Dylann's Black Friend Speaks Out(video)

After watching the video in the OP, do you believe the crime was against race or a church?

  • Race, no matter what Dylann's friends said.

  • I used to think race, but now I don't know.

  • Looks like a kneejerk attack against a church instead

  • Looks like a long premeditation on an attack against a church.

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Oh for the love of God! Now Sil is claiming gays want to start a race war. :lol:
Nope, Winterborn brought that up first.

Yes I did. As evidence that Roof's actions were racially motivated. And his own writings show he wanted to start one.

But you want to somehow connect a race war with the gay community. When you said "You know, there's been another group trying to incite a race war in order to forward a certain tag-along civil rights movement on the far left", you were blatantly trying to put it off on gays.
"Somehow"? I was watching this past year how a certain media outlet went around town by town fanning racial tensions as a nearly daily fare on their network. It's a network that has a pet cause I'll be Dylann Roof checked in with regularly. A clue to which one it was is that it wasn't Fox News.

This actually happened. D. Roof actually had a predominantly white school targeted before he switched plans suddenly to a church on June 17, 2015. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what his motivations were: racial tensions and another agenda.

Another agenda? Like his homosexuality? Despite the fact that he was interested in a woman?

Where is the evidence of the plans to attack a white school?
Oh for the love of God! Now Sil is claiming gays want to start a race war. :lol:
Nope, Winterborn brought that up first.

Yes I did. As evidence that Roof's actions were racially motivated. And his own writings show he wanted to start one.

But you want to somehow connect a race war with the gay community. When you said "You know, there's been another group trying to incite a race war in order to forward a certain tag-along civil rights movement on the far left", you were blatantly trying to put it off on gays.
"Somehow"? I was watching this past year how a certain media outlet went around town by town fanning racial tensions as a nearly daily fare on their network. It's a network that has a pet cause I'll be Dylann Roof checked in with regularly. A clue to which one it was is that it wasn't Fox News.

This actually happened. D. Roof actually had a predominantly white school targeted before he switched plans suddenly to a church on June 17, 2015. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what his motivations were: racial tensions and another agenda.

Another agenda? Like his homosexuality? Despite the fact that he was interested in a woman?

Where is the evidence of the plans to attack a white school

Anne Heche was interested in a man while she was with Ellen Degeneres. Your point? Yes, absolutely homosexual agenda. The media outlet I was referring to has been actively oxygenating the flames of racial unrest with a leaf-blower since at least last year; in order to tag their main pet "civil rights" cause onto a "wave of public racial/civil rights sympathy", generated artificially.

Are you actually serious or just lying when you ask where the evidence of his plans to attack a school came from? Here, listen to this dapper young black pal of D. Roof's explain to you what Dylann's plans were:

Sil if you truly believe Roof attacked the church b/c he was gay then why didn't he attack one of the numerous Southern Baptist Churches in Charlestown? I mean that is your theory after all. He was upset by Southern Baptists church saying they will never marry gays.

You're trying so desperately to pretend this had nothing to do with race despite his own writings, the words of the survivor, the words of his family and other friends. Sorry you can't use these dead bodies to smear gay people. I know that tears you up inside but tough shit.
Oh for the love of God! Now Sil is claiming gays want to start a race war. :lol:
Nope, Winterborn brought that up first.

Yes I did. As evidence that Roof's actions were racially motivated. And his own writings show he wanted to start one.

But you want to somehow connect a race war with the gay community. When you said "You know, there's been another group trying to incite a race war in order to forward a certain tag-along civil rights movement on the far left", you were blatantly trying to put it off on gays.
"Somehow"? I was watching this past year how a certain media outlet went around town by town fanning racial tensions as a nearly daily fare on their network. It's a network that has a pet cause I'll be Dylann Roof checked in with regularly. A clue to which one it was is that it wasn't Fox News.

This actually happened. D. Roof actually had a predominantly white school targeted before he switched plans suddenly to a church on June 17, 2015. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what his motivations were: racial tensions and another agenda.

Another agenda? Like his homosexuality? Despite the fact that he was interested in a woman?

