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Due Diligence: How Your Vote Affects Education

1. There is an old saying that goes like this:
"He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon"

It means that one should be very careful about dealing with evil people.....and nowhere is that more apt than in politics, in casting one's vote.

In earlier times, politicians who behaved in a manner contrary to the attitudes and values that made this nation great, had very little chance of being elected.

Since Franklin Roosevelt altered the aspiration of society from one based on spirituality and Judeo-Christian tradition, to one more closely allied with materialism and Soviet doctrines, politicians can be reprobates, rapists, traitors....

...and still move up the political ladder.
Examples abound.

2. Liberty was at the foundation of what America meant....at least in the view of the Founders.
The condition of being free from confinement, servitude,or forced labor.

a.The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by a government or other power.

b.A right to engage incertain actions without control or interference by a government or other power: the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights.
The right or power to act as one chooses
liberty - definition of liberty by The Free Dictionary

Many Americans have been trained to accept restrictions on their individual liberty with the promise of material rewards, from government, to follow.

3. The indoctrination required to alter society, from responsibility to bribed through entitlements, has been successfully handled by the Left through the control of the public schools and the means of dissemination of information.

a. "The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

b. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51

Point Number One:
it is through control of the schools and the media that a view antithetical to that of the Founders is advanced and maintained.

Need to take a class somewhere at how to write, make a point, etc. As it is every thread of your's is impossible to decipher when it's a lot of irrelevant fluff with the point somewhere hidden within it all.

"Get to the goddamn point in your first paragraph." If you don't, no one whose mind your need to change is gonna because they wont be able to figure out what the hell you're asking or telling them about.

Oh, gee....another 'I hate you' post from a moron who claims he cannot "decipher" the OP.

Must be the same kind of jerk who calls in to phone polls to report he has no opinion.

If I hated you I wouldn't try reading your posts. As it stands, some are interesting enough I do take a look. But your complete lack of ability makes it hard to figure out what you're talking about. If I'm the very first person ever to raise this issue then I might just be a hater. But if I'm not, then maybe it's time to suck it up and learn how to write.
I always wondered why, if we moan about how we are not doing as well as other countries like Japan and Germany and Finland in our test scores, why don't we set up our education system like they do? More hours, more days, tracking, testing only the top 40-30% who are in the college tracks.....all those things they do.
This OP from a member of the party that wants to destroy the department of education. Bet she votes for Perry.

1. Department of Education is, of course, unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly states that powers not granted to the federal government belong to the states. So where is the impetus for its creation? Unions.

The National Education Association (NEA) “In 1972, the massive union formed a political action committee…released ‘Needed: A Cabinet Department of Education’ in 1975, but its most significant step was to endorse a presidential candidate- Jimmy Carter- for the first time in the history of the organization.” D.T. Stallngs, “A Brief History of the Department of Education: 1979-2002,” p. 3. When formed, its budget was $13.1 billion (in 2007 dollars) and it employed 450 people. IN 2010, the estimated budget is $107 billion, and there are 4,800 employees. http://crunchycon.nationalreview.co...-department-education-not-radical/mona-charen “In November 1995, when the federal government shut down over a budget crisis, 89.4 percent of the department’s employees were deemed ‘nonessential’ and sent home.” Beck and Balfe, “Broke,” p.304

2. Have public school student's scores on international competitions gone up or down since Democrats created the Department of Education?

3. Benefits of Public Education?

a. 35% of Democrats in Congress send their kids to private schoolhttp://blogs.usatoday.com/oped/2009/05/our-view-on-improving-education-despite-success-school-choice-runs-into-new-barriers.html

b. 12.2% of families send their children to private school, and 17.5% of urban families, the same. But 21.5% of urban public school teachers send their children to private school, nearly double the national rate!

c. Urban public school households earning less than $42,000/year (approx. the median national income) send their children to private school at a rate of 14.9%, which is 4.6% higher than private school enrollment of all families at similar income levels. blackinformant.com - blackinformant Resources and Information.

Two questions:
Are you a government school grad?
And...how stupid are you, really?
I always wondered why, if we moan about how we are not doing as well as other countries like Japan and Germany and Finland in our test scores, why don't we set up our education system like they do? More hours, more days, tracking, testing only the top 40-30% who are in the college tracks.....all those things they do.
I disagree. Places like korea keep their kids in school, and then send them to "school after school", then homework until they go to sleep and start the cycle over again in 5 hrs. They rob their children of any childhood
I always wondered why, if we moan about how we are not doing as well as other countries like Japan and Germany and Finland in our test scores, why don't we set up our education system like they do? More hours, more days, tracking, testing only the top 40-30% who are in the college tracks.....all those things they do.

"I always wondered..."

I've seen a number of your posts, and don't believe for a moment that you don't know why teaching is no longer the object of government schooling.

