E J Carroll Already Counting Her Money......But She Won't See A Penny Of It

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How many people would Trump need to shoot on 5th avenue before you would abandon him?
How many million illegals does Biden have to let in to take your money and your jobs before you'll abandon him?
How much higher does your groceries and your utilities have to go before you abandon him?
Maybe if some thug trying to get reparations shoots you and steals your car might change your mind?
How about if the schools trick all of your kids into getting sex-changes. Would that make you want to abandon him?
FYI, these scumbags do the same thing to everyone who gets in their way. Trump is just the latest target.
Who will be next when he's gone?

Why do the Biden cultists believe Carroll, but not Tara Reade who said Joe Biden finger raped her?
That original 5 million hasn't been paid...it's under appeal. As will the 83 million be under appeal.
If the deleted emails stick....the original civil case underpinning the penalty case will die taking the other with it.
She better use the money for all the bodyguards she is going to need. Not recommended that she walks down the street alone. :)
Relax. We`ll always have the right to shoot up a classroom or a spouse.
Relax as we host 9.1 million immigrants in hotels that are more like palaces than the stucco dwellings along the border where taxpayers live and raise their families through hot summers and cold, wet winters. The common man can lose everything if waters rise into lakes in rainy seasons, destroying a lot of transportation equipment, floorless barns, and live farm animals, pond catfish, and birds.
Why are you talking about the DoJ?
Why do you listen to leftist lies by the under-the-table-paid media participants? And why do you rock your soul in the bosoms of greedy trollops who claim they dated someone who earned a fortune and they would like all of his nice money because the love affair went south?
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