Durham report released

No blind boy, YOU, Skylar, and the rest of the sheep should be embarrassed that you ignore the facts laid out by Durham like your Dim masters tell you to. You idiots are beyond help.
Fact of the matter is the partisan Durham found nothing illegal and his opinion on it's appropriateness is tainted by his absolute partisanship, has no legal standing on the decision to launch an investigation. The investigation's beginning has been completely vindicated.
Election law forbids accepting any gifts or donations from foreign governments in an election campaign.

Canadians couldn’t even buy a Hillary Clinton T-shirt from the campaign.

Election law forbids accepting any gifts or donations from foreign governments in an election campaign.

So why aren't people in jail for getting the Steele dossier from Russian sources?
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no help allowed, not by foreign nations and their intelligence agencies/agents. Why would you think that would be OK?I

Manafort was not charged with a crime because at the time, the special counsel investigators could not trace what the Russian Intel agency did with the Trump polling data.....

About a year ago, it came out that they did trace it down or treasury dept agents did....?

no help allowed, not by foreign nations and their intelligence agencies/agents.

Does that mean Hillary should be in jail for the Steele dossier?
Or just a bunch of people from her campaign and the DNC?
Election law forbids accepting any gifts or donations from foreign governments in an election campaign.

So why aren't people in jail for getting the Steele dossier from Russian sources?

The steel dossier was bought and paid for. It wasn’t a gift for starters. It also wasn’t used in any election campaign.

The Clinton campaign gave it to Republicans and never used it, leaked it, or even suggested it existed.

The Republican party gave it to the FBI. And the Republicans leaked it too. Any investigations that flowed from the steel dossier, were ordered by Republican officials, not Democrats.
that's true and the non partisan inspector General found that there WAS PREDICATE to start the investigation and so did the Senate Intelligence committee, Republican lead majority at the time.

Horowitz’s analysis focused on whether the investigation, which the FBI dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane,” was opened in violation of the FBI’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), which is approved by the Justice Department. Because the IG’s bailiwick is misconduct, Horowitz could not have been clearer that he was refraining from making any judgment about whether the decision to open the investigation was prudent, or even responsible. His narrow inquiry was whether the decision was defensible under the guidelines. Horowitz concluded that it was, expressly because the guidelines state such a “low threshold” for predicating a full-blown investigation – an “articulable factual basis” that, if true, “reasonably” indicated that either a federal crime or a threat to national, or both, had occurred or was occurring.
As a result, in discussing both Horowitz’s report on the Trump investigation and his separate report on the Clinton-emails probe, the bureau’s apologists habitually distort his conclusions about political bias – as if he found none. To the contrary, the IG reports are replete with evidence of shocking political bias on the part of key investigators, and Horowitz condemns it. But in discussing investigative decisions, he stresses that if there was a potentially legitimate basis for a particular decision, he presumed that the agent made the decision for that legitimate reason and not due to bias.
IG Horowitz may have been right that the FBI’s opening of the investigation can be defended if one squints hard enough at the low DIOG standards. That hardly makes SC Durham wrong in concluding that the opening of Crossfire Hurricane on the flimsy predication grounds offered by the bureau was, under the circumstances, irresponsible.

The FBI’s investigation of Trump began without any evidence as a predicate, the Durham report found.

“Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation,” the special counsel writes.

“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we conclude that the [Justice] Department and the FBI failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report,” the Durham report says.

The report later adds:

As the more complete record now shows, there are specific areas of Crossfire Hurricane activity in which the FBI badly underperformed and failed, not only in its duties to the public, but also in preventing the severe reputational harm that has befallen the FBI as a consequence of Crossfire Hurricane.

Importantly, had the Crossfire Hurricane actors faithfully followed their own principles regarding objectivity and integrity, there were clear opportunities to have avoided the mistakes and to have prevented the damage resulting from their embrace of seriously flawed information that they failed to analyze and assess properly.

How anyone can believe that the DOJ/FBI acted without prejudice or any integrity at all is beyond me.
no help allowed, not by foreign nations and their intelligence agencies/agents.

Does that mean Hillary should be in jail for the Steele dossier?
Or just a bunch of people from her campaign and the DNC?

Hillary didn’t get the steel dossier from the Russians. Hillary got the Steele dossier from a Fusion GPI, which hired Christopher Steele.

