Duty, Honor, Country,...Liberals Want to Destroy the Worlds Last Bastion of Freedom

Ironically it is Americans’ love for Europe that causes us to hate you Europeans so.

The Europe that fought off numerous invasions from the Turks, Mongols, Huns, Moors etc, and specifically the Britain that fought us to the death over spilt tea. THAT is the Europe that Americans love and respect, not cucked Merkel’s Europe.
So your love and respect for countries hinges on martial prowess? You think that's what makes a country great? I can easily flip that argument by saying that the America I respect is the one that wrote a constitution that put the power with it's people. The one that made equality however limited, a central tenant . The one that provided a safe haven for those people who were fleeing religious persecution.Not the one that builds walls and seems to want to move to a theocracy. Not the one that revels in attacking those who hold different views and religions.
Your interpretation of America is based on the America that literally formed a couple decades ago(the one you supposedly hate btw). The “progressive” America that made it so we actually needed walls and stronger moral values from our churches.

The original Constitution made it clear that this country was for productive people of European descent only. The original European nations had no problem with America keeping out Muslims or South Americans etc out, they only had a problem with America trying to separate itself from Europe.
Show me were I say I hate Americans. In fact since both my wife and daughter ARE American, it's a pretty fucked up thing to say. Show me were the original constitution said Europeans only.
You hate the founding of America. “To ourselves and our posterity”.

Washington not only would have approved of “walls”, he would have been in favor of stationing an armed militia on the wall to kill anyone attempting to violate America’s sovereignty. That is the America that you claim you admire.

No one gave a fuck about “refugees” back then. Especially not refugees that weren’t even the same race.
You seem to be making a lot of claims you are simply incapable of backing up. Now you are claiming to know how Washington thought. As to your claims that nobody gave a fuck about refugees, you are probably right. They also thought that witches existed, that slavery was moral and a bunch of other thing that are morally reprehensible by today's standards. That doesn't mean I can't respect the idea of trying to do better. To separate government and religion. To at least make the claim that all men are created equal. To create a representative government. To try to separate and limit the power of different branches of government.To limit it in time. None of these concepts were novel, but they were never before put together. It rightfully is something that is admired and emulated by the developed nations. It's also something that Trump is trying to replace with something else.
I can easily back all of those claims.

Only an idiot would fight and win a war to create a country and a nation, only to give it away to Mexico simply because Mexicans can walk to America.

I'm not inviting anybody. My response to someone entering my house, providing I hear him, is calling the police and yelling down that I did so. Just because I don't want to shoot him doesn't mean I'd condone what he does. Claiming I said so is an incredibly dishonest representation of what I say. If you didn't hear him you owning a weapon wouldn't save you either.
I have a better chance at getting out of that situation with my bare fists unharmed than you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.
I wouldn't be cowering. I would defend my family if the need arose. What I wouldn't do is SEARCH for trouble. I've had 3 cases were I had to act to safe a family member from harm. The first time when I was 13. This cowering person you believe me to be, yanked my choking grandmother out of my panicking fathers arms to perform the Heimlich maneuver, while the only thing I knew about it was what I'd seen on rescue 911 if you remember that show. I know from personal experience who I am in a crisis situation, can you claim the same?
Helping a choking family member and fighting off a determined bandit are very different things.

Your continent’s new culture is one of passivity. You would be killed every single time if you relied on the police in a ghetto or a 3rd world country.

The only time I ever felt threatened by someone unexpectedly was when I was randomly picked up by a man on Halloween when I was 8. I didn’t cry or scream, I simply tried to cripple or kill him by smashing his skull in with my plastic pirate sword that came with my costume until he dropped me.
They are the same thing. They require a person to act correctly although you are scared shitless. That is the very definition of courage. And btw how do you feel justified to claim knowledge about an entire continent? Are all Americans the same?
If that were the case then I would have panicked when that guy picked me up...just as I panicked after nearly killing an old man with a heavy drawer during a renovation.

