Dylann's Black Friend Speaks Out(video)

After watching the video in the OP, do you believe the crime was against race or a church?

  • Race, no matter what Dylann's friends said.

  • I used to think race, but now I don't know.

  • Looks like a kneejerk attack against a church instead

  • Looks like a long premeditation on an attack against a church.

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Thats some bizarre shit.
What was his problem with College of Charleston? Its one of the whitest schools around. In a fact...going from his hick backwoods town in the middle of SC....He has to drive past ALL BLACK South Carolina State University. ...to go 80 more miles South to get to College of Charleston.
His black friend said he didn't have a problem with the school. He just had a lust to kill. That lust to kill was triggered to direct him to a church instead on June 17, 2015. So what we're dealing with here basically is an unhinged mind looking for an excuse to kill. He chose a church on June 17, 2015.
No, he was not and is not a racist. He just wanted to kill Christians, the color didn't really matter to him, but I bet the fact that they were Southern Baptists did!

Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church is not Southern Baptist. lol.
Well, here it is. Now we just need to figure out why he shot up a church on that particular day June 17th, 2015 and not the school like he planned. I guess we can begin to rule out racism as the motivation that day..

I think it's important that racial unrest not be milked if that was not the motivation for the crime at the church on that particular day...
The liberals will be pissed off if they can't use this incident to force the confederate flag issue.
"He was not a racist"

Y'know.... if y'all intend to find a way to deflect this guy off the racism bandwagon (presumably as bad PR) on the basis of a video that claims he intended to shoot up a white school, not a black church -- in spite of all his racist blogging and KKK crapola -- then what you're saying is that "he wasn't a racist, he was an equal-opportunity gun nut".

Sure you wanna go with that?

Oh, you forgot to list that in the poll question btw.
"He was not a racist"

Y'know.... if y'all intend to find a way to deflect this guy off the racism bandwagon (presumably as bad PR) on the basis of a video that claims he intended to shoot up a white school, not a black church -- in spite of all his racist blogging and KKK crapola -- then what you're saying is that "he wasn't a racist, he was an equal-opportunity gun nut".

Sure you wanna go with that?

Oh, you forgot to list that in the poll question btw.

Oh, the poll questions are my doing because the mods merged my thread on politics and this one. They didn't want this topic on the politics page, evidently.

I know some people who blog about online gaming fantasy lives too. But if all their friends are saying "no, they're just human, never saw them with wings or a level-7 paralyzing charm wand" then the proof is in the pudding. If Dylann Roof had a good black buddy, and was wearing a shirt with a muscled black dude in a banana hammock pumping iron for his social media albums, we can be pretty sure he was actually thinking about shooting up a predominantly white school like he said he wanted to in front of his friends/witnesses in the video. But for some reason on June 17th, 2015 he had a change of plans and decided to direct his seething amorphic rage at a church and made sure a witness told the world "this is about black people"...

It's like doing one of those puzzles where the square pegs just aren't quite fitting right in the round holes of the racism theory.. I think we have a rogue gunman who chose a church on purpose, sat there for an hour listening to the current events of the Bible study (he had to be, what else would he have been doing for 60 minutes?) and then got up and shot 3 men and 6 women; kept one alive and told her to tell the world "this was about black people".

Personally with his seething mind I think having been given a gun he may very well just have liked the feel of it in his hand and wanted to spray a bunch of people with it's lead at just the right moment; irregardless of their race. We'll have to see why he chose a church..
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Sadly, it doesn't matter. The pacified American Sheeple only believe Government/Corporate Media narratives. It is what it is.
Sadly, it doesn't matter. The pacified American Sheeple only believe Government/Corporate Media narratives. It is what it is.
Yes and next week the "it was racism" narrative will overshadow the youtube interview by the British reporters of his two friends..one of which was black and who said Dylann never uttered a disparaging word about blacks.

The sickest thing of all this is how the far left is clinging like a baby to its favorite toy, willing to stoke the flames of racial unrest to promote an anti-conservative agenda. Deaths result from racial unrest. And crazy acts like these are born from that stoking. Yet none of you posters unwilling to face his main target (switched at the last minute to a church on June 17, 2015) was a predominantly white college campus.

