Dust storm in South Dakota

There have been many reviews and articles published that reached the conclusion that much of the global warming since the mid-20th century and earlier could be explained in terms of solar variability.

For example:
Soon et al. (1996); Hoyt & Schatten (1997); Svensmark & Friis-Christensen (1997); Soon et al. (2000b,a); Bond et al. (2001); Willson & Mordvinov (2003); Maasch et al. (2005); Soon (2005); Scafetta & West (2006a,b); Scafetta & West (2008a,b); Svensmark (2007); Courtillot et al. (2007, 2008); Singer & Avery (2008); Shaviv (2008); Scafetta (2009, 2011); Le Mouel et al. ¨ (2008, 2010); Kossobokov et al. (2010); Le Mouel et al. ¨ (2011); Humlum et al. (2011); Ziskin & Shaviv (2012); Solheim et al. (2012); Courtillot et al. (2013); Solheim (2013); Scafetta & Willson (2014); Harde (2014); Luning & Vahrenholt ¨ (2015, 2016); Soon et al. (2015); Svensmark et al. (2016, 2017); Harde (2017); Scafetta et al. (2019); Le Mouel¨ et al. (2019a, 2020a); Morner et al. ¨ (2020); Ludecke et al. ¨ (2020)).
Now there ya go injecting facts into a discussion. You know the left wing drones don't do facts.
How many times have you brought up the lack of chronological resolution in ice core data? Seeing a recurrence of the current rate of change data would require resolution in the low decades. The data here do not have it.
Poor crick.. Still citing the Michael Mann school of graphing. Give it up Crick. you get your ass handed to you every time you try.
I don't know what planet you live on, but here on planet Earth climate change has been accepted by 99.9% of the population
You must be one of the 1% that big oil has bought and paid for. They are propaganda has cost us dearly, we should be 20 to 40 years ahead on alternative energies but they blocked us every step of the way. Now everybody's freaking out because gas is over five bucks in a gallon and rising and with no end in sight because it's all going to run out by 2038 anyway. That's what we have to think big oil for.
99% of those on earth once accepted that the earth was flat and that the sun rotated around the earth. Both were wrong. Legates Et Al disproved your 99% consensus lie. When they threw away 99% of the papers that disagreed with their position is how they got this number lie.

legates et al.PNG
I don't know what planet you live on, but here on planet Earth climate change has been accepted by 99.9% of the population
You must be one of the 1% that big oil has bought and paid for. They are propaganda has cost us dearly, we should be 20 to 40 years ahead on alternative energies but they blocked us every step of the way. Now everybody's freaking out because gas is over five bucks in a gallon and rising and with no end in sight because it's all going to run out by 2038 anyway. That's what we have to think big oil for.
Well there it is... the "big oil" boogie man lie. once again you have no idea what the CAGW hypothesis is or what is happening in our atmosphere. Please get your self some basic facts, your talking points are garbage.

Let me help the uneducated... start here--> The Skeptic's Case | David M.W. Evans
Appeals to authorities are not accepted which you must accept because I am an authority. I'll tell you what you are. You're a liar.
Poor Crick... projecting again. Tell me where the mid tropospheric hots spot is slick. Or how CO2 emitting at 12 to 16um can penetrate the skin of the oceans. I'll wait.. I've been waiting 8 years already.
Well there it is... the "big oil" boogie man lie. once again you have no idea what the CAGW hypothesis is or what is happening in our atmosphere. Please get your self some basic facts, your talking points are garbage.

Let me help the uneducated... start here--> The Skeptic's Case | David M.W. Evans
Six BillyBob posts, all deriding others for their lack of hard science without providing a single shred of his own. How typical. Billy Bob has long claimed to have a doctorate in "atmospheric physics" when in truth he seems to be a retired police officer who once took a Society of Older Students course in meteorology. His frequent and profound misstatements regarding basic science make the contention that he has earned an advanced degree in any form of science absolutely laughable. That he continues to claim such is the case - while deriding others left and right without cause or justification - makes a less than flattering case for the man's ethics and morals.
So now we have a dust storm in the springtime in South Dakota. Of course there's no climate change. Right, keep believing that. When the Midwest turns into a dust bowl, as it did once before because of man's hand, this time it's not going away. The root cause isn't man's careless conservation measures, it's the change in precipitation patterns. No different than the changes taking place in sub-Saharan Africa which is going to cost millions of lives. The whole region is drying out. Climate change needed to be addressed 50 years ago. Now it's too late to prevent most of the disasters that are going to befall this world.
Who the hell is denying climate change? You idiots sound dumber everyday.
So now we have a dust storm in the springtime in South Dakota. Of course there's no climate change. Right, keep believing that. When the Midwest turns into a dust bowl, as it did once before because of man's hand, this time it's not going away. The root cause isn't man's careless conservation measures, it's the change in precipitation patterns. No different than the changes taking place in sub-Saharan Africa which is going to cost millions of lives. The whole region is drying out. Climate change needed to be addressed 50 years ago. Now it's too late to prevent most of the disasters that are going to befall this world.
I though man madeup global climate warming change caused floods?
Yep, imagine that, a weather front in the Spring. OMG. :smoke:

Sure. The climate is changing all the time, been doing that since climate was invented billions of years ago.

You betcha. No one had ever even heard of the words climate change in 1972.

All the more reason not to worry about it and just be happy! :happy-1:
Scientific question: by how much must mankind lower their planet killing CO2 in order to prevent the climate from ever changing?

Answer: $78,000,000,000,000
What is that? Making up words now to go along with your climate fiction?

How can you ascertain a pattern to something that has never happened before? You see an event, wrongly claim it has never happened before, then ascribe the blame to obviously being the result of something else that has never happened before! :21:
The Jealousy of Loser Freaks Who Are Incapable of Economic Productivity

That Northeast hurricane which the Warmalarmies jumped on as proof of climate change happened before, in the 1930s, killing a lot of people. An even more revealing but canceled fact is that it also happened in the early 18th Century, before there was any industrialization and not many of THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE.
No intelligent retort from a bot.. Are you Cricks sock puppet? You can not deal with the science presented and all you do is demean and throw names out. A useless drone, you are...
Really. You're a researcher, right? Who is funding your research?
Yep, imagine that, a weather front in the Spring. OMG. :smoke:

Sure. The climate is changing all the time, been doing that since climate was invented billions of years ago.

You betcha. No one had ever even heard of the words climate change in 1972.

All the more reason not to worry about it and just be happy! :happy-1:
I guess when it really affects you and yours personally you'll be like those anti vaxers who get covid and are dying with it. 'Well it was worth it just so I had a free voice'.

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