Duggar admits to porn addiction.. being ‘unfaithful’ to wife: ‘I've been the biggest hypocrite ever

Naw. Josh did the community a service. Trustify and Ashley Madison have proven they can't be trusted to protect personal information . And well... Their customers rely on that security. Look for them to be out if business shortly.

There we go. Some praise for Duggar's adultery.
What's interesting about this exchange is that the Libs aren't interested in the high ranking military and government officials that have been compromised per CNN. Nope... Just that Josh Duggar may have even though it has not been confirmed.

I dont check CNN every second. Sounds like fun.


I didnt see anything. You got a link? Quick question. Did any of them preach about family values?
No just hack Libby web sites apparently.
So why are you so eager to have everyone stop talking about Duggars on a thread about Duggars?
I'm not. Just pointing out that like everything you loons go on and on about.

It's misleading and only partly true... and mostly your own elaboration of the facts.
Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path:

Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.

And his wife, for her part, certainly seemed to believe it:

And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.

But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.

But but but , he was washed in the blood of his jebus!!!
And he failed. And I think you fail daily as well.
Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path:

Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.

And his wife, for her part, certainly seemed to believe it:

And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.

But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.
I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you. :rolleyes:

Yo, you sound like a gay boy? Did I nail it?

You must love this fag photo!
View attachment 47863

Youre too stupid to have fun mocking. Serious question. Did you graduate from H.S. and if so who fixed your grades?

Yo, I was Valedictorian of my Class, now can you tell me your accomplishment?

LOL. C'est impossible. Valedictoran of the 8th grade graduating class of Podunk Swamp, Arkansas? BTW, neither valedictorian nor class are proper nouns; therefore, we don't capitalize them, unless you are beginning a sentence. Capisce?
There is nothing wrong with my integrity or intelligence, Bozo.

The fact that you HAVE no integrity, not a shred or a hint, might be a problem.

Your mind is warped, you are brainwashed by rightwing propaganda. You do not know how to think.

So fact is "rightwing propaganda?"

You do grasp that you're mentally ill, right?
Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path:

Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.

And his wife, for her part, certainly seemed to believe it:

And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.

But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.

Yo, I guess Anthony Weiner (Democrat N.Y.) was a bad influence on many people, including people outside of Politics!!!

View attachment 47828
When was Anthony Weiner a spokesman for the Family Research Council?

Yo, he was a Congressman, he spoke for thousands of people FOOL!

Duggars was not a congressman. He was a bible thumping hypocrite that represented GOP family values. Typical of the breed.

Yo, you are just stupid, and really can`t see the light! Please do not respond to me, I am not going to waste my time on stupidity! My time is valuable!!! What a waste!


Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path:

Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.

And his wife, for her part, certainly seemed to believe it:

And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.

But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.
I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you. :rolleyes:

Yo, you sound like a gay boy? Did I nail it?

You must love this fag photo!
View attachment 47863

Youre too stupid to have fun mocking. Serious question. Did you graduate from H.S. and if so who fixed your grades?

Yo, I was Valedictorian of my Class, now can you tell me your accomplishment?

LOL. C'est impossible. Valedictoran of the 8th grade graduating class of Podunk Swamp, Arkansas? BTW, neither valedictorian nor class are proper nouns; therefore, we don't capitalize them, unless you are beginning a sentence. Capisce?

Yo, how about kissing my ass? Capisce?

There is nothing wrong with my integrity or intelligence, Bozo.

The fact that you HAVE no integrity, not a shred or a hint, might be a problem.

Your mind is warped, you are brainwashed by rightwing propaganda. You do not know how to think.

So fact is "rightwing propaganda?"

You do grasp that you're mentally ill, right?
LMAO yet more irony. You are brainwashed by rightwing propaganda. You do not believe in fact. You believe what the rightwing propaganda tells you, which is pretty much all lies. You are pathetic.
I guess since Clinton did pay anyone to cheat its worse. No contribution to the economy.
How do you know? He like to visit pedophiles island after all.

Tabloid bullshit.

Tabloid? ROFLMNAO!

