Durham report released

Another black eye for the FBI

It's actually a black eye for Trump and republicans, remember what they were saying when he was assigned to the task four years ago?

Durham report is a DUD, a 7 million dollar OP-ED whine about the FBI, which is OLD news.
'To a degree', my ass!

Durham makes clear the 'Russian Collusion' hoax was started by Trump's political rival (HILLARY CLINTON) and the Mueller investigation NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN INITIATED!

The FBI knew before Mueller was ever appointed - Comey knew before his old mentor was appointed - it was all a criminal political hoax!

Publicly declaring 'Russian Collusion' was Hillary's hoax and that Durham just EXONERATED TRUMP by exposing THE LARGEST CRIMINAL POLITICAL SCANDAL IN US HISTORY must have been extremely painful for CNN and Jake Tapper...

Not painful enough!

Lost in the news is how the NY Times, who won a Pulitzer for intentionally writing lies, is now trying to hide silently in the corner, covered in shit and without any credibility on this story!

Every last partisan liberal MSM rag that reported how Trump was guilty of this now-officially proven hoax should have to publicly report they were wrong and apologize to President Trump!

To me the sad part is Trump would have had a good chance to be an even better President than he was but Hillary had to try to ruin his Presidency. If not for Hillary and her efforts to undermine Trump‘s time in office, Trump would have likely been re-elected and we woujldn’t be stuck with the Biden Crime Family today.

How much damage did Hillary manage to do to our nation because she had to act like a wet hen and seek revenge.
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Media Malpractice: Russian Hoax Confirmed by the Durham Report

It was all a criminal political hoax & they knew!

'In 2016 this Hilary Clinton paid-for schlock piece of fabulist political fantasy was discussed in a White House briefing. Were these a confederacy of dunces, devils, or serious intelligence analysts? You be the judge. And ask yourself what was the collective IQ in that meeting as CIA Director John Brennan breathlessly went over Hilary’s hoax documents with President Obama, Vice President Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director James Comey ooing and ahhing.'

He proposed it. It stands to reason only that he wanted something which he proposed.

He did not propose it. There is even some debate on if he knew his agencies were discussing it.

But in the future I will remember this line when speaking of Trump wanting to spend a trillion more dollars than even Obama since he proposed it in his budget request.
What a colossal failure.

Durham spent twice as long as the investigation he was investigating...and found nothing.

And then issues a report in which the most he can produce is his OPINION that the FBI made mistakes.

He didn't even say that the FBI should not have opened the Crossfire Hurrican investigation of Trump's actions.
Well, of course it was political but that doesn’t mean it was untrue. And of course you’re quoting the daily Mail UK, which we’ve already posted links proving that that’s a questionable source anyway.

Neither the DOJ, nor the FBI broke the law. People used poor judgment, and made mistakes, but nobody broke the law.

I guess he’s forgotten about all of the people that were charged and convicted, and sent to jail in the wake of the Mueller Report.

And never forget the three of Durhams top prosecutors, who had been with him for years and signed onto this investigation with him, resigned in protest political pressure from the DOJ and the White House, to file charges, and Durham’s filing charges on no real evidence, which were tossed by the juries in less time that it takes to order in coffee.
Take off. HOSER!!!!! :fu:
So, it turns out that colluding with Russia, the horrible crime they accused Trump of and impeached him for, was done by Hillary and the FBI, not by Trump. So now Democrats yawn about it.

We now need to focus our energy on making elections fair and secure. We have the receipts for the Democrats criminality, and we know that will sway the undecideds away from Dems. But none of that matter if Dems are happy to win by cheating.
You know none of the assholes will be held accountable. That is so what. But it does re-enforce the fact that lying criminals are in charge of this country and loyal minions like you are happy about it. Pitiful.

It's true.
The biggest thing that it does is validate that all of the truths that the right kept saying that were immediately labeled
Conspiracy theories - per the CIA handbook, were in fact truths.
Is that worth anything, not really.
So, it turns out that colluding with Russia, the horrible crime they accused Trump of and impeached him for, was done by Hillary and the FBI, not by Trump. So now Democrats yawn about it.

We now need to focus our energy on making elections fair and secure. We have the receipts for the Democrats criminality, and we know that will sway the undecideds away from Dems. But none of that matter if Dems are happy to win by cheating.
We need to now prosecute and imprison the perpetrators of this terrible fraud. Otherwise we’ll continue to operate with a lawless government, but I suspect nothing will be done.

Why is Obama not being ridiculed for approving this illegal action? Lol. Never happen.
It was an insurrection against a duly elected President, what you would expect in a banana republic, as Biden welcomes in millions of turd-world people to ensure our status as a banana republic is locked in.

And liars like Adam Schiff should be shot.
Coup de tat
So what?... so Trump was right all along and the media should give back all of the Pulitzers they received for phony fake news stories...
So What?... they meddled in an American national election and if it were against a democrat candidate and president you wouldn't be asking so what... would you?....
They tried to pull a preemptive coup in 2016 and Trump still beat them.
They were successful in 2020.

Not in dispute - no one will be held accountable.

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