The difference is that I thought I actually killed someone by accident because of a mistake I made, as opposed to actively trying to kill the guy who I thought was trying to kidnap or hurt me. I would do anything to save myself or my family because it is human nature, not because I am courageous.

Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.
I never made a claim about you. You made claims of knowledge how I would react. Which is both ridiculous and as far as I'm concerned completely wrong in light of what I know about myself. As to your second statement. They call it prejudice and its a perfect way to never have to think for yourself. It's also the first step to some of the worst kinds of atrocities. It's how Hitler thought about the Jews, the Turks thought about the Armenians, the Serbians thought about the Croats, and the Hutu's about the Tutsi's. "They are all the same now so I'm justified to kill them." I urge you to think about that.
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So your love and respect for countries hinges on martial prowess? You think that's what makes a country great? I can easily flip that argument by saying that the America I respect is the one that wrote a constitution that put the power with it's people. The one that made equality however limited, a central tenant . The one that provided a safe haven for those people who were fleeing religious persecution.Not the one that builds walls and seems to want to move to a theocracy. Not the one that revels in attacking those who hold different views and religions.
Your interpretation of America is based on the America that literally formed a couple decades ago(the one you supposedly hate btw). The “progressive” America that made it so we actually needed walls and stronger moral values from our churches.

The original Constitution made it clear that this country was for productive people of European descent only. The original European nations had no problem with America keeping out Muslims or South Americans etc out, they only had a problem with America trying to separate itself from Europe.
Show me were I say I hate Americans. In fact since both my wife and daughter ARE American, it's a pretty fucked up thing to say. Show me were the original constitution said Europeans only.
You hate the founding of America. “To ourselves and our posterity”.

Washington not only would have approved of “walls”, he would have been in favor of stationing an armed militia on the wall to kill anyone attempting to violate America’s sovereignty. That is the America that you claim you admire.

No one gave a fuck about “refugees” back then. Especially not refugees that weren’t even the same race.
You seem to be making a lot of claims you are simply incapable of backing up. Now you are claiming to know how Washington thought. As to your claims that nobody gave a fuck about refugees, you are probably right. They also thought that witches existed, that slavery was moral and a bunch of other thing that are morally reprehensible by today's standards. That doesn't mean I can't respect the idea of trying to do better. To separate government and religion. To at least make the claim that all men are created equal. To create a representative government. To try to separate and limit the power of different branches of government.To limit it in time. None of these concepts were novel, but they were never before put together. It rightfully is something that is admired and emulated by the developed nations. It's also something that Trump is trying to replace with something else.
I can easily back all of those claims.

Only an idiot would fight and win a war to create a country and a nation, only to give it away to Mexico simply because Mexicans can walk to America.
you are literally inviting someone to steal your private property

I bet you would let some thug take your wife and kids as well.

you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.

The original Constitution made it clear that this country was for productive people of European descent only.

Washington not only would have approved of “walls”, he would have been in favor of stationing an armed militia on the wall to kill anyone attempting to violate America’s sovereignty.

I can easily back all of those claims.
Please back these claims up. I just went back 2 pages
I have a better chance at getting out of that situation with my bare fists unharmed than you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.
I wouldn't be cowering. I would defend my family if the need arose. What I wouldn't do is SEARCH for trouble. I've had 3 cases were I had to act to safe a family member from harm. The first time when I was 13. This cowering person you believe me to be, yanked my choking grandmother out of my panicking fathers arms to perform the Heimlich maneuver, while the only thing I knew about it was what I'd seen on rescue 911 if you remember that show. I know from personal experience who I am in a crisis situation, can you claim the same?
Helping a choking family member and fighting off a determined bandit are very different things.

Your continent’s new culture is one of passivity. You would be killed every single time if you relied on the police in a ghetto or a 3rd world country.

