Dynasty Party Politics in Cali. This is how far it has gone..

Were You Aware of the "Top 2 Primary Rule" in California?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 57.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Did you know that Senator Barb Boxer was replaced in the last election? Found that out yesterday. The election media coverage was that bad. Are you aware that the race for that US Senate seat was TWO DEMOCRATS?? No Repub, Libertarian or Green even qualified for General election. They were not allowed to even challenge the 2 candidates.

Because the mindless ones in Cali apparently approved the "consolidated primary" idea that I helped oppose for YEARS out there. The STATE decides that all primary candidates are on ONE ballot. And that only the top TWO make it to the General Election.. How many people in the US realize that the STATE of Cali has stepped in to interfere with the party nominating process to that degree? The "Top TWO rule" applies to most State offices and the US CONGRESS races. (not the Prez, probably because they couldn't get away with that)

Voting in the Primary Election

Can you imagine restricting ballot access to that degree? Especially if it's LIKELY that important races will have 2 candidates from the Dem party and no other choices !!! If folks who care wait TOO LONG -- it will too late to fix things peacefully within the process. I found out that Cali passed this POS idea since I left -- just yesterday. Never thought they would actually get away with it. Put too much trust into the general fairness and inclusiveness of the electorate in a place like Cali. That's partly why I left.

When this "consolidated primary" goes on the ballot now in Cali -- the Party affiliations are NOT EVEN ALLOWED to appear. It usurps the right of the parties to nominate their candidates and place them into the race. Time is short. Have had lots of people laugh at me and other 3rd party folks about calling the 2 brand name parties "dynasties". But they are getting their hooks in the roots of the process and consolidating their monopoly power and influence. And time is getting VERY short to oppose this and preserve ballot access and choice.

WAKE dafuq up people. The 2 parties are now all about WINNING. And not about respect of the American political heritage or serving the people with humility.
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Sounds a bit like LA, they're having a runoff next month for the top two for the senate.
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.
Their former governor is about to take over the show that made Trump a star. There's a new path to the White House I think.
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?

Huh? I don't care about North Carolina I live in Kentucky. But I'd rather see the two best candidates going against each no matter what party they are from, rather than have a crappy candidate from one party win just because the majority of voters from that candidates political party showed up at the voting stations.

There is just too many zombie straight ticket voters out there that vote just for their party without even knowing the candidates or their stances on the issues.
Sounds a bit like LA, they're having a runoff next month for the top two for the senate.

Which senate? You mean state senate right?
Because the US Senate seat now belongs to Kamala Harris. Never had any party opposition in getting it. Total Democrat show.. They ELIMINATED the competition.. .
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?

Huh? I don't care about North Carolina I live in Kentucky. But I'd rather see the two best candidates going against each no matter what party they are from, rather than have a crappy candidate from one party win just because the majority of voters from that candidates political party showed up at the voting stations.

There is just too many zombie straight ticket voters out there that vote just for their party without even knowing the candidates or their stances on the issues.

Hey dude -- wake up. The result of this insanity IS a straight party ticket. They've ELIMINATED ALL competition. Or voices, or choices, or debate.
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?

Huh? I don't care about North Carolina I live in Kentucky. But I'd rather see the two best candidates going against each no matter what party they are from, rather than have a crappy candidate from one party win just because the majority of voters from that candidates political party showed up at the voting stations.

There is just too many zombie straight ticket voters out there that vote just for their party without even knowing the candidates or their stances on the issues.

Hey dude -- wake up. The result of this insanity IS a straight party ticket. They've ELIMINATED ALL competition. Or voices, or choices, or debate.

So you're saying that because in an area that is mostly one political party, they will always vote two of their people to be at the top of the ticket and thus shutting out the other party?

You know what I say? Fuck political parties, I'm tired of them. Vote for the best people to do the job and have the best believes that represent you on the issues.

So would it change anything for you if everyone just ran as Independents instead of Republicans and Democrats and two Independents were the top 2 people to run on the ticket?

You're stuck on this us vs. them mentality of the two party system... and you are missing my point. I don't give care what party someone is from.
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?

Huh? I don't care about North Carolina I live in Kentucky. But I'd rather see the two best candidates going against each no matter what party they are from, rather than have a crappy candidate from one party win just because the majority of voters from that candidates political party showed up at the voting stations.

There is just too many zombie straight ticket voters out there that vote just for their party without even knowing the candidates or their stances on the issues.

Hey dude -- wake up. The result of this insanity IS a straight party ticket. They've ELIMINATED ALL competition. Or voices, or choices, or debate.

