Durham report released

As the Horowitz Report stated, the bar for a predicate to start an investigation was so low as to be meaningless, the DOJ/FBI could and di start an investigation into 'Russian Collusion' by Donald Trump based on nothing but unverified information and a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign. Were such actions criminal or illegal? And could they be proven in a court of law? But that doesn't make what they did to be acceptable behavior on the part of those organizations. YOU DON'T GO AFTER ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN WITHOUT JUST CAUSE, AND THE DOJ/FBI DID JUST THAT. THERE HAS TO BE REASONABLE AND CORROBORATED EVIDENCE THAT SUGGESTS CRIMINAL WRONG-DOING, AND SUCH DID NOT EXIST. Anyone who believes the DOJ/FBI were impartial in their decisions and actions is an ideologue who cannot accept their side to be guilty of any misconduct, and it doesn't have to be illegal to be misconduct.

The DOJ/FBI already made changes as a result of the Horowitz report.

Nevertheless, Durham’s report says it “does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies that the Department and the FBI now have in place to ensure proper conduct and accountability in how counterintelligence activities are carried out.”

Durham’s report charges that a “lack of analytical rigor, apparent confirmation bias, and an over-willingness to rely on information from individuals connected to political opponents caused investigators to fail to adequately consider alternative hypotheses and to act without appropriate objectivity or restraint in pursuing allegations of collusion or conspiracy between a U.S. political campaign and a foreign power. Although recognizing that in hindsight much is clearer, much of this also seems to have been clear at the time.”

I really do not understand how any right-thinking American can read that report and not be dismayed at the misconduct of people in the upper echelons of our once highly trusted institutions of justice. In their zeal to smear Trump and anything and everything they could whether it was verified or not, they also damaged the reputations of the DOJ and FBI who are now regarded by many as mere lackeys for the democratic party.
was it worth the tax payer's $6 million to tell us what the inspector General Horowitz report already told us?

Durham was partisan, leaking and talking in right wing media, about his own on going investigation....in which nothing is suppose to be talked about until an on going investigation is over to keep it on the up and up....

The predicate for his investigation after a Senate and inspector General investigation was for partisan reasons just like he was investigating others for.....

As you noted the changes needed by the fbi, was already done and sufficient according to Durham?
The steel dossier was bought and paid for. It wasn’t a gift for starters. It also wasn’t used in any election campaign.

The Clinton campaign gave it to Republicans and never used it, leaked it, or even suggested it existed.

The Republican party gave it to the FBI. And the Republicans leaked it too. Any investigations that flowed from the steel dossier, were ordered by Republican officials, not Democrats.

The steel dossier was bought and paid for. It wasn’t a gift for starters.

You can buy dirt from the Russians but if you get it free it's a violation?

Any investigations that flowed from the steel dossier, were ordered by Republican officials, not Democrats.

Which Republican officials ordered it during Obama's term?
Biden didn’t propose it. A panel of lawyers listed it as an option and Biden rejected it.

You are so incredibly dishonest.

As usual, Marener, asshole sucking libtarded scumbags like you remain too quick on the trigger. No, you shit muncher, I’m not dishonest.

The WSJ could be mistaken but that doesn’t make them liars. Maybe in fact, Potato’s jackals relented and had him change “his” mind. Either way, you lie when you try to paint me as the dishonest one. Gfy. :fu:
Hillary didn’t get the steel dossier from the Russians. Hillary got the Steele dossier from a Fusion GPI, which hired Christopher Steele.

And she didn’t use it in her campaign either. The Clinton campaign gave the Steele dossier to the Republican Party.

So what exactly do you think she should be prosecuted for?

Hillary didn’t get the steel dossier from the Russians. Hillary got the Steele dossier from a Fusion GPI, which hired Christopher Steele.

Hillary's campaign and the DNC got information from Russians.

And she didn’t use it in her campaign either.

They used it to open a corrupt investigation into a political opponent.

So what exactly do you think she should be prosecuted for?

Just expect nothing until and if they reappear.
Go ahead and wait for another five years for another let down I’ll be there to console you .
Why? He is just one of several whistleblowers at this point. The entire investigation doesnt hinge on this one guy.
/---/ "it is being read and thoroughly debunked."
And you know this how?

Well, because I read all of the original Trump Administration investigation reports ordered on Democrats, Obama, Clinton, Biden, the FBI or the CIA since Trump was inaugurated.