You know very well, I'm sure, that Democrat votes via teacher's unions is the real motivation.

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rightsof all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events

Bet you also know that 'social justice' has nothing to do with justice.
PC you forgot to invent some way to tie Stalin and Marxism into the OP! You're slipping!

6. Is liberty an element of what values and attitudes one wishes in their children? Or....should one vote for the plebicitization of values?

"In May 2009, Obama eliminated all funding for abstinence-only sex education. He put in its place tens of millions of dollars in funding for 'comprehensive sexual education.' By July 2010, he had spent $190 million on sex education, according to the online publication 'Salon.'

The result is that virtually all students in the United States are required to receive state-sponsored sexual education from elementary through high school, and the operative assumption is that it is right for the state to etll student show to have sex outside marriage- ....

...the secular state is imposing on the American people, through sex education and other forms of state propaganda, its own version of sexual morality...." Schlafly, Op. Cit.

7. This is....as requested, noted as aims of the Communist Party,USA, post-war:

" Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce."

I got 'em from a website of declared goals of the communist Party, post war....
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Gone are the days when schools were for the purpose of educating.....now they are for "social justice" indoctrination, and instituting 'government morality.'

8. Voters using due diligence will make choices among candidates based on a number of factors. Certainly moral rectitude should be high on the list. That makes it difficult to explain voters pulling the lever for a rapist, a Marxist, a traitor...Democrat candidates for whom the criminal code has become their personal to-do lists.

This can only presage the downfall of this once great nation.

Here's a prime example. Barack Obama, after careful consideration, appointed Kevin Jennings as his choice to head up the Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools.

"Kevin Brett Jennings(born May 8, 1963) is an American educator, author, and administrator. He was the Assistant Deputy Secretary for theOffice of Safe and Drug-Free Schoolsat theU.S. Department of Educationfrom 2009-11." Kevin Jennings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is part of the resume of Obama's choice:

a. "Kevin Jennings,the founder of GLSEN, was appointed by the Obama administration to run the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the US Department of Education! GLSEN(Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network)..."Fisting [forcing one's entire hand into another person's rectum or vagina] often gets a bad rap....[It's] an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with...[and] to put you into an exploratory mode."

The above quotation comes from Massachusetts Department of Education employees describing the pleasures of homosexual sex to a group of high school students at a state-sponsored workshop on duringGLSEN-Boston's "TeachOut" Conference on March 25, 2000 held at Tufts University.

Children as young as 12 were instructed by adults (state employees!) how to perform a range of dangerous and perverted homosexual sex acts.

These included: homosexual oral sex techniques, inserting one’s entire hand in someone else’s rectum, sado-masochism techniques, girls using “dildos” and rubbing their sex organs together, and more.

GLSEN (and Kevin Jennings) did not disputethat the recordings were genuine or that the events did not take place as we described them. Instead, they tried to get a court to ban the tape and sue us. In fact, Jennings defended the event." The Fistgate incident

Kevin Jennings.....the best choice for guiding our children??? What would he have to have in his resume to be ineligible to be in charge of schools?

Oh...and Jennings has named as his hero..." “One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay,"
Read more at Safe schools chief praised child-sex promoter

"The reason Jennings’ critics want to make this connection is because Harry Hay was a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). NAMBLA is widely regarded as a front group for those with sexual interest in children and teens. Currently, NAMBLA has a feature on Hay linked on the front page of the website titled, “Harry Hay and the roots of the gay movement.” As these links document, Hay spoke at their conferences and supported their aims." Harry Hay NAMBLA and associations

Such is the insight you endorse when you pull the lever for Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats.
9. Well...in all frankness, even with the requisite 'due diligence,' voters cannot be expected to do the job that should have been done by the media......

This, from IBD...

" Obama doesn't talk much about his years at Columbia University and Harvard Law other than he attended both and was elected president of the Harvard Law Review. The reason may be his records at both were, to say the least, undistinguished.

According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated from Columbia in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors. What his grades were we do not know. As the New York Times reported, "Obama declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."

Seems like a job for those 30 people sent to Alaska to investigate Gov. Sarah Palin. "

Harvard Law School is hard to get into, with some 7,000 applicants vying for about 500 seats. The LSAT scores required are usually in the 98th or 99th percentile range with grade point averages between 3.80 and 3.95. If Obama's scores were that high, you'd think we'd know them. But we don't.

Obama waited five years to apply to Harvard. As WorldNetDaily reports, from 1985 to 1988, he worked for a subsidiary of the Chicago-based Gamaliel Foundation, founded on the principles of Saul "The Red" Alinsky. He worked as a consultant and trainer. On the board of Gamaliel sat Northwestern University professor John L. McKnight, a student of Alinsky's radical tactics. While at Gamaliel, McKnight became Obama's mentor in community organizing.

