Dylann Roof wanted an AR-15

After Newtown the left proclaimed the banning of weapons like the AR-15 and limiting the number of rounds in a clip would prevent these sort of things. This guy used a pistol which I hear carried 7 rounds in the clip didn't stop him people bent on murder will find away .


Maybe not....But why should we make it easier for someone to shoot up a theater or kill a bunch of six year olds?
If you recall Adam Lanza took the AR-15 he used from his mothers house after he killed her which she purchased legally in a state that has very strict gun laws.
Too bad the NRA was not there to get him one

Charleston shooter Roof wanted an AR-15 had magazines - CNN.com

A police report reveals self-confessed shooter Dylann Roof had wanted a much deadlier weapon.
Earlier this year, he told an officer he wanted an AR-15 assault rifle.
A search of Roof's car turned up six crescent-shaped, 40-round magazines in the trunk.
"That's scary," former U.S. Attorney and State Law Enforcement Division Director Reggie Lloyd told The State newspaper, which first reported the development.
"We ought to be thankful he never got his hands on an AR-15

You're so right....those 9 people would be less dead than they are now if he used an AR-15 instead of pistil he actually used....are you guys all this stupid...or do you practice at it.......

Nine people?

If he had his AR-15 he could have killed 30
Where is the NRA when you need them?

Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading

And of course this story is complete bullshit......wait long enough and the lies of the left come out.....

Bearing ArmsMedia Dubiously Attempts To Link Assault Rifles To Charleston Attack - Bearing Arms

What makes me doubt the credibility of the story is the supposed claim that the killer had enough money to buy the comapratively rare and expensive pistol that he used in the attack, but not the most common centerfire rifle sold in the United States AR-15 at a time where the market is flooded and prices are low for many models.

We know that the murderer used money given to him by his father for his birthday to purchase a Glock G41 pistol, which he was seen with in numerous photos on his web site.

While high-end AR-15s are still going to cost $1,000 and up, it is easy to find AR-15s for the same rough price as the G41 chosen by the killer, and you can find entry-level Ar-15 variants that are cheaper than the G41. Once again, Bud’s Gun Shop confirms that entry-level AR-15s can be had for more than $100 less than the the G41 the killer purchased.

The claim made by the single anonymous police source that the killer couldn’t afford a $550 Ar-15, but that he could afford a $650 pistol, doesn’t seem to hold up.
Too bad the NRA was not there to get him one

Charleston shooter Roof wanted an AR-15 had magazines - CNN.com

A police report reveals self-confessed shooter Dylann Roof had wanted a much deadlier weapon.
Earlier this year, he told an officer he wanted an AR-15 assault rifle.
A search of Roof's car turned up six crescent-shaped, 40-round magazines in the trunk.
"That's scary," former U.S. Attorney and State Law Enforcement Division Director Reggie Lloyd told The State newspaper, which first reported the development.
"We ought to be thankful he never got his hands on an AR-15

You're so right....those 9 people would be less dead than they are now if he used an AR-15 instead of pistil he actually used....are you guys all this stupid...or do you practice at it.......

Nine people?

If he had his AR-15 he could have killed 30
Where is the NRA when you need them?

Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading


He used the pistol because he could hide it moron.......if he wanted an AR he could have had an AR....
Too bad the NRA was not there to get him one

Charleston shooter Roof wanted an AR-15 had magazines - CNN.com

A police report reveals self-confessed shooter Dylann Roof had wanted a much deadlier weapon.
Earlier this year, he told an officer he wanted an AR-15 assault rifle.
A search of Roof's car turned up six crescent-shaped, 40-round magazines in the trunk.
"That's scary," former U.S. Attorney and State Law Enforcement Division Director Reggie Lloyd told The State newspaper, which first reported the development.
"We ought to be thankful he never got his hands on an AR-15

You're so right....those 9 people would be less dead than they are now if he used an AR-15 instead of pistil he actually used....are you guys all this stupid...or do you practice at it.......

Nine people?

If he had his AR-15 he could have killed 30
Where is the NRA when you need them?

Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading


AR-15s are used in fewer crimes than knives or hands and feet....far fewer..

FBI table 8 2013...

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murder by weapon 2013:

All rifles: 285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that)

Knives: 1,490

Hands and feet: 687

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....






After the assault ban was lifted in a country of over 320 million people with 90 million homes with guns

And over 1 million AR-15s in private hands.........

1 million legal AR-15s....less than 285 murders and we don't have the actual number for just AR-15s

you are an anti gun nut extremist.....
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Why should we worry about North Korea having a nuke? They have never used one. Why should we worry about a million fast firing assualt weapons out there, the crazies only use them once in a while. Given my present physical shape, I can take down probably 75% of the people that would come at me with a knife or machete. Someone with an AR has you dead to rights, no matter what your shape or experiance.

Maybe not....But why should we make it easier for someone to shoot up a theater or kill a bunch of six year olds?

In either case, one armed guard on duty would have sent him packing.
Ah yes, gotta love the idea of living in a society where we have to be packing or have armed guards everywhere. Nice society for the profits of the merchants of death, not so good for children and the rest of us.
Too bad the NRA was not there to get him one

Charleston shooter Roof wanted an AR-15 had magazines - CNN.com

A police report reveals self-confessed shooter Dylann Roof had wanted a much deadlier weapon.
Earlier this year, he told an officer he wanted an AR-15 assault rifle.
A search of Roof's car turned up six crescent-shaped, 40-round magazines in the trunk.
"That's scary," former U.S. Attorney and State Law Enforcement Division Director Reggie Lloyd told The State newspaper, which first reported the development.
"We ought to be thankful he never got his hands on an AR-15

I thought the bad guys could just get any kind of gun they want.