The only time I ever felt threatened by someone unexpectedly was when I was randomly picked up by a man on Halloween when I was 8. I didn’t cry or scream, I simply tried to cripple or kill him by smashing his skull in with my plastic pirate sword that came with my costume until he dropped me.
They are the same thing. They require a person to act correctly although you are scared shitless. That is the very definition of courage. And btw how do you feel justified to claim knowledge about an entire continent? Are all Americans the same?
If that were the case then I would have panicked when that guy picked me up...just as I panicked after nearly killing an old man with a heavy drawer during a renovation.

The difference is that I thought I actually killed someone by accident because of a mistake I made, as opposed to actively trying to kill the guy who I thought was trying to kidnap or hurt me. I would do anything to save myself or my family because it is human nature, not because I am courageous.

Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.
I never made a claim about you. You made claims of knowledge how I would react. Which is both ridiculous and as far as I'm concerned completely wrong in light of what I know about myself. As to your second statement. They call it prejudice and its a perfect way to never have to think for yourself. It's also the first step to some of the worst kind of atrocities. It's how Hitler thought about the Jews, the Turks thought about the Armenians, the Serbians thought about the Croats, and the Hutu's about the Tutsi's. They are all the same know so I'm justified to kill them. I urge you to think about that.
What the hell are you going on about? I simply said that your reaction to a family member in trouble is not the same as someone actively standing in your way of pursuing life further.

Prejudice is biological btw. Do you not think those “refugees” are prejudice against you?
I wouldn't be cowering. I would defend my family if the need arose. What I wouldn't do is SEARCH for trouble. I've had 3 cases were I had to act to safe a family member from harm. The first time when I was 13. This cowering person you believe me to be, yanked my choking grandmother out of my panicking fathers arms to perform the Heimlich maneuver, while the only thing I knew about it was what I'd seen on rescue 911 if you remember that show. I know from personal experience who I am in a crisis situation, can you claim the same?
Helping a choking family member and fighting off a determined bandit are very different things.

Your continent’s new culture is one of passivity. You would be killed every single time if you relied on the police in a ghetto or a 3rd world country.

The only time I ever felt threatened by someone unexpectedly was when I was randomly picked up by a man on Halloween when I was 8. I didn’t cry or scream, I simply tried to cripple or kill him by smashing his skull in with my plastic pirate sword that came with my costume until he dropped me.
They are the same thing. They require a person to act correctly although you are scared shitless. That is the very definition of courage. And btw how do you feel justified to claim knowledge about an entire continent? Are all Americans the same?
If that were the case then I would have panicked when that guy picked me up...just as I panicked after nearly killing an old man with a heavy drawer during a renovation.

The difference is that I thought I actually killed someone by accident because of a mistake I made, as opposed to actively trying to kill the guy who I thought was trying to kidnap or hurt me. I would do anything to save myself or my family because it is human nature, not because I am courageous.

Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.
I never made a claim about you. You made claims of knowledge how I would react. Which is both ridiculous and as far as I'm concerned completely wrong in light of what I know about myself. As to your second statement. They call it prejudice and its a perfect way to never have to think for yourself. It's also the first step to some of the worst kind of atrocities. It's how Hitler thought about the Jews, the Turks thought about the Armenians, the Serbians thought about the Croats, and the Hutu's about the Tutsi's. They are all the same know so I'm justified to kill them. I urge you to think about that.
What the hell are you going on about? I simply said that your reaction to a family member in trouble is not the same as someone actively standing in your way of pursuing life further.

Prejudice is biological btw. Do you not think those “refugees” are prejudice against you?
I have a better chance at getting out of that situation with my bare fists unharmed than you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.
No you said you knew how I would react. This prompted me to give you a personal anecdote.
As to your prejudice statement, you are right. Prejudice is biological, it's something I possess just like every other person. The difference is I recognize it for what it is and I actively try to not let my prejudices influence my interactions. I try to judge a person on merit. I find prejudices a bad habit. You on the other hand proudly proclaim your prejudices. Something that historically is shown to lead too no good end.
Helping a choking family member and fighting off a determined bandit are very different things.

Your continent’s new culture is one of passivity. You would be killed every single time if you relied on the police in a ghetto or a 3rd world country.

