Drunk driving illegal alien killed 9 year old girl in Texas

I see the libs won't touch this one. Gee, I wonder why. it's not even tranny related like you claim. Do you think we should ignore when children are killed by drunk drivers? We shoudl pretend this didn't happen because a special status liberal group member killed a child then tried to escape the country?
I see the libs won't touch this one. Gee, I wonder why. it's not even tranny related like you claim. Do you think we should ignore when children are killed by drunk drivers? We shoudl pretend this didn't happen because a special status liberal group member killed a child then tried to escape the country?

Why would anyone "touch" it? It's a tragedy and a non-political issue.
I see the libs won't touch this one. Gee, I wonder why. it's not even tranny related like you claim. Do you think we should ignore when children are killed by drunk drivers? We shoudl pretend this didn't happen because a special status liberal group member killed a child then tried to escape the country?

Why would anyone "touch" it? It's a tragedy and a non-political issue.
That girl would still be alive if liberals didn't enable illegal aliens.
Dimocrats are typically against deportation, although I'll give Obama props for increasing the # of deportees since he's been in office.
One way or another, illegals are always killing American citizens.
Dimocrats are typically against deportation, although I'll give Obama props for increasing the # of deportees since he's been in office.

HAHAHA. You moron. Do you have a shred of evidence that obozo has increased deportations since he took office?? That's just something he says and i guarantee it's yet another total lie from this pathological liar. I don't think he's deporting anyone. Hell - he two illegal alien RELATIVES living in america. One has been welfare for years and the other is a convicted DUi and he refused to deport them!!

Again i ask - where is your evidence that Big O has increased deportations??
I see the libs won't touch this one. Gee, I wonder why. it's not even tranny related like you claim. Do you think we should ignore when children are killed by drunk drivers? We shoudl pretend this didn't happen because a special status liberal group member killed a child then tried to escape the country?

Why would anyone "touch" it? It's a tragedy and a non-political issue.
That girl would still be alive if liberals didn't enable illegal aliens.

3000 people would still be alive if we didn't let terrorists hijack planes. Your point (not the one on top of your head) is ... ?
Dimocrats are typically against deportation, although I'll give Obama props for increasing the # of deportees since he's been in office.

Retards think Reagan was a "Dimocrat." :eusa_doh:

Reagan's biggest idiot move was to grant amnesty. Overall though I loved the guy, and would take him in a heartbeat over the dickwad we now have in office.

But as far as Dimocrats go, overall they are the ones who are most likely to favor amnesty, to be against deportations, be against added border security.
Dimocrats are typically against deportation, although I'll give Obama props for increasing the # of deportees since he's been in office.

HAHAHA. You moron. Do you have a shred of evidence that obozo has increased deportations since he took office?? That's just something he says and i guarantee it's yet another total lie from this pathological liar. I don't think he's deporting anyone. Hell - he two illegal alien RELATIVES living in america. One has been welfare for years and the other is a convicted DUi and he refused to deport them!!

Again i ask - where is your evidence that Big O has increased deportations??

First of all don't call me a moron.

Second, I'm the last person here that would ever support Barack Obama, but he has increased the # of deportations. Now that may simply be because there are more illegals to deport in the first place, but the #'s are there.
There is no doubt in my mind though, that Obama is for amnesty, and he personally would end the practice of deportation if he could politically.

Obama administration sets deportation record: 409,849

For the fourth year in a row, the Obama administration set a record for the number of people it deported. In 2012, the total reached 409,849.

President Obama has received a lot of support from Hispanic voters, who voted for him 71-27% over Republican challenger Mitt Romney in the November elections. But his deportation record has remained a major disappointment to immigrant rights groups throughout his first term.

The number of people deported under Obama has risen in each of his four years in office, culminating in the record set in fiscal year 2012.

Obama administration sets deportation record: 409,849

HAHAHA. You moron. Do you have a shred of evidence that obozo has increased deportations since he took office?? That's just something he says and i guarantee it's yet another total lie from this pathological liar. I don't think he's deporting anyone. Hell - he two illegal alien RELATIVES living in america. One has been welfare for years and the other is a convicted DUi and he refused to deport them!!

Again i ask - where is your evidence that Big O has increased deportations??

First of all don't call me a moron.

Second, I'm the last person here that would ever support Barack Obama, but he has increased the # of deportations. ]

Hey moron. How do you know that? Where is your evidence.? "Obama says so" is not evidence. THINK

HAHAHA. You moron. Do you have a shred of evidence that obozo has increased deportations since he took office?? That's just something he says and i guarantee it's yet another total lie from this pathological liar. I don't think he's deporting anyone. Hell - he two illegal alien RELATIVES living in america. One has been welfare for years and the other is a convicted DUi and he refused to deport them!!

Again i ask - where is your evidence that Big O has increased deportations??

First of all don't call me a moron.

Second, I'm the last person here that would ever support Barack Obama, but he has increased the # of deportations. ]

Hey moron. How do you know that? Where is your evidence.? "Obama says so" is not evidence. THINK

Hey man, I've asked you nicely to stop the name calling, now knock it off.

As far as the deportations, there are plenty of news stories on this. If you don't want to believe them, I don't know what to tell you.

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