Duty, Honor, Country,...Liberals Want to Destroy the Worlds Last Bastion of Freedom

Belgium, a place called Herentals.

I will fight you in a cage match with my left arm tied behind my back.
Lol.Ok, is that supposed to be a reply to my question, a deflection from it, or simply trolling? I asked a very simple question. What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.
This vegetable is your leader Democrats. Really?

The partisans are the ones destroying the country, Democrat and Republican alike.

Nope. When it gets to the point that you can't justify the crazy right wing any more, you try to claim both sides do it. NO the right is the side that divided our country with so many lies and false accusations. It wasn't both. It was them.

You do realize I'm left wing, right?

What do the Democrats do that is good for the country?

Do they try and change the political system so that it's fair? No. Do they take money from rich people and do their bidding? Yes. Do they carry on the endless wars? Yes.

Half or more of the Democrat politicians could easily have ended up as Republicans.


Of course both parties are nearly identical twins, but the charade must go on so that Americans believe they are polar opposites.

Yes, and there are plenty on this forum who have taken the bait and are chomping on their own guts.
This vegetable is your leader Democrats. Really?

The partisans are the ones destroying the country, Democrat and Republican alike.

Nope. When it gets to the point that you can't justify the crazy right wing any more, you try to claim both sides do it. NO the right is the side that divided our country with so many lies and false accusations. It wasn't both. It was them.

You do realize I'm left wing, right?

What do the Democrats do that is good for the country?

Do they try and change the political system so that it's fair? No. Do they take money from rich people and do their bidding? Yes. Do they carry on the endless wars? Yes.

Half or more of the Democrat politicians could easily have ended up as Republicans.


Of course both parties are nearly identical twins, but the charade must go on so that Americans believe they are polar opposites.

Yes, and there are plenty on this forum who have taken the bait and are chomping on their own guts.

Sadly this is true all across America, but there is solace. About 50% of Americans don't vote. I believe a good percentage of them KNOW the two party system is nothing but a scam.

Now if we could just get about 70-80% not to vote, the whole system might come crashing down.
What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

No doubt the USA has some serious issues in regards to pot, freedom to carry personal firearms across state lines (which I do anyway) etc.
The partisans are the ones destroying the country, Democrat and Republican alike.

Nope. When it gets to the point that you can't justify the crazy right wing any more, you try to claim both sides do it. NO the right is the side that divided our country with so many lies and false accusations. It wasn't both. It was them.

You do realize I'm left wing, right?

What do the Democrats do that is good for the country?

Do they try and change the political system so that it's fair? No. Do they take money from rich people and do their bidding? Yes. Do they carry on the endless wars? Yes.

Half or more of the Democrat politicians could easily have ended up as Republicans.

Of course both parties are nearly identical twins, but the charade must go on so that Americans believe they are polar opposites.

Yes, and there are plenty on this forum who have taken the bait and are chomping on their own guts.
Sadly this is true all across America, but there is solace. About 50% of Americans don't vote. I believe a good percentage of them KNOW the two party system is nothing but a scam.

Now if we could just get about 70-80% not to vote, the whole system might come crashing down.

If you could get people to support Proportional Representation then things might change drastically.
What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

No doubt the USA has some serious issues in regards to pot, freedom to carry personal firearms across state lines (which I do anyway) etc.
Citing the freedom to carry firearms,is like citing the freedom too wear a pink tutu in the middle of the street. The question of having the freedom to do so should take a backseat to the advisebility of doing so. It is also not an answer to my question. What is a freedom to have that is not given in other developed nations. For instance I have the freedom to send my daughter to whatever school I choose. Not as it is in the US the school in my district.
Belgium, a place called Herentals.

I will fight you in a cage match with my left arm tied behind my back.
Lol.Ok, is that supposed to be a reply to my question, a deflection from it, or simply trolling? I asked a very simple question. What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

Freedom of speech; we don't put people in jail for having the wrong opinion of that Islam hate-bloodbath Europeans think is so wonderful. We also have a broader right to self-defense and are allowed to use lethal force if our lives are in immediate danger.
Belgium, a place called Herentals.