So you're saying that because in an area that is mostly one political party, they will always vote two of their people to be at the top of the ticket and thus shutting out the other party?

You know what I say? Fuck political parties, I'm tired of them. Vote for the best people to do the job and have the best believes that represent you on the issues.

So would it change anything for you if everyone just ran as Independents instead of Republicans and Democrats and two Independents were the top 2 people to run on the ticket?

You're stuck on this us vs. them mentality of the two party system... and you are missing my point. I don't give care what party someone is from.

Why are you in favor of restricting people from OUTSIDE the 2 brand name parties to even run CANDIDATES in the General Election? Why does that seem to threaten you? You think the folks in Cali can't deal with more than TWO buttons on their ballots? Are they stupid? Please answer ALL questions..
Sounds a bit like LA, they're having a runoff next month for the top two for the senate.

Which senate? You mean state senate right?
Because the US Senate seat now belongs to Kamala Harris. Never had any party opposition in getting it. Total Democrat show.. They ELIMINATED the competition.. .

Nope, US senate.

Louisiana's U.S. Senate race set for runoff in December

OH. Darn. You meant LA not LA... :badgrin: Well those folks are just weird. Maybe as weird as LA people. :eusa_clap:

When a party runs MORE than one candidate on ballot -- it just doesn't smell right. But I could get used to it. As long as ANY party can theoretically put a candidate onto the General Election ballot. Without that -- there really is no chance for issue discussion, debate or healthy competition..
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?

Huh? I don't care about North Carolina I live in Kentucky. But I'd rather see the two best candidates going against each no matter what party they are from, rather than have a crappy candidate from one party win just because the majority of voters from that candidates political party showed up at the voting stations.

There is just too many zombie straight ticket voters out there that vote just for their party without even knowing the candidates or their stances on the issues.

Hey dude -- wake up. The result of this insanity IS a straight party ticket. They've ELIMINATED ALL competition. Or voices, or choices, or debate.

So you're saying that because in an area that is mostly one political party, they will always vote two of their people to be at the top of the ticket and thus shutting out the other party?

You know what I say? Fuck political parties, I'm tired of them. Vote for the best people to do the job and have the best believes that represent you on the issues.

So would it change anything for you if everyone just ran as Independents instead of Republicans and Democrats and two Independents were the top 2 people to run on the ticket?

You're stuck on this us vs. them mentality of the two party system... and you are missing my point. I don't give care what party someone is from.

Why are you in favor of restricting people from OUTSIDE the 2 brand name parties to even run CANDIDATES in the General Election? Why does that seem to threaten you? You think the folks in Cali can't deal with more than TWO buttons on their ballots? Are they stupid? Please answer ALL questions..

Why is limiting people outside the two major parties? If it just the two best people being chosen regardless of party. Let's look at it like this in terms of what to have for lunch.

You and your family are talking about what to get for lunch. You got pizza, burgers, tacos, etc. You take a poll and decide on Burgers. Ok, now you have cleared your mind of all those other foods and you are down to having to decide exactly what burger joint to eat it. So now you have to go through the issues carefully to make your decision. What's the closest most convenient one to go to? What gives the best value? Which tastes the best? Do we go to a Mom & Pop place or a national chain? Etc. etc. So now because you are no longer worrying about all those other foods, you are forced to look at the deeper issues. Sure you'll have some people that will just be like, "Fuck it! McDonalds!" But not that often.

Think how much this election could have changed with that method in the Presidential race. If it cam down to Hillary or Sanders? Sanders would have won. If it came down to Trump or Kasich? Kasich would have probably won. I like it.
My buddy Jerry Brown? … The guy is not the interesting problem solver he used to be.

He never was. I'm old enough to remember when Moonbeam was governor once before, in the 1970s and 1980s. Just another example of how insane this state is. Think about the cliché about doing what has been done before, and expecting a different result.
Their former governor is about to take over the show that made Trump a star. There's a new path to the White House I think.

Who? My buddy Jerry Brown? He's had his shot at the WHouse. The guy is not the interesting problem solver he used to be.

Not a naturally-born citizen, therefore, not eligible for the Presidency.
Agreed, but he is taking over The Apprentice.

"Their former governor is about to take over the show that made Trump a star. There's a new path to the White House I think."
Other states are likely to retaliate and since the solid blue states top the hit parade for screwy finances this is suicidal for the Ds. While there are various metrics only about 40% of the time is there a Red/Purple state listed in the top 10 and effectively all blue and Purple states make the top 20 worst states for state finances. The state most likely to be forced into Chapter three varies a lot more with IL and RI being the most common but there are many dishonorable mentions and so far as I can recall they're all blue.

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