Durham report released

The only people who actually colluded with Russia were on the Trump campaign team.

Don Jr. also tried to collude with Russia, but he bungled it, because that's the kind of idiot he is.


In addition to the Russian infiltration of DNC and DCCC computer systems, between March and August 2016, the FBI became aware of numerous attempts to hack into state election systems. These included confirmed access into elements of multiple state or local electoral boards using tactics, techniques, and procedures associated with Russian state-sponsored actors. 163 The FBI learned that Russian efforts also included cyber-enabled scanning and probing of election related infrastructure in several states.

It was in this context that the FBI received information on July 28, 2016, about a conversation between Papadopoulos and an official of a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) in May 2016 during which Papadopoulos "suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion" from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to candidate Clinton and President Obama. As described below, the FBI opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation 3 days after receiving this information.
Separately, on August 2, 2016, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort met in New York City with his long-time business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik requested the meeting to deliver in person a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort acknowledged to the Special Counsel’s Office was a “backdoor” way for Russia to control part of eastern Ukraine; both men believed the plan would require candidate Trump’s assent to succeed (were he to be elected President).


And in February 2019, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia found that Manafort lied to the Office and the grand jury concerning his interactions and communications with Konstantin Kilimnik about Trump Campaign polling data and a peace plan for Ukraine.


Manafort instructed Rick Gates, his deputy on the Campaign and a longtime employee, to provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump Campaign—including internal polling data, although Manafort claims not to recall that specific instruction. Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.

Just to fill you in on Deripaska:

Paul Manafort served on the Trump Campaign, including a period as campaign chairman, from March to August 2016. Manafort had connections to Russia through his prior work for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and later through his work for a pro-Russian regime in Ukraine. Manafort stayed in touch with these contacts during the campaign period through Konstantin Kilimnik, a longtime Manafort employee who previously ran Manafort’s office in Kiev and who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence.
"Durham's report "does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies that the Department and the FBI now have in place to ensure proper conduct and accountability in how counterintelligence activities are carried out."

I suppose that means that nothing illegal was done, or at least can be proved in a court of law. What it really means is that we had a bunch of unethical rat bastards in the DOJ and FBI that used their positions to further their own political ends and that of the democratic party. Honor, integrity, and scruples meant nothing to them, and I doubt that will change any time soon. IMHO the faces and names may change, but the misconduct won't cuz it's too intrenched.
And because there is no accountability. Remember James Comey re Hillary? Standard procedure for the Dems therefore all the collusion and corruption will continue. Thugs will be thugs when they are free to be!
No, you don't get to move the goalposts. Giving Russian intelligence campaign data so that they can target specific voting areas in the U.S. through social media is not criminal, but it is definitely collusion.
So, as I said, there was no criminal wrong doing ala FBI Mueller, unless you can find the US Code for 'collusion'.

I'm not going to let you move the goalposts.
Here you go:
REPUBLICAN Senate Intelligence Committee report. But nice try. :laugh:
Then this:
Can't you read, retard? It is from the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee. Filled with Trumpers:


Also filled with Democrats, Pal. Both submit their findings into the report.

Democrats do not have any power as the minority.

It is unbelievable.

And despite years of claiming this was the big one. This was going to bring down the deep state. Democrats from the highest levels will jailed away to gitmo for treason...and they essentially got nothing.

Cults can't accept failure or being wrong so now they will make up conspiracies about cherry picked parts of the report to make themselves feel better.

It's sad to watch actually.


Yeah, recall nutjobs cheerleading for Durham.
A show of hands, who hates Dems a bit more now that we have the Durham report?
It would be more useful to turn your hate on the RW media and Republicans who have lied to you and let you down once again.
Instead you stupidly blame the Dems for being so corrupt that they are untouchable.
In reality though, it is you who are corrupted. :cuckoo:
4 years to cook a nothingburger. :laugh:
What part of things are only getting worse in the
Deep State.Talk about belligerent Irony.The guy takes
4 years to specify how wrong the FBI was and the need
to go by what the Agency was intended for.
Then Christopher Ray harps on about
" Scources and Methods " and doubles down on
even more of the same.As if Spying-on and Framing Trump
was normal.Like that aint' Collusion.
Michael Savage was correct.This is all an effort to
" Erase Americans ". Like what the hell can we do
about it. The Power exists in this New Police State.
get used to it.
What part of things are only getting worse in the
Deep State.Talk about belligerent Irony.The guy takes
4 years to specify how wrong the FBI was and the need
to go by what the Agency was intended for.
Then Christopher Ray harps on about
" Scources and Methods " and doubles down on
even more of the same.As if Spying-on and Framing Trump
was normal.Like that aint' Collusion.
Michael Savage was correct.This is all an effort to
" Erase Americans ". Like what the hell can we do
about it. The Power exists in this New Police State.
get used to it.
Holy word salad batman.

Something about erasing Americans and Trump victim hood (am oldie but a goodie). I'm sure it's good stuff if it made any sense.
It would be more useful to turn your hate on the RW media and Republicans who have lied to you and let you down once again.
Instead you stupidly blame the Dems for being so corrupt that they are untouchable.
In reality though, it is you who are corrupted. :cuckoo:
Whatever kind of bed you sleep on and food you consume
please confide in us mere Message Boarders.
Our very sanity may depend.
I mean,you obviously like being :
" Obtuse "
Famous word used in - The Shawshank Redemption - { 1994 }
For very different reasons that the ones for which Taz asked that question, I actually agree.

This might have been of greater significance prior to the 2020 election. But Durham managed to sit on it until it barely matters at all.
It never mattered.
You fell for the same nonsense you always fall for. Get wise, son.

Whatever kind of bed you sleep on and food you consume
please confide in us mere Message Boarders.
Our very sanity may depend.
I mean,you obviously like being :
" Obtuse "
Famous word used in - The Shawshank Redemption - { 1994 }
I get it. It’s never easy when learning you’ve been suckered. But damn, this is like the 20th time for you guys. :oops:
How did Comey, Strzok, McCabe, and Page plead?

Probably as if Angels coming to guide Americans.
Their role in history is now set.They will forever be
regarded as stinkin' rotten Lying Democrat backed
scumbags.No amount of appearances on CNN or MSMBC
can salvage their pukey Unamerican reputations.
And one can take that to the Bank.
Before Banks are framed.Taken over and
ruining Trump's vision of Make America Great Again.
I get it. It’s never easy when learning you’ve been suckered. But damn, this is like the 20th time for you guys. :oops:
I get it. It’s never easy when learning you’ve been suckered. But damn, this is like the 20th time for you guys. :oops:
Lying,Framing,Cheating and then making it seem like
a nice day at the ballpark.Wherever were you hatched.
What kind of Grandparents mentored you.
Spitballs are not allowed in baseball.
Nor should Americans like you.If you're from the U.S.
Talk like yer from the other side of the tracks in

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