I will fight you in a cage match with my left arm tied behind my back.
Lol.Ok, is that supposed to be a reply to my question, a deflection from it, or simply trolling? I asked a very simple question. What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

Freedom of speech; we don't put people in jail for having the wrong opinion of that Islam hate-bloodbath Europeans think is so wonderful. We also have a broader right to self-defense and are allowed to use lethal force if our lives are in immediate danger.
I wasn't aware that we were jailing people who voice opinions . It hasn't caused anyone actual jail time but it is against the law in cases of overt racism or holocaust denials. As to your broader right to self defense. The right to shoot people is not a "freedom" a person has, it's a necessity in some cases which should make the people who commit the act, pose serious moral questions. The fact that you tout this as a freedom, shows a lack of morality. Killing is not a freedom a person has. We have a right to defend ourselves if our life is in immediate danger. We just don't consider someone simply entering our houses as IMMEDIATE danger. We also don't allow civilians the right to AR15's and other high capacity weapons. Since we have a fraction of your gun fatalities per capita I personally don't think that's a bad thing. So if that's all you have, you fail. So are your children allowed to pick whatever school they wish to go to? Or whatever college they want too attend, regardless of financial status?
This vegetable is your leader Democrats. Really?

The partisans are the ones destroying the country, Democrat and Republican alike.

Nope. When it gets to the point that you can't justify the crazy right wing any more, you try to claim both sides do it. NO the right is the side that divided our country with so many lies and false accusations. It wasn't both. It was them.

The piece of shit who shot to kill the entire Republican Congressional baseball team is a typical Democrat voter who was spouting straight MSNBC talking points. Anyone who votes for the Democrats is either too stupid to understand what your party stands for, or they are actively trying to destroy the western world.

The “left” stands for NOTHING related to the founding of this country.
Belgium, a place called Herentals.

I will fight you in a cage match with my left arm tied behind my back.
Lol.Ok, is that supposed to be a reply to my question, a deflection from it, or simply trolling? I asked a very simple question. What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

Freedom of speech; we don't put people in jail for having the wrong opinion of that Islam hate-bloodbath Europeans think is so wonderful. We also have a broader right to self-defense and are allowed to use lethal force if our lives are in immediate danger.
I wasn't aware that we were jailing people who voice opinions . It hasn't caused anyone actual jail time but it is against the law in cases of overt racism or holocaust denials. As to your broader right to self defense. The right to shoot people is not a "freedom" a person has, it's a necessity in some cases which should make the people who commit the act, pose serious moral questions. The fact that you tout this as a freedom, shows a lack of morality. Killing is not a freedom a person has. We have a right to defend ourselves if our life is in immediate danger. We just don't consider someone simply entering our houses as IMMEDIATE danger. We also don't allow civilians the right to AR15's and other high capacity weapons. Since we have a fraction of your gun fatalities per capita I personally don't think that's a bad thing. So if that's all you have, you fail. So are your children allowed to pick whatever school they wish to go to? Or whatever college they want too attend, regardless of financial status?
Thanks for destroying the European superiority complex with this idiocy.

If someone comes into your house unexpectedly with a weapon, and they know how to use it, you are already dead.
I’m sure they were not faggot, welfare, dope heads like you. That’s what happens in a socialist California bullshit society. I am tired of supporting California, New York, and Illinois with my tax dollars. Democratic politicians are good at thievery. People’s Republic of...name blue state.

As a resident of a blue state I’d like to thank you for your most generous financial support and suggest you go fuck yourself.
I’m sure they were not faggot, welfare, dope heads like you. That’s what happens in a socialist California bullshit society. I am tired of supporting California, New York, and Illinois with my tax dollars. Democratic politicians are good at thievery. People’s Republic of...name blue state.
Tired of supporting ca, ny, and il with your tax dollars? What are you talking about? You should be Concerned about Louisiana, Tennessee and Missouri... check the map



Are Americans Fleeing High-Tax States? | Spark Rental

Top 10 Highest Taxed States

1 New York
2 Hawaii
3 Vermont
4 Maine
5 Minnesota
6 Connecticut
7 New Jersey
8 Rhode Island
9 Illinois
10 California

Last edited:
Reasonable was triggered. :p

That said Pelosi is a sick fuck!

forkup, I noticed you stepped into the fray. Where did you graduate high school if I may ask?
Hs: Nj ... the state with the highest % of students going on to college.
College- NJ again. Many great universities.
Grad school. NJ again.
This vegetable is your leader Democrats. Really?

The partisans are the ones destroying the country, Democrat and Republican alike.

Nope. When it gets to the point that you can't justify the crazy right wing any more, you try to claim both sides do it. NO the right is the side that divided our country with so many lies and false accusations. It wasn't both. It was them.

You do realize I'm left wing, right?

What do the Democrats do that is good for the country?

Do they try and change the political system so that it's fair? No. Do they take money from rich people and do their bidding? Yes. Do they carry on the endless wars? Yes.

Half or more of the Democrat politicians could easily have ended up as Republicans.


Of course both parties are nearly identical twins, but the charade must go on so that Americans believe they are polar opposites.