Where is the evidence of the plans to attack a white school

Anne Heche was interested in a man while she was with Ellen Degeneres. Your point? Yes, absolutely homosexual agenda. The media outlet I was referring to has been actively oxygenating the flames of racial unrest with a leaf-blower since at least last year; in order to tag their main pet "civil rights" cause onto a "wave of public racial/civil rights sympathy", generated artificially.

Are you actually serious or just lying when you ask where the evidence of his plans to attack a school came from? Here, listen to this dapper young black pal of D. Roof's explain to you what Dylann's plans were:

Do you actually think he would tell a black guy that he intended to shoot up a black church?

His website is full of rants against blacks, but mentions nothing about gays or the SBC comments about not performing gay weddings. There is absolutely no evidence that Roof is gay. None at all. Not from his website, his friends, his facebook, or any other source. You determined this because of his haircut, his watch and that he is wearing a Gold's Gym shirt. Your theory is pure lunacy.
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Do you actually think he would tell a black guy that he intended to shoot up a black church?.

More to the point, if he hated blacks enough to shoot down 9 of them at a church in cold blood, do you think he would spend his free time chumming around with a black friend, going to the river, spending the night at his apartment with him etc. etc. etc.?

There is definitely one of us here stubbornly refusing to look at the facts, and it's not me Winter Born..
Do you actually think he would tell a black guy that he intended to shoot up a black church?.

More to the point, if he hated blacks enough to shoot down 9 of them at a church in cold blood, do you think he would spend his free time chumming around with a black friend, going to the river, spending the night at his apartment with him etc. etc. etc.?

There is definitely one of us here stubbornly refusing to look at the facts, and it's not me Winter Born..

Your whole MO is stubbornly refusing to look at the facts. When they don't agree with your narrative you either ignore them or invite wild conspiracy theories.

Are his friends and family lying? The survivor lying? Was he lying in his manifesto?

What to believe here? Such a tough call. The words of all those peoples or yours and watch/Gold Gym's bullshit? Yeah, I am going to go with those other people on this one.
1. Are his friends and 2. family lying? 3.The survivor lying? 4. Was he lying in his manifesto?

1. Probably not. I believe his black friend when he said Dylann wasn't a racist and who neither he nor the other white kid heard say anything unkind about blacks while in either of their presences.

2. Probably not. I believe his stepmother when she said he is a very intelligent soft-spoken guy.

3. Probably not. I believe she was specifically spared to tell the world "this was about race".

4. Probably. His manifesto after all was about "reasons to start a race war". Pretty convenient if he was trying to do this: Was Dylann Roof a Multi-Tasker A Potential Reason For His Wanting Race War US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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1. Are his friends and 2. family lying? 3.The survivor lying? 4. Was he lying in his manifesto?

1. Probably not. I believe his black friend when he said Dylann wasn't a racist.

2. Probably not. I believe his stepmother shen she said he is a very intelligent soft-spoken guy.

3. Probably not. I believe she was specifically spared to tell the world "this was about race".

4. Probably. His manifesto after all was about "reasons to start a race war". Pretty convenient if he was trying to do this: Was Dylann Roof a Multi-Tasker A Potential Reason For His Wanting Race War US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yes, all those other people are lying. Since Roof was a transient my guess is the reason he didn't spout his racist shit to his friend is b/c he wouldn't have a place to sleep if he did. Whatever. You'll believe whatever batshit that props up your "I hate queers" narrative and nothing else.
1. Are his friends and 2. family lying? 3.The survivor lying? 4. Was he lying in his manifesto?

1. Probably not. I believe his black friend when he said Dylann wasn't a racist.

2. Probably not. I believe his stepmother shen she said he is a very intelligent soft-spoken guy.

3. Probably not. I believe she was specifically spared to tell the world "this was about race".

4. Probably. His manifesto after all was about "reasons to start a race war". Pretty convenient if he was trying to do this: Was Dylann Roof a Multi-Tasker A Potential Reason For His Wanting Race War US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

1. Roof never said anything racist to his black friend. What a surprise. But he did spout racist venom to his other friends.