The only time I ever felt threatened by someone unexpectedly was when I was randomly picked up by a man on Halloween when I was 8. I didn’t cry or scream, I simply tried to cripple or kill him by smashing his skull in with my plastic pirate sword that came with my costume until he dropped me.
They are the same thing. They require a person to act correctly although you are scared shitless. That is the very definition of courage. And btw how do you feel justified to claim knowledge about an entire continent? Are all Americans the same?
If that were the case then I would have panicked when that guy picked me up...just as I panicked after nearly killing an old man with a heavy drawer during a renovation.

The difference is that I thought I actually killed someone by accident because of a mistake I made, as opposed to actively trying to kill the guy who I thought was trying to kidnap or hurt me. I would do anything to save myself or my family because it is human nature, not because I am courageous.

Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.
I never made a claim about you. You made claims of knowledge how I would react. Which is both ridiculous and as far as I'm concerned completely wrong in light of what I know about myself. As to your second statement. They call it prejudice and its a perfect way to never have to think for yourself. It's also the first step to some of the worst kind of atrocities. It's how Hitler thought about the Jews, the Turks thought about the Armenians, the Serbians thought about the Croats, and the Hutu's about the Tutsi's. They are all the same know so I'm justified to kill them. I urge you to think about that.
What the hell are you going on about? I simply said that your reaction to a family member in trouble is not the same as someone actively standing in your way of pursuing life further.

Prejudice is biological btw. Do you not think those “refugees” are prejudice against you?
I have a better chance at getting out of that situation with my bare fists unharmed than you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.
No you said you knew how I would react. This prompted me to give you a personal anecdote.
As to your prejudice statement, you are right. Prejudice is biological, it's something I possess just like every other person. The difference is I recognize it for what it is and I actively try to not let my prejudices influence my interactions. I try to judge a person on merit. I find prejudices a bad habit. You on the other hand proudly proclaim your prejudices. Something that historically is shown to lead too no good end.
Your prejudices keep you alive.

Your prejudices are the reason why you give a damn about your wife and daughter.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
Hs: Nj ... the state with the highest % of students going on to college.
College- NJ again. Many great universities.
Grad school. NJ again.

Very good. Bergen Catholic usually has football in the top 25 nationally, but what happened to Don Bosco Prep! They used to rank in the top 10 nationally not long ago! I mehself was in the UConn MBA program, but working all day and then sitting in a classroom that I could have taught was boring. So I stopped going!
They are the same thing. They require a person to act correctly although you are scared shitless. That is the very definition of courage. And btw how do you feel justified to claim knowledge about an entire continent? Are all Americans the same?
If that were the case then I would have panicked when that guy picked me up...just as I panicked after nearly killing an old man with a heavy drawer during a renovation.

The difference is that I thought I actually killed someone by accident because of a mistake I made, as opposed to actively trying to kill the guy who I thought was trying to kidnap or hurt me. I would do anything to save myself or my family because it is human nature, not because I am courageous.

Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.
I never made a claim about you. You made claims of knowledge how I would react. Which is both ridiculous and as far as I'm concerned completely wrong in light of what I know about myself. As to your second statement. They call it prejudice and its a perfect way to never have to think for yourself. It's also the first step to some of the worst kind of atrocities. It's how Hitler thought about the Jews, the Turks thought about the Armenians, the Serbians thought about the Croats, and the Hutu's about the Tutsi's. They are all the same know so I'm justified to kill them. I urge you to think about that.
What the hell are you going on about? I simply said that your reaction to a family member in trouble is not the same as someone actively standing in your way of pursuing life further.

Prejudice is biological btw. Do you not think those “refugees” are prejudice against you?
I have a better chance at getting out of that situation with my bare fists unharmed than you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.
No you said you knew how I would react. This prompted me to give you a personal anecdote.
As to your prejudice statement, you are right. Prejudice is biological, it's something I possess just like every other person. The difference is I recognize it for what it is and I actively try to not let my prejudices influence my interactions. I try to judge a person on merit. I find prejudices a bad habit. You on the other hand proudly proclaim your prejudices. Something that historically is shown to lead too no good end.
Your prejudices keep you alive.

