Dylann's Black Friend Speaks Out(video)

After watching the video in the OP, do you believe the crime was against race or a church?

  • Race, no matter what Dylann's friends said.

  • I used to think race, but now I don't know.

  • Looks like a kneejerk attack against a church instead

  • Looks like a long premeditation on an attack against a church.

Results are only viewable after voting.
What about his manifesto?
I don't think someone's rambling blog can be called a "manifesto" when his daily life contradicts it. His friend is black and in the South, that black friend has had many opportunities to see Dylann Roof around other blacks; how he acted, what he said about/around them. The friend swears that Dylann Roof never had a racist comment.

I can blog all I want about "the purity of the Arabian horse" but I can and do cross breed out my mares when I find a nice stallion of another breed. I can hold the ideal while not being slavish to it.

To the point, the two witnesses we have now of record have said that Roof's main target was a school with predominantly white kids; and that he changed his mind at that particular date and went to sit in a Bible study for an hour while he calmly waited for a cue to rise and shoot 3 male and 6 aging female Christians.

I'm saying he should be prosecuted for two hate crimes, given that he is almost certainly gay and the day before was the big shattering announcement from another southern Christian church that its leadership was not allowing gay weddings under their watch no matter what SCOTUS says in the next coming days. If he is gay and this was a reaction against Christians, we the general public have a right to know that. We need to at least rule it out before we all sing in unison "it was RACISM ONLY!" so a very uncomfortable topic doesn't have to be explored..

You really don't care one way or the other. Your biggest concern is trying to make Roof gay so you can use this tragic event to smear queers.
Let's say that you have a point (you don't but hear me out). Does that mean we should ignore the fact that the shooter is gay and that he attacked a Christian church the day after a Christian church announced their entire leadership was not having any part of gay weddings?

I mean, two witnesses have said "he really wanted to shoot up a white college campus" and "we have no idea why he changed plans on Jun 17, 2015 and hit up a church instead?" The day before was the Christian announcement and a real blow to gays. My observation in recent years it that the Rainbow militants are like the new KKK. While the KKK operates and lives day in and out around others who despise them and would never promote them or say bake a KKK "****** hangin'" cake, the KKK accepts this and doesn't in its wildest dreams expect everyone to play along with their twisted dogma. But not so with the more militant factions and twisted minds in the LGBT militia. When denied anything they're after, their leadership/talking heads lash-out! They usually use the courts or "leaked information" when they want to hit someone like Josh Duggar, but in this case one of their more extreme ranks "went the extra mile"..

You want the problem of him being gay and targeting a church the day after the Southern Christian church made it's "no gays, no way" wedding announcement. I'm saying we can't rule it out until it's explored. What if it's true? What if he shot up the church specifically because his gay anger at Christians got the better of him? I mean, after all, there have been media announcements that the LGBTs are actively engaged in a, and I quote, "culture war". What if it's true that this kid took the word "war" literally, owning a brand new shiney handgun and a clip, and all those squirming thoughts wriggling around in his unhinged mind? You want to give that motive a blind and 100% complete pass. I don't. We'll let history decide who is right.

Are all gays this unhinged? No, they're not. Do I want people to think every LGBT practitioner is as crazy as this loon? Nope. But just like Gabby Gifford's shooter, when the left was all about finding out each and every one of his possible motives, I want to leave no stone unturned on this one. It isn't every day someone walks into Bible study (the last psychological refuge in this crazy world where someone might feel safe) and pumps a bunch of lead into the completely innocent and passive attendees. We Americans need to be 100% certain that this gay boy's motives were all-about race and nothing else. You're saying we need not explore that he is gay and the day and place he struck. On that point we are at loggerheads.
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What about his manifesto?
I don't think someone's rambling blog can be called a "manifesto" when his daily life contradicts it. His friend is black and in the South, that black friend has had many opportunities to see Dylann Roof around other blacks; how he acted, what he said about/around them. The friend swears that Dylann Roof never had a racist comment.

