Durham report released

Durham didn’t prosecute them because those allegations are nonsense.
300 pages of nonsense or bullsjit on rice,eh Bub.
NO ... You are full of Bullshit as more and more
americans are waking up to this Leftist contravention
of means.
Durham didn't allow for charges to be brought
because he's partly a ringer for his buddies like
Mueller and Bill Barr.Ever heard of show trials.
This was a sneaky way to look and act as if
getting down to brass tacks.However it did clear
or exonerate Trump of any Russian Collusion.
But how could it not.?!
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Mate’ is right. No matter what you think of Trump, what occurred here was far more heinous.

No it wasn’t. It wasn’t anything like that.

In fact, it would’ve been a dereliction of duty not to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. The Russia investigation resulted in nine convictions and revealed the criminal corruption of Trump in his staffers.

Russia has been caught red-handed interfering with multiple elections in Western democracies, including the Brexit referendum in Great Britain, the French election in 2017. Every nation in the western world is on watch for election interference from Russia, China, and Iran.

Trump invited Russian interference. “Russia if you’re listening”. His frequently stated that he would happily take opposition research on his opponents from a foreign country. Within hours, the Russia started hacking the DNC, and attempting to hack the Clinton servers.

After the election, when Barack Obama sanctioned Russia for their interference in the election, General Flynn promised the Russian ambassador that Donald Trump would be lifting sanctions against the Russians, as soon as he was inaugurated. And then Flynn lied to the FBI about the phone call.

Manafort and Carter page were both under surveillance by the FBI before they started working for the Trump campaign. The campaign actually suspended surveillance of both of these men while they worked on the Trump campaign and picked it up after they left.

The entire House and Senate, voted nearly unanimously to be pass a Resolution that Trump could not lift Russian Sanctions without the consent of Congress.

There’s Trump admisdion on television that he fired James Comey to stop the Russian investigation. Comey wasn’t investigating the Trump campaign. He was investigating Russian interference. Why didn’t Trump want Russia investigated?

Last, but certainly not least was that humiliating exhibition in Helsinki, where Trump told the world press that he believed Vladimir Putin over his own security agencies.

The FBI would’ve been derelict in their duty to protect the nation if they had not investigated Russian interference.
300 pages of nonsense or bullsjit on rice,eh Bub.
NO ... You are full of Bullshit as more and more
americans are waking up to this Leftist contravention
of means.
Durnam didn't allow for charges to be brought
because he's partly a ringer for his buddies like
Mueller and Bill Barr.Ever heard of show trials.
This was a sneaky way to look and act as if
getting down to brass tacks.However it did clear
or exonerate Trump of any Russian Collusion.
But how could it not.?!

It cleared Trump of nothing. The Mueller report stands. Trump welcomed Russian interference. And Trump welcomed foreign agents, like Flynn, Manafort, Gates, and Carter Page with connections to Russia, onto his campaign staff.

Paul Manafort pled guilty to providing copies of the Republican, voter data to a known Russian agent, to whom he was deeply in debt.

Are you seriously saying that the FBI should’ve ignored all of this?
No it wasn’t. It wasn’t anything like that.

In fact, it would’ve been a dereliction of duty not to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. The Russia investigation resulted in nine convictions and revealed the criminal corruption of Trump in his staffers.

Russia has been caught red-handed interfering with multiple elections in Western democracies, including the Brexit referendum in Great Britain, the French election in 2017. Every nation in the western world is on watch for election interference from Russia, China, and Iran.

Trump invited Russian interference. “Russia if you’re listening”. His frequently stated that he would happily take opposition research on his opponents from a foreign country. Within hours, the Russia started hacking the DNC, and attempting to hack the Clinton servers.

After the election, when Barack Obama sanctioned Russia for their interference in the election, General Flynn promised the Russian ambassador that Donald Trump would be lifting sanctions against the Russians, as soon as he was inaugurated. And then Flynn lied to the FBI about the phone call.

Manafort and Carter page were both under surveillance by the FBI before they started working for the Trump campaign. The campaign actually suspended surveillance of both of these men while they worked on the Trump campaign and picked it up after they left.

The entire House and Senate, voted nearly unanimously to be pass a Resolution that Trump could not lift Russian Sanctions without the consent of Congress.

There’s Trump admisdion on television that he fired James Comey to stop the Russian investigation. Comey wasn’t investigating the Trump campaign. He was investigating Russian interference. Why didn’t Trump want Russia investigated?

Last, but certainly not least was that humiliating exhibition in Helsinki, where Trump told the world press that he believed Vladimir Putin over his own security agencies.

