Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

There was no conflict of interest. It was Durham who was doing his best to invent a conflict of interest;
Both Sussmann's September 2016 meeting with the FBI and the February 2017 meeting with the CIA centered on suspicions developed by cybersecurity researchers who specialize in sifting DNS data in search of hacking, botnets and other threats.
A military research organization had asked Georgia Tech researchers to help scrutinize a 2015 Russian malware attack on the White House's network. After it emerged that Russia had hacked Democrats, they began hunting for signs of other Russian activity targeting people or organizations related to the election, using data provided by Neustar.
Sussmann's meeting with the FBI involved odd data the researchers said might indicate communications between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, a Kremlin-linked institution. The FBI dismissed suspicions of a secret communications channel as unfounded. In the indictment of Sussmann, Durham insinuated that the researchers did not believe what they were saying. But lawyers for the researchers said that was false and that their clients believed their analysis.
The meeting with the CIA involved odd data the researchers said indicated there had been communications with Yota servers in Russia coming from networks serving the White House; Trump Tower; Trump's Central Park West apartment building; and Spectrum Health, a Michigan hospital company that also played a role in the Alfa Bank matter. The researchers also collaborated on that issue, according to Westby and Rasch, and Dagon had prepared a "white paper" explaining the analysis, which Sussmann later took to the CIA.
Durham's filing is bull shit;
Durham's filing cast doubt on the researchers' suggestion that interactions between devices in the United States and Yota servers were inherently suspicious, saying that there were more than 3 million such DNS logs from 2014-17 — and that such logs from the White House dated back at least that long.
But Westby and Rasch reiterated that YotaPhones are extremely rare in the United States and portrayed 3 million DNS logs over three years as "paltry and small relative to the billions and billions" of logs associated with common devices such as iPhones.
"Yota lookups are extremely concerning if they emanate from sensitive networks that require protection, such as government networks or people running for federal office," they said.
If the jury finds otherwise will you leave this site forever? Yes or no? Also please post your law credentials as Durham clearly disagrees. Thanks in advance.
Many times in that hearing, that is exactly what he was saying. When asked if Trump could be charged, the answer was yes.

You mean the process charge of obstruction of justice? LOL...yeah, not Russian collusion, which was the primary objective of the investigation.

You are conflating two completely different things. The obstruction charge would have never even been on the table without the investigation. They gotta get him for something, right?
Durham also revealed how Sussman’s own billing records show he “repeatedly” billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the “Russian Bank-1” allegations.

Those allegations were "investigated" by a tech executive who was promised a high profile position in the new Clinton administration if he could help to provide dirt which he mined from surveilling Trump tower. God you guys are hopelessly ignorant.
If you read post#1467, that article clears up all discrepancies and misunderstandings, if one is cognitive, and understands context. What went on in this filing was complex, but difficult to understand, no.
Exactly! If he were to read the article I posted, the billing would make sense. Without sifting through the whole investigation, and just making up what you want to make up, and editing what you want edited, you could could change a Rhino into an Elephant with made up bs.
Durham also revealed how Sussman’s own billing records show he “repeatedly” billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the “Russian Bank-1” allegations.

Those allegations were "investigated" by a tech executive who was promised a high profile position in the new Clinton administration if he could help to provide dirt which he mined from surveilling Trump tower. God you guys are hopelessly ignorant.
That's an absolute lie. The Durham filing says no such thing. Dude, you're a fucking liar.
Special Counsel John Durham released a new filing Friday that says the Clinton campaign paid a tech firm that “exploited” access to the servers at Trump Tower and later at the White House in an attempt to link former President Donald Trump to Russia.

Kash Patel, the former chief investigator of the Trump-Russia probe for the House Intelligence Committee, said the filing “definitively shows the Hillary Clinton campaign directly funded and ordered its lawyers at Perkins Coie to orchestrate a criminal enterprise to fabricate a connection between President Trump and Russia,”

Maybe you need to look up the definition of spying.
Show us the link from where that came, then we will know what a bull shitting liar you are.
"Process charge"

Meaningless babble.

It's actually a serious felony.

Process charge refers to a charge that was born from the process of an investigation. You don't have a process crime without an investigation. A process charge has nothing to do with the original investigation, which in this case was about colluding with Russia. The President, however, is in quite a unique position with regards to the release of certain information, so "obstruction" is certainly something that could any President could be charged with dependent upon what information was requested. Whether or not those charges would result in prosecution is another story.
Show us the link from where that came, then we will know what a bull shitting liar you are.

You guys now that Kash Patel, is the former aide to Devin Nunes who wrote the Nunes Memo, yes?

This is not an impartial source. Patel has been lamenting about how unfair everyone has been to Trump for half a decade.
Not a bit of evidence in any of that. There's speculation about intent and what was in the President's mind but no evidence to back up any of it. Since the President knew he had not broken any campaign laws, knew he had not colluded with the Russians, it is neither supported or reasonable to assume he had any intent to cover up anything. What he wanted to do was get these unwarranted distractions out of the way so he could get on with the business of running the nation as he was elected to do.
Quite the contrary. Mueller said in his own words that Trump could be prosecuted after he left office.
Process charge refers to a charge that was born from the process of an investigation. You don't have a process crime without an investigation. A process charge has nothing to do with the original investigation, which in this case was about colluding with Russia. The President, however, is in quite a unique position with regards to the release of certain information, so "obstruction" is certainly something that could any President could be charged with dependent upon what information was requested. Whether or not those charges would result in prosecution is another story.

Ordering the special counsel investigating you to be fired.....then lying about ordering the special counsel to be fired.....then ordering your Chief Counsel to create fraudulent documents about it to throw off investigators.....

....is not something every President could be charged with.
Or maybe Democrats made sure that the election rules were changed, under the premise that the changes were necessary due to the pandemic, in order to enable voter fraud that wasn't easily proven? Weird, they want to keep the same rules going forward. Deep down, even Democratic voters know that the mass mail-in system is ripe for fraud, but they don't care because they believe it will help their cause. They are likely correct being that the Democratic Party is the party of felons and anti-Americans who couldn't care less about election integrity nor the damage done to our country and our democracy. Preserving their ideology is paramount to everything, including the survival of our country. Educational indoctrination works and is coming to fruition, unfortunately.

Nobody in their right mind would argue which party is the party of entitlement. Democrats want government to protect them from cradle to grave on somebody else's dime. That is rather obvious.
More lies.
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And that is all I am asking. You're asking me to answer for other in this thread. That doesn't make any sense. You cannot answer one simple question but it is a critical one and this is why Durham has a case potentially.

More accurately, you jumped into the middle of a conversation that didn't involve you.....and then demanded that I change the topic.

The Clinton campaign most certainly paid for information. I mean seriously, where do you people get your information?
You have produced zero evidence of that. You really are a pos liar.

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