I can blog all I want about "the purity of the Arabian horse" but I can and do cross breed out my mares when I find a nice stallion of another breed. I can hold the ideal while not being slavish to it.

To the point, the two witnesses we have now of record have said that Roof's main target was a school with predominantly white kids; and that he changed his mind at that particular date and went to sit in a Bible study for an hour while he calmly waited for a cue to rise and shoot 3 male and 6 aging female Christians.

I'm saying he should be prosecuted for two hate crimes, given that he is almost certainly gay and the day before was the big shattering announcement from another southern Christian church that its leadership was not allowing gay weddings under their watch no matter what SCOTUS says in the next coming days. If he is gay and this was a reaction against Christians, we the general public have a right to know that. We need to at least rule it out before we all sing in unison "it was RACISM ONLY!" so a very uncomfortable topic doesn't have to be explored..

You really don't care one way or the other. Your biggest concern is trying to make Roof gay so you can use this tragic event to smear queers.
Let's say that you have a point (you don't but hear me out). Does that mean we should ignore the fact that the shooter is gay and that he attacked a Christian church the day after a Christian church announced their entire leadership was not having any part of gay weddings?

I mean, two witnesses have said "he really wanted to shoot up a white college campus" and "we have no idea why he changed plans on Jun 17, 2015 and hit up a church instead?" The day before was the Christian announcement and a real blow to gays. My observation in recent years it that the Rainbow militants are like the new KKK. While the KKK operates and lives day in and out around others who despise them and would never promote them or say bake a KKK "****** hangin'" cake, the KKK accepts this and doesn't in its wildest dreams expect everyone to play along with their twisted dogma. But not so with the more militant factions and twisted minds in the LGBT militia.

You want the problem of him being gay and targeting a church the day after the Southern Christian church made it's "no gays, no way" wedding announcement. I'm saying we can't rule it out until it's explored. What if it's true? What if he shot up the church specifically because his gay anger at Christians got the better of him? I mean, after all, there has been media announcements that the LGBTs are actively engaged in a, and I quote, "culture war". What if it's true that this kid took the word "war" literally, owning a brand new shiney handgun and a clip, and all those squirming thoughts wriggling around in his unhinged mind? You want to give that motive a blind and 100% complete pass. I don't. We'll let history decide who is right.

Are all gays this unhinged? No, they're not. Do I want people to think every LGBT practitioner is as crazy as this loon? Nope. But just like Gabby Gifford's shooter, when the left was all about finding out each and every one of his possible motives, I want to leave no stone unturned on this one. It isn't every day someone walks into Bible study (the last psychological refuse in this crazy world where someone might feel safe) and pumps a bunch of lead into the completely innocent and passive attendees. We Americans need to be 100% certain that this gay boy's motives were all-about race and nothing else. You're saying we need not explore that certainty. On that point we are at loggerheads.

All of the evidence, including the perp's confession, point to racism as the motivation behind the crimes.

You want to make this about gays because that is your obsession. But your obsession does not change the truth.

I will give you credit for finally figuring out that the shooting did not happen in a southern baptist church.
What about his manifesto?
I don't think someone's rambling blog can be called a "manifesto" when his daily life contradicts it. His friend is black and in the South, that black friend has had many opportunities to see Dylann Roof around other blacks; how he acted, what he said about/around them. The friend swears that Dylann Roof never had a racist comment.

I can blog all I want about "the purity of the Arabian horse" but I can and do cross breed out my mares when I find a nice stallion of another breed. I can hold the ideal while not being slavish to it.

To the point, the two witnesses we have now of record have said that Roof's main target was a school with predominantly white kids; and that he changed his mind at that particular date and went to sit in a Bible study for an hour while he calmly waited for a cue to rise and shoot 3 male and 6 aging female Christians.

