Dude! Are we going to get a Harris President?

What new masturbation fantasy is this?

You know you are supposed to provide a link in your OP, right?

I know you're a cry baby, short on thought, heavy in denial and hostage to brain-wash.
I hate the word ''dude.''

Generally, if someone calls me dude, I politely say don't call me dude, please.
Yes, it's yet another weepy BDS thread from the biggest losers to ever lose on planet earth.

They're just piling up, and that's a good sign. Whenever the BDS sore-losers start crying helplessly, it's always because good things are happening in the USA.
Yes, it's yet another weepy BDS thread from the biggest losers to ever lose on planet earth.

They're just piling up, and that's a good sign. Whenever the BDS sore-losers start crying helplessly, it's always because good things are happening in the USA.
It's looking that way. Granted Traitor Biden was never legitimately elected, we still have to deal with her as President.
Its rather funny to see Trumpsters knowing that they are going to lose badly are already gearing up the stolen election rhetoric.
Its rather funny to see Trumpsters knowing that they are going to lose badly are already gearing up the stolen election rhetoric.
Or that they know that dems will steal the election again. No one thinks elections are legitimate anymore. Why would they?
Let her.

This applies to this degenerate, stolen Administration too:

Roman Emperor Claudius is speaking to his advisors. It’s finally dawned on him that the degeneracy and corruption of the empire is such that only total catastrophe, only a thorough cleaning of the slate, only the downfall of the empire might restore virtue and life. Hence, knowing that evil always destroys itself in the end, he prescribes “letting all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out,” thereby hastening the coming of the clean slate.

Emperor Claudius: “Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud…hatch out​

It's looking that way. Granted Traitor Biden was never legitimately elected, we still have to deal with her as President.

The only way that happens is if Biden steps down or is removed from office.

Now, as much as I dislike Joe Biden, he is a far better choice than Kamala Harris.

So, that being said... could the "Republicans" please stow the impeachment talk? For crying out loud, there is enough to worry about with the possibility of his own party yanking the rug out from under him...
She is a great insurance policy against a Biden impeachment, or some far right wacko assassination attempt.
The only way that happens is if Biden steps down or is removed from office.

Now, as much as I dislike Joe Biden, he is a far better choice than Kamala Harris.

So, that being said... could the "Republicans" please stow the impeachment talk? For crying out loud, there is enough to worry about with the possibility of his own party yanking the rug out from under him...
There is a real possibility that she could beat Trump in the general if Biden was unable to run for some reason as well. Underestimating the hate people have for Trump is silly, easily more than half the nation will vote against him no matter what crap is on the other side of the ticket.

Of course, she has zero chance outside of those 2 scenarios in my mind, she really is a terrible politician.
Senate wont remove him from office.
An impeachment will force more of the truth about Joe Biden’s corruption. And we will have on record which Senate Democrats voted to allow Biden to continue in office despite massive public corruption.

Normal people, which is just about everyone other than extreme leftists, will not want representatives and senators who defend the most corrupt president in history.

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