Durham report released

And that is complete and utter bullshit. The Mueller report was very very clear that there were hundreds of interactions between the Trump, campaign and Russians, all of which campaign members lied about, and their security clearance forms.

What part of Paul Manafort handed over Republican, pulling data to unknown Chinese agent did you miss? Manafort plead guilty to the charge.

What the Mueller report said was there was “insufficient evidence” of coordination with the Russians, to gain a conviction for conspiracy. The report did not say there was “no evidence”.

Roger Stone was found of lying to Congress about his involvement in the WikiLeaks dump of data hacked from the DNC.

Stone was talking up the WikiLeaks posting of John Podesta’s emails two hours before the emails were posted to the Internet.

You seem to be willfully, ignoring every piece of evidence that points the Trump was more than happy to take help from the Russians. And that includes his own words in interviews with George Stephanopoulos among others.
: Special Counsel John Durham found that the Department of Justice and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation."

No surprise to anyone except the liars and the ignorami amongst us.
There is absolutely no reason to trust our government.

/----/ Still waiting for all the democRATs and Lame Stream Media to apologize to President Trump.
Sorry retard. Durham proved his cases. The jury then admitted he proved that your pals lied to the FBI, but claimed it wasn’t a big deal and shouldn’t have been prosecuted. Not their decision to make. Your precious Mueller was a total failure.
No reason to not read his report.Or Report on it.
The fact that it isn't being read explains a lot.
It's Proof as to what we are dealing with.
A Scumbag Legacy media beholdin to keeping the
\ Democrats propped up.
Just like the suppression of that Manifesto by a Transgender
serial killer in NAshville.

The report isn’t being suppressed, and it is being read and thoroughly debunked.

Three top level experienced investigators resigned over interference and pressure to bring charges, from the White House in this investigation.

What is completely laughable is that the Republicans are shocked, shocked I tell you that the FBI is involved in “political and partisan investigations”. The FBI has always been involved in political, investing and purchasing investigations.

In the 1960s they were investigating Martin Luther King for his connections to communism. They investigated the hippies and left-wing violent extremism in the 60s. FBI investigated resistance to the war in Vietnam in 1970s.

The Republican party has always controlled these investigations and used them against Democrats. But now, the FBI is investigating Republicans and we just can’t have that.

It was fine when they were investigating Democrats but they’re going after Republicans and right wing extremists and they’re arresting them.

Now that the Republican Party has abandoned democracy and the Constitution, and embraced right wing terrorists, Republicans are the enemies of the people and they need to be investigated.
You shit libs really suck. I can’t stand dumb Don, but I recognize corruption when I see it.

You're stuck in the matrix and too dumb to know it.

When you point your finger at someone else, Gipper, there’s 4 pointing back at you.

You recognize corruption in the Democrats and completely deny it in the Republicans. Republicans have yet to produce a scrap of evidence of Democrat’s corruption. They just tell us it’s there, and we’re supposed to believe them, after all their lies and fake investigations.

Evidence. Every investigation produces evidence against Republicans, and none against Democrats.

I believe the evidence. What are you believing?
To give cover for Manafort giving proprietary polling to data to the Kremlin by way of Kilimnik.

To help them target their Facebook memes? OMG! LOL!

To give cover for Donnie J taking the Tower meeting to get what he thought would be compromising material about Hillary from the Russian government.
Durham failed.

It's wrong to get compromising material from Russians?
Your absurd deflections aside, while what Trump engaged in didn't meet the criteria for a criminal conspiracy it was what can be described as the non-legal term "collusion." Nothing about Durham's face plant changes that.
The report isn’t being suppressed, and it is being read and thoroughly debunked.

Three top level experienced investigators resigned over interference and pressure to bring charges, from the White House in this investigation.

What is completely laughable is that the Republicans are shocked, shocked I tell you that the FBI is involved in “political and partisan investigations”. The FBI has always been involved in political, investing and purchasing investigations.

In the 1960s they were investigating Martin Luther King for his connections to communism. They investigated the hippies and left-wing violent extremism in the 60s. FBI investigated resistance to the war in Vietnam in 1970s.

The Republican party has always controlled these investigations and used them against Democrats. But now, the FBI is investigating Republicans and we just can’t have that.

It was fine when they were investigating Democrats but they’re going after Republicans and right wing extremists and they’re arresting them.

Now that the Republican Party has abandoned democracy and the Constitution, and embraced right wing terrorists, Republicans are the enemies of the people and they need to be investigated.
/---/ "it is being read and thoroughly debunked."
And you know this how?
It's been almost 20 years since a GOP presidential candidate got more votes than the Democrat running against them. And another 16 years before then since it happened again. Hope is not gonna help you.
You’d think by now you’d know that Presidents are not elected by popular vote…

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