Dum Dum Donnie Gets the Wrong People Mad At Him

Juan de Fuca

Gold Member
May 24, 2016
LOL, Imagine being banned from a country where your new 57 floor hotel is sitting and imagine all the government interference you just inherited for your stupidity. What a maroon Trump is showing himself to be.

"Donald Trump is now saying that the Philippines is a ā€œterrorist nation.ā€

During one of his anti-immigration rallies in Portland, Maine, the Republican nominee listed the country as one of several that shouldnā€™t be allowed to come into the United States.

ā€œWe are letting people come in from terrorist nations that shouldnā€™t be allowed because you canā€™t vet them. You have no idea who they are. This could be the great Trojan horse of all time.ā€

Among the countries he labeled as ā€œterrorist nationsā€ are Afghanistan, Iraq, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.

Following his comments, Congressman Joey Sarte Salceda filed a motion in Manilaā€™s House of Representatives to ban Trump from ever coming to the island again.

Per the resolution:

ā€œThere is no feasible basis or reasonable justification to the wholesale labeling of Filipinos as coming from a ā€˜terrorist stateā€™ or they will be a Trojan horse. This comes from a long line of pronouncements where he has demonstrated an unrepentantly negative, dysfunctionally nativist, aggressively adversarial attitude towards immigrants in the U.S. where he aspires to be the leader.ā€

While Trump appears to take a harsh tone on the Philippines, it should be noted that he has a major real estate investment in the country, and has even praised the island as one of Asiaā€™s best places.

ā€œIā€™ve always loved the Philippines. I think it is just a special place, and Manila is one of Asiaā€™s most spectacular cities. I know that this project (Trump Tower, a 57-storey luxury apartment which is expected to be completed this year) will be second to none.ā€

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