Durham report released

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

How could the FBI know that unless they investigated?

Because they knew it before they started.
They knew it was complete fiction put forth from the Clinton campaign.

That is not even in dispute.

Post some laughing things now fawny.
Trump’s house was raided by the FBI for overdue library books

Hillary knowingly gave false information to the FBI, lied about its origins, and was part of a seditious conspiracy to spy on the sitting President of the United States

When will her house get raided?
The report indicates that the information that initiated the investigation was Papadopolous connecting with Russian intelligence and stated that this information was absolutely critical to investigate.

Trump's actions and associations make him more than suspicious for involvement with foreign interference in our election.
Have you read the report? No offense to George Papadopoulos, but if Trump was going to set up high level meetings with Putin gov't officials to discuss corrupt pay for play bribes does anyone REALLY THINK the people that'd get tapped for these super-duper-secret-sensitive negotiations & offers are two lowest-level campaign foreign policy advisors who'd never even MET Trump, much less were 'inner circle' players/negotiators?

'Downer also said that he "did not get the sense Papadopoulos was the middle-man to coordinate with the Russians."'


Nope. Here is more entertaining poking fun at losers like you.

Obama, Hillary and the deep state are exonerated. No charges.

Well, we’ll have to see how that works out for ya, in the upcoming elections.

My hope is the voters will speak where our corrupt system fails us.
Even Steve Bannon knows Durham, with his unfettered access as an appointed special counsel, found NOTHING criminal done... He brought no charges for what he was appointed to do...epic failure by Durham....after $6 million and almost 4 years. No Hillary, no strzok, no crossfire hurricane FBI investigators... Zip, Nada, Zilch.

Longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon harshly criticized the Durham report for not recommending criminal charges after his investigation into the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, blasting the special counsel's conclusions as an "epic failure."

On a Tuesday episode of his podcast Bannon's War Room, Bannon said Special Counsel Robert Durham's report was an "epic failure" because Durham failed to bring convictions after a three-and-a-half-year investigation.

"Where are the charges? [Special Counsel Robert Durham] had all access. He had an unlimited budget. He'd spent six million dollars. He had four years. Where's the beef?" Bannon asked.
Well, we’ll have to see how that works out for ya, in the upcoming elections.

My hope is the voters will speak where our corrupt system fails us.

It's been almost 20 years since a GOP presidential candidate got more votes than the Democrat running against them. And another 16 years before then since it happened again. Hope is not gonna help you.



I'm still waiting for Saddam's stockpiles of WMD to be found. All you lovers ever do is say, just you wait, you'll see!

No, I won't. Like those WMD, this too will never amount to anything.
The report indicates that the information that initiated the investigation was Papadopolous connecting with Russian intelligence and stated that this information was absolutely critical to investigate.

Trump's actions and associations make him more than suspicious for involvement with foreign interference in our election.
You have chosen to support this enormous level of corruption because you hate Trump. You might want to think about the consequences of allowing government agencies controlling elections.

Good summation here…
🧵THREAD: The FBI worked as a disinformation outlet for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee to frame Donald Trump as a Russian agent to sway the outcome of the 2016 election, and then they did it again with Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 election:

"What we learned today with the long-anticipated release of the Durham report is that the FBI worked as a disinformation shop for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee. Special Counsel John Durham's report shows us that the same people that lecture you today about threats to democracy nearly destroyed it by using our intelligence agencies to target the then-Republican nominee for president and then later sitting President Donald Trump. The entire story begins not by rigging an election against Donald Trump though it starts with rigging an election in support of Hillary Clinton.

Just weeks before the FBI launched the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, WikiLeaks released 10s of 1000s of emails, proving the Democratic National Committee had rigged its 2016 primary in favor of Hillary Clinton. The victims here are Democratic voters and Bernie Sanders. The DNC and Hillary Clinton herself knew that that primary was rigged. They knew those emails were real. So together, they immediately worked to discredit the leaks. They immediately worked to discredit the idea that they rigged that Democratic primary and their plan to do so, dismiss it all as the contents of Russian propaganda and lay it there at the feet of Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton, in my estimation, in the first smoking gun of the night personally approved a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to quote vilify Donald Trump, by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services. There you have the plan. There you have the motive. Now then you go on according to Durham's report to see that US intelligence agencies knew in fact what Hillary was trying to trying to do. Almost immediately senior members of our intelligence community began acting on those allegations, treating them as fact.

Here's some familiar names about CIA Director John Brennan, who briefed then President Barack Obama, his Vice President Joe Biden, and FBI Director James Comey, along with the Attorney General, briefed them all on Hillary's conspiracy theory to tie Trump to the DNC hack... The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through a firm called Fusion GPS paid a former British spy named Christopher Steele to compile intelligence to tie Trump to Russia. But the intelligence that fusion GPS put together was a series of scandalous, salacious, nothing burgers... The Durham Report is six years too late because the hoax worked. An entity presidency was derailed.

The Democratic Party succeeded in demonizing Russia, making them our primary enemy on the world stage, not the Chinese Communist Party, and bringing us to the verge of nuclear war in Eastern Europe as we conduct a proxy war in Ukraine. Not only that an entire three years of presidency was derailed, the country was pitted against itself. And everyone now has bought into lies and disinformation while pretending they're the warriors against disinformation... Not only were they not held accountable, they were so emboldened by this entire story, that they did the same thing again in 2020 with Hunter Biden's laptop."
Even Steve Bannon knows Durham, with his unfettered access as an appointed special counsel, found NOTHING criminal done... He brought no charges for what he was appointed to do...epic failure by Durham....after $6 million and almost 4 years. No Hillary, no strzok, no crossfire hurricane FBI investigators... Zip, Nada, Zilch.

Longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon harshly criticized the Durham report for not recommending criminal charges after his investigation into the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, blasting the special counsel's conclusions as an "epic failure."

On a Tuesday episode of his podcast Bannon's War Room, Bannon said Special Counsel Robert Durham's report was an "epic failure" because Durham failed to bring convictions after a three-and-a-half-year investigation.

"Where are the charges? [Special Counsel Robert Durham] had all access. He had an unlimited budget. He'd spent six million dollars. He had four years. Where's the beef?" Bannon asked.

More than 5 years. The investigation started with Horowitz more than a year before Durham took it over.
Are you among the liars, or the ignorami? That's what.
The united states government is not to be trusted
You've completely missed the point of Durham's report. He was appointed by Billy the Bagman to give Trump cover for the treasonous, unethical acts committed during the campaign. To give cover for Manafort giving proprietary polling to data to the Kremlin by way of Kilimnik. To give cover for Donnie J taking the Tower meeting to get what he thought would be compromising material about Hillary from the Russian government.
Durham failed.
Now he gets to publish a screed, spewing his opinions on what are largely procedural mistakes committed by the FBI. This coming form a guy who had his deputy quit because of unethical influence coming from Barr to corrupt the investigation.
You have chosen to support this enormous level of corruption because you hate Trump. You might want to think about the consequences of allowing government agencies controlling elections.

Good summation here…
🧵THREAD: The FBI worked as a disinformation outlet for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee to frame Donald Trump as a Russian agent to sway the outcome of the 2016 election, and then they did it again with Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 election:

"What we learned today with the long-anticipated release of the Durham report is that the FBI worked as a disinformation shop for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee. Special Counsel John Durham's report shows us that the same people that lecture you today about threats to democracy nearly destroyed it by using our intelligence agencies to target the then-Republican nominee for president and then later sitting President Donald Trump. The entire story begins not by rigging an election against Donald Trump though it starts with rigging an election in support of Hillary Clinton.

Just weeks before the FBI launched the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, WikiLeaks released 10s of 1000s of emails, proving the Democratic National Committee had rigged its 2016 primary in favor of Hillary Clinton. The victims here are Democratic voters and Bernie Sanders. The DNC and Hillary Clinton herself knew that that primary was rigged. They knew those emails were real. So together, they immediately worked to discredit the leaks. They immediately worked to discredit the idea that they rigged that Democratic primary and their plan to do so, dismiss it all as the contents of Russian propaganda and lay it there at the feet of Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton, in my estimation, in the first smoking gun of the night personally approved a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to quote vilify Donald Trump, by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services. There you have the plan. There you have the motive. Now then you go on according to Durham's report to see that US intelligence agencies knew in fact what Hillary was trying to trying to do. Almost immediately senior members of our intelligence community began acting on those allegations, treating them as fact.

Here's some familiar names about CIA Director John Brennan, who briefed then President Barack Obama, his Vice President Joe Biden, and FBI Director James Comey, along with the Attorney General, briefed them all on Hillary's conspiracy theory to tie Trump to the DNC hack... The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through a firm called Fusion GPS paid a former British spy named Christopher Steele to compile intelligence to tie Trump to Russia. But the intelligence that fusion GPS put together was a series of scandalous, salacious, nothing burgers... The Durham Report is six years too late because the hoax worked. An entity presidency was derailed.

The Democratic Party succeeded in demonizing Russia, making them our primary enemy on the world stage, not the Chinese Communist Party, and bringing us to the verge of nuclear war in Eastern Europe as we conduct a proxy war in Ukraine. Not only that an entire three years of presidency was derailed, the country was pitted against itself. And everyone now has bought into lies and disinformation while pretending they're the warriors against disinformation... Not only were they not held accountable, they were so emboldened by this entire story, that they did the same thing again in 2020 with Hunter Biden's laptop."

Nope, that's all a hoax.

Hillary Clinton is exonerated. The FBI is exonerated. The Durham hoax amounted to nothing.
You've completely missed the point of Durham's report. He was appointed by Billy the Bagman to give Trump cover for the treasonous, unethical acts committed during the campaign. To give cover for Manafort giving proprietary polling to data to the Kremlin by way of Kilimnik. To give cover for Donnie J taking the Tower meeting to get what he thought would be compromising material about Hillary from the Russian government.
Durham failed.
Now he gets to publish a screed, spewing his opinions on what are largely procedural mistakes committed by the FBI. This coming form a guy who had his deputy quit because of unethical influence coming from Barr to corrupt the investigation.

To give cover for Manafort giving proprietary polling to data to the Kremlin by way of Kilimnik.

To help them target their Facebook memes? OMG! LOL!

To give cover for Donnie J taking the Tower meeting to get what he thought would be compromising material about Hillary from the Russian government.
Durham failed.

It's wrong to get compromising material from Russians?
That’s absurd. As the report indicates, there never was any indication Trump was involved with the Russians. The FBI’s actions were illegal and clearly designed to harm Trump. It’s third world level corruption.

And that is complete and utter bullshit. The Mueller report was very very clear that there were hundreds of interactions between the Trump, campaign and Russians, all of which campaign members lied about, and their security clearance forms.

What part of Paul Manafort handed over Republican, pulling data to unknown Chinese agent did you miss? Manafort plead guilty to the charge.

What the Mueller report said was there was “insufficient evidence” of coordination with the Russians, to gain a conviction for conspiracy. The report did not say there was “no evidence”.

Roger Stone was found of lying to Congress about his involvement in the WikiLeaks dump of data hacked from the DNC.

Stone was talking up the WikiLeaks posting of John Podesta’s emails two hours before the emails were posted to the Internet.

You seem to be willfully, ignoring every piece of evidence that points the Trump was more than happy to take help from the Russians. And that includes his own words in interviews with George Stephanopoulos among others.

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