Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

That was a decade ago. You can do better than that.

I just want to get this straight, freezing the bank accounts of peaceful protesters should become the norm? Be careful as it is your side that is much more prone to "peaceful" protests.
The norm is beating the shit out of peaceful protestors who are obstructing roadways.

Freezing the bank accounts is kid gloves.

If the police wanted to clear up any of these unlawful and costly protests, they could. They just have to do what they routinely do to left wing protestors.

Tell them that they’re not allowed to be there (they aren’t). Tell them they have till whatever time to leave (generous). If they don’t leave, then they’re in violation of a lawful order from police. We all know what happens to other people when they don’t comply with police. They get their asses beat by cops and the right wing cheers.
For starters, you are just flat out wrong. Straight from the horse's mouth.
You’ll notice that the other poster was speaking of obstruction and you changed the subject to collusion.

Pretty sneaky and rather dishonest.
You’ll notice that the other poster was speaking of obstruction and you changed the subject to collusion.

Pretty sneaky and rather dishonest.

Obstruction is a process crime. Try to keep up. Obstruction is also a different ballgame when it comes to the President.

The point is that Russian collusion was a fake narrative. Some people still buy it to this day and they conflate Mueller stating that he would charge Trump with obstruction if he could with collusion. These are two totally different things, but the MSM has intentionally conflated them to paint a false narrative.
Mueller stated that there was insufficient evidence of Obstruction of Justice?

Mueller never said this. I think you're quoting your imaginary Mueller Report, and not the real one.

Try again. Might I suggest page 182 for a crash course on why you have no idea what you're talking about.

Who cares? Obstruction is a process crime and a sitting US President has a right to privacy with regards to interactions that are not afforded to you and me. The witch-hunt that was supposed to get Trump on collusion resorted to indicating obstruction when Trump wouldn't reveal all of his contacts. They had to find something so I guess a process crime would do. Many Democrats still believe the collusion narrative.
Not a bit of evidence in any of that. There's speculation about intent and what was in the President's mind but no evidence to back up any of it. Since the President knew he had not broken any campaign laws, knew he had not colluded with the Russians, it is neither supported or reasonable to assume he had any intent to cover up anything. What he wanted to do was get these unwarranted distractions out of the way so he could get on with the business of running the nation as he was elected to do.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt with you clowns is there.

You forget that the entire world read Trump's twitter feed, threatening witnesses and their families, as they testified, dangling pardons for those who remained "loyal" and didn't "rat him out", and all of the other very public and very illegal things we watched Trump do on television every day for four years.

President Trump didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and didn't care whether he broke the law or not. Your abject willingness to overlook all of his criminal behaviour makes me question your sanity, if your actually believe the horseshit you just posted, or your patriotism, because you cannot believe in the Constitution and think that Trump is anything but a uspurper.
Special Counsel John Durham released a new filing Friday that says the Clinton campaign paid a tech firm that “exploited” access to the servers at Trump Tower and later at the White House in an attempt to link former President Donald Trump to Russia.

Kash Patel, the former chief investigator of the Trump-Russia probe for the House Intelligence Committee, said the filing “definitively shows the Hillary Clinton campaign directly funded and ordered its lawyers at Perkins Coie to orchestrate a criminal enterprise to fabricate a connection between President Trump and Russia,”

Maybe you need to look up the definition of spying.
You're quoting Kash fucking Patel doofus

He's a Trump lackey

That is NOT what Durham's filing said
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The point is that Russian collusion was a fake narrative. Some people still buy it to this day and they conflate Mueller stating that he would charge Trump with obstruction if he could with collusion.
There is no statutory crime called "collusion".

Obstruction of an official investigation IS a crime but one Mueller said could not be charged of a sitting President.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt with you clowns is there.

You forget that the entire world read Trump's twitter feed, threatening witnesses and their families, as they testified, dangling pardons for those who remained "loyal" and didn't "rat him out", and all of the other very public and very illegal things we watched Trump do on television every day for four years.

President Trump didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and didn't care whether he broke the law or not. Your abject willingness to overlook all of his criminal behaviour makes me question your sanity, if your actually believe the horseshit you just posted, or your patriotism, because you cannot believe in the Constitution and think that Trump is anything but a uspurper.
You know what, Dragonlady? For the better part of four YEARS you came on here and talked about Trump's shady deals with Russia...buying into the bullshit that the Clinton Campaign fed the American people...and now that the whole sleazy scam has been exposed...you're STILL here claiming that Trump broke the law!
Newsflash!!! The people that broke the law...over and over again...were working for the Clinton Campaign! Hillary Clinton is FAR worse than Richard Nixon ever DREAMED of being when it comes to running a dirty campaign!

Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

12 Feb 2022 ~~ By Cristina Laila
A new filing from Special Counsel John Durham reveals Perkins Coie allies connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spied on Trump’s internet traffic – WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.
As previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was indicted last September for lying to the FBI.

More from Techno Fog on Durham’s new filing:

There is substantial evidence that Perkins Coie has been used by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats to fix and obfuscate DNC illegal actions dating back decades.
Is anybody actually shocked by this? This is what lying, corruption, seditious and traitorous actors do when they know they rarely face any consequences.
The entire federal system has been subverted to work exclusively for the PM/DSA Democrat Commie minions.
Our judiciary has become a coin toss- tails they win and heads we lose
Identifying Perkins Coie LLC as a den of Democrat Socialist Marxist activists is an understatement. It's common knowledge that Soros has given the group millions.
Sussman and Elias are not the only members of Perkins Coie that has been involved in the corrupt actions of Perkins Coie. It's the whole group of attorneys.
Simply, all the proof and documentation in the world exposing PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist scheming, lying, cheating, just does not matter. Democrats are above the law...it's been proven over and over.


Throw Hillary and Donald Trump, both, in jail.
Put them both in the same cell. Hillary will be the dominant one. Trump is a woos.
You know what, Dragonlady? For the better part of four YEARS you came on here and talked about Trump's shady deals with Russia...buying into the bullshit that the Clinton Campaign fed the American people...and now that the whole sleazy scam has been exposed...you're STILL here claiming that Trump broke the law!
Newsflash!!! The people that broke the law...over and over again...were working for the Clinton Campaign! Hillary Clinton is FAR worse than Richard Nixon ever DREAMED of being when it comes to running a dirty campaign!

No sleazy scam has been exposed other than the scam that Donald Trump has perpetrated upon the stupid and the gullible.

If this scheme has "all come crashing down", why is the only person facing charges someone who wasn't even assigned to or working with the Clinton Campaign? He's simply a lawyer working in the same law firm as the DNC Campaign lawyers. And the ONLY thing he's been charged with is lying to the FBI about who the client was that provided him with the information. Hint: It wasn't the DNC.

Dunham only charged this guy because the statute of limitations was running out and he had NOTHING else. And you gullible fools have been trying to make a mountain out of this particular mole hill since the day Dunham filed this charge.
No sleazy scam has been exposed other than the scam that Donald Trump has perpetrated upon the stupid and the gullible.

If this scheme has "all come crashing down", why is the only person facing charges someone who wasn't even assigned to or working with the Clinton Campaign? He's simply a lawyer working in the same law firm as the DNC Campaign lawyers. And the ONLY thing he's been charged with is lying to the FBI about who the client was that provided him with the information. Hint: It wasn't the DNC.

Dunham only charged this guy because the statute of limitations was running out and he had NOTHING else. And you gullible fools have been trying to make a mountain out of this particular mole hill since the day Dunham filed this charge.
Show me all the cases for the Logan Act..........I'll be waiting.

Because you don't have legitimate complaints. You have the garbage people toss around on the internet where anything is believable. You don't hav any kind of evidence that would hold up in a court of law.
But it's quite the opposite. It is your side who has no legitimate complaints that are reliable, and strong enough to stand up to the legal, court system.

Trump's means of pure lawlessness with this continuing ruse of his that has failed...and will continue to fail, (with the good Lord's help!)

If we are right, and all evidence continues to prove we are right, then the former President Trump is an awful, awful, awful person...a traitor to this nation to commit this ruse, the way we are finding out, he did.

He is a man or the man, of Lawlessness and selfish, evil to his very core.

You've been had, by the greatest con artist alive. Time to wake up! And choose our Country first, and not a mere man of perdition.
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Obstruction is a process crime. Try to keep up. Obstruction is also a different ballgame when it comes to the President.

The point is that Russian collusion was a fake narrative. Some people still buy it to this day and they conflate Mueller stating that he would charge Trump with obstruction if he could with collusion. These are two totally different things, but the MSM has intentionally conflated them to paint a false narrative.
I’m well caught up. You substituted the subject of discussion for a different subject. Obstruction and collision are two separate issues and discussed separately in the report.

Some people believe that Trump’s campaign never met with Russians. We know that was a lie because of the investigation. Some people Russia didn’t hack the DNC based on a fake narrative. We know that was a lie too because of the same investigation.

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