I'm saying he should be prosecuted for two hate crimes, given that he is almost certainly gay and the day before was the big shattering announcement from another southern Christian church that its leadership was not allowing gay weddings under their watch no matter what SCOTUS says in the next coming days. If he is gay and this was a reaction against Christians, we the general public have a right to know that. We need to at least rule it out before we all sing in unison "it was RACISM ONLY!" so a very uncomfortable topic doesn't have to be explored..

You really don't care one way or the other. Your biggest concern is trying to make Roof gay so you can use this tragic event to smear queers.
Let's say that you have a point (you don't but hear me out). Does that mean we should ignore the fact that the shooter is gay and that he attacked a Christian church the day after a Christian church announced their entire leadership was not having any part of gay weddings?

I mean, two witnesses have said "he really wanted to shoot up a white college campus" and "we have no idea why he changed plans on Jun 17, 2015 and hit up a church instead?" The day before was the Christian announcement and a real blow to gays. My observation in recent years it that the Rainbow militants are like the new KKK. While the KKK operates and lives day in and out around others who despise them and would never promote them or say bake a KKK "****** hangin'" cake, the KKK accepts this and doesn't in its wildest dreams expect everyone to play along with their twisted dogma. But not so with the more militant factions and twisted minds in the LGBT militia.

You want the problem of him being gay and targeting a church the day after the Southern Christian church made it's "no gays, no way" wedding announcement. I'm saying we can't rule it out until it's explored. What if it's true? What if he shot up the church specifically because his gay anger at Christians got the better of him? I mean, after all, there has been media announcements that the LGBTs are actively engaged in a, and I quote, "culture war". What if it's true that this kid took the word "war" literally, owning a brand new shiney handgun and a clip, and all those squirming thoughts wriggling around in his unhinged mind? You want to give that motive a blind and 100% complete pass. I don't. We'll let history decide who is right.

Are all gays this unhinged? No, they're not. Do I want people to think every LGBT practitioner is as crazy as this loon? Nope. But just like Gabby Gifford's shooter, when the left was all about finding out each and every one of his possible motives, I want to leave no stone unturned on this one. It isn't every day someone walks into Bible study (the last psychological refuse in this crazy world where someone might feel safe) and pumps a bunch of lead into the completely innocent and passive attendees. We Americans need to be 100% certain that this gay boy's motives were all-about race and nothing else. You're saying we need not explore that certainty. On that point we are at loggerheads.

You convinced yourself he was gay well before the bodies were even cold. You even foolishly started a thread claiming the church he shot up was Southern Baptist (it clearly wasn't) and he was angry that the church leaders stated that they were not going to marry gays. All that matters to you is finding a way for you use this event in your anti-gay narrative. Again, your conspiracy theories are getting wilder by the day. It isn't all that shocking b/c a few of us predicted you would become more unhinged as the Obergefell ruling approached. It seems those months old predictions were spot on.
If you think he isn't gay after looking at his body-waxed, effete, right wrist upside-down wearing, dainty wristwatch, Dorothy Hamill haircut wearing, big black guy gym shirt wearing, nipple ringed, floral tattooed right wrist beaded bracelet wearing daddy havin' social media photos, make your case. But the evidence speaks for itself on its face.

All of the evidence, including the perp's confession, point to racism as the motivation behind the crimes.

You want to make this about gays because that is your obsession. But your obsession does not change the truth.

I will give you credit for finally figuring out that the shooting did not happen in a southern baptist church.

Well if you were being honest Winterborn, you couldn't really say "all" of the evidence, could you? He seems to have at least an approving attitude of big black men pumping iron in banana hammocks and a black friend who disagrees with you. Who knows Dylann better? These two guys or you?

If you think he isn't gay after looking at his body-waxed, effete, right wrist upside-down wearing, dainty wristwatch, Dorothy Hamill haircut wearing, big black guy gym shirt wearing, nipple ringed, floral tattooed right wrist beaded bracelet wearing daddy havin' social media photos, make your case. But the evidence speaks for itself on its face.

