Duty, Honor, Country,...Liberals Want to Destroy the Worlds Last Bastion of Freedom

I never made a claim about you. You made claims of knowledge how I would react. Which is both ridiculous and as far as I'm concerned completely wrong in light of what I know about myself. As to your second statement. They call it prejudice and its a perfect way to never have to think for yourself. It's also the first step to some of the worst kind of atrocities. It's how Hitler thought about the Jews, the Turks thought about the Armenians, the Serbians thought about the Croats, and the Hutu's about the Tutsi's. They are all the same know so I'm justified to kill them. I urge you to think about that.
What the hell are you going on about? I simply said that your reaction to a family member in trouble is not the same as someone actively standing in your way of pursuing life further.

Prejudice is biological btw. Do you not think those “refugees” are prejudice against you?
I have a better chance at getting out of that situation with my bare fists unharmed than you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.
No you said you knew how I would react. This prompted me to give you a personal anecdote.
As to your prejudice statement, you are right. Prejudice is biological, it's something I possess just like every other person. The difference is I recognize it for what it is and I actively try to not let my prejudices influence my interactions. I try to judge a person on merit. I find prejudices a bad habit. You on the other hand proudly proclaim your prejudices. Something that historically is shown to lead too no good end.
Your prejudices keep you alive.

Your prejudices are the reason why you give a damn about your wife and daughter.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
When you literally say, "you are all the same now" you closed the door on any merit based assessment. It is claiming merit doesn't matter.
On that note I'm going to bed. Have a nice evening. If you want to continue, I'm perfectly willing but I have to go to work in a few hours. I'll reply tomorrow.
The merit based assessment is coming from your posts about “walls” and “prejudices”.

You have posted nothing that would lead me to believe you are any different from Merkel, as far as political beliefs are concerned.

Of course I know there are sane Europeans from the Generation Identitarian movements, but they are sadly few and far between.
I know English isn't my first language but I'm pretty sure that when you say " your are all the same now" , That applies to all Europeans, not just me.
Everyone in the US has the freedom to send their child to the school of their choice. They just have to pay for it.
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
Your schools all suck equally.

That is not an advantage.
Oh really? I'm talking to you in my third language I'm fluent in. I speak French and Dutch to. I also have knowledge of German although I wouldn't consider myself fluent. My country ranks above you in math, reading and science. My kid who started school at 2.5 is now getting her first French lessons at age 5. This is of course her third language too. Although that's because she's raised bilingual, not because of schooling. So you think you can make your claim stick. My prejudiced friend?
Speaking multiple languages at a young age is not really impressive(especially a young child with parents of different nationalities and ethnic groups, and especially a young child born in a small European country that already speaks multiple languages regularly). If you were educated about human biology you would know how malleable the brain of a child is.

Our schools are dealing with dumbass ghetto kids and stoners, and that drags down the scores more than you know. The best grade schools in the US are far better than anything you will ever get in Europe.
What the hell are you going on about? I simply said that your reaction to a family member in trouble is not the same as someone actively standing in your way of pursuing life further.

Prejudice is biological btw. Do you not think those “refugees” are prejudice against you?
I have a better chance at getting out of that situation with my bare fists unharmed than you do cowering in the corner until the pussified police show up.
No you said you knew how I would react. This prompted me to give you a personal anecdote.
As to your prejudice statement, you are right. Prejudice is biological, it's something I possess just like every other person. The difference is I recognize it for what it is and I actively try to not let my prejudices influence my interactions. I try to judge a person on merit. I find prejudices a bad habit. You on the other hand proudly proclaim your prejudices. Something that historically is shown to lead too no good end.
Your prejudices keep you alive.

Your prejudices are the reason why you give a damn about your wife and daughter.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
When you literally say, "you are all the same now" you closed the door on any merit based assessment. It is claiming merit doesn't matter.
On that note I'm going to bed. Have a nice evening. If you want to continue, I'm perfectly willing but I have to go to work in a few hours. I'll reply tomorrow.
The merit based assessment is coming from your posts about “walls” and “prejudices”.

You have posted nothing that would lead me to believe you are any different from Merkel, as far as political beliefs are concerned.

Of course I know there are sane Europeans from the Generation Identitarian movements, but they are sadly few and far between.
I know English isn't my first language but I'm pretty sure that when you say " your are all the same now" , That applies to all Europeans, not just me.
Your countries are all the same politically, and you rarely ever try to change that.