It's common knowledge. Clinton is close friends with Jeff Epstein, notorious pedophile. Clinton's frequent visits to Pedophile Island is not even a debatable point.

If ya need a link, you can try this from NewsWeek...

Clinton up to his ass in Child Poon!
You are pathetic. No one with any brains at all believes this crap. Common knowledge? Seriously? What a fool you are.

It's common knowledge that what you are saying is truth is actually a whole lot of rightwing propaganda and lies that only fools who lack discernment and have poor critical thinking skills actually believe. Poor pathetic you.


The coolest thing about non-debatable points, is how the lowest common denominators LOVE to try and debate 'em.

Clinton's infamous reputation is littered with his desire for young women. A desire which inevitably comes with the need for younger and younger victims, where one is saddled with celebrity.

Gee, how is it that the guy who fancies himself an expert on Nature seems to have trouble understanding why older men are attracted younger women?
I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you. :rolleyes:

Yo, you sound like a gay boy? Did I nail it?

You must love this fag photo!
View attachment 47863

Youre too stupid to have fun mocking. Serious question. Did you graduate from H.S. and if so who fixed your grades?

Yo, I was Valedictorian of my Class, now can you tell me your accomplishment?

LOL. C'est impossible. Valedictoran of the 8th grade graduating class of Podunk Swamp, Arkansas? BTW, neither valedictorian nor class are proper nouns; therefore, we don't capitalize them, unless you are beginning a sentence. Capisce?

Yo, how about kissing my ass? Capisce?

View attachment 47873
Seriously: you are trying to say you were valedictorian, and yet you are unaware that only proper nouns are capitalized? That's like second grade information man. Give it up.
Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path:

Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.

And his wife, for her part, certainly seemed to believe it:

And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.

But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.

But but but , he was washed in the blood of his jebus!!!
And he failed. And I think you fail daily as well.
As do you. :)
Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path:

Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.

And his wife, for her part, certainly seemed to believe it:

And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.

But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.
I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you. :rolleyes:

Yo, you sound like a gay boy? Did I nail it?

You must love this fag photo!
View attachment 47863

Youre too stupid to have fun mocking. Serious question. Did you graduate from H.S. and if so who fixed your grades?

Yo, I was Valedictorian of my Class, now can you tell me your accomplishment?


Well, now we know where the 'dick' in 'valedictorian' came from .
Yo, you sound like a gay boy? Did I nail it?

You must love this fag photo!
View attachment 47863

Youre too stupid to have fun mocking. Serious question. Did you graduate from H.S. and if so who fixed your grades?

Yo, I was Valedictorian of my Class, now can you tell me your accomplishment?

LOL. C'est impossible. Valedictoran of the 8th grade graduating class of Podunk Swamp, Arkansas? BTW, neither valedictorian nor class are proper nouns; therefore, we don't capitalize them, unless you are beginning a sentence. Capisce?

Yo, how about kissing my ass? Capisce?

View attachment 47873
Seriously: you are trying to say you were valedictorian, and yet you are unaware that only proper nouns are capitalized? That's like second grade information man. Give it up.

Actually what he really got was a participation trophy for trying to be valedictorian.
Can't say I give a shit and can't figure out why anyone else would.

No one cares what shits you give. The point is this guy had the nerve to preach about immorality and had not one but two accounts paying someone to find a partner to cheat on his wife with.

"The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, I was hiding my own personal failings."
Unless someone is a total sociopath it's possible to know what is morally right even if they're not practicing it.

Would you rather have drug counseling from someone like Mr Rogers or somebody that has actually overcome drug addiction?
Mr Rogers!!! I don't want to be counseled by someone who FAILED!
Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path:

Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.

And his wife, for her part, certainly seemed to believe it:

And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.

But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.

But but but , he was washed in the blood of his jebus!!!
And he failed. And I think you fail daily as well.
As do you. :)
Indeed, we all do. But me a little less.
How do you know? He like to visit pedophiles island after all.

Tabloid bullshit.

Tabloid? ROFLMNAO!