Your prejudices are the reason why you give a damn about your wife and daughter.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
When you literally say, "you are all the same now" you closed the door on any merit based assessment. It is claiming merit doesn't matter.
On that note I'm going to bed. Have a nice evening. If you want to continue, I'm perfectly willing but I have to go to work in a few hours. I'll reply tomorrow.
If that were the case then I would have panicked when that guy picked me up...just as I panicked after nearly killing an old man with a heavy drawer during a renovation.

The difference is that I thought I actually killed someone by accident because of a mistake I made, as opposed to actively trying to kill the guy who I thought was trying to kidnap or hurt me. I would do anything to save myself or my family because it is human nature, not because I am courageous.

Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.
I never made a claim about you. You made claims of knowledge how I would react. Which is both ridiculous and as far as I'm concerned completely wrong in light of what I know about myself. As to your second statement. They call it prejudice and its a perfect way to never have to think for yourself. It's also the first step to some of the worst kind of atrocities. It's how Hitler thought about the Jews, the Turks thought about the Armenians, the Serbians thought about the Croats, and the Hutu's about the Tutsi's. They are all the same know so I'm justified to kill them. I urge you to think about that.
What the hell are you going on about? I simply said that your reaction to a family member in trouble is not the same as someone actively standing in your way of pursuing life further.

Prejudice is biological btw. Do you not think those “refugees” are prejudice against you?
I have a better chance at getting out of that situation with my bare fists unharmed than you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.
No you said you knew how I would react. This prompted me to give you a personal anecdote.
As to your prejudice statement, you are right. Prejudice is biological, it's something I possess just like every other person. The difference is I recognize it for what it is and I actively try to not let my prejudices influence my interactions. I try to judge a person on merit. I find prejudices a bad habit. You on the other hand proudly proclaim your prejudices. Something that historically is shown to lead too no good end.
Your prejudices keep you alive.

Your prejudices are the reason why you give a damn about your wife and daughter.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
When you literally say, "you are all the same now" you closed the door on any merit based assessment. It is claiming merit doesn't matter.
On that note I'm going to bed. Have a nice evening. If you want to continue, I'm perfectly willing but I have to go to work in a few hours. I'll reply tomorrow.
The merit based assessment is coming from your posts about “walls” and “prejudices”.

You have posted nothing that would lead me to believe you are any different from Merkel, as far as political beliefs are concerned.

Of course I know there are sane Europeans from the Generation Identitarian movements, but they are sadly few and far between.
What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

No doubt the USA has some serious issues in regards to pot, freedom to carry personal firearms across state lines (which I do anyway) etc.
Citing the freedom to carry firearms,is like citing the freedom too wear a pink tutu in the middle of the street. The question of having the freedom to do so should take a backseat to the advisebility of doing so. It is also not an answer to my question. What is a freedom to have that is not given in other developed nations. For instance I have the freedom to send my daughter to whatever school I choose. Not as it is in the US the school in my district.

Everyone in the US has the freedom to send their child to the school of their choice. They just have to pay for it.
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
This vegetable is your leader Democrats. Really?

The partisans are the ones destroying the country, Democrat and Republican alike.

Nope. When it gets to the point that you can't justify the crazy right wing any more, you try to claim both sides do it. NO the right is the side that divided our country with so many lies and false accusations. It wasn't both. It was them.

The piece of shit who shot to kill the entire Republican Congressional baseball team is a typical Democrat voter who was spouting straight MSNBC talking points. Anyone who votes for the Democrats is either too stupid to understand what your party stands for, or they are actively trying to destroy the western world.

The “left” stands for NOTHING related to the founding of this country.

Ho long have you had these delusions?
What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

No doubt the USA has some serious issues in regards to pot, freedom to carry personal firearms across state lines (which I do anyway) etc.
Citing the freedom to carry firearms,is like citing the freedom too wear a pink tutu in the middle of the street. The question of having the freedom to do so should take a backseat to the advisebility of doing so. It is also not an answer to my question. What is a freedom to have that is not given in other developed nations. For instance I have the freedom to send my daughter to whatever school I choose. Not as it is in the US the school in my district.