And she didn’t use it in her campaign either. The Clinton campaign gave the Steele dossier to the Republican Party.

So what exactly do you think she should be prosecuted for?
I'm like you, neither of us have any idea what you're talking about. The Durham report just told us what we already know and you deny, huh, sweet heart?
What does it tell you, precisely? That the FBI criminally or illegally started an investigation for partisan reasons to get Trump, as you all claimed?

I disagree.

Durham never proved any of that.... No one hauled off to prison as the endless claims the past 4 years on this board by right wingers, trumpers, and Trump?

Yes, things were found that the FBI were not so good at, but Durham didn't even make any suggestions as procedure changes, let alone find any partisanship purpose involved, as was claimed....

Why in the world would it fake 4 years and $6 million for that....?

At least with the Mueller report, over every thing they researched they have proof of involvement by Trumpers and they explained why there still wasn't enough proof of x y and z to accuse with a crime....
What does it tell you, precisely? That the FBI criminally or illegally started an investigation for partisan reasons to get Trump, as you all claimed?

I disagree.

Durham never proved any of that.... No one hauled off to prison as the endless claims the past 4 years on this board by right wingers, trumpers, and Trump?

Yes, things were found that the FBI were not so good at, but Durham didn't even make any suggestions as procedure changes, let alone find any partisanship purpose involved, as was claimed....

Why in the world would it fake 4 years and $6 million for that....?

At least with the Mueller report, over every thing they researched they have proof of involvement by Trumpers and they explained why there still wasn't enough proof of x y and z to accuse with a crime....

Durham meticulously went through the process of how HRC made it up and the DNC and FBI ran with her lies. If you want to be a Democrat sheep, go ahead. You don't really have any view it isn't true, you just don't care since it worked.

What you don't have is any evidence, you never do
All the deflectors have been dog whistled in over last 48 hours and universally offer that the words he wrote dont have the meanings of the words.
What does it tell you, precisely? That the FBI criminally or illegally started an investigation for partisan reasons to get Trump, as you all claimed?

As the Horowitz Report stated, the bar for a predicate to start an investigation was so low as to be meaningless, the DOJ/FBI could and di start an investigation into 'Russian Collusion' by Donald Trump based on nothing but unverified information and a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign. Were such actions criminal or illegal? And could they be proven in a court of law? But that doesn't make what they did to be acceptable behavior on the part of those organizations. YOU DON'T GO AFTER ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN WITHOUT JUST CAUSE, AND THE DOJ/FBI DID JUST THAT. THERE HAS TO BE REASONABLE AND CORROBORATED EVIDENCE THAT SUGGESTS CRIMINAL WRONG-DOING, AND SUCH DID NOT EXIST. Anyone who believes the DOJ/FBI were impartial in their decisions and actions is an ideologue who cannot accept their side to be guilty of any misconduct, and it doesn't have to be illegal to be misconduct.

Yes, things were found that the FBI were not so good at, but Durham didn't even make any suggestions as procedure changes, let alone find any partisanship purpose involved, as was claimed...

The DOJ/FBI already made changes as a result of the Horowitz report.

Nevertheless, Durham’s report says it “does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies that the Department and the FBI now have in place to ensure proper conduct and accountability in how counterintelligence activities are carried out.”

Durham’s report charges that a “lack of analytical rigor, apparent confirmation bias, and an over-willingness to rely on information from individuals connected to political opponents caused investigators to fail to adequately consider alternative hypotheses and to act without appropriate objectivity or restraint in pursuing allegations of collusion or conspiracy between a U.S. political campaign and a foreign power. Although recognizing that in hindsight much is clearer, much of this also seems to have been clear at the time.”

I really do not understand how any right-thinking American can read that report and not be dismayed at the misconduct of people in the upper echelons of our once highly trusted institutions of justice. In their zeal to smear Trump and anything and everything they could whether it was verified or not, they also damaged the reputations of the DOJ and FBI who are now regarded by many as mere lackeys for the democratic party.
The report clearly states that the FBI abused its authority and acted in a politically partisan manner and that the Trump/Russia investigations were based on a hoax. A hoax perpetrated by the Obama administration.
You can disagree with that all you want, but you are disagreeing with facts.

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