All of the evidence, including the perp's confession, point to racism as the motivation behind the crimes.

You want to make this about gays because that is your obsession. But your obsession does not change the truth.

I will give you credit for finally figuring out that the shooting did not happen in a southern baptist church.

Well if you were being honest Winterborn, you couldn't really say "all" of the evidence, could you? He seems to have at least an approving attitude of big black men pumping iron in banana hammocks and a black friend who disagrees with you. Who knows Dylann better? These two guys or you?

He knows himself better. And he said it was racially motivated. The fact that he didn't discuss his racist beliefs with blacks really is meaningless. How many racists would do that? They are typically cowards.

And you claiming that he is gay because of his haircut, lack of body hair ect ect, is simply ridiculous. But keep trying. Your posts are the best fight against the hatred of homosexuality.
Charleston shooting: Dylann Roof's stepmother defends 'smart' boy 'drawn in by internet evil'
Paige Mann, who was married to Mr Roof’s father for 10 years and helped raise him, said that her stepson was so smart that he became bored in school and was a germophobe for some time....“He went to catechism, he went to church,” Ms Mann said. “He was locked in his room looking up bad stuff on the computer.”..In an interview with the New York Daily News, she said: “Something on the computer drew him in – this is Internet evil. We just thought he was a lazy, this-generation kind of kid.” ... Charleston shooting Dylann Roof s stepmother defends smart boy drawn in by internet evil - Americas - World - The Independent

Now America needs to know exactly what type of "internet evil" Dylann's mother is talking about that he was punished for watching. Unless some of you feel that other smart boys with active minds, boredom and a truckload of childhood issues watching similar "stuff" won't strike next when some trigger-event provokes them.

Everyone on board for finding out what that "internet evil" was? mdk? Winterborn? No stone left unturned, right? It was probably just racism stuff that his parents locked him up in his room as a punishment for viewing, right?

Or are Dylann's best buds and his mom not good enough witnesses as to the boy's pre-murder mindset?
If you think he isn't gay after looking at his body-waxed, effete, right wrist upside-down wearing, dainty wristwatch, Dorothy Hamill haircut wearing, big black guy gym shirt wearing, nipple ringed, floral tattooed right wrist beaded bracelet wearing daddy havin' social media photos, make your case. But the evidence speaks for itself on its face.

All of the evidence, including the perp's confession, point to racism as the motivation behind the crimes.

You want to make this about gays because that is your obsession. But your obsession does not change the truth.

I will give you credit for finally figuring out that the shooting did not happen in a southern baptist church.

Well if you were being honest Winterborn, you couldn't really say "all" of the evidence, could you? He seems to have at least an approving attitude of big black men pumping iron in banana hammocks and a black friend who disagrees with you. Who knows Dylann better? These two guys or you?

He knows himself better. And he said it was racially motivated. The fact that he didn't discuss his racist beliefs with blacks really is meaningless. How many racists would do that? They are typically cowards.

And you claiming that he is gay because of his haircut, lack of body hair ect ect, is simply ridiculous. But keep trying. Your posts are the best fight against the hatred of homosexuality.

Oh I agree. Sil and her ilk's irrational hatred of gays has done more to help usher in gays rights then I could have ever hoped for in a million years. Their nonsense turns people away from their crusade and right into the arms of gay rights supporters and their allies. She has done a wonderful service for the gay community. I am thinking of sending her some flowers and a bottle of good Bourbon.
So then you agree you can't make a case that "Dylan Roof isn't gay". So the next order of business is: did that affect his targeting a church on June 17th, 2015?
So then you agree you can't make a case that "Dylan Roof isn't gay". So the next order of business is: did that affect his targeting a church on June 17th, 2015?

Oh, so if I cannot make a case that someone isn't gay, they are automatically gay?