I'm not a huge fan of all the conservative platforms. In fact, I'm a fan of very few of them. But dividing the country ...that's not cool. And most of us in the middle see it that way. What's really going on is, the far left have seen the killer's social media photos and they are turning on the smokescreen machine to 11 to make sure "that" angle isn't explored...

Dylann Roof needs to be prosecuted for 2 hate crimes, not just one.
Well we have 75% of poll respondants saying they believe it could have been a hate crime against Christians. Let's see how that changes over the next week.
The fact that he originally wanted to ATTACK a white college = probably not race.

I think when he changed his mind he then wanted to make it look like "race". Cause and effect.

Now to just nail down the "why" of the date he chose. The fact that he chose a church to attack at the last minute has been disclosed by the two witnesses. They will be subpoened at trial of course...
What about his manifesto?
I don't think someone's rambling blog can be called a "manifesto" when his daily life contradicts it. His friend is black and in the South, that black friend has had many opportunities to see Dylann Roof around other blacks; how he acted, what he said about/around them. The friend swears that Dylann Roof never had a racist comment.

I can blog all I want about "the purity of the Arabian horse" but I can and do cross breed out my mares when I find a nice stallion of another breed. I can hold the ideal while not being slavish to it.

To the point, the two witnesses we have now of record have said that Roof's main target was a school with predominantly white kids; and that he changed his mind at that particular date and went to sit in a Bible study for an hour while he calmly waited for a cue to rise and shoot 3 male and 6 aging female Christians.

I'm saying he should be prosecuted for two hate crimes, given that he is almost certainly gay and the day before was the big shattering announcement from another southern Christian church that its leadership was not allowing gay weddings under their watch no matter what SCOTUS says in the next coming days. If he is gay and this was a reaction against Christians, we the general public have a right to know that. We need to at least rule it out before we all sing in unison "it was RACISM ONLY!" so a very uncomfortable topic doesn't have to be explored..
I just lol'ed so hard I blew my drink I'll over the place. WTF??? And this guy storm suppose to be a hard core nationalist??? hahaha

Something tells me that he was a liberal that wanted to paint all whites that speak the truth as evil.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass. What about all the black on white crime lies you keep spewing? Dispute these FBI facts:

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Stop talking about yourself loser!!! Blacks killed 409 whites compared to 189 for whites killing blacks.

Blacks are 1/5th the population that whites are. So 1/5th turns into 5 times for whites compared to blacks....So pretty much blacks kill twice as many whites per year x 5 =10 times per capita.

Mr.Native didn't pass the 5th grade. lol, hahaha!!! Sure, white people in pure numbers do kill more whites but you're talking about a hell of a lot bigger population...

I don't expect the man with the small brain to understand math.

I've asked you this several times already but I'll give it another shot.

Whites killed 2500 whites
Blacks killed 409 Whites
Whites killed 189 Blacks

Why do you step over 2500 bodies to complain about 409?
What about his manifesto?
I don't think someone's rambling blog can be called a "manifesto" when his daily life contradicts it. His friend is black and in the South, that black friend has had many opportunities to see Dylann Roof around other blacks; how he acted, what he said about/around them. The friend swears that Dylann Roof never had a racist comment.

I can blog all I want about "the purity of the Arabian horse" but I can and do cross breed out my mares when I find a nice stallion of another breed. I can hold the ideal while not being slavish to it.

To the point, the two witnesses we have now of record have said that Roof's main target was a school with predominantly white kids; and that he changed his mind at that particular date and went to sit in a Bible study for an hour while he calmly waited for a cue to rise and shoot 3 male and 6 aging female Christians.

I'm saying he should be prosecuted for two hate crimes, given that he is almost certainly gay and the day before was the big shattering announcement from another southern Christian church that its leadership was not allowing gay weddings under their watch no matter what SCOTUS says in the next coming days. If he is gay and this was a reaction against Christians, we the general public have a right to know that. We need to at least rule it out before we all sing in unison "it was RACISM ONLY!" so a very uncomfortable topic doesn't have to be explored..

You really don't care one way or the other. Your biggest concern is trying to make Roof gay so you can use this tragic event to smear queers.

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