Why didn't he use a bazooka?
Ah yes, gotta love the idea of living in a society where we have to be packing or have armed guards everywhere. Nice society for the profits of the merchants of death, not so good for children and the rest of us.

So you gotta bitch either way, right? So let's say we ban and destroy all firearms and the next GOP president decides to be president for life...how you gonna stop him?
What's funny is 85% of these gun grabbing loons don't know the difference between an AR-15 and a pellet rifle.
Why should we worry about North Korea having a nuke? They have never used one. Why should we worry about a million fast firing assualt weapons out there, the crazies only use them once in a while. Given my present physical shape, I can take down probably 75% of the people that would come at me with a knife or machete. Someone with an AR has you dead to rights, no matter what your shape or experiance.

assault weapon?

Any weapon you attack someone with is an 'assault'
Why should we worry about North Korea having a nuke? They have never used one. Why should we worry about a million fast firing assualt weapons out there, the crazies only use them once in a while. Given my present physical shape, I can take down probably 75% of the people that would come at me with a knife or machete. Someone with an AR has you dead to rights, no matter what your shape or experiance.

assault weapon?

any weapon you 'assault' someone withis an assault weapon.

Fast firing?

Can't fire an AR-15, unless it's been modified, any faster than you can fire a revolver.

and modifying it is illegal.

Still have to pull the trigger for each bullet.
What's funny is 85% of these gun grabbing loons don't know the difference between an AR-15 and a pellet rifle.

Not only that but the AR-15 is a crap close-quarters weapon which is why US Armed Forces went to the shorter M-4 to replace the M-16. The best massacre gun is still the Mac-10 or Uzi.

Too bad the NRA was not there to get him one

Charleston shooter Roof wanted an AR-15 had magazines - CNN.com

A police report reveals self-confessed shooter Dylann Roof had wanted a much deadlier weapon.
Earlier this year, he told an officer he wanted an AR-15 assault rifle.
A search of Roof's car turned up six crescent-shaped, 40-round magazines in the trunk.
"That's scary," former U.S. Attorney and State Law Enforcement Division Director Reggie Lloyd told The State newspaper, which first reported the development.
"We ought to be thankful he never got his hands on an AR-15

You're so right....those 9 people would be less dead than they are now if he used an AR-15 instead of pistil he actually used....are you guys all this stupid...or do you practice at it.......

Nine people?

If he had his AR-15 he could have killed 30
Where is the NRA when you need them?

Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading


AR-15s are used in fewer crimes than knives or hands and feet....far fewer..

FBI table 8 2013...

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Why should we worry about North Korea having a nuke? They have never used one. Why should we worry about a million fast firing assualt weapons out there, the crazies only use them once in a while. Given my present physical shape, I can take down probably 75% of the people that would come at me with a knife or machete. Someone with an AR has you dead to rights, no matter what your shape or experiance.

Only if you are unarmed...if you have a gun for self defense you are on equal footing....and in some cases you are better off since a rifle in the hands of an amateur can be clumsy and slow compared to a concealed carrying pistol user....

But you would have to know something about self defense and guns to realize that....

Maybe not....But why should we make it easier for someone to shoot up a theater or kill a bunch of six year olds?

In either case, one armed guard on duty would have sent him packing.
Ah yes, gotta love the idea of living in a society where we have to be packing or have armed guards everywhere. Nice society for the profits of the merchants of death, not so good for children and the rest of us.

Name one society where this isn't the case.....Britain is 2 times as violent as we are and their orders for law abiding citizen...do not use any method of self defense that would injure and attacker...I am not making that up.....
What's funny is 85% of these gun grabbing loons don't know the difference between an AR-15 and a pellet rifle.

Not only that but the AR-15 is a crap close-quarters weapon which is why US Armed Forces went to the shorter M-4 to replace the M-16. The best massacre gun is still the Mac-10 or Uzi.

The Israelis created a masterpiece in the Uzi

Saw a lot of them when I was stationed in Spain.

La Guardia preferred them for a carry weapon
What's funny is 85% of these gun grabbing loons don't know the difference between an AR-15 and a pellet rifle.

We have to be careful.....they are fixated on the AR-15 because they are too stupid to realize that their are better rifles out there with just as much capacity as that rifle.......
Too bad the NRA was not there to get him one

Charleston shooter Roof wanted an AR-15 had magazines - CNN.com

A police report reveals self-confessed shooter Dylann Roof had wanted a much deadlier weapon.
Earlier this year, he told an officer he wanted an AR-15 assault rifle.
A search of Roof's car turned up six crescent-shaped, 40-round magazines in the trunk.
"That's scary," former U.S. Attorney and State Law Enforcement Division Director Reggie Lloyd told The State newspaper, which first reported the development.
"We ought to be thankful he never got his hands on an AR-15

You're so right....those 9 people would be less dead than they are now if he used an AR-15 instead of pistil he actually used....are you guys all this stupid...or do you practice at it.......

Nine people?

If he had his AR-15 he could have killed 30
Where is the NRA when you need them?

Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading

Yes. Walk into any church and sit there for an hour during service with your Ar-15 at sling-arms. I'm sure nobody will notice.

Or are we breaking from the OP's topic?
He fired several magazines from the pistol. I doubt it would've mattered.

Not only that...but the pistol was concealable. The rifle is not. The incident may have gone far different if he walked in carrying a rifle....vs quietly sitting with a concealed pistol.

The people couldn't be more dead then they already are....

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