Durham report released

To understand why most of corporate media has deservedly lost all public trust, look at how they are minimizing the Durham Report. For decades in DC, John Durham was heralded as one of the US's most apolitical, trustworthy federal prosecutors. NYT, 2009:

The tard herd thought Durham's investigation was going to lead to much more.

The Trumptards were creaming their shorts in expectation of Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice all being arrested as a result of Durham's investigation.

When Durham came up virtually empty-handed, the tard herd wheeled on him like a scene out of Orwell's 1984, and decided he is a D33P STAIT RINO groomer marxist.
Yesterday talk radio (ex. Sean Hannity) bemoaned our 'two tier' justice system where conservatives cannot get a fair trial.

Frankly, I'm tired of their years of moaning, and groaning, and whining, and crying, and their conspiracy theories which only got worse when a conspiracy theorist named Trump entered the oval office.

Here's what it all boils down to: Conservatives create their own reality in their minds and on talk radio and message boards. But when one enters a court of law, he needs actual evidence to support his claims, regardless of what those claims are. And if you don't have real evidence about a rigged election or the so called crime of the century, you shouldn't be surprised when you lose your case which is exactly what happened to Trump and Durham.
You think that a lone whistleblower is hiding out somewhere ends Comers investigation? Also, are you under the impression that he wont ever be found again? Why do you suppose he is hiding in the first place?

You dont have the integrity to honestly answer those 3 questions.
I’ve followed it all closely for years, but I can’t keep it all in my head. You probably can’t either. Neither can most journalists or policymakers. And therein lies much of the disadvantage that misinformation thrives on. It was easy for bad-faith, conspiracy-minded MAGA supporters to hold up Durham’s tome yesterday and declare that it showed exactly what they said all along, even though it didn’t.

But let me zero in on what I think is the most glaring example of Durham’s bad faith, Bill Barr’s ratfuckery, and the politicization of the Justice Department under Trump.

The Big Missing Piece​

Back in January, the New York Times did a commendable, ground-breaking bit of reporting on the Durham probe. Times reporter Charlie Savage more than any other mainstream report has had a very clear-eyed view of Durham and his mess of an investigation. One of the bombshells from that report was that Durham’s remit had secretly expanded to include an allegation of wrongdoing against Trump:

Mr. Barr and Mr. Durham never disclosed that their inquiry expanded in the fall of 2019, based on a tip from Italian officials, to include a criminal investigation into suspicious financial dealings related to Mr. Trump. The specifics of the tip and how they handled the investigation remain unclear, but Mr. Durham brought no charges over it.

More than 5 years. The investigation started with Horowitz more than a year before Durham took it over.
that's true and the non partisan inspector General found that there WAS PREDICATE to start the investigation and so did the Senate Intelligence committee, Republican lead majority at the time.
"Durham's report "does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies that the Department and the FBI now have in place to ensure proper conduct and accountability in how counterintelligence activities are carried out."

I suppose that means that nothing illegal was done, or at least can be proved in a court of law. What it really means is that we had a bunch of unethical rat bastards in the DOJ and FBI that used their positions to further their own political ends and that of the democratic party. Honor, integrity, and scruples meant nothing to them, and I doubt that will change any time soon. IMHO the faces and names may change, but the misconduct won't cuz it's too intrenched.
See how easy that was? No proof! No evidence. No nothing but the search for one more conspiracy to explain conservatives' penchant for believing they're victims because they can't accept that the simplest answer is that they're wrong.
that's true and the non partisan inspector General found that there WAS PREDICATE to start the investigation and so did the Senate Intelligence committee, Republican lead majority at the time.
There is nobody "non partisan" in the permanent bureaucratic leviathan.

The "predicate" was fake and they all knew it.
You've completely missed the point of Durham's report. He was appointed by Billy the Bagman to give Trump cover for the treasonous, unethical acts committed during the campaign. To give cover for Manafort giving proprietary polling to data to the Kremlin by way of Kilimnik. To give cover for Donnie J taking the Tower meeting to get what he thought would be compromising material about Hillary from the Russian government.
Durham failed.
Now he gets to publish a screed, spewing his opinions on what are largely procedural mistakes committed by the FBI. This coming form a guy who had his deputy quit because of unethical influence coming from Barr to corrupt the investigation.
and the whole purpose of setting up a special counsel is to avoid the appearance of impropriety by the AG appointed by Trump...

Yet he was directing and interacting with the counsel's investigation, even going on a lavish trip to Italy together to investigate.... well that was unethical, along with opinion and unproven accusation leaks....

And this diatribe of a report, filled with unproven criminality. Shame on him!
and the whole purpose of setting up a special counsel is to avoid the appearance of impropriety by the AG appointed by Trump...

