Dzhokhar is down

Cut their balls off and feed them to their **** of a mother!!
Cure her of her criminal inclinations!!

What the hell is wrong with you???
I hate terrorists and criminals, don't you?

Why do you have to say that about their mother? She most likely is dead, at least i haven't heard of a mother, only the father. You can't blame the parents for how their children turn out. You can try your best, but you can only pray for the best.
Yeah because in the US we arrest people for what they might do in two years.


I am thinking.

We spend billions on anti terrorism and dont even track the clues given. They knew BEFORE these people were granted citizenship that they had radical ties.

If you don't have a problem with that you're a bigger idiot than I thought.

We knew and still granted him citizenship!


I do not have a link for you but MSNBC reported the same earlier, that they were looked at at some point.
I think the older brother brainwashed this kid. Imagine it. He has been alive and in this world for only 19 years. He smoked pot, listened to rap, hung out with friends. Then his brother gets hold of him and it's a complete turnaround.

As much as I think what this kid did was horrible..I also feel bad for him. 19. Shot. In a boat. Hurt. Alone. And knowing what he did. Is he too afraid to take his own life? Maybe. His life after this if they get him alive? Not fun. All these thoughts are probably going through his head. It only remains to be seen if he really REALLY believes virgins are awaiting him and will off himself and take as many out as he can IF he has any bombs left...or give up and pay for his deeds in prison. It is all up to him. A 19 year old. Sigh.
3 people are in custody of cronies of interest in UMass. to find out what they know about the younger brother. The brothers may be a part of a cell, the elder brother went to a terrorist training camp and got back to the US 6 months ago. Geraldo Riviera said he went to Moscow to learn bomb making, and that the bombs used were sophisticated with timers, etc.
Yeah because in the US we arrest people for what they might do in two years.


I am thinking.

We spend billions on anti terrorism and dont even track the clues given. They knew BEFORE these people were granted citizenship that they had radical ties.

If you don't have a problem with that you're a bigger idiot than I thought.

We knew and still granted him citizenship!


It's been all over the TV for the last hour. Pull your head out of your ass. The FBI has confirmed the story but deny they found anything despite being warned presumably by Russia
I had to change the channel from msnbc to fox. At least on Fox they can talk without the um ah um er um uh um.
They were bragging to the guy that they car jacked, about the bombings so there goes the "framed" theory put out by their father.

And as for the FBI they can't arrest someone just because someone says that someone else is dangerous. They talked to him and that's really all they can do.

Put 24/7 survelliance on everyone for 2 years? It's not plausible.
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I think the older brother brainwashed this kid. Imagine it. He has been alive and in this world for only 19 years. He smoked pot, listened to rap, hung out with friends. Then his brother gets hold of him and it's a complete turnaround.

As much as I think what this kid did was horrible..I also feel bad for him. 19. Shot. In a boat. Hurt. Alone. And knowing what he did. Is he too afraid to take his own life? Maybe. His life after this if they get him alive? Not fun. All these thoughts are probably going through his head. It only remains to be seen if he really REALLY believes virgins are awaiting him and will off himself and take as many out as he can IF he has any bombs left...or give up and pay for his deeds in prison. It is all up to him. A 19 year old. Sigh.

I feel no amount of pain is enough.
I had to change the channel from msnbc to fox. At least on Fox they can talk without the um ah um er um uh um.

I managed to watch 3 minutes of CNN ...I almost vomited.

Fox all the way here! :)
I am thinking.

We spend billions on anti terrorism and dont even track the clues given. They knew BEFORE these people were granted citizenship that they had radical ties.

If you don't have a problem with that you're a bigger idiot than I thought.

We knew and still granted him citizenship!


It's been all over the TV for the last hour. Pull your head out of your ass. The FBI has confirmed the story but deny they found anything despite being warned presumably by Russia

This is what kills me, Russian intell contacted us to tell our intelligence he might pose a threat. and they were still given citizenship one on 9-11-2012 ironically. Amazing!
They were bragging to the guy that they car jacked, aboutthe bombings so there goes the "framed" theory put out by their father.

And as for the FBI they can't arrest someone just because someone says that someone else is dangerous. They talked to him and that's really all they can do.

Put 24/7 survelliance on everyone for 2 years? It's not plausible.

When another gov't warns us we need to make it possible or at the very least DENY CITIZENSHIP
Movement in his pants!!
He is terrified, I fucking hope so anyway!!
Tell him we will bury his ass in pig shit, let him die with that thought!!
Ha Ha!
I hope he survives and is questioned about the hows and wherefores radical muslims are infiltrating this country, so we can put an end to this type of infiltration. Finding out these guys are soaking up terrorist bomb-making skills in Moscow means we are in a war by proxy.

That makes me feel quite sick. I want us to know what this man knows.
CaféAuLait;7118597 said:
I am thinking.

We spend billions on anti terrorism and dont even track the clues given. They knew BEFORE these people were granted citizenship that they had radical ties.

If you don't have a problem with that you're a bigger idiot than I thought.

We knew and still granted him citizenship!


I do not have a link for you but MSNBC reported the same earlier, that they were looked at at some point.

Oh please.

How old was he when he became a citizen?

Do you really believe we should arrest/punish for what people might be thinking? You've said this before, that what someone is thinking is enough cause for arrest. What the hell, screw the Constitution, right?

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