2. Intelligent and soft-spoken do not equal gay.

3. She repeated the words he said as he murdered blacks. Sounds racist to me.

4. His manifesto was all about race, with not a single word about homosexuality or same sex marriage. This we have documented, but that is a lie? lmao Too funny.
Just because the shooting was at a black church does not mean that it was an attack on black people because it wasn't the first church to ever be shot up. Seven years ago, someone opened fire at a church here in East Tennessee and if I remember right, it was a white church.

God bless you and every impacted family of both shootings always!!!


P.S. My only question for the kid who held the gun would be this one: "So is this what you would want done to where ever it is that you love to be?"
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Intelligent people always drop out in the 9th grade. lol.

This is getting wilder and wilder Sil.
mdk, he could have been very intelligent and dropped out because of the terrible stress of the home environment...like both his black and white friend attested to in the youtube video during the interview with British reporters..

Just because the shooting was at a black church does not mean that it was an attack on black people ...

True. It could even have been a church he targeted where his killing of black people might start the race war his manifesto said he wanted to get rolling along. And the desire to start a race war, added to the fact that his black and white friends both insisted he never spoke ill of blacks in either of their presences, might assign another motive besides "hating blacks" to his desire to start a race war. Particulary if he is gay as I suspect he is. And more particularly if he was taking not-so-subtle cues from a certain pro-LGBT media outlet to do such a thing. And even more particularly on June 17, 2015...
mdk, he could have been very intelligent and dropped out because of the terrible stress of the home environment...like both his black and white friend attested to in the youtube video during the interview with British reporters..

Just because the shooting was at a black church does not mean that it was an attack on black people ...

True. It could even have been a church he targeted where his killing of black people might start the race war his manifesto said he wanted to get rolling along. And the desire to start a race war, added to the fact that his black and white friends both insisted he never spoke ill of blacks in either of their presences, might assign another motive besides "hating blacks" to his desire to start a race war. Particulary if he is gay as I suspect he is. And more particularly if he was taking not-so-subtle cues from a certain pro-LGBT media outlet to do such a thing. And even more particularly on June 17, 2015...

I notice you went from saying he is "almost certainly gay" to merely suspecting he is gay.

Your supposition is still ridiculous.
I notice you went from saying he is "almost certainly gay" to merely suspecting he is gay.

Your supposition is still ridiculous.
All of his social media info and social contact info isn't in yet. So we'll make that call when it is, OK? But for right now, with what we have, the kid is looking a little "left of center" sexually speaking....certainly when it comes to burning the stars and stripes..
I notice you went from saying he is "almost certainly gay" to merely suspecting he is gay.

Your supposition is still ridiculous.
All of his social media info and social contact info isn't in yet. So we'll make that call when it is, OK? But for right now, with what we have, the kid is looking a little "left of center" sexually speaking....certainly when it comes to burning the stars and stripes..

You are seeing what you want to see. There is absolutely no evidence that Roof is gay.
You are seeing what you want to see. There is absolutely no evidence that Roof is gay.
Well, there's more evidence that he is, than that he isn't..

Please share this evidence. So far you have focused on his haircut, watch, and Gold's Gym shirt. I guess you also mentioned his father's pierced nipples, but he looks more like a redneck than anything.
I notice you went from saying he is "almost certainly gay" to merely suspecting he is gay.

Your supposition is still ridiculous.

Yet as of this post, 63% of the respondants to the poll seem to agree..

Having a black guy pal whose house you sleep over at regularly when you are accused of being a rabid racist is sort of a rain cloud on that parade, wouldn't you say?
I notice you went from saying he is "almost certainly gay" to merely suspecting he is gay.

Your supposition is still ridiculous.

Yet as of this post, 63% of the respondants to the poll seem to agree..

Having a black guy pal whose house you sleep over at regularly when you are accused of being a rabid racist is sort of a rain cloud on that parade, wouldn't you say?

Wow! A poll with a whole 11 votes! I guess that means Roof isn't a racist but is most likely a queer. Too funny!

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