Get he was directing and interacting with the counsel's investigation, even going on a lavish trip to Italy together to investigate.... well that was unethical, along with opinion and unproven accusation leaks....

And this diatribe of a report, filled with unproven criminality. Shame on him!
Lying to get warrants is a crime.

Every one of the actors named in the report knew that they were lying, and/or acting on lies, and are all complicit in numerous felonies.
And that is complete and utter bullshit. The Mueller report was very very clear that there were hundreds of interactions between the Trump, campaign and Russians, all of which campaign members lied about, and their security clearance forms.

What part of Paul Manafort handed over Republican, pulling data to unknown Chinese agent did you miss? Manafort plead guilty to the charge.

What the Mueller report said was there was “insufficient evidence” of coordination with the Russians, to gain a conviction for conspiracy. The report did not say there was “no evidence”.

Roger Stone was found of lying to Congress about his involvement in the WikiLeaks dump of data hacked from the DNC.

Stone was talking up the WikiLeaks posting of John Podesta’s emails two hours before the emails were posted to the Internet.

You seem to be willfully, ignoring every piece of evidence that points the Trump was more than happy to take help from the Russians. And that includes his own words in interviews with George Stephanopoulos among others.

What part of Paul Manafort handed over Republican, pulling data to unknown Chinese agent did you miss? Manafort plead guilty to the charge.

What law says you can't give polling data to someone?

Roger Stone was found of lying to Congress about his involvement in the WikiLeaks dump of data hacked from the DNC.

That was awful! Democrat corruption must never be exposed.
Democrat corruption must remain hidden.

You seem to be willfully, ignoring every piece of evidence that points the Trump was more than happy to take help from the Russians.

You're not allowed to get help from Russians?
Your absurd deflections aside, while what Trump engaged in didn't meet the criteria for a criminal conspiracy it was what can be described as the non-legal term "collusion." Nothing about Durham's face plant changes that.

What was the "collusion"?
Lying to get warrants is a crime.

Every one of the actors named in the report knew that they were lying, and/or acting on lies, and are all complicit in numerous felonies.
then Durham should have prosecuted them, and won....with proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

the Page FISA warrant was wrong, no doubt but that was already admitted to before Durham, if memory serves?
Okay. So what?

Dont Taz Me Bro: So what that Democrats sucessfully shut down three years of a President they wanted to destroy but couldn't beat at the ballot box?

I hear you. I never believed you when you said you were anything but an idiot leftist
Carter Page drunkenly bragged about getting dirt on Democrats info from the Russians. In return for various favors, of course. Anyone saying there was no evidence to get a FISA warrant on him is lying very badly for the glory of fascism. Two of the warrants were invalid ... but two of them _weren't_. The guy was a Russian stooge, so naturally the Trump cult traitors here all love him. They love him specifically because he was a traitor and a Russian stooge.

Oh, a reminder of what Durham just wrote in his report.

“no evidence of politically motivated misconduct.”

Why are all the Republicans here saying that Durham is lying?
What part of Paul Manafort handed over Republican, pulling data to unknown Chinese agent did you miss? Manafort plead guilty to the charge.

What law says you can't give polling data to someone?

Roger Stone was found of lying to Congress about his involvement in the WikiLeaks dump of data hacked from the DNC.

That was awful! Democrat corruption must never be exposed.
Democrat corruption must remain hidden.

You seem to be willfully, ignoring every piece of evidence that points the Trump was more than happy to take help from the Russians.

You're not allowed to get help from Russians?

Election law forbids accepting any gifts or donations from foreign governments in an election campaign.

Canadians couldn’t even buy a Hillary Clinton T-shirt from the campaign.
Dont Taz Me Bro: So what that Democrats sucessfully shut down three years of a President they wanted to destroy but couldn't beat at the ballot box?

I hear you. I never believed you when you said you were anything but an idiot leftist
G uuuuuuuuyuyuhhuhyguuhbfuuhhguuhbhuvuhvuv uvuuv

What part of Paul Manafort handed over Republican, pulling data to unknown Chinese agent did you miss? Manafort plead guilty to the charge.

What law says you can't give polling data to someone?

Roger Stone was found of lying to Congress about his involvement in the WikiLeaks dump of data hacked from the DNC.

That was awful! Democrat corruption must never be exposed.
Democrat corruption must remain hidden.

You seem to be willfully, ignoring every piece of evidence that points the Trump was more than happy to take help from the Russians.

You're not allowed to get help from Russians?
no help allowed, not by foreign nations and their intelligence agencies/agents. Why would you think that would be OK?I

Manafort was not charged with a crime because at the time, the special counsel investigators could not trace what the Russian Intel agency did with the Trump polling data.....

About a year ago, it came out that they did trace it down or treasury dept agents did....?

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