Durham report released

So, it turns out that colluding with Russia, the horrible crime they accused Trump of and impeached him for, was done by Hillary and the FBI, not by Trump. So now Democrats yawn about it.

We now need to focus our energy on making elections fair and secure. We have the receipts for the Democrats criminality, and we know that will sway the undecideds away from Dems. But none of that matter if Dems are happy to win by cheating.

They are happy.
They literally know that they are a minority in a center right country who cannot win legitimate elections.
And exactly how many convictions did Durham get?

One minor conviction

Two lost.

Durham set out to prove what both the Rapist and Traitor AND the butt boy barr wanted him to prove.

Never mind the 15-U.S. Intelligence Agencies that agreed Russia Interfered in 2020.
Is one of those agencies the one hiding crimes of Bidens? asking for a friend
and still lost :auiqs.jpg:
There is absolutely no reason to trust our government.

Corruption (including the applying of legal pressure for political reasons) is nothing new in either the world nor our own particular government.

"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."

Given human nature, keeping the government honest is like a game of Whack-a-Mole at the local townie summertime carnival - it never truly ends.

The voting public goes through periods of complacency and apathy, then something happens and we get some useful house-cleaning and temporary reform.

It's time for some house-cleaning and temporary (enduring as long as possible, thank you) reform, now that a noteworthy "event" has unfolded.

If you (any of us, actually) don't routinely perceive any government (including our own) as a "Trust but verify" encounter, then you aren't paying attention.

Watchdogs, whistleblower laws, audits, investigations, and special counsels all exist for a reason - because the system's self-policing mechanisms are imperfect.

I'm not throwing out the baby with the bath-water... I'm not giving-up on our government as "untrustworthy"... but I support some serious "house-cleaning".

"...This kinda things has gotta happen every ten years or so... gets rid of the bad blood..."


So... "go to the matresses"... get crackin' on some serious "house cleaning"... "lock her up" for all I care... but don't tell me my government is irredeemable.

This is OUR government... WE get the final say in how it operates... we're just entering another period of investigations and sanctions and spankings.

Enjoy the hard-won victory... for as long as it lasts, anyway... what will you do with it? ...and how will you re-bind and heal, to lessen the divisions amongst us?

God Save the Republic.
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so what???

so much for rule of law and accountability,, guess thats what you guys were looking for all along,

I just read about this. So, this guy John Durham was appointed by William Barr to determine if the FBI treated Trump unfairly. Durham lost the only two prosecutions he brought to court. But the report released Monday appeared to be an appeal to the court of public opinion.

So a Trumy vindicated Trump. Got it.
: Special Counsel John Durham found that the Department of Justice and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation."

No surprise to anyone except the liars and the ignorami amongst us.
There is absolutely no reason to trust our government.

Durham’s central conclusions were previously contradicted by a 2019 report by the Justice Department’s internal watchdog, which found that while the FBI made a series of mistakes, the decision to open the probe was justified as a matter of law and policy — and untainted by any evidence of political bias.

Mueller ultimately did not establish any coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, but he found a series of contacts between campaign officials and Russians and a campaign that was willing and eager to accept help from Moscow. A bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report went further, saying the Trump campaign posed a counterintelligence risk to the U.S. by opening itself to foreign influence.
Durham said no laws were broken and that’s why no charges were laid.

Which is what we told you from the beginning.

Consider the argument that rapidly began circulating on Twitter that Durham conclusively stated that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved a plan for her 2016 campaign to “vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.” It’s a hell of a claim, but the relevant section of the report actually says the claim is based on Russian intelligence analysis that U.S. intelligence agencies obtained in 2016. At no point was the claim ever confirmed, something even Trump’s director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe admitted in a letter to the Senate after declassifying the existence of the intelligence. Nor does Durham ever state it as a gospel truth.
Durham's problem is that he's basing his report on his assessment of criminal activity and his assessment of what would be 'beyond a reasonable doubt'.

