Dumb White Guy Slaps the Wrong Woman

Why was the judge following him? According to the article, he was walking away from her and she was the one who wasn't letting it go. Sounds to me like she was looking for a fight. How do we know she didn't grab his arm to keep him there? How do we know SHE didn't spit on HIM? Too many unanswered questions and too much assuming.

She was following him because he spit on her dummy. Did you read the article? She is a judge.You dont do that and get away with it. I'm going to believe a judge everyday over a racist.
If the business owner was black, and the judge was white, would you be so quick to believe her? Be honest.

Sure I would. I am not a racist like you! I am not a teaper, I believe in law and order and respect authority. One day you will learn...it is you that brings up race at every turn and it is you that lets race determine your decision making process.
Hey stupid, did you read the OP? What's the thread title, idiot?

"White" in the title is a clear warning that the incident occurred because of a racist attack. If the guy had not called her Rosa Park I would not have included white in the title. You dont like then you need to complain to the racist that attacked the elderly Black woman.
Why was the judge following him? According to the article, he was walking away from her and she was the one who wasn't letting it go. Sounds to me like she was looking for a fight. How do we know she didn't grab his arm to keep him there? How do we know SHE didn't spit on HIM? Too many unanswered questions and too much assuming.

She was following him because he spit on her dummy. Did you read the article? She is a judge.You dont do that and get away with it. I'm going to believe a judge everyday over a racist.
I really don't give a fuck WHAT you believe. Your opinion is not important to me or anyone else.
Sure I would. I am not a racist like you! I am not a teaper, I believe in law and order and respect authority. One day you will learn...it is you that brings up race at every turn and it is you that lets race determine your decision making process.
Hey stupid, did you read the OP? What's the thread title, idiot?

Oh, I see..so you think the lady is a liar because she is black and you blindly support the accused because he is white. Makes sense now.
I guess you're just too fucking stupid to understand what I said.
Hey stupid, did you read the OP? What's the thread title, idiot?

Oh, I see..so you think the lady is a liar because she is black and you blindly support the accused because he is white. Makes sense now.
I guess you're just too fucking stupid to understand what I said.

Notice how he didn't respond to the answer, which I quoted from the article. Instead he went with the insults and personal attacks...I guess because he was just owned by a black guy.

Racist teapers are fucking hilarious!
Why was the judge following him? According to the article, he was walking away from her and she was the one who wasn't letting it go. Sounds to me like she was looking for a fight. How do we know she didn't grab his arm to keep him there? How do we know SHE didn't spit on HIM? Too many unanswered questions and too much assuming.

She was following him because he spit on her dummy. Did you read the article? She is a judge.You dont do that and get away with it. I'm going to believe a judge everyday over a racist.
I really don't give a fuck WHAT you believe. Your opinion is not important to me or anyone else.

Her opinion is more important. Thats why he was handed a 90K bond and spent some time getting arrested. If you dont give a fuck why are you on the thread?
Oh, I see..so you think the lady is a liar because she is black and you blindly support the accused because he is white. Makes sense now.
I guess you're just too fucking stupid to understand what I said.

Notice how he didn't respond to the answer, which I quoted from the article. Instead he went with the insults and personal attacks...I guess because he was just owned by a black guy.

Racist teapers are fucking hilarious!

SJ cant think quickly enough to formulate a coherent argument. All he sees is white guy gets arrested for slapping Black woman and his reaction is the judge is lying.:lol:
The police should have beat him senseless and claimed he was resisting arrest.

The police do that all the time anyway

They dont usually get the right ones. Dicks that hit women and molest children should be placed in a downtown park chained to a light post and it should be legal for any and everyone to get 2 solid punches in.
So I come in to this thread and read a few pages and all I see are the usual race pimps pointing fingers at anyone and everyone and call them a racist practically. Some of you Pimps must dream this shit due to your obsession.
Better pimp it while you can. I posted a new study today and poll out that shows the younger generation of Democrats don't buy in to the racist boogeyman line.. I've been saying this for a long time..My generation doesn't think like you old slugs who want to keep division alive.. Good riddance to all of you Old fucking pimp fossils.
Again, you have the guy tried, convicted, and sentenced, based on this one article BEFORE any hearings, pleas, testimonies, anything. Your comments are also biased and misleading.

No one said anything happened because "he looked at her funny", yet you're implying that.

You don't KNOW that he referenced Rosa Parks. You left out the word "allegedly".

You don't KNOW that he spat in her face. You left out the word "allegedly" again. That "spitting" accusation is a pretty common charge by people trying to make a case for racism and it's something that is rarely proven, if ever. I would think you would want to see some DNA proof before you just accept it (and a judge would know to collect it). Nah, you're too wise for that, you just instinctively know he did that, right? You don't seem to require any proof of any kind.

I didn't see any quotes from witnesses, did you?

You actually don't know a fucking thing about the incident, other than what the article said, yet you made a judgment. You, sir, should NEVER serve on a jury.

So, you're bent because I have an opinion about something?

Get over it.
No, just pointing out your prejudice and stupidity.

» High School Blocks Access to Conservative, Pro-Gun ? But Not Liberal ? Web Sites Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A Connecticut high school student discovered that his school’s web filters block access to conservative, libertarian and pro-gun web sites but will allow students to view sites supporting gun control, abortion and the Democratic Party.

Nonnewaug High School’s SonicWALL Internet filters restrict access to web sites for the National Association for Gun Rights, the Connecticut GOP, RedState and even Townhall.

On the other hand, students are free to access the home pages of Moms Demand Action, Planned Parenthood, the Connecticut Democrat Party and the official site of Hillary Clinton.

“I used my study hall to research gun control facts and statistics. That is when I noticed that most of the pro-Second Amendment websites were blocked, while the sites that were in favor of gun control generally were not,” Andrew Lampart told Campus Reform.

Yeah, Obama's gestapo is out in force in America today. The question is for how long.

So, you can immediately surmise from this thread that Obama was responsible for blocking school websites?


You just outed yourself as a hypocrite.

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So, you're bent because I have an opinion about something?

Get over it.
No, just pointing out your prejudice and stupidity.

Yeah, Obama's gestapo is out in force in America today. The question is for how long.

So, you can immediately surmise from this thread that Obama was responsible for blocking school websites?

You just outed yourself as a hypocrite.


He is absolutely ridiculous. :lol:
So, you're bent because I have an opinion about something?

Get over it.
No, just pointing out your prejudice and stupidity.

Yeah, Obama's gestapo is out in force in America today. The question is for how long.

So, you can immediately surmise from this thread that Obama was responsible for blocking school websites?


You just outed yourself as a hypocrite.

I suggest you look up the word "hypocrite", dumbass. No wonder you're a cab driver.
No, just pointing out your prejudice and stupidity.

Yeah, Obama's gestapo is out in force in America today. The question is for how long.

So, you can immediately surmise from this thread that Obama was responsible for blocking school websites?


You just outed yourself as a hypocrite.

I suggest you look up the word "hypocrite", dumbass. No wonder you're a cab driver.

No, that's the right word.

a person who indulges in hypocrisy.

That would be YOU.

I drive a cab because it enables me to slip off the grid and fight the good fight in secrecy.

So, you can immediately surmise from this thread that Obama was responsible for blocking school websites?


You just outed yourself as a hypocrite.

I suggest you look up the word "hypocrite", dumbass. No wonder you're a cab driver.

No, that's the right word.

a person who indulges in hypocrisy.

That would be YOU.

I drive a cab because it enables me to slip off the grid and fight the good fight in secrecy.

You drive a cab because you're an idiot. No offense.

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