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Drudge: Great Abortion article; 55 million abortions since roe/wade

I agree that saying life begins at the moment of conception, when nothing remotely resembling humanity has been created, is ridiculous. On the other hand, that little packet of cells starts resembling a baby pretty quickly. It seems to me that since death is widely understood to be the cessation of brain activity, the beginning of brain activity should be the marker for the beginning of life. Brain waves can be detected at six weeks after conception. You want to kill that packed of cells before that point? Have at it. After that point, you are killing a thinking life form with its own human genetic code. That is the very definition of humanity.

Life does begin at conception which is widely held scientific view.

Scientific Fact: Human Life Begins at Conception, or Fertilization | LifeNews.com

appropriate sources linked in article.

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

Life begins at conception, science teaches | Live Action News

So if biology states this, then how can the pro-abortion crowd possibly defend the indefensible? This isn't dogma, this isn't religion, it's scientific fact.
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I agree that saying life begins at the moment of conception, when nothing remotely resembling humanity has been created, is ridiculous. On the other hand, that little packet of cells starts resembling a baby pretty quickly. It seems to me that since death is widely understood to be the cessation of brain activity, the beginning of brain activity should be the marker for the beginning of life. Brain waves can be detected at six weeks after conception. You want to kill that packed of cells before that point? Have at it. After that point, you are killing a thinking life form with its own human genetic code. That is the very definition of humanity.

Life does begin at conception which is widely held scientific view.

Scientific Fact: Human Life Begins at Conception, or Fertilization | LifeNews.com

appropriate sources linked in article.

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

Life begins at conception, science teaches | Live Action News

So if biology states this, then how can the pro-abortion crowd possibly defend the indefensible? This isn't dogma, this isn't religion, it's scientific fact.

And you have every right to hold that view, with the understanding that this is not the legal standard; prior to birth, the embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections:

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)
I agree that saying life begins at the moment of conception, when nothing remotely resembling humanity has been created, is ridiculous. On the other hand, that little packet of cells starts resembling a baby pretty quickly. It seems to me that since death is widely understood to be the cessation of brain activity, the beginning of brain activity should be the marker for the beginning of life. Brain waves can be detected at six weeks after conception. You want to kill that packed of cells before that point? Have at it. After that point, you are killing a thinking life form with its own human genetic code. That is the very definition of humanity.

Life does begin at conception which is widely held scientific view.

Scientific Fact: Human Life Begins at Conception, or Fertilization | LifeNews.com

appropriate sources linked in article.

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

Life begins at conception, science teaches | Live Action News

So if biology states this, then how can the pro-abortion crowd possibly defend the indefensible? This isn't dogma, this isn't religion, it's scientific fact.

And you have every right to hold that view, with the understanding that this is not the legal standard; prior to birth, the embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections:

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

just because it's legal, doesn't mean its right. Slavery was once legal as well.
We know Matt Drudge never had to worry about an unwanted pregnancy. Not only is he a dude, but he could never get his boyfriend pregnant. :lol:
I saw a link to this article on Drudge today and wondered if I could get the thoughts from both pro-choice and pro-life people on the points raised in this opinion piece. I bolded things that stood out to me:

What can I say that hasn’t already been said about today?

Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my living room working while watching my sons play. I began to think about what my life would have been without them. How different I would be. How their lives have already made this world a different place since they were born. How much I would hurt if I had chosen abortion.

Then, I thought of the more than 55,000,000 lives that have been taken in the U.S. since 1973, and I became overwhelmed at the tragedy. Tragedy for the babies, their mothers, their fathers, families, and us.

Who is our nation missing? What price is our society paying for the ultimate deceit of abortion?

40 years ago today, seven men on the Supreme Court decided in favor of a case presented to them from a 27 year-old, unknown, post-abortive lawyer, Sarah Weddington. That case was Roe v. Wade and, along with its companion Doe v. Bolton, it legalized abortion in all 9 months of pregnancy, for any reason, in the United States.

Today, this 27 year-old is writing to you as a survivor of that decision. The undeniable fact is that nearly a third of my generation is missing. We are missing brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, husbands and wives.

