against anyone in hiring. What you're calling payback is payback against an entire race - pure racism.

The hiring manager at Dropbox clearly demonstrates that she believes non-white people cannot get ahead on their own, that their inferior human beings and require her lily white ass to help them up in the world. She virtue signals her racism against non-whites in a way to make it sound like she's anti-white. She's not anti-white. She's a white supremacist offering her bit of pity to non-whites.

If she truly believed that non-whites should be hired and have been oppressed and giving jobs to non-whites is the right thing to do then she would have quit her own white job and given it to a person of color. She's a white supremacist.
I disagree. If youre in a position to do something as a white person you are good to go in my book if you are intent on stopping the affects of racism and discrimination. I owe my start in my career to a white woman who got this racist asshole fired that was trying to keep me from my destiny.
I didnt say you said that. However you did say it by implication. The best employee in all likelihood isn't a white person anyway.
No I did not. Once more slowly.....each group has a shrare of good better best and downright worthless employees.....when you limit yourself to a percentage of the whole chances are you won't have as strong agroup as you want.....simple math
Thats only one step. In fact it's the last step not the first. You have to first rectify the status quo. Racist whites love to claim preferential treatment should stop but only after they have amassed their ill gotten gains.
No, it’s the first step. When a boat is sinking, the first and most important thing to is stop the water coming in. I disagree that any steps beyond forbidding preferential treatment of any group are necessary. The past is done, you can’t put toothpaste back into the tube.
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No, it’s the first step. When a boat is sinking, the first and most important thing to is stop the water coming in. I disagree that any steps beyond forbidding preferential treatment of ant group are necessary. The past is done, you can’t put toothpaste back into the tube.
Using your example, whites are the water. Letting whites in when they are already sinking the boat doesn't make sense. Keep whites from coming in. When equilibrium is achieved the boat will float
Just make up for all the countless times whites have discriminated against Blacks and other brown people.
Exactly. Punish innocent people for what others did simply because they have same skin color. Gee, I wonder if that would be racist? What do you think?
No I did not. Once more slowly.....each group has a shrare of good better best and downright worthless employees.....when you limit yourself to a percentage of the whole chances are you won't have as strong agroup as you want.....simple math
That is what the problem is now. Too many racist whites hiring just whites. The pool is too small. When your pool now numbers in the billions its way better than the tiny white population.
It's a simply dumb idea. One that makes no sense unless youre lying to yourself. You cant hire a million whites and then start whining because 1000 qualified Blacks have been hired specifically to try and level the playing field. No you first hire a million Blacks then you can start attempting to achieve equality.
I hire the most qualified. Period.


I sincerely hope that some day you find yourself in the ER, having a heart attack, being attended to by the people with the most melanin, rather than the people with the best medical qualifications. Please do let us know how that works out.
Exactly. Punish innocent people for what others did simply because they have same skin color. Gee, I wonder if that would be racist? What do you think?
Its not punishment or if you want to call it punishment then thats your choice. Either way it rectifies a situation caused by you racist whites. Suck it up like we had to do and then tell me about innocent and racism.
Thats only one step. In fact it's the last step not the first. You have to first rectify the status quo. Racist whites love to claim preferential treatment should stop but only after they have amassed their ill gotten gains.
Your approach simply makes things worse. History has shown us that ever since the sixties. You can’t correct a bad situation by penalizing another group. Especially when the new group outnumbers the now favored group by five or six to one and has more social and fiscal power to boot. All you do is generate resentment on the part of the larger group that actually hurts the chance of long-term benefit to the smaller group.
In the long term, other minorities will benefit from Affirmative Action and Black Americans will suffer from it.
Your approach simply makes things worse. History has shown us that ever since the sixties. You can’t correct a bad situation by penalizing another group.
That's only because racist whites are simply enraged with the notion of giving up their head start. You guys didnt have to be racist but you made a deliberate decision to do so and now you dont want to face the consequences of said decision.
In the long term, other minorities will benefit from Affirmative Action and Black Americans will suffer from it.
Thats only if racist whites are making the hiring decisions. They will do anything to hold up the "model minority" theory while conveniently forgetting that their model minorities benefit from resources that Black american people dont have access to.

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