Everyone in the US has the freedom to send their child to the school of their choice. They just have to pay for it.
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
No doubt the USA has some serious issues in regards to pot, freedom to carry personal firearms across state lines (which I do anyway) etc.
Citing the freedom to carry firearms,is like citing the freedom too wear a pink tutu in the middle of the street. The question of having the freedom to do so should take a backseat to the advisebility of doing so. It is also not an answer to my question. What is a freedom to have that is not given in other developed nations. For instance I have the freedom to send my daughter to whatever school I choose. Not as it is in the US the school in my district.

Everyone in the US has the freedom to send their child to the school of their choice. They just have to pay for it.
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
Your schools all suck equally.

That is not an advantage.
No doubt the USA has some serious issues in regards to pot, freedom to carry personal firearms across state lines (which I do anyway) etc.
Citing the freedom to carry firearms,is like citing the freedom too wear a pink tutu in the middle of the street. The question of having the freedom to do so should take a backseat to the advisebility of doing so. It is also not an answer to my question. What is a freedom to have that is not given in other developed nations. For instance I have the freedom to send my daughter to whatever school I choose. Not as it is in the US the school in my district.

Everyone in the US has the freedom to send their child to the school of their choice. They just have to pay for it.
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.

Good for you, so why are you bitching?

Economic reality is just that. If you don't have the ability to move to a good school attendance zone, that is your choice. You made the decision, not anyone else.

I spend the better part of my twelve years in the military moving around the east coast with two school age children. The primary purpose in choosing where I would live meant finding good schools for my kids. I did it, and often commuted long distances to work because I wanted to live in an area with good schools that were not near my bases. If you can't do it, it all boils down to the choices you made in life. You succeed or fail based upon those decisions.
Citing the freedom to carry firearms,is like citing the freedom too wear a pink tutu in the middle of the street. The question of having the freedom to do so should take a backseat to the advisebility of doing so. It is also not an answer to my question. What is a freedom to have that is not given in other developed nations. For instance I have the freedom to send my daughter to whatever school I choose. Not as it is in the US the school in my district.

Everyone in the US has the freedom to send their child to the school of their choice. They just have to pay for it.
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
Your schools all suck equally.

That is not an advantage.
Oh really? I'm talking to you in my third language I'm fluent in. I speak French and Dutch to. I also have knowledge of German although I wouldn't consider myself fluent. My country ranks above you in math, reading and science. My kid who started school at 2.5 is now getting her first French lessons at age 5. This is of course her third language too. Although that's because she's raised bilingual, not because of schooling. So you think you can make your claim stick. My prejudiced friend?
Everyone in the US has the freedom to send their child to the school of their choice. They just have to pay for it.
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
Your schools all suck equally.

That is not an advantage.
Oh really? I'm talking to you in my third language I'm fluent in. I speak French and Dutch to. I also have knowledge of German although I wouldn't consider myself fluent. My country ranks above you in math, reading and science. My kid who started school at 2.5 is now getting her first French lessons at age 5. This is of course her third language too. Although that's because she's raised bilingual, not because of schooling. So you think you can make your claim stick. My prejudiced friend?

So, in other words your children's education is more a result of parent involvement than anything else.
Citing the freedom to carry firearms,is like citing the freedom too wear a pink tutu in the middle of the street. The question of having the freedom to do so should take a backseat to the advisebility of doing so. It is also not an answer to my question. What is a freedom to have that is not given in other developed nations. For instance I have the freedom to send my daughter to whatever school I choose. Not as it is in the US the school in my district.

Everyone in the US has the freedom to send their child to the school of their choice. They just have to pay for it.
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.

Good for you, so why are you bitching?

Economic reality is just that. If you don't have the ability to move to a good school attendance zone, that is your choice. You made the decision, not anyone else.