You see, Miss Weddington’s generation got it wrong. In attempting to correct gender inequality in the workplace and in our society, they set into motion the ultimate act of discrimination – abortion. Instead of glorifying motherhood, they pitted the mother against her child, creating an endless cycle of selfishness, pain, and deceit.

But this generation is determined to set it right. We’ve seen the ultrasounds of our siblings, googled “abortion” and seen the bloody images, and sat with a friend as she cried about her abortion. This youth generation is the most pro-life generation of young people since 1973; we’re even more pro-life than even our parents’ generation.
And this week our presence will be known as this generation will be the predominant participants in Friday’s March for Life in Washington, D.C. and pro-life rallies across the nation.

This week, we will be proudly carrying our “I am the Pro-Life Generation” signs, and Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry will watch their target audience slip away.

In fact, we already have. When Nancy Keenan, the former president of NARAL/Pro-Choice America, announced her resignation last year, she cited the lack of young pro-abortion leaders as the reason she wanted to step down. This month’s Time magazine headline story dealt with the same problem, claiming that the pro-abortion movement has been losing since 1973.

And last week’s new Planned Parenthood video and talking points on abortion confirm this fact. They don’t want to use the term “pro-choice” anymore because it’s too negatively associated with abortion. You see, they know when abortion is mentioned, their favorability falls. Their goal? Never bring it up.

So, what should be our goal? To bring up abortion in every conversation we can – in church, the grocery store, at school, and at the neighborhood party. To never forget about abortion, no matter how busy our lives may get or how sad or immobilized we become by this immense, overwhelming tragedy.

Friend, it’s time to rise up. Rise up off of your couch, out of your dorm room, or pew. Rise up and dedicate your life to something bigger than yourself.

It is the time for us to tell our stories to our friends and family about how abortion has hurt us. It’s time to paint the vision by telling people what our nation will look like without abortion and how it’s possible. It’s time to seek real justice with those young women and men facing unplanned, crisis pregnancies. It’s time to shine the light of truth, to expose Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry for what they really are.

It’s the time to stand courageously for Life.

Friends, I believe this generation of survivors will see abortion abolished in our lifetime. But it won’t be easy.

“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe

I hope today, on this day of overwhelming sorrow, you will join us. There’s so much you can do.


I Am Overwhelmed by 55 Million Babies Killed Since Roe v. Wade | LifeNews.com

Do you have any clue how many low income welfare queens have aborted their future Democrat voting welfare spawn since Roe v. Wade? Indeed, the economically dependent are much more likely to get an abortion. Roe v. Wade has set the Democrat party back for many years and kept the Republican party on life support. Any one who votes for Republicans should rejoice that Democrats are ridding us of their own and demanding that we not tamper with their right to hinder their own electorate. Abortion has been a net gain in this country both with respect to tax dollars saves and Democrat votes not counted.
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Ushering in a government that had strict laws regarding abortions (only allowing for rape or incest, if that), would create an Orwellian nation where women are basically not allowed total the same freedoms as their male counterparts, simply because of their reproductive abilities. Basically making them second class citizens.
Scenario: A girl/woman of birthing age wishes to go overseas, she would be mandated to prove her status as to whether she was pregnant or not, then have to prove she was still pregnant upon return and if not, imprisoned.
Scenario: All pregnant females would have to register in a national and/or statewide database and prove they were doing all things possible health-wise to take good care of the fetus, or be otherwise monitored and if necessary, imprisoned.
Scenario: A pregnant woman announces she doesn't want the baby; off to incarceration or regular monitoring she goes.
I'll bet that if you go research all these "right-to-life" fanatics that go around protesting family-planning and abortion clinics, you will find that hardly any (more likely none) take in children that are up for adoption or need foster parents. Also, most of what I see parading up and down in front of the clinics, seem to be a bunch of over-the-hill, neanderthal, male-chauvenists, clutching bibles.
Also, if you were to poll any "right-to-life" groups, they'd be religious zealots who are only "right-to-life" in the case of fetuses; convicts and the people in enemy nations and opposing religious views, on the other-hand, are fair game when it comes to killing.
My stance is, it's your body, the Constitution gives you the right to privacy and you can't get more private than your reproductive organs, so the government needs to butt out.
Life does begin at conception which is widely held scientific view.