It's common knowledge. Clinton is close friends with Jeff Epstein, notorious pedophile. Clinton's frequent visits to Pedophile Island is not even a debatable point.

If ya need a link, you can try this from NewsWeek...

Clinton up to his ass in Child Poon!
You are pathetic. No one with any brains at all believes this crap. Common knowledge? Seriously? What a fool you are.

It's common knowledge that what you are saying is truth is actually a whole lot of rightwing propaganda and lies that only fools who lack discernment and have poor critical thinking skills actually believe. Poor pathetic you.


The coolest thing about non-debatable points, is how the lowest common denominators LOVE to try and debate 'em.

Clinton's infamous reputation is littered with his desire for young women. A desire which inevitably comes with the need for younger and younger victims, where one is saddled with celebrity.
It's really sad, actually, that you are so misguided and lacking in critical thinking skills that you actually belive the BS your rightwing blogs tell you. The entire world, except poor fools like you, knows that Clinton is not a pedophile or a rapist or a murderer or goes after 16 year old slave girls. It's all rightwing propaganda. People who swallow propaganda are people who don't know how to think. That's you buddy. And I feel sorry for you. Sad, really sad.

Yeah, and everything Planned Parenthood says is DA TROOF!

Lololol....You're a lemming.
Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path:

Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.

And his wife, for her part, certainly seemed to believe it:

And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.

But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.
I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you. :rolleyes:

Yo, you sound like a gay boy? Did I nail it?

You must love this fag photo!
View attachment 47863

Youre too stupid to have fun mocking. Serious question. Did you graduate from H.S. and if so who fixed your grades?

Yo, I was Valedictorian of my Class, now can you tell me your accomplishment?

LOL. C'est impossible. Valedictoran of the 8th grade graduating class of Podunk Swamp, Arkansas? BTW, neither valedictorian nor class are proper nouns; therefore, we don't capitalize them, unless you are beginning a sentence. Capisce?

Valedictorian would also be capitalized if used as a title :)
Josh, at least, does not have to kneel over a freshly dug grave under the full moon and have his throat cut from ear to ear, and have the smoke of his blood rise like incense to the Heavens to obtain forgiveness.

Look up 'blood atonement' and 'bowie knives' and 'Brigham Young' together.
There we go. Some praise for Duggar's adultery.
What's interesting about this exchange is that the Libs aren't interested in the high ranking military and government officials that have been compromised per CNN. Nope... Just that Josh Duggar may have even though it has not been confirmed.

I dont check CNN every second. Sounds like fun.


I didnt see anything. You got a link? Quick question. Did any of them preach about family values?
No just hack Libby web sites apparently.
So why are you so eager to have everyone stop talking about Duggars on a thread about Duggars?
I'm not. Just pointing out that like everything you loons go on and on about.

It's misleading and only partly true... and mostly your own elaboration of the facts.

How can it be misleading and partly true when he decided to start damage control and admitted to it?
I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you. :rolleyes:

Yo, you sound like a gay boy? Did I nail it?

You must love this fag photo!
View attachment 47863

Youre too stupid to have fun mocking. Serious question. Did you graduate from H.S. and if so who fixed your grades?

Yo, I was Valedictorian of my Class, now can you tell me your accomplishment?

LOL. C'est impossible. Valedictoran of the 8th grade graduating class of Podunk Swamp, Arkansas? BTW, neither valedictorian nor class are proper nouns; therefore, we don't capitalize them, unless you are beginning a sentence. Capisce?

Valedictorian would also be capitalized if used as a title :)


And btw it would be a semi-colon after Class in his statement, not a comma.
Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path:

Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.

And his wife, for her part, certainly seemed to believe it:

And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.

But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.
I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you. :rolleyes:

Yo, you sound like a gay boy? Did I nail it?

You must love this fag photo!
View attachment 47863

Youre too stupid to have fun mocking. Serious question. Did you graduate from H.S. and if so who fixed your grades?

Yo, I was Valedictorian of my Class, now can you tell me your accomplishment?


Well, now we know where the 'dick' in 'valedictorian' came from .

Yo, Dick`s stay together I notice!


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