That is absolutely ridiculous. You look at his haircut and watch and make the determination he is gay, and expect someone else to prove he isn't? Your obsession is laughable.
Well we have 75% of poll respondants saying they believe it could have been a hate crime against Christians. Let's see how that changes over the next week.

Your poll says nothing about "Christians".

It does however say a lot about idiocy.
So then you agree you can't make a case that "Dylan Roof isn't gay". So the next order of business is: did that affect his targeting a church on June 17th, 2015?

Oh, so if I cannot make a case that someone isn't gay, they are automatically gay?

That is absolutely ridiculous. You look at his haircut and watch and make the determination he is gay, and expect someone else to prove he isn't? Your obsession is laughable.

Well Winter, would you be opposed to exploring his mother's revelations a bit further to see if he is gay or not?

Charleston shooting: Dylann Roof's stepmother defends 'smart' boy 'drawn in by internet evil'
Paige Mann, who was married to Mr Roof’s father for 10 years and helped raise him, said that her stepson was so smart that he became bored in school and was a germophobe for some time....“He went to catechism, he went to church,” Ms Mann said. “He was locked in his room looking up bad stuff on the computer.”..In an interview with the New York Daily News, she said: “Something on the computer drew him in – this is Internet evil. We just thought he was a lazy, this-generation kind of kid.” ... Charleston shooting Dylann Roof s stepmother defends smart boy drawn in by internet evil - Americas - World - The Independent
Now America needs to know exactly what type of "internet evil" Dylann's mother is talking about that he was punished for watching. Unless some of you feel that other smart boys with active minds, boredom and a truckload of childhood issues watching similar "stuff" won't strike next when some trigger-event provokes them.

Everyone on board for finding out what that "internet evil" was? mdk? Winterborn? No stone left unturned, right? It was probably just racism stuff that his parents locked him up in his room as a punishment for viewing, right?

Or are Dylann's best buds and his mom not good enough witnesses as to the boy's pre-murder mindset? You know "the cloud" is going to cough up some really revealing hair-balls on this fragile young man who apparently likes to watch big black guys pumping iron.. You're going to have to spin the eventual revelation some time. My point is you might as well get started now..
So then you agree you can't make a case that "Dylan Roof isn't gay". So the next order of business is: did that affect his targeting a church on June 17th, 2015?

Oh, so if I cannot make a case that someone isn't gay, they are automatically gay?

That is absolutely ridiculous. You look at his haircut and watch and make the determination he is gay, and expect someone else to prove he isn't? Your obsession is laughable.

Well Winter, would you be opposed to exploring his mother's revelations a bit further to see if he is gay or not?

Charleston shooting: Dylann Roof's stepmother defends 'smart' boy 'drawn in by internet evil'
Paige Mann, who was married to Mr Roof’s father for 10 years and helped raise him, said that her stepson was so smart that he became bored in school and was a germophobe for some time....“He went to catechism, he went to church,” Ms Mann said. “He was locked in his room looking up bad stuff on the computer.”..In an interview with the New York Daily News, she said: “Something on the computer drew him in – this is Internet evil. We just thought he was a lazy, this-generation kind of kid.” ... Charleston shooting Dylann Roof s stepmother defends smart boy drawn in by internet evil - Americas - World - The Independent
Now America needs to know exactly what type of "internet evil" Dylann's mother is talking about that he was punished for watching. Unless some of you feel that other smart boys with active minds, boredom and a truckload of childhood issues watching similar "stuff" won't strike next when some trigger-event provokes them.

Everyone on board for finding out what that "internet evil" was? mdk? Winterborn? No stone left unturned, right? It was probably just racism stuff that his parents locked him up in his room as a punishment for viewing, right?

Or are Dylann's best buds and his mom not good enough witnesses as to the boy's pre-murder mindset? You know "the cloud" is going to cough up some really revealing hair-balls on this fragile young man who apparently likes to watch big black guys pumping iron.. You're going to have to spin the eventual revelation some time. My point is you might as well get started now..