Scientific Fact: Human Life Begins at Conception, or Fertilization | LifeNews.com

appropriate sources linked in article.

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

Life begins at conception, science teaches | Live Action News

So if biology states this, then how can the pro-abortion crowd possibly defend the indefensible? This isn't dogma, this isn't religion, it's scientific fact.

And you have every right to hold that view, with the understanding that this is not the legal standard; prior to birth, the embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections:

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

just because it's legal, doesn't mean its right. Slavery was once legal as well.

Move goalposts much?
Some how, if pro-choicers were winning this battle, I don't think they'd be championing this 'mind you own business' last ditch effort rhetoric.

It's not as simple as minding your own business when morally/ethically this is a matter of life and death

If you guys were really concerned about the fetuses...

You'd support universal health care.
You'd support Family and Medical Leave.
You'd support a raise in the minimum Wage
You'd support comprehensive sex education

What you guys are upset about are the ladies controlling their lady parts.
Ushering in a government that had strict laws regarding abortions (only allowing for rape or incest, if that), would create an Orwellian nation where women are basically not allowed total the same freedoms as their male counterparts, simply because of their reproductive abilities. Basically making them second class citizens.
Scenario: A girl/woman of birthing age wishes to go overseas, she would be mandated to prove her status as to whether she was pregnant or not, then have to prove she was still pregnant upon return and if not, imprisoned.
Scenario: All pregnant females would have to register in a national and/or statewide database and prove they were doing all things possible health-wise to take good care of the fetus, or be otherwise monitored and if necessary, imprisoned.
Scenario: A pregnant woman announces she doesn't want the baby; off to incarceration or regular monitoring she goes.
I'll bet that if you go research all these "right-to-life" fanatics that go around protesting family-planning and abortion clinics, you will find that hardly any (more likely none) take in children that are up for adoption or need foster parents. Also, most of what I see parading up and down in front of the clinics, seem to be a bunch of over-the-hill, neanderthal, male-chauvenists, clutching bibles.
Also, if you were to poll any "right-to-life" groups, they'd be religious zealots who are only "right-to-life" in the case of fetuses; convicts and the people in enemy nations and opposing religious views, on the other-hand, are fair game when it comes to killing.
My stance is, it's your body, the Constitution gives you the right to privacy and you can't get more private than your reproductive organs, so the government needs to butt out.

Good point.

I'll go you one better. The only country that ever tried to institute the "Women as Baby Factories" policies the Right longs for is Romania, a communist dictatorship.

It failed miserably, and the dictator who thought this up was lined up against a wall and shot.
I love the ghouls who maintain that trying to save babies isn't an indication of caring for them...that you can only TRULY care if you vote a straight progressive ticket....
When immigrants are outpacing native population growth, that has a pretty serious impact on the native culture, mores, traditions, values, and attachment to historical precedents.

You know what, people said that when the Germans and the Italians and the Irish and the Poles all showed up.

Back around the turn of the century.
Some how, if pro-choicers were winning this battle, I don't think they'd be championing this 'mind you own business' last ditch effort rhetoric.

It's not as simple as minding your own business when morally/ethically this is a matter of life and death

If you guys were really concerned about the fetuses...

You'd support universal health care.
You'd support Family and Medical Leave.
You'd support a raise in the minimum Wage
You'd support comprehensive sex education

What you guys are upset about are the ladies controlling their lady parts.

You have not clue what upsets pro life people ,because you are wrong on everyone of these butt flaming proclamations you make.

Repeating the same old tired talking points don't make them true.
Joeb is a habitual liar and the worst baby killing ghoul on the site. He thinks that all the women who testified against Gosnell were liars, and agrees with Gosnell that he was doing a wonderful thing for society by killing babies.
The baby killing assumption that if one protests abortion, then one DOESN'T care about babies...

But if you are a baby killer, you're all about HELPING children.

Hilarious, if it wasn't so twisted.

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