E J Carroll Already Counting Her Money......But She Won't See A Penny Of It

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Why are you defending this MONSTER???? He admits to raping women and still you vote for him.

When did he admit to raping women?

If anything, Biden is guilty of rape and one of his victims had to leave the country to escape whatever he planned on doing to her.

Especially in this case, this trial was orchestrated by the White House and carried out by corrupt lawyers and their buddy the judge.

Can you show where the White House was involved in a local Civil Case?

You are making shit up again arent ya?
DemonCrats have killed the Country. Allowing this 30 yr old story to become an attempted ghetto lottery for the old silly hippie nutcase Caroll. Libstain loons lap it up like formula.//
Judges see things like that. That’s why the idiot’s lawyer looks so uncomfortable. It would be hard to find an appeals judge that doesn’t know about that little clip. Question for that judge will be “do I want to be the one that helped that blatant gold digger become a millionaire on someone else’s money?”

If the judge says no, her lawyer should sue her for screwing up the payoff. I am almost certain that her lawyer warned her not to talk about spending the money. Or if her lawyer didn’t, then her lawyer is as dumb as she is, and deserved to get nothing also.
/—-/ Post the link to that admission. Now don’t break the internet looking for it.
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Paula Jones never claimed Clinton raped her. In fact, she said they never had sex at all. When she said "No", he stopped. The whole Paula Jones trial was found to be a Republican attempt to smear Bill Clinton, and her claim of "sexual harassment" was dismissed with prejudice.

Tara Reade was a convicted con artist and liar, frequently portraying herself as the victim of abuse, whose own brother refused to confirm her stories, and she told no one it happened at the time. She self published on FaceBook because no newspaper would publish her unproveable claims, and then changed her story constantly, when her earlier versions were dispoven. Even her Republican lawyers dropped her as a clilent.

Trump was convicted on his own public statements, and by credible evidence presented that Ms. Carroll reported to friends and others that Trump had assaulted her at the time. Ms. Carroll's story has been found credible by two different juries.
/—-/ Post the link to that admission. Now don’t break the internet looking for it.
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Paula Jones was financed by the Heritage Foundation and got a multi million dollar settlement. Tara Reades story changed its numerous times and Biiden didn't run his mouth like Trump did. Trump was heard on national TV disparaging Carroll. So stop whining.
Trump was convicted on his own public statements, and by credible evidence presented that Ms. Carroll reported to friends and others that Trump had assaulted her at the time. Ms. Carroll's story has been found credible by two different juries.
Juries also found Trump to be lying when he claimed he didn’t know who she was and when he mocked her as….not his type.

His bragging that he likes to grab women by their pussies without consent also showed he had done it before.
Paula Jones was financed by the Heritage Foundation and got a multi million dollar settlement. Tara Reades story changed its numerous times and Biiden didn't run his mouth like Trump did. Trump was heard on national TV disparaging Carroll. So stop whining.

The Paula Jones settlement was less than $1 million and Jones only received $150,000 after a three year trial. The rest of the money went to her Republican law firm.
Well, sometimes somebody makes a fool out of the DOJ. In this case, it was the DOJ itself who got lax on proof. What proof? DNA from panties? A police report the 30 or 40 years ago this alleged affair took place? What proof did this braggarta have that this wasn't about a bad love affair that went sour instead of a ruthless rape? Where's the proof? Is there a police report? Was there evidence from DNA from a certified hospital? Where the hell is the proof? Say-so? What a sorry state of affairs. I hear women saying that any woman who claims they were raped is right. Oh, yeah? What a way to make a living. :cranky:

I don't like this shit.

This was a private, civil law suit. It had nothing to do with the Department of Justice. This was one of Trump's victim, with the resources and the witnesses to call this rapist to accounts and she did it.
The Paula Jones settlement was less than $1 million and Jones only received $150,000 after a three year trial. The rest of the money went to her Republican law firm.
Thank you for that. My main point was that Republicans put her up to it.
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