I am not concerned about what sort of porn he viewed. The overwhelming evidence is that his crime was racially motivated. You, on the otherhand, have focused solely on his sexuality in order to try and make some anti-gay posts that have nothing to do with the reality of the situation.

from: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/19/u...ct-wears-symbols-of-white-supremacy.html?_r=0

"Joseph Meek, 20, a childhood friend who reconnected with Mr. Roof this year, said Mr. Roof had changed, spewing racist ideas and talking about wanting “to hurt a whole bunch of people.”"

"Another friend, Dalton Tyler, said that Mr. Roof had begun talking about wanting “to start a civil war.” But like Mr. Meek, he did not always take Mr. Roof seriously."

"Mr. Tyler said on another occasion, the two were driving to a strip club by the zoo when Mr. Roof saw a black woman, used a racist word and said, “I’ll shoot your ass.”"

from: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/19/u...suspect-wears-symbols-of-white-supremacy.html
"The Facebook profile picture chosen by Dylann Storm Roof in May is thick with symbolism. It shows Mr. Roof, a scowling young white man, wearing a black jacket adorned with two flags — one from apartheid-era South Africa, the other from white-ruled Rhodesia — that have been adopted as emblems by modern-day white supremacists."

from: Charleston church shooting Who is Dylann Roof - CNN.com
From his website in a section marked "An Explanation".
""I have no choice," the text said. "I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me."

from the same CNN link: "He confessed to the shootings in interviews with the Charleston police and FBI, two law enforcement officials told Evan Perez and Wesley Bruer of CNN,the first network to report this development.He also told investigators he wanted to start a race war, one of those officials said."

Seems pretty obvious that this is racially motivated.
I am not concerned about what sort of porn he viewed. The overwhelming evidence is that his crime was racially motivated. You, on the otherhand, have focused solely on his sexuality in order to try and make some anti-gay posts that have nothing to do with the reality of the situation....from the same CNN link: "He confessed to the shootings in interviews with the Charleston police and FBI, two law enforcement officials told Evan Perez and Wesley Bruer of CNN,the first network to report this development. He also told investigators he wanted to start a race war, one of those officials said."...Seems pretty obvious that this is racially motivated.

"Seems pretty obvious"...and on its face, yes, that's how you'd like to keep it. But let's back up to a little recent history preceeding this attack on a church..and other circumstantial evidence..

His black friend(s) swear he wasn't a racist; not around them. And that shirt he's wearing while burning the American flag. Why wasn't he burning the image of a bulging black man pumping iron instead of the stars and stripes?

You know, there's been another group trying to incite a race war in order to forward a certain tag-along civil rights movement on the far left. Given this boy is almost certainly gay, that lust to incite a race war may not necessarily be born from the primary parent of "racism"; though being closeted racist would make him the perfect footsoldier for that crusade for sure. Who was it who called this movement a "culture war" again?...I think it was a talking head on the far left if memory serves.. And what was the date of the attack on the church? Wasn't it June 17th 2015? What had just happened to the far left Agenda the day before?..
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"He was not a racist"

I would bet my last dollar that sorry piece of shit n*gga has a white mother and a white girlfriend...another delusional n*gga that can't get it through they dam head,....white people just ain't into us.

He said something nice about a white person so he must be an Uncle Tom, right, racist?

The fact that this Roof guy hated blacks just baffles the hell out of me. No race and I mean no race on the fuckin planet sucks up to white people like black men in America, including Obama. A black man would rather cut off his man hood than have the white man mad at him and why racist keep targeting blacks only God knows....
I am not concerned about what sort of porn he viewed. The overwhelming evidence is that his crime was racially motivated. You, on the otherhand, have focused solely on his sexuality in order to try and make some anti-gay posts that have nothing to do with the reality of the situation....from the same CNN link: "He confessed to the shootings in interviews with the Charleston police and FBI, two law enforcement officials told Evan Perez and Wesley Bruer of CNN,the first network to report this development. He also told investigators he wanted to start a race war, one of those officials said."...Seems pretty obvious that this is racially motivated.

