Dropbox is Hiring: Whites need not apply

As we always see in these sorts of discussions - it is always easier to repeat the simplistic talking points designed to influence us towards a certain agenda than it is to use logic and reason while basing such upon actual facts.
That’s what the antisemites count on. Just repeat a lie with nothing behind it, and hope the useful idiots fall for it.
As we always see in these sorts of discussions - it is always easier to repeat the simplistic talking points designed to influence us towards a certain agenda than it is to use logic and reason while basing such upon actual facts.
Never mind that every Muslim nation is at war with their Muslim neighbors or that Muslims sneak into Israel in order to be caught by the Israeli military, vetted and then sent to Canada or the US.
That’s what the antisemites count on. Just repeat a lie with nothing behind it, and hope the useful idiots fall for it.
I can't remember who said it, but I remember the quote "antisemitism is the socialism of fools"

When it gets down to, Woke is little more than a giant cult. It is comprised of ultra-conformists who do not question what they are told, uses intimidation to keep the adherents in line, and acts as if it is the one, true source of all that is true and virtuous in the world.

The fact that it is actually a very primitive way of looking at the world never dawns on the faithful because they have been hoodwinked into seeing their knuckle-dragging tribalism as somehow being advanced, instead.
Xiden's apparent hatred for white heterosexual mails should, alone, be enough to warrant an immediate psychiatric examination. Self-hatred like that too often results in attempts at suicide that injure or kill others.
Its not punishment or if you want to call it punishment then thats your choice. Either way it rectifies a situation caused by you racist whites. Suck it up like we had to do and then tell me about innocent and racism.
As typical among racists, the demand is to punish those who didn't harm anyone in order to benefit those who were never harmed.
Laughing my [posterior] off! (As you young people say!)

She doesn't have to worry.

As each year passes, she WILL see fewer Caucasians in her life.

Since she looks relatively young, she will still be living when Caucasian numbers are down considerably all across the board.

Then, of course, she will scream (in her assisted living facility): "Where are the Caucasians? All I meet here are non-Caucasians!"

I know you meant well but you mean laughing your ass off, right? And she'll see fewer white people. Are you really that afraid of offending anyone? Speak up... be heard. Say what's on your mind. Geez.
I never said you used the word white. I stated the existing problem which is racist whites hiring whites, not one or two white ladies saying they would like to change that.
She didn't say she'd like to change racists whites hiring whites. She said there are too many white people and she wants less of them. She didn't talk about ending racism, she promoted racism.
For starters you're white which is actually a prerequisite.

Secondly you object to people of color being hired over whites even though there is an oversaturation of whites due to racism. Should I go on?

I want to ask if you're serious but, sadly, you are. You believe that only whites can be racist? Have you looked in the mirror? The believe that only whites can be racist is the absolute proof that you're racist and disproves your racist theory.

Second, you clearly are against Reverend Martin Luther King. In fact, you're racist against black people. You believe that if we even the playing field, removing race as a hiring criteria, that black people will not be able to compete on their own. It's amazing how many black people hold racist negative views about black people as a whole. But we're learning that many white people hold anti-white racist views, too so go figure.

And, you being a racist, being, as you apparently are, determined to keep black people down and subservient, completely ignore the real racism that keeps back people out of the workforce and away from successful career paths. The real racism is Johnson and the Democrat's "Great Society" where they successfully planned and implemented programs to destroy black families and to keep them sucking at the Democratic Government tit for the past 57 years.

When Democrats and black community and political leaders stop fighting against charter schools, school choice, and real education opportunities, and quit spending their time, attention, and money teaching children that white people hate black children and that white people harm black people by simply existing, therefore white people are bad, then you'll see more black people in the workplace in great jobs.
Yea, and the white people who ostensibly got denied by dropbox will also get Jobs. Doesn't mean they weren't denied that job though, does it? Asians get less resume responses than whites when comparing apples to apples. Your response illustrates why some people don't mind this sort of discrimination against whites. When it was whites, no caveats were needed, other than that this is racism. For asians, you instantly pivoted to "well they just gotta keep working hard and they'll eventually get a job".
Can you back that claim about resume responses with any actual links or data?

Where I work, we have outreach programs to homosexuals, to cross-dressers, and sexual mutants, to women, and to anyone not a straight, white, male. That's how we get the resumes in the door. Then, from the resumes we have, we hire homosexuals and other sexual deviants first, then any person of color or not white male next, and then, for those few positions that are left unfilled, we take the best of the resumes. Most of the resumes we get are H1-B Indians and, therefore, most of the remaining positions we fill are H1-B Indians. Very few straight white men can get a job where I work.

I'll tell you that we get a bunch of great workers across all those categories but we're definitely not taking only the best because they're the best. We occasionally get idiots in all those categories.
Are you really that afraid of offending anyone?

I am afraid of violating any posting rules.

Although this forum allows more controversial views (and illustrations) than most other forums, it DOES have rules.

So I try my best to be indirect as much as possible.

Besides, I am 85 years old.

I am used to being more discreet and understated than you young whippersnappers!

I am afraid of violating any posting rules.

Although this forum allows more controversial views (and illustrations) than most other forums, it DOES have rules.

So I try my best to be indirect as much as possible.

Besides, I am 85 years old.

I am used to being more discreet and understated than you young whippersnappers!

As I departed age 79 I had an epiphany! (cue the angelic chorus!)

Somebody's offended? Tough shit.

What are they gonna do? Kill you?

They're God-dammed well going to have to stand in line behind cancer, covid and corns. And that's just the ones at the top of the alphabet.

Never forget:

The Day Is Long; The Pay Is Small. So have a beer and Fuck'em ALL!
As I departed age 79 I had an epiphany! (cue the angelic chorus!)

Somebody's offended? Tough shit.

What are they gonna do? Kill you?

They're God-dammed well going to have to stand in line behind cancer, covid and corns. And that's just the ones at the top of the alphabet.

Never forget:

The Day Is Long; The Pay Is Small. So have a beer Fuck'em ALL!
No ones intimidating me, friend. I received my first real death threat on this site today. I laughed at it. I'm having a great time, here :)

I am afraid of violating any posting rules.

Although this forum allows more controversial views (and illustrations) than most other forums, it DOES have rules.

So I try my best to be indirect as much as possible.

Besides, I am 85 years old.

I am used to being more discreet and understated than you young whippersnappers!
Parser, imo, you have the most interesting and enjoyable writing style to be found on this board. Please don't change a thing.

Your nicely composed messages can help all of us remember that English is the most expressive and beautiful language to be found anywhere ... In the hands of a capable writer.

I'm sure no one here would be serious in 'knocking' your writing style.

In comparison, my writing style is coarse and blunt. But we were probably raised in vastly different environments.

Now before I forget, I want to add that I would NEVER use Dropbox after learning of their anti- white practices. There are several other "woke" companies that should be avoided like the plague, for similar reasons.
Just make up for all the countless times whites have discriminated against Blacks and other brown people.
I would imagine a number of blacks believe it is only fair that whites are subjected and discriminated against for 400 years to make up for how blacks were treated.

It has been said that, “Two wrongs do not make a right.”

To make this world a better place we need to work on eliminating all racism.


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