Obama may have had other help getting into Harvard. As we and others have reported, Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton said on a New York cable station that he was approached by Khalid al-Mansour, principle adviser to radical Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, to write a letter to Harvard on Obama's behalf. Both the Sutton family and the Obama campaign have denied the veracity of 88-year-old Sutton's statements. "
Obama s McKnight In Shining Armor - Investors.com

Had the press believed in full disclosure about Obama, one would like to believe America wouldn't have been saddled with this failure.
What we need are corporate schools. They would pay teachers about 10 grand per year and no bunnies. McDonald's for lunch to keep them fat and stupid. That way lazy CEOs(most all I can think of are lazy) will take the money and run run run. After all many conservatives don't believe one needs a college education to be successful. My governor was a college dropout.
I always wondered why, if we moan about how we are not doing as well as other countries like Japan and Germany and Finland in our test scores, why don't we set up our education system like they do? More hours, more days, tracking, testing only the top 40-30% who are in the college tracks.....all those things they do.
I disagree. Places like korea keep their kids in school, and then send them to "school after school", then homework until they go to sleep and start the cycle over again in 5 hrs. They rob their children of any childhood

You mean PROVIDE them with a solid future.
I always wondered why, if we moan about how we are not doing as well as other countries like Japan and Germany and Finland in our test scores, why don't we set up our education system like they do? More hours, more days, tracking, testing only the top 40-30% who are in the college tracks.....all those things they do.
I disagree. Places like korea keep their kids in school, and then send them to "school after school", then homework until they go to sleep and start the cycle over again in 5 hrs. They rob their children of any childhood

You mean PROVIDE them with a solid future.
No. I mean they steal their childhood by sending them to evening, for-profit, cram schools, after regular school, then they study when they come home so that they can work for a chaebol

What a wonderful childhood..... NOT!!

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I always wondered why, if we moan about how we are not doing as well as other countries like Japan and Germany and Finland in our test scores, why don't we set up our education system like they do? More hours, more days, tracking, testing only the top 40-30% who are in the college tracks.....all those things they do.
I disagree. Places like korea keep their kids in school, and then send them to "school after school", then homework until they go to sleep and start the cycle over again in 5 hrs. They rob their children of any childhood

You mean PROVIDE them with a solid future.
No. I mean they steal their childhood .....

I know what you mean. You are wrong, drama-dope.
I always wondered why, if we moan about how we are not doing as well as other countries like Japan and Germany and Finland in our test scores, why don't we set up our education system like they do? More hours, more days, tracking, testing only the top 40-30% who are in the college tracks.....all those things they do.
I disagree. Places like korea keep their kids in school, and then send them to "school after school", then homework until they go to sleep and start the cycle over again in 5 hrs. They rob their children of any childhood

You mean PROVIDE them with a solid future.
No. I mean they steal their childhood .....

I know what you mean. You are wrong, drama-dope.
How would you know froth boi? Am I just supposed to take your opinion for it. :lol:
I always wondered why, if we moan about how we are not doing as well as other countries like Japan and Germany and Finland in our test scores, why don't we set up our education system like they do? More hours, more days, tracking, testing only the top 40-30% who are in the college tracks.....all those things they do.
I disagree. Places like korea keep their kids in school, and then send them to "school after school", then homework until they go to sleep and start the cycle over again in 5 hrs. They rob their children of any childhood

You mean PROVIDE them with a solid future.
No. I mean they steal their childhood .....

I know what you mean. You are wrong, drama-dope.
How would you know.....

I would know from the dozens of older Korean people I know very well who grew up in just such a system and did not feel "robbed" of anything. I would know from the hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of Korean students I have worked with who have 'survived' such a life without undue trauma.

Want to shove that foot any deeper into your mouth, fool?
I disagree. Places like korea keep their kids in school, and then send them to "school after school", then homework until they go to sleep and start the cycle over again in 5 hrs. They rob their children of any childhood

You mean PROVIDE them with a solid future.
No. I mean they steal their childhood .....

I know what you mean. You are wrong, drama-dope.
How would you know.....

I would know from the dozens of older Korean people I know very well who grew up in just such a system and did not feel "robbed" of anything. I would know from the hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of Korean students I have worked with who have 'survived' such a life without undue trauma.

Want to shove that foot any deeper into your mouth, fool?
so you have unverified anecdotal evidence? :eusa_eh: That and $1.87 will get you a cup of coffee.
You mean PROVIDE them with a solid future.
No. I mean they steal their childhood .....

I know what you mean. You are wrong, drama-dope.
How would you know.....

I would know from the dozens of older Korean people I know very well who grew up in just such a system and did not feel "robbed" of anything. I would know from the hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of Korean students I have worked with who have 'survived' such a life without undue trauma.

Want to shove that foot any deeper into your mouth, fool?
so you have unverified anecdotal evidence?....

And you have absolutely nothing but ignorance.

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