The FBI would’ve been derelict in their duty to protect the nation if they had not investigated Russian interference.
That’s absurd. As the report indicates, there never was any indication Trump was involved with the Russians. The FBI’s actions were illegal and clearly designed to harm Trump. It’s third world level corruption.
That’s absurd. As the report indicates, there never was any indication Trump was involved with the Russians. The FBI’s actions were illegal and clearly designed to harm Trump. It’s third world level corruption.
The report indicates that the information that initiated the investigation was Papadopolous connecting with Russian intelligence and stated that this information was absolutely critical to investigate.

Trump's actions and associations make him more than suspicious for involvement with foreign interference in our election.
No it wasn’t. It wasn’t anything like that.

In fact, it would’ve been a dereliction of duty not to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. The Russia investigation resulted in nine convictions and revealed the criminal corruption of Trump in his staffers.

Russia has been caught red-handed interfering with multiple elections in Western democracies, including the Brexit referendum in Great Britain, the French election in 2017. Every nation in the western world is on watch for election interference from Russia, China, and Iran.

Trump invited Russian interference. “Russia if you’re listening”. His frequently stated that he would happily take opposition research on his opponents from a foreign country. Within hours, the Russia started hacking the DNC, and attempting to hack the Clinton servers.

After the election, when Barack Obama sanctioned Russia for their interference in the election, General Flynn promised the Russian ambassador that Donald Trump would be lifting sanctions against the Russians, as soon as he was inaugurated. And then Flynn lied to the FBI about the phone call.

Manafort and Carter page were both under surveillance by the FBI before they started working for the Trump campaign. The campaign actually suspended surveillance of both of these men while they worked on the Trump campaign and picked it up after they left.

The entire House and Senate, voted nearly unanimously to be pass a Resolution that Trump could not lift Russian Sanctions without the consent of Congress.

There’s Trump admisdion on television that he fired James Comey to stop the Russian investigation. Comey wasn’t investigating the Trump campaign. He was investigating Russian interference. Why didn’t Trump want Russia investigated?

Last, but certainly not least was that humiliating exhibition in Helsinki, where Trump told the world press that he believed Vladimir Putin over his own security agencies.

The FBI would’ve been derelict in their duty to protect the nation if they had not investigated Russian interference.
Not even some poorly made Movie stacked to the gills with
every known bulcrapping lie used by the snotrag left to go
after Trump almost as soon as he announced his run for the
Presidency.Turns out son Don Trump jr. has been right almost
all along as far as his being targetted and what the Drat Obama
Deep State is capable of and doing ... Right under our noses.
Steven Miller the expert on this contravention means by Leftists.
It'd be like going into Judge Roy Beans courthouse in
The Pecos and expecting not a drop of liquor to be in sight.
Or fair play.Just the opposite.
The report indicates that the information that initiated the investigation was Papadopolous connecting with Russian intelligence and stated that this information was absolutely critical to investigate.

Trump's actions and associations make him more than suspicious for involvement with foreign interference in our election.
Your fucking Russia Russia Russia fantasy is OVER!!!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are PATHETIC CONTRARIAN ASSHOLES!!!!!
Why are you demanding that it be solved right this moment? Is there a deadline that im unaware of, or are we free to hold an investigation?


There's nothing else coming. It's over. Durham closed shop and didn't charge anyone.

You are right……..I missed the dates……

But that works too…llanos we can just arrest Obama as a trainer who tried to overthrow our election………..and our government…..l

obama is the real insurrection it’s and deserves to be in the Jan.6 gulag….along side Hilary, and the rest of the FBI and DOJ minions….

The report indicates that the information that initiated the investigation was Papadopolous connecting with Russian intelligence and stated that this information was absolutely critical to investigate.

Trump's actions and associations make him more than suspicious for involvement with foreign interference in our election.
Yeah Bub.Where'd ya drudge up that nonsense.
At the New Drudge site.The opposite of the Old Drudge
site run by Matt Drudge.
Where in a world of complete Lies,eventually sane people
expect it ... Now.
This is updated version of what was pulled in WWI with :

There's nothing else coming. It's over. Durham closed shop and didn't charge anyone.

No reason to not read his report.Or Report on it.
The fact that it isn't being read explains a lot.
It's Proof as to what we are dealing with.
A Scumbag Legacy media beholdin to keeping the
\ Democrats propped up.
Just like the suppression of that Manifesto by a Transgender
serial killer in NAshville.
No reason to not read his report.Or Report on it.
The fact that it isn't being read explains a lot.
It's Proof as to what we are dealing with.
A Scumbag Legacy media beholdin to keeping the
\ Democrats propped up.
Just like the suppression of that Manifesto by a Transgender
serial killer in NAshville.


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