E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

Wrong again!

You really are stuck in your delusions.

What were you lying about?

It’s not slander, he claims he doesn’t know her and never has any contact with her…that is his right to do.

Well, she should have had evidence to prove her claim. As long as she is making allegations, he has a right to deny them
It’s that easy.
Wait wait wait…are you seriously talking about what a plaintiff, who has just owned Trump to the tune of almost 90 million dollars, should have had???

She had everything she needed when Trump opened his stupid mouth obviously.

Trump is the giant loser here and how he got here is through spectacularly bad judgement.
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He bragged on being able to do the very thing he was accused of doing. LOL

That is incredibly stupid. He just couldn't keep his mouth shut.
No, she claimed he raped her.

What does that have to do with girls at parties that want rich men to grab them?
Afraid not. Let me educate you on NY civil law. Trump has to post a bond for the entire amount, plus interest. The longer he waits to pay, the more interest adds up.

His lawyers can ask the appelate court to consider both cases to expidite the ruling, which only makes them look reasonable, to save Trump interest. If the NY Supreme court declines the case, it's a done deal. The money immediately goes to Carrol and he lawyers.

If the SC takes the case, the only thing they would adjudicate, is if the award was exsessive, and make a ruling or remittature, which reduces the Punative damages. Courts rarely, if ever reduce the compensatory damages.

The orange shit stain got owned today. And it's only going to get worse for him. Hailey will now beat him up daily on the campaign trail, with plenty of billionare money. The criminal cases start soon. And the Biden campaign hasn't even begun to bitch slap his ass up one side of the street and down the other.

With plenty of never Trumper money from Republicans that hate is guts, including the Liberty Project.

Its going to be a bad year for MAGA.

Well, if that’s true, then justice was truly set back today, because what happened here isn’t right. She made an allegation she couldn’t prove, trump denied it, and a court failed to deliver a measured response.
He was found not guilty of rape.

And she is ugly and certainly not his type, he always had beautiful women, not some frump.
He was found liable for rape. Actually at the time of the rape she apparently looked like his first wife. Here is what she looked like.

The law does apply to trump, but this isn’t justice, it’s a leftist attack.

The entire point of all of these lawsuits are to either get him banned from the ballot or cost him so much money that he can’t afford to run.

It all boils down to election tampering. The lefty’s are going to do whatever it takes to keep trump from winning.

That’s all this is about, you know it and I know it.
Stop believing trumps bs.
Any woman can now claim anything and sue for damages, only based on her word, zero evidence needed.

A lot of women are watching this unfold and are making plans. Clinton should be shaking in his shoes.

Nope, it specifically takes Trump grade stupidity and ego to get there.

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