Dude! Are we going to get a Harris President?

An impeachment will force more of the truth about Joe Biden’s corruption. And we will have on record which Senate Democrats voted to allow Biden to continue in office despite massive public corruption.

Normal people, which is just about everyone other than extreme leftists, will not want representatives and senators who defend the most corrupt president in history.

I 100% want him impeached….just sayin the Senate wont remove him.
Senate wont remove him from office.
They best do something about retiring the old screw up, otherwise before him and his Democrat screw up's get everyone killed in this nation. Some serious shite going on, but it's as if the nation is under some sort of weird spell or something. The 25th or his quid pro quo should have been sufficient to remove him, but impeachment will have to do now. How the nation had gone so far over the edge is simply amazing, but it all had to come to a head eventually.
I 100% want him impeached….just sayin the Senate wont remove him.
Like Lissa said, at least there will be a record of all who supported him after being exposed. The nation's security has been on the line, as well as the massive death's occuring in Ukraine possibly, otherwise because of Biden and company allegedly being involved in corruption there also.
Like Lissa said, at least there will be a record of all who supported him after being exposed. The nation's security has been on the line, as well as the massive death's occuring in Ukraine possibly, otherwise because of Biden and company allegedly being involved in corruption there also.
Yes. The Democrats in swing states, once the full evidence against the Biden Family Mob Boss aka the “president” is exposed, will know if they vote to protect the worst criminal in office in history that they will be voted out.
Normal people, which is just about everyone other than extreme leftists, will not want representatives and senators who defend the most corrupt president in history.
And you're here defending him--Trump daily...who has been indicted 3 times now since getting his ass kicked out of the White House.
It's looking that way. Granted Traitor Biden was never legitimately elected, we still have to deal with her as President.
Nah. He'll drop out of 2024 race, but the string pullers will not let him step down. Even they cannot stand Harris
Senate wont remove him from office.
He will likely resign for 'medical reasons' if it goes too far. His handlers wouldn't really want to risk a full impeachment and Senate vote. Unlike the silly nonsense these clowns threw at Trump, accusations of bribery are very cut and dry. Easy for folks to understand, X amount of money was given to scumbag, Y actions using US tax dollars were taken by said scumbag. Not convoluted nonsense like 'collusion' or whatever other fantasies liberal worship.

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