You all have same the fearmongering about the “far right” constantly pumped into your skulls. You all have the same ignorant and reactionary view of the right in the US.
If you don't have the money, you don't have a choice right? Claiming that you have the freedom you just have to pay for it is a gross simplification. I have the freedom to buy a 100 foot yacht. That doesn't mean I'll be ordering my captains hat tomorrow.

But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
Your schools all suck equally.

That is not an advantage.
Oh really? I'm talking to you in my third language I'm fluent in. I speak French and Dutch to. I also have knowledge of German although I wouldn't consider myself fluent. My country ranks above you in math, reading and science. My kid who started school at 2.5 is now getting her first French lessons at age 5. This is of course her third language too. Although that's because she's raised bilingual, not because of schooling. So you think you can make your claim stick. My prejudiced friend?
Speaking multiple languages at a young age is not really impressive(especially a young child with parents of different nationalities and ethnic groups, and especially a young child born in a small European country that already speaks multiple languages regularly). If you were educated about human biology you would know how malleable the brain of a child is.

Our schools are dealing with dumbass ghetto kids and stoners, and that drags down the scores more than you know. The best grade schools in the US are far better than anything you will ever get in Europe.
It's not impressive? Tell me how many do you speak? I distinctly remember studying my butt of in French class. English was easier but still. Ever tried to write German? I can tell you it takes serious commitment and good teachers. This on top of what you consider normal. Btw my question was can you make this statement stick?
Your schools all suck equally.
I don't want to hear excuses why when you measure the US does poorly in core subjects. That's besides the point. You keep on making claims about me, my country, and Europe in general, but when asked to back up your prejudices I hear nothing. If you can't bring up any semblance of intellectual honesty there is no point in continuing.
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But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
Your schools all suck equally.

That is not an advantage.
Oh really? I'm talking to you in my third language I'm fluent in. I speak French and Dutch to. I also have knowledge of German although I wouldn't consider myself fluent. My country ranks above you in math, reading and science. My kid who started school at 2.5 is now getting her first French lessons at age 5. This is of course her third language too. Although that's because she's raised bilingual, not because of schooling. So you think you can make your claim stick. My prejudiced friend?
Speaking multiple languages at a young age is not really impressive(especially a young child with parents of different nationalities and ethnic groups, and especially a young child born in a small European country that already speaks multiple languages regularly). If you were educated about human biology you would know how malleable the brain of a child is.

Our schools are dealing with dumbass ghetto kids and stoners, and that drags down the scores more than you know. The best grade schools in the US are far better than anything you will ever get in Europe.
It's not impressive? Tell me how many do you speak? I distinctly remember studying my but of in French class. English was easier but still. Ever tried to write German? I can tell you it takes serious commitment and good teachers. This on top of what you consider normal. Btw my question was can you make this statement stick?
Your schools all suck equally.
I don't want to hear excuses why when you measure the US does poorly in core subjects. That's besides the point. You keep on making claims about me, my country, and Europe in general, but when asked to back up your prejudices I hear nothing. If you can't bring up any semblance of intellectual honesty there is no point in continuing.

Studying your "but of"? What languages did you say you were fluent in?

Yes, I have tried to write German as I took it in college. I also took Latin in high school, but I don't get to converse in either one very often.

I probably understand more Spanish than either of those, but haven't had a class since elementary school. Language skills are a poor example of education.

All I hear coming from you is your EU arrogance. Are you sure you aren't French?
No you said you knew how I would react. This prompted me to give you a personal anecdote.
As to your prejudice statement, you are right. Prejudice is biological, it's something I possess just like every other person. The difference is I recognize it for what it is and I actively try to not let my prejudices influence my interactions. I try to judge a person on merit. I find prejudices a bad habit. You on the other hand proudly proclaim your prejudices. Something that historically is shown to lead too no good end.
Your prejudices keep you alive.

Your prejudices are the reason why you give a damn about your wife and daughter.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
Your continent is run by Merkel, and most of you morons are fine with it. You are all the same now.

Merit should be used as a way to overcome or override legitimate prejudices, not to fill a resume.
When you literally say, "you are all the same now" you closed the door on any merit based assessment. It is claiming merit doesn't matter.
On that note I'm going to bed. Have a nice evening. If you want to continue, I'm perfectly willing but I have to go to work in a few hours. I'll reply tomorrow.
The merit based assessment is coming from your posts about “walls” and “prejudices”.

You have posted nothing that would lead me to believe you are any different from Merkel, as far as political beliefs are concerned.