I spend the better part of my twelve years in the military moving around the east coast with two school age children. The primary purpose in choosing where I would live meant finding good schools for my kids. I did it, and often commuted long distances to work because I wanted to live in an area with good schools that were not near my bases. If you can't do it, it all boils down to the choices you made in life. You succeed or fail based upon those decisions.
I wasn't bitching. My original response to this post was a question to support the statement that the US is the last bastion of freedom. Something that implies there isn't freedom in other countries. I was replying to your statements that you are free to choose the school for your kid, something that isn't true. Since schools are tied to districts. You seem to think that the reason people don't move out of bad school districts is because of bad choices. What choice do you imagine someone working at MCDonalds have when it comes too were they live?
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
Your schools all suck equally.

That is not an advantage.
Oh really? I'm talking to you in my third language I'm fluent in. I speak French and Dutch to. I also have knowledge of German although I wouldn't consider myself fluent. My country ranks above you in math, reading and science. My kid who started school at 2.5 is now getting her first French lessons at age 5. This is of course her third language too. Although that's because she's raised bilingual, not because of schooling. So you think you can make your claim stick. My prejudiced friend?

So, in other words your children's education is more a result of parent involvement than anything else.
Talk about selectively quoting. No I said that my daughter considering who her mom is had an advantage on learning English. Something she wouldn't have started until 12 in normal circumstances. My school system is by most measurable ways better then yours. It's cheaper, more inclusive and of higher quality. I put in the caveat most, because the US has a few top notch universities that are better than those available to us. Not saying our universities suck since we have a few that rank easily in the top 100 worldwide, but we don't have a Harvard or a MIT. Like I mentioned in all academic indices we score better on average.The latest ranking of top countries in math, reading, and science is out — and the US didn't crack the top 10 | Mathnasium
They are the same thing. They require a person to act correctly although you are scared shitless. That is the very definition of courage. And btw how do you feel justified to claim knowledge about an entire continent? Are all Americans the same?
If that were the case then I would have panicked when that guy picked me up...just as I panicked after nearly killing an old man with a heavy drawer during a renovation.

The difference is that I thought I actually killed someone by accident because of a mistake I made, as opposed to actively trying to kill the guy who I thought was trying to kidnap or hurt me. I would do anything to save myself or my family because it is human nature, not because I am courageous.

Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.
I never made a claim about you. You made claims of knowledge how I would react. Which is both ridiculous and as far as I'm concerned completely wrong in light of what I know about myself. As to your second statement. They call it prejudice and its a perfect way to never have to think for yourself. It's also the first step to some of the worst kind of atrocities. It's how Hitler thought about the Jews, the Turks thought about the Armenians, the Serbians thought about the Croats, and the Hutu's about the Tutsi's. They are all the same know so I'm justified to kill them. I urge you to think about that.
What the hell are you going on about? I simply said that your reaction to a family member in trouble is not the same as someone actively standing in your way of pursuing life further.

Prejudice is biological btw. Do you not think those “refugees” are prejudice against you?
I have a better chance at getting out of that situation with my bare fists unharmed than you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.
No you said you knew how I would react. This prompted me to give you a personal anecdote.
As to your prejudice statement, you are right. Prejudice is biological, it's something I possess just like every other person. The difference is I recognize it for what it is and I actively try to not let my prejudices influence my interactions. I try to judge a person on merit. I find prejudices a bad habit. You on the other hand proudly proclaim your prejudices. Something that historically is shown to lead too no good end.
Your prejudices keep you alive.

Your prejudices are the reason why you give a damn about your wife and daughter.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
-How do prejudices keep you alive?
-The reason I love my wife and kid has nothing to do with any prejudice I posses.
- Do you think prejudices are good ? Do you believe Hitler did the right thing by trying to exterminate an entire race? Or the Serbians? Or the other examples I gave? Prejudices are often wrong because it assumes to know how an entire group of individuals think. Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.This is it's definition.You have shown quite a few towards me that are simply wrong.
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