Durham report released

So, it turns out that colluding with Russia, the horrible crime they accused Trump of and impeached him for, was done by Hillary and the FBI, not by Trump. So now Democrats yawn about it.

We now need to focus our energy on making elections fair and secure. We have the receipts for the Democrats criminality, and we know that will sway the undecideds away from Dems. But none of that matter if Dems are happy to win by cheating.

Trump was never impeached for anything in the Russia Investigation. Cohen, Flynn, Gates, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Nader, and the rest were all arrested and convicted as a result of the Russia Investigation. But Trump is never charged with anything, and neither were any members of his family, even though there is evidence that Junior lied about the Trump Tower meeting to Congress.

The second impeachment was all about the Insurrection.
For the record, the poor Trumpybear was impeached for his Ukrainian Shakedown plot as well as his Jan 6th Riot and attempt to overturn the certified election of 2020.

Well Durhams investigation had the power to do that, but he lost his two trite indictments, but did wrangle out 400 hours of community service for poor lawyer, I think. Also, you got a highly opinionated conclusion by an obvious partisan actor that tells nothing that we didn't already know before. Good luck locking them up with that shit.

It was the inspector general who caught the FBI dweebs falsifying the entry in the FISA warrant application. Durham prosecuted, but he didn’t uncover this crime.

The IG’s report also covered some of the ground that Durham repeated in his final report on problems with the FBI investigation.

The rest of the issues were raised in Marco Rubio’s senate report on the Russia investigation.

Durhams report just rehashed the findings of both of these reports in such a way that it cast aspersions on the FBI. He’s four years late and $6 million short.
For the record, the poor Trumpybear was impeached for his Ukrainian Shakedown plot as well as his Jan 6th Riot and attempt to overturn the certified election of 2020.

Well Durhams investigation had the power to do that, but he lost his two trite indictments, but did wrangle out 400 hours of community service for poor lawyer, I think. Also, you got a highly opinionated conclusion by an obvious partisan actor that tells nothing that we didn't already know before. Good luck locking them up with that shit.
So illegally spying on a presidential campaign in the hopes of harming its ability to win an election and govern after it won, is fine by you.

It was the inspector general who caught the FBI dweebs falsifying the entry in the FISA warrant application. Durham prosecuted, but he didn’t uncover this crime.
Thanks for the clarification. Durham was an abysmal 0 for 2.
You know none of the assholes will be held accountable. That is so what. But it does re-enforce the fact that lying criminals are in charge of this country and loyal minions like you are happy about it. Pitiful.
What is really bad, is when the useful idiots no longer serve a purpose, they will be the first to be led down to the hangman's noose because they will no longer be needed.
So illegally spying on a presidential campaign in the hopes of harming its ability to win an election and govern after it won, is fine by you.

One FISA warrant was based on false information for which a lawyer was prosecuted.

No one thinks that illegal spying is okay. It was prosecuted.
So illegally spying on a presidential campaign in the hopes of harming its ability to win an election and govern after it won, is fine by you.


Illegally? Was it illegal for Faux Not News to share Biden campaign ads with the Trumpyberra before they were to air? Btw who did Durham charged with illegally spying?
Illegally? Was it illegal for Faux Not News to share Biden campaign ads with the Trumpyberra before they were to air? Btw who did Durham charged with illegally spying?
Lots of illegal shit going on by our government. You want the Rs prosecuted but not the Ds. Proving you’re stuck in the matrix unable to think.
Yes - both Democrats AND Republicans came to the same conclusion: Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.

Good job, dude. :auiqs.jpg:
Your issue is FBI/DOJ didn't find evidence of criminal actions involving Trump/Russia.....you know, where the rubber meets the road.........:biggrin:

Second place trophy for the A-holeic.
Your issue is FBI/DOJ didn't find evidence of criminal actions involving Trump/Russia.....you know, where the rubber meets the road.........:biggrin:

Second place trophy for the A-holeic.
Whenever Dems have no defense for their evil actions, they go with the “both sides do it” line. I don’t see the Republicans in the government fabricating evidence to impeach Biden.
That lying beotch hilliary......will she have the nerve to show her ugly face in public again? Will she DARE to run for president again?

Will Bill keep a low profile now that Hilliary has been shown to be the schemer?
Your issue is FBI/DOJ didn't find evidence of criminal actions involving Trump/Russia.....you know, where the rubber meets the road.........:biggrin:

Second place trophy for the A-holeic.

How could the FBI know that unless they investigated?
'To a degree', my ass!

Durham makes clear the 'Russian Collusion' hoax was started by Trump's political rival (HILLARY CLINTON) and the Mueller investigation NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN INITIATED!

The FBI knew before Mueller was ever appointed - Comey knew before his old mentor was appointed - it was all a criminal political hoax!

Publicly declaring 'Russian Collusion' was Hillary's hoax and that Durham just EXONERATED TRUMP by exposing THE LARGEST CRIMINAL POLITICAL SCANDAL IN US HISTORY must have been extremely painful for CNN and Jake Tapper...

Not painful enough!

Lost in the news is how the NY Times, who won a Pulitzer for intentionally writing lies, is now trying to hide silently in the corner, covered in shit and without any credibility on this story!

Every last partisan liberal MSM rag that reported how Trump was guilty of this now-officially proven hoax should have to publicly report they were wrong and apologize to President Trump!

Any charges filed yet?
How can you call this a nothingburger?

The Durham investigation has revealed that the Russia Collusion charges that led to an impeachment of POTUS was all based on phony charges. Lies.

That is a nothingburger?!

You sure post here a lot. Are you always this dim?

This is big news.

This is false. It did nothing of the kind. Stop listening to Maria Bartiromo. :laugh:

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