And the Michael Sussman case demonstrate that Durham's judgment on both are horrendously poor. He charged Sussman with lying to the FBI. Sussman made no false statements to any FBI agent. The basis of Durham's case was that Sussman didn't reveal what was already common knowledge and that the agent already knew.

It took the jury less than 6 hours to see through Durham's profoundly flawed legal reasoning on both what constituted a crime and what constituted 'beyond a reasonable doubt'.

And yet here we are again, with Durham's judgment on both criminality AND 'beyond a reasonable' doubt being the basis of a 316 page report.

The fact that Durham charged no one else with anything demonstrates what he thought of his own findings in terms of criminality and the odds of successs of a prosecution.

He charged Sussman with lying to the FBI. Sussman made no false statements to any FBI agent.

Who'd he lie to?
Well, of course it was political but that doesn’t mean it was untrue. And of course you’re quoting the daily Mail UK, which we’ve already posted links proving that that’s a questionable source anyway.

Neither the DOJ, nor the FBI broke the law. People used poor judgment, and made mistakes, but nobody broke the law.

I guess he’s forgotten about all of the people that were charged and convicted, and sent to jail in the wake of the Mueller Report.

And never forget the three of Durhams top prosecutors, who had been with him for years and signed onto this investigation with him, resigned in protest political pressure from the DOJ and the White House, to file charges, and Durham’s filing charges on no real evidence, which were tossed by the juries in less time that it takes to order in coffee.

Well, of course it was political but that doesn’t mean it was untrue.

What material on the laptop was Russian disinformation?

Corruption (including the applying of legal pressure for political reasons) is nothing new in either the world nor our own particular government.

"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."

Given human nature, keeping the government honest is like a game of Whack-a-Mole at the local townie summertime carnival - it never truly ends.

The voting public goes through periods of complacency and apathy, then something happens and we get some useful house-cleaning and temporary reform.

It's time for some house-cleaning and temporary (enduring as long as possible, thank you) reform, now that a noteworthy "event" has unfolded.

If you (any of us, actually) don't routinely perceive any government (including our own) as a "Trust but verify" encounter, then you aren't paying attention.

Watchdogs, whistleblower laws, audits, investigations, and special counsels all exist for a reason - because the system's self-policing mechanisms are imperfect.

I'm not throwing out the baby with the bath-water... I'm not giving-up on our government as "untrustworthy"... but I support some serious "house-cleaning".

"...This kinda things has gotta happen every ten years or so... gets rid of the bad blood..."


So... "go to the matresses"... get crackin' on some serious "house cleaning"... "lock her up" for all I care... but don't tell me my government is irredeemable.

This is OUR government... WE get the final say in how it operates... we're just entering another period of investigations and sanctions and spankings.

Enjoy the hard-won victory... for as long as it lasts, anyway... what will you do with it? ...and how will you re-bind and heal, to lessen the divisions amongst us?

God Save the Republic.
Not that I'm happy about it, but I agree to disagree with you. I might change my mind if responsible parties are held responsible, but I don't see that happening.
So, it turns out that colluding with Russia, the horrible crime they accused Trump of and impeached him for, was done by

For the record, the poor Trumpybear was impeached for his Ukrainian Shakedown plot as well as his Jan 6th Riot and attempt to overturn the certified election of 2020.

We need to now prosecute and imprison the perpetrators of this terrible fraud.

Well Durhams investigation had the power to do that, but he lost his two trite indictments, but did wrangle out 400 hours of community service for poor lawyer, I think. Also, you got a highly opinionated conclusion by an obvious partisan actor that tells nothing that we didn't already know before. Good luck locking them up with that shit.
Jake Tapper disagrees.

It was a couple years late. But a “complete” bust?

Get off the stage, drama Queen.

Now you’re quoting CNN????

Four years of investigation ended with no successful prosecutions, no new revelations, and a continuing litany of vague insinuations of wrongdoing none of which is supported by evidence.

It’s a complete bust in my books.

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