Durham report released

This story in a nutshell.

One person found guilty and sentenced to Community Service.

Two No Guilty verdicts.


Duharm set to create the investigation that the Rapist and Traitor wanted. Butt Boy Billy Barr appointed a person to do exactly that. The Duharm report was written for those pitiful individuals who wanted a report written that would fulfill their already preconceived ideas of what they wanted to hear.

The Duham flies in face of 2019 Inspector General's Reports AND the conclusions of 15-U.S. Intelligence Agencies that agree Russia interfered in the 2016.

But this is report the MAGA MAGGOTS wanted to see. Mainly because it says what they as a group want to say.

This is the reality they want to believe. It does not matter that the report is so many holes it that you mistake it for a slice of Swiss Cheese. This report is what MAGA MAGGOTS want to hang their hat on.
and we mustn't forget the 'little' ones that worked behind the scenes helping with this charade...and this means YOU MARK WARNER.

Your issue is FBI/DOJ didn't find evidence of criminal actions involving Trump/Russia.....you know, where the rubber meets the road.........:biggrin:

Second place trophy for the A-holeic.
No, you don't get to move the goalposts. Giving Russian intelligence campaign data so that they can target specific voting areas in the U.S. through social media is not criminal, but it is definitely collusion.

Wow, you lose again! Getting used to it?
Another black eye for the FBI

Lol..Durham was a failure but the cult must try to mak something of it.

What a joke. Will they be arresting Obama, Clintons, FBI and Soros like the right promised or will they be cherry picking out of context snippets to support a false narrative?
It was an insurrection against a duly elected President, what you would expect in a banana republic, as Biden welcomes in millions of turd-world people to ensure our status as a banana republic is locked in.

And liars like Adam Schiff should be shot.
The now persistent unremarkable thing is the dastardly
and everyday experience average normal,sane and
good americans are forced to deal with.That we have a
corrupted Legacy media in virtual cahoots with lying
cheating Agencies at the behest of One Party.
A beast of a behest.Like learning to take orders from
and follow the lead of some Political Godzilla.
: Special Counsel John Durham found that the Department of Justice and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation."

No surprise to anyone except the liars and the ignorami amongst us.
There is absolutely no reason to trust our government.

Four years of investigation and only one measly anemic talking point is all you have?

Hardly enough to support a thread.
"Durham's report "does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies that the Department and the FBI now have in place to ensure proper conduct and accountability in how counterintelligence activities are carried out."

I suppose that means that nothing illegal was done, or at least can be proved in a court of law. What it really means is that we had a bunch of unethical rat bastards in the DOJ and FBI that used their positions to further their own political ends and that of the democratic party. Honor, integrity, and scruples meant nothing to them, and I doubt that will change any time soon. IMHO the faces and names may change, but the misconduct won't cuz it's too intrenched.
Except the report doesn’t say that at all, liar.
This was investigated for over 5 years. Unbelievable.
It is unbelievable.

And despite years of claiming this was the big one. This was going to bring down the deep state. Democrats from the highest levels will jailed away to gitmo for treason...and they essentially got nothing.

Cults can't accept failure or being wrong so now they will make up conspiracies about cherry picked parts of the report to make themselves feel better.

It's sad to watch actually.

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