Of course I know there are sane Europeans from the Generation Identitarian movements, but they are sadly few and far between.
I know English isn't my first language but I'm pretty sure that when you say " your are all the same now" , That applies to all Europeans, not just me.
Your countries are all the same politically, and you rarely ever try to change that.

You all have same the fearmongering about the “far right” constantly pumped into your skulls. You all have the same ignorant and reactionary view of the right in the US.
Fearmongering???? Coming from someone who sees the world through incredibly prejudiced glasses. Who sees nothing wrong at looking through those glasses, where immigrants and Muslims and apparently Europeans are the enemy? Most of my in laws vote Republican, I have zero problems with them. I get into arguments here with coworkers about the treat of terrorism, believe me mine is a minority view. Yet here you are trying to make the an argument spouted by I assume Fox news about Europe, to an European who has an actual base for comparison. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
Your schools all suck equally.

That is not an advantage.
Oh really? I'm talking to you in my third language I'm fluent in. I speak French and Dutch to. I also have knowledge of German although I wouldn't consider myself fluent. My country ranks above you in math, reading and science. My kid who started school at 2.5 is now getting her first French lessons at age 5. This is of course her third language too. Although that's because she's raised bilingual, not because of schooling. So you think you can make your claim stick. My prejudiced friend?
Speaking multiple languages at a young age is not really impressive(especially a young child with parents of different nationalities and ethnic groups, and especially a young child born in a small European country that already speaks multiple languages regularly). If you were educated about human biology you would know how malleable the brain of a child is.

Our schools are dealing with dumbass ghetto kids and stoners, and that drags down the scores more than you know. The best grade schools in the US are far better than anything you will ever get in Europe.
It's not impressive? Tell me how many do you speak? I distinctly remember studying my but of in French class. English was easier but still. Ever tried to write German? I can tell you it takes serious commitment and good teachers. This on top of what you consider normal. Btw my question was can you make this statement stick?
Your schools all suck equally.
I don't want to hear excuses why when you measure the US does poorly in core subjects. That's besides the point. You keep on making claims about me, my country, and Europe in general, but when asked to back up your prejudices I hear nothing. If you can't bring up any semblance of intellectual honesty there is no point in continuing.

Studying your "but of"? What languages did you say you were fluent in?

Yes, I have tried to write German as I took it in college. I also took Latin in high school, but I don't get to converse in either one very often.

I probably understand more Spanish than either of those, but haven't had a class since elementary school. Language skills are a poor example of education.

All I hear coming from you is your EU arrogance. Are you sure you aren't French?
Guess you never made a typo. What do you believe is arrogant? I simply respond to what you and ptbw say. If someone makes a claim that my education system sucks is it out of bounds to use myself as an example and too source studies that show otherwise? I wasn't aware that I wasn't allowed to use facts.
Yes it isn't a great barometer for education level but when you count that skill, together with studies that show that we do better in core subjects too, it does show a trend, wouldn't you agree?
What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

No doubt the USA has some serious issues in regards to pot, freedom to carry personal firearms across state lines (which I do anyway) etc.
Citing the freedom to carry firearms,is like citing the freedom too wear a pink tutu in the middle of the street. The question of having the freedom to do so should take a backseat to the advisebility of doing so. It is also not an answer to my question. What is a freedom to have that is not given in other developed nations. For instance I have the freedom to send my daughter to whatever school I choose. Not as it is in the US the school in my district.
Carrying a gun is about the most important freedom one can have. Sorry if that doesnt fit into your collective european bedwetting version of "freedom"
Belgium, a place called Herentals.

I will fight you in a cage match with my left arm tied behind my back.
Lol.Ok, is that supposed to be a reply to my question, a deflection from it, or simply trolling? I asked a very simple question. What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

Freedom of speech; we don't put people in jail for having the wrong opinion of that Islam hate-bloodbath Europeans think is so wonderful. We also have a broader right to self-defense and are allowed to use lethal force if our lives are in immediate danger.
I wasn't aware that we were jailing people who voice opinions . It hasn't caused anyone actual jail time but it is against the law in cases of overt racism or holocaust denials. As to your broader right to self defense. The right to shoot people is not a "freedom" a person has, it's a necessity in some cases which should make the people who commit the act, pose serious moral questions. The fact that you tout this as a freedom, shows a lack of morality. Killing is not a freedom a person has. We have a right to defend ourselves if our life is in immediate danger. We just don't consider someone simply entering our houses as IMMEDIATE danger. We also don't allow civilians the right to AR15's and other high capacity weapons. Since we have a fraction of your gun fatalities per capita I personally don't think that's a bad thing. So if that's all you have, you fail. So are your children allowed to pick whatever school they wish to go to? Or whatever college they want too attend, regardless of financial status?
Against the law to deny the holocaust? And you want to talk about fucking freedom? :rofl:
Belgium, a place called Herentals.

