Dylann Roof wanted an AR-15

Why should we worry about North Korea having a nuke? They have never used one. Why should we worry about a million fast firing assualt weapons out there, the crazies only use them once in a while. Given my present physical shape, I can take down probably 75% of the people that would come at me with a knife or machete. Someone with an AR has you dead to rights, no matter what your shape or experiance.
300 million guns in our midst is our biggest security risk
Too bad the NRA was not there to get him one

Charleston shooter Roof wanted an AR-15 had magazines - CNN.com

A police report reveals self-confessed shooter Dylann Roof had wanted a much deadlier weapon.
Earlier this year, he told an officer he wanted an AR-15 assault rifle.
A search of Roof's car turned up six crescent-shaped, 40-round magazines in the trunk.
"That's scary," former U.S. Attorney and State Law Enforcement Division Director Reggie Lloyd told The State newspaper, which first reported the development.
"We ought to be thankful he never got his hands on an AR-15

You're so right....those 9 people would be less dead than they are now if he used an AR-15 instead of pistil he actually used....are you guys all this stupid...or do you practice at it.......

Nine people?

If he had his AR-15 he could have killed 30
Where is the NRA when you need them?

Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading

Yes. Walk into any church and sit there for an hour during service with your Ar-15 at sling-arms. I'm sure nobody will notice.

Or are we breaking from the OP's topic?
Isn't that the America envisioned by gun nuts?

Citizens openly slinging their AR-15s in supermarkets and fast food restaurants
You're so right....those 9 people would be less dead than they are now if he used an AR-15 instead of pistil he actually used....are you guys all this stupid...or do you practice at it.......

Nine people?

If he had his AR-15 he could have killed 30
Where is the NRA when you need them?

Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading

Yes. Walk into any church and sit there for an hour during service with your Ar-15 at sling-arms. I'm sure nobody will notice.

Or are we breaking from the OP's topic?
Isn't that the America envisioned by gun nuts?

Citizens openly slinging their AR-15s in supermarkets and fast food restaurants
Private property rights are also highly prized among Americans, something you people despise. A church isn't going to let somebody sit their with a rifle. Someone would even have called the cops.
Nine people?

If he had his AR-15 he could have killed 30
Where is the NRA when you need them?

Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading

Yes. Walk into any church and sit there for an hour during service with your Ar-15 at sling-arms. I'm sure nobody will notice.

Or are we breaking from the OP's topic?
Isn't that the America envisioned by gun nuts?

Citizens openly slinging their AR-15s in supermarkets and fast food restaurants
Private property rights are also highly prized among Americans, something you people despise. A church isn't going to let somebody sit their with a rifle. Someone would even have called the cops.
Don't churches appreciate second amendment rights?
Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading

Yes. Walk into any church and sit there for an hour during service with your Ar-15 at sling-arms. I'm sure nobody will notice.

Or are we breaking from the OP's topic?
Isn't that the America envisioned by gun nuts?

Citizens openly slinging their AR-15s in supermarkets and fast food restaurants
Private property rights are also highly prized among Americans, something you people despise. A church isn't going to let somebody sit their with a rifle. Someone would even have called the cops.
Don't churches appreciate second amendment rights?
That hasn't been my experience, no. I carry concealed and keep my mouth shut. Sure as hell, if somebody tries to shoot up the church when I'm there I will ventilate him.
Why should we worry about North Korea having a nuke? They have never used one. Why should we worry about a million fast firing assualt weapons out there, the crazies only use them once in a while. Given my present physical shape, I can take down probably 75% of the people that would come at me with a knife or machete. Someone with an AR has you dead to rights, no matter what your shape or experiance.
300 million guns in our midst is our biggest security risk

Again...obviously not...what part of the fact that more Americans own and actually carry guns today and our gun murder rate is going way down......our gun accident rate is going way down.....

Guns are a problem in inner cities, 24 out of the 25 most violent cities have been run by democrats for decades, in small, multi block killing fields.....

The rest of the country is as safe as Europe......
You're so right....those 9 people would be less dead than they are now if he used an AR-15 instead of pistil he actually used....are you guys all this stupid...or do you practice at it.......

Nine people?

If he had his AR-15 he could have killed 30
Where is the NRA when you need them?

Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading

Yes. Walk into any church and sit there for an hour during service with your Ar-15 at sling-arms. I'm sure nobody will notice.

Or are we breaking from the OP's topic?
Isn't that the America envisioned by gun nuts?

Citizens openly slinging their AR-15s in supermarkets and fast food restaurants

No. They are awkward and bulky and what do you do with them while you are trying to eat...and try to open a car door with your hands full of drinks and food and then you have to put the food on the hood of the car, unsling your rifle, to get the door open....that is why they invented handguns.....
Okay.....try to explain it to me...I am a normal person...you are a batshit crazy liberal

He killed 9 people with a handgun.....you want to ban AR-15s

He killed 9 people with a hand gun and because he might have used an AR-15 you want to ban AR-15s.....

You asshats constantly say that pro 2nd Amendment people are paranoid for simply carrying a gun for protection....but you want to ban a gun he didn't use....?

Over 1 million AR-15s are in private hands.....not one of them was used to kill anyone.....so you want to ban them....?

Each year knives kill more people than all rifles combined, and far more than AR-15s in particular....but you want to ban AR-15s?

People kill more people with their hands and feet each year than AR-15s...ever.....and you want to ban AR-15s

And you think we are the paranoid ones...really?

It all comes down to having the right tool for the right job

Now, suppose I am a law abiding citizen and I have never killed anyone. The NRA says don't you dare try to inhibit my ability to buy the killing tool of my choice. I am also batshit crazy...My parents are scared of me, my teachers are scared of me, my neighbors are scared of me. Hell, even my dog doesn't like me
I get it in my mind that I would like to enter a school and start killing six year olds. Hey, sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon. Now, what killing tool do I want?
A knife? No, too messy
A bat? No, too easy to take away from me
A handgun? Not bad, but I have to reload too often
An AR-15? Now we are talking. I will look like a badass and with a 35 round magazine, think of all the six year olds I can kill without reloading

Yes. Walk into any church and sit there for an hour during service with your Ar-15 at sling-arms. I'm sure nobody will notice.

Or are we breaking from the OP's topic?
Isn't that the America envisioned by gun nuts?

Citizens openly slinging their AR-15s in supermarkets and fast food restaurants
Private property rights are also highly prized among Americans, something you people despise. A church isn't going to let somebody sit their with a rifle. Someone would even have called the cops.
Don't churches appreciate second amendment rights?

Not the church where the shooting took place....there are 3 other churches that did and they stopped mass shooters..the churches that declared themselves gun free zones...a lot of their people were killed....I think the ratio was 15 dead in gun free churches to 2 dead in armed churches.....big difference....
"That's scary! I'm scared! Let's pass Laws so I don't have be scared anymore!"

- All Liberals
AR 15s aren't designed for indoors, unless you really mod it out with a shorter stock and barrel. A pistol is much more deadly than an AR 15 in this scenario. Personally I would have gone with an HK MP5, if I was planning on being a madmen in a church, or a combat shotgun.

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