I’ve also followed all of the court cases wherein former members of the FBI and the DOJ have sued Donald Trump for wrongful dismissal or violations of their rights, and won.

All of them were investigating the same things Durham was investigating, and all of them came up with the same findings of no wrong doing on the party of any Democrat and no Criminal Wrong doing by anyone except the FBI dweebbwho changed one paragraph in a 70 page document.

This caused Trump’s head to explode in rage, and order another investigation. He fired the IG for saying the FBI were correct I’m not charging Hillary but wrong in how they publicized her investigation.

The final report in the Huber investigation got buried in the reporting of Trump’s “perfect phone call” around the same time it was issued.

The only charge that came out of all of this on Trump’s side of things was the FBI dweeb who was all but drawn and quartered over a unimportant change on a 70 page renewal application. This is like this with something like the third FISA Warrant renewal for Carter page. He was under surveillance for years before he went to work for Trump.

Because I’m such a nerd that every time one of these reports is issued, I read them. So I know what’s in them when I post here
Why? He is just one of several whistleblowers at this point. The entire investigation doesnt hinge on this one guy.

Well, it kind of does because none of the other so-called whistleblowers had any documents or evidence to support any of their claims either.

Basically, they were just disgruntled ex-FBI employees who thought they should be able to judicially harass Democrats and launch investigations of Democrats without probable cause or evidence.
Thinkers we are going to lose a lot of lib loons with these devastating fact disclosures of the adverse activities inflicted upon Trump Plus disclosure clearing him of long held liberal accusations.
Right now they are in deep water and drowning but maintain it’s not happening And if they add more water (Aka bullshit) then they can float.
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No, you will disregard the evidence then too. When people are convicted, youll say it was a false conviction.

Dude, this is going on 30 investigations now, and we still have not seen any evidence of any crimes committed by any Democrats. We haven’t dismissed the evidence because there hasn’t been any.

There have been no charges. And the reason there have been no charges is because there has been no evidence of any crimes. In fact, the investigators have been hard-pressed to find any of the crimes that Republicans claim have been committed.
no help allowed, not by foreign nations and their intelligence agencies/agents.

Does that mean Hillary should be in jail for the Steele dossier?
Or just a bunch of people from her campaign and the DNC?
So Hillary chose Steele and his Russian source? Not Fusion Gps? Was Steele part of a foreign government trying to affect our elections and was he working for them and paid by them??? Nope.
Thinker we are going to Lise a lot of lib loons with these devastating fact disclosures if the adverse activities inflicted upon Trump Plus disclosure clearing him of long held liberal accusations.
Right now they are in deep water and drowning but maintain it’s not happening And if they add more water (Aka bullshit) then they can float.

Well, so far, Donald Trump is batting zero in every court case he’s been involved in since he took office. He hasn’t won a single case so I don’t know what you’re hanging your hopes on.

The joke around legal circles is that MAGA stands for “making attorneys get attorneys”. All of Donald Trump’s lawyers on his stolen election cases have been disbarred or censured by the licensing authorities in every state they filed suit in.

His Florida attorneys are under federal investigation for giving false affidavits to the federal government in the Mar-a-Lago case. That’s obstruction of Justice.

Trump’s refusal to follow his attorneys advice, lie to his attorneys and in social media, and then throw them under the bus when he gets caught red handed, coupled with his reputation for not paying his attorneys, is making it harder and harder for him to find competent representation.

Michael Cohen was sent to jail. Rudy Giuliani’s been disbarred and he’s under federal investigation. Jenna Ellis was just censured by the Colorado bar. Sidney Powell has been disbarred in multiple jurisdictions. Lin Woods has been censured by the Michigan bar. A number of the Florida’s attorneys are under subpoena to the grand jury there.

The undying faith of the MAGA Cult is exceeded only by the refusal to accept reality.
Hillary didn’t get the steel dossier from the Russians. Hillary got the Steele dossier from a Fusion GPI, which hired Christopher Steele.

Hillary's campaign and the DNC got information from Russians.

And she didn’t use it in her campaign either.

They used it to open a corrupt investigation into a political opponent.

So what exactly do you think she should be prosecuted for?

Listen to the spin out of these lefties would you!!! It only took them 24 hours to get it from teh lying Gutter Media.

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