Durham report released

Once again, I see you are back pedaling from your original questions.
My original question was how this Durham report talked about treason or sedition.

I asked over and over again and you continuously sidestepped the issue.
My original question was how this Durham report talked about treason or sedition.

I asked over and over again and you continuously sidestepped the issue.
So the government interference in a prez campaign and election doesn't fall into the definition of sedition?
And if those people who did it aren't treasonous?
It has been proven Trump was listened in upon......came out in the Sussman trial.

They weren't targeting Trump. They were targeting Page. And they waited until Page *left* Trump's campaign before they surveilled him.

If Trump was the target of their surveillance, why wait until AFTER Page left Trump's employ?

As for what came out in the Sussmann trial, show me. I've seen no such thing.

The 2017 inspector general's report showed nothing. They surveilled Manafort from 2014 until before he started working for Trump. And then again AFTER Manafort left Trump's campaign and the election was complete.

The FBI seems to have taken great care to avoid surveilling Trump directly.
The number of times I've voted third party, pat Paulson or for D.H.Duck Jr or for Bart Simpson or Beaver Cleaver disputes your insane bullshit assumptions.
Just stay on your side of my fence friend, and continue jumping to baseless judgements.
If you can't trust your government, why do you then go every two years and vote for the same people, using the same ridiculous electoral system? Why do you put up with a two party system?
Literally, people will attack them, say how bad they are, then when faced with the chance to change to Proportional Representation will reject this better system because.... they ACTUALLY LIKE THE FIGHT.
The number of times I've voted third party, pat Paulson or for D.H.Duck Jr or for Bart Simpson or Beaver Cleaver disputes your insane bullshit assumptions.
Just stay on your side of my fence friend, and continue jumping to baseless judgements.
What "bullshit assumptions" do you think I made then?
Did I tell you who YOU PERSONALLY vote for? Do you believe the word "you" only applies to second person singular?

How about YOU (as in second person singular) don't jump to "bullshit assumption", hey?

So what if they investigated Page during the run up to the election? They investigated Hillary too during that period. The issue wasn't that Page was investigated -- it's that he was wiretapped. Don't you remember Trump's bullshit claim that Obama wiretapped him in Trump Tower?
More gaslighting is not helping you.
Everything we've KNOWN has been outlined by the Durham report!
That you can stand for the TREASONOUS evidence exposed is pathetic!

The only treason was letting a Russian Stooge like Trump in the White House after the people soundly rejected him at the ballot box.

Media reporting on Trump Russia, from the early stages of His campaign would be a good start.

Goes to show who has the media in their pocket, unless you're that naive.

Well, as long as you brought that up.
The media barely talked about Trump's links to Russia at all before the election. I honestly wish they had.
Instead, the FBI kept it quiet, because they concluded (based on the polls) that Trump was going to lose and they wanted to preserve their investigation.

AFTER the "election" they started leaking this information out on the hope that Congress or the Electoral College would do its job and stop that disaster from happening but it didn't.

The story of Trump is the story of Republican Cowardice. They KNOW he's unfit for the Presidency, but they go along with it anyway.

You spelled spectacular wrong.

Um, yeah.
1 million dead from Covid.
65 million jobs lost.
265,000 businesses closed for good.
Riots in most of the major cities.

That was "spectacular" all right.. in the way a disaster movie is.

Most of us would like to avoid the sequel.
Hillary didn’t get the steel dossier from the Russians. Hillary got the Steele dossier from a Fusion GPI, which hired Christopher Steele.

And she didn’t use it in her campaign either. The Clinton campaign gave the Steele dossier to the Republican Party.

So what exactly do you think she should be prosecuted for?

You can disagree with that all you want, but you are disagreeing with facts.

So the government interference in a prez campaign and election doesn't fall into the definition of sedition?
The government shouldn't interfere in a campaign and election, but if they did it wouldn't fall into the definition of sedition.

But you still haven't explained how the government interfered.
why would anyone explain anything to you??
I know you won’t because you can’t. I asked this poster over and over again but he didn’t answer.

He claimed it was the media. Then he talked about Twitter.

You won’t explain anything to me because you simply can’t. Your talking points are all hoaxes.

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