I will fight you in a cage match with my left arm tied behind my back.
Lol.Ok, is that supposed to be a reply to my question, a deflection from it, or simply trolling? I asked a very simple question. What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

Freedom of speech; we don't put people in jail for having the wrong opinion of that Islam hate-bloodbath Europeans think is so wonderful. We also have a broader right to self-defense and are allowed to use lethal force if our lives are in immediate danger.
I wasn't aware that we were jailing people who voice opinions . It hasn't caused anyone actual jail time but it is against the law in cases of overt racism or holocaust denials. As to your broader right to self defense. The right to shoot people is not a "freedom" a person has, it's a necessity in some cases which should make the people who commit the act, pose serious moral questions. The fact that you tout this as a freedom, shows a lack of morality. Killing is not a freedom a person has. We have a right to defend ourselves if our life is in immediate danger. We just don't consider someone simply entering our houses as IMMEDIATE danger. We also don't allow civilians the right to AR15's and other high capacity weapons. Since we have a fraction of your gun fatalities per capita I personally don't think that's a bad thing. So if that's all you have, you fail. So are your children allowed to pick whatever school they wish to go to? Or whatever college they want too attend, regardless of financial status?
Against the law to deny the holocaust? And you want to talk about fucking freedom? :rofl:
Not a big fan of it myself,but unlike almost ALL people on this board I don't omit facts simply because it doesn't fit my argument.
What freedoms do you have that I don't? I can name quite a few freedoms I have that you don't.So please answer, or don't engage me at all.

No doubt the USA has some serious issues in regards to pot, freedom to carry personal firearms across state lines (which I do anyway) etc.
Citing the freedom to carry firearms,is like citing the freedom too wear a pink tutu in the middle of the street. The question of having the freedom to do so should take a backseat to the advisebility of doing so. It is also not an answer to my question. What is a freedom to have that is not given in other developed nations. For instance I have the freedom to send my daughter to whatever school I choose. Not as it is in the US the school in my district.
Carrying a gun is about the most important freedom one can have. Sorry if that doesnt fit into your collective european bedwetting version of "freedom"
I fail to see how. I doubt, that particular freedom would have ANY real impact on peoples life. Unlike for instance the freedom to pick the best possible education for your children, or the best possible health care regardless of how much money you have.
But you cannot say you do not have the freedom to choose your school. There are far too many reasons to list here as to why freedom of choice in schools doesn't work, but you have the freedom to choose where you live and the the school where your children will attend. To say you do not have freedom of choice is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced lie at the worst.
As I pointed out we have freedom of choice in schools here. So how do you mean it doesn't work. Secondly. Saying you can move if you want your choice of schools to be different, so you do have a choice,completely disregards economic reality. Usually the districts with the better schools are also the ones with the higher property value. I don't think you for instance ,would be capable of moving too Beverly Hills.Financial constraints limit freedom of choice,trying to talk your way around that doesn't work.
Your schools all suck equally.

That is not an advantage.
Oh really? I'm talking to you in my third language I'm fluent in. I speak French and Dutch to. I also have knowledge of German although I wouldn't consider myself fluent. My country ranks above you in math, reading and science. My kid who started school at 2.5 is now getting her first French lessons at age 5. This is of course her third language too. Although that's because she's raised bilingual, not because of schooling. So you think you can make your claim stick. My prejudiced friend?
Speaking multiple languages at a young age is not really impressive(especially a young child with parents of different nationalities and ethnic groups, and especially a young child born in a small European country that already speaks multiple languages regularly). If you were educated about human biology you would know how malleable the brain of a child is.

Our schools are dealing with dumbass ghetto kids and stoners, and that drags down the scores more than you know. The best grade schools in the US are far better than anything you will ever get in Europe.
It's not impressive? Tell me how many do you speak? I distinctly remember studying my butt of in French class. English was easier but still. Ever tried to write German? I can tell you it takes serious commitment and good teachers. This on top of what you consider normal. Btw my question was can you make this statement stick?
Your schools all suck equally.
I don't want to hear excuses why when you measure the US does poorly in core subjects. That's besides the point. You keep on making claims about me, my country, and Europe in general, but when asked to back up your prejudices I hear nothing. If you can't bring up any semblance of intellectual honesty there is no point in continuing.

What was the actual topic of the thread again?

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