Identical twins. Lol
The Dems didn’t financially support a child molester like the GOP did.
Belgium, a place called Herentals.

I will fight you in a cage match with my left arm tied behind my back.
Lol.Ok, is that supposed to be a reply to my question, a deflection from it, or simply trolling? I asked a very simple question. What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

Freedom of speech; we don't put people in jail for having the wrong opinion of that Islam hate-bloodbath Europeans think is so wonderful. We also have a broader right to self-defense and are allowed to use lethal force if our lives are in immediate danger.
I wasn't aware that we were jailing people who voice opinions . It hasn't caused anyone actual jail time but it is against the law in cases of overt racism or holocaust denials. As to your broader right to self defense. The right to shoot people is not a "freedom" a person has, it's a necessity in some cases which should make the people who commit the act, pose serious moral questions. The fact that you tout this as a freedom, shows a lack of morality. Killing is not a freedom a person has. We have a right to defend ourselves if our life is in immediate danger. We just don't consider someone simply entering our houses as IMMEDIATE danger. We also don't allow civilians the right to AR15's and other high capacity weapons. Since we have a fraction of your gun fatalities per capita I personally don't think that's a bad thing. So if that's all you have, you fail. So are your children allowed to pick whatever school they wish to go to? Or whatever college they want too attend, regardless of financial status?


You FILTHY fucking LIAR! I've read European media-feces for years, several European countries have a long, PROVEN history of jailing people who speak "ill" of Pisslam. Don't even bother responding, Eurotrash, I've already busted you in one lie, from your lying, American-hating, Islam-cocksucking Coward continent, I DO NOT believe anything more your Eurovermin have to say. You Europeans and your muslim whoremasters are simply an exercise in American-hating FILTH who deserve each other. As far as this "bloody seppo" is concerned, killing Euro pigs is the first GOOD thing your muslim savages have ever done. Your continent is a hateful, cowardly, American-hating PARASITE on my country and there are only so many pejoratives this "bloody yank" can drag out of my vocabulary to depict my hatred of Europeans and their cowardly, pompous, hypocritical arrogance.and their parasiting off the USA. You Europeans are the embodiement of sniveling, lazy COWARDICE!
Belgium, a place called Herentals.

I will fight you in a cage match with my left arm tied behind my back.
Lol.Ok, is that supposed to be a reply to my question, a deflection from it, or simply trolling? I asked a very simple question. What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

Freedom of speech; we don't put people in jail for having the wrong opinion of that Islam hate-bloodbath Europeans think is so wonderful. We also have a broader right to self-defense and are allowed to use lethal force if our lives are in immediate danger.
I wasn't aware that we were jailing people who voice opinions . It hasn't caused anyone actual jail time but it is against the law in cases of overt racism or holocaust denials. As to your broader right to self defense. The right to shoot people is not a "freedom" a person has, it's a necessity in some cases which should make the people who commit the act, pose serious moral questions. The fact that you tout this as a freedom, shows a lack of morality. Killing is not a freedom a person has. We have a right to defend ourselves if our life is in immediate danger. We just don't consider someone simply entering our houses as IMMEDIATE danger. We also don't allow civilians the right to AR15's and other high capacity weapons. Since we have a fraction of your gun fatalities per capita I personally don't think that's a bad thing. So if that's all you have, you fail. So are your children allowed to pick whatever school they wish to go to? Or whatever college they want too attend, regardless of financial status?
Thanks for destroying the European superiority complex with this idiocy.

If someone comes into your house unexpectedly with a weapon, and they know how to use it, you are already dead.
Oh really? Firstly, burglars at least in this country aren't generally armed. They want your goods and money and the last thing they want to do is commit murder. In fact the best I could find was about 3 deaths by robbing people in this country in 2017. 2 Of those deaths were because purse snatchers caused a bad fall on an older lady. It is exceedingly rare. Secondly, or you can't read or you don't want too. At no point in my post did I say you don't have the right to defend yourself or made any claim that defending yourself is deemed illegal. What I said that a burglar is not a lethal treat, and killing him could get you in trouble. The moment he comes upstairs it is perfectly legal to shoot him. Being an idiot is not being able to distinguish between the crime and an appropriate punishment. Unless I'm mistaking the US doesn't consider burglary a capital crime, which you shooting him would mean. You can claim self defense as much as you want, but if you can't see the moral problem with shooting someone over a stereo system, or some jewelry, I can't help you. Btw, as far as my superiority complex goes. This OP was started by someone claiming the US is the "last bastion of freedom", something I find incredibly arrogant and superior to say. And the very reason I choose to engage in the discussion. What's more when asked to prove that statement, I get people like you trying to win the argument by trying to belittle it.

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