"Seems pretty obvious"...and on its face, yes, that's how you'd like to keep it. But let's back up to a little recent history preceeding this attack on a church..and other circumstantial evidence..

His black friend(s) swear he wasn't a racist; not around them. And that shirt he's wearing while burning the American flag. Why wasn't he burning the image of a bulging black man pumping iron instead of the stars and stripes?

You know, there's been another group trying to incite a race war in order to forward a certain tag-along civil rights movement on the far left. Given this boy is almost certainly gay, that lust to incite a race war may not necessarily be born from the primary parent of "racism"; though being closeted racist would make him the perfect footsoldier for that crusade for sure. Who was it who called this movement a "culture war" again?...I think it was a talking head on the far left if memory serves.. And what was the date of the attack on the church? Wasn't it June 17th 2015? What had just happened to the far left Agenda the day before?..

His shirt shows an outline of a bodybuilder lifting weights. The shirt happens to be black. On a blue shirt it is a blue weight lifter. It is not a black man.

And your assumption of "Given this boy is almost certainly gay..." is based on what?? His haircut? His watch? Do you have ANY actual evidence that Dylann Roof is a homosexual?
The black T-shirt shows a black man. If that isnt what it's meant to be and clearly depicts, then it would be a white figure on a black or blue or red or brown shirt..

Though your efforts to spin the obvious into your racist narrative are commendable..

The fact that this Roof guy hated blacks just baffles the hell out of me. ..

Yes, that t shirt he's wearing while he's burning the Stars and Stripes sure makes it baffling to imagine how he hates black people...especially those who are male and have big bulging muscles while pumping iron in a banana hammock. And it's probably even more baffling to you that some of his good friends are black too. Just baffling. So baffling in fact that most of the respondents to the poll in this thread believe we should investigate another motive at that church he attacked on June 17, 2015 after sitting and listening to Bible study for an hour before he shot the 3 men and 6 women there.
The black T-shirt shows a black man. If that isnt what it's meant to be and clearly depicts, then it would be a white figure on a black or blue or red or brown shirt..

Though your efforts to spin the obvious into your racist narrative are commendable..

The fact that this Roof guy hated blacks just baffles the hell out of me. ..

Yes, that t shirt he's wearing while he's burning the Stars and Stripes sure makes it baffling to imagine how he hates black people...especially those who are male and have big bulging muscles while pumping iron in a banana hammock. And it's probably even more baffling to you that some of his good friends are black too. Just baffling. So baffling in fact that most of the respondents to the poll in this thread believe we should investigate another motive at that church he attacked on June 17, 2015 after sitting and listening to Bible study for an hour before he shot the 3 men and 6 women there.

Not baffling at all. The Gold's Gym logo shows a weight lifter or bodybuilder, and the color of the body varies with the color of the shirt.

So he had some friends, or people who thought they were his friends, who are black. His other friends talked about all his racist rants. Funny how you dismiss their testimony and only see that of his black friends.

Any actual evidence that Dylann Roof is a homosexual yet?
Not baffling at all. The Gold's Gym logo shows a weight lifter or bodybuilder, and the color of the body varies with the color of the shirt.

So he had some friends, or people who thought they were his friends, who are black. His other friends talked about all his racist rants. Funny how you dismiss their testimony and only see that of his black friends.

Any actual evidence that Dylann Roof is a homosexual yet?

I'm willing to say he may be closeted racist. But you are unwilling to say he might have had other motivations surrounding his being a homosexual. Are you officially going on the record here saying "Winterborn doesn't think Dylann Roof is gay after looking at his social media photos"? Because you might have egg on your face after the prosecutors get done harvesting the cloud in the next week or two on this guy.

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