E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

Oh, it most certainly does. This is all just part of the “get trump” train.

Do you seriously think 83M is a justified amount? Really??
Absolutely. The orange slob had already been found guilty and she was awarded damages.

Then he did it again anyway.

Thus... $83 million.

Blame the orange slob.
What were you lying about?

View attachment 893518

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.

Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

Oh that ... lol... like she will ever see a dime of that.
Why do you say that?
Are you in a position...an experienced lawyer? ......to know how this will play out?
Just askin'.

They’ll most likely both be dead before a penny is paid.
Well, OK, let's presume they have both 'aged out' prior to the payment ...whatever it may be. But.....wouldn't his estate still be on the hook? Wouldn't her estate be in line for the payment....whatever it may be?

Notably, too......in an appeal the interest-meter still ticks.* So, at the usual 10% per annum, it could get salty.

*each state is different, but I believe that unless an appeal is dramatically changed or reverses the judgment and award...that 10% motors along. Meaning, it could cost Don Trump $8.3 million per year to litigate it.

$65 Million, punitive
Yeah, W6, the "punitive" is what is most notable.
Clearly, Don Trump pissed off this jury. And that is the biggest reason for this size of an award. They thought she was actually 'damaged' for about $15 million. And that is a significant amount all by itself. So, that award was intended to 'make her whole'.
But then, why the punitive amount?
I would conjecture it is intended as sort of an incentive-in-reverse.....to persuade him to NOT continue to disparage, defame, and damage the woman's reputation in the media as he has so abundantly done ---despite being explicitly instructed not to via the first trial.
Don Trump is being punished (ala $65 milion) because his lack of discipline and ability to not run his mouth. He has demonstrably shown he is capable and willing to continue harming Carroll.

E Jean Carroll is a liar........
Can you prove that to the satisfaction of that jury?
How would you do it?
Meaning, how would you have proven to the jury that she is a liar?
How would you have differed from the lawyers he hired?
Doesn’t matter, just keep appealing. This judgment isn’t right and you know it. Aside from your high degree of pleasure from seeing trump have to pay, this isn’t justice, and any sane person looking at it would see that.

There is no loss that she had or will have that equates to this kind of judgment…if the internet is accurate and her net worth this far is only 2M, then it’s not expected that even if trump did defame her, it’s not an 83M loss for her.
Trump didn't stop defaming during the trial. So they had to determine an amount sufficient enough to stop him.
That’s frivolous. It will be appealed.

I think her current net worth is only like 2M…they think the damage to her life and career is worth 40 times her total net worth?
The punishment has fuck-all to do with the victim's wealth, idiot.
Like Trump could get a fair trial in the Dem rigged court with the Dem rigged judge in the Dem rigged state. Fortunately Trump's SCOTUS will toss this nonsense in the trash, suck a SCOTUS ruling you lawless trash.

There is no way SCTOUS will rule one some civil lawsuit.
Trump didn't stop defaming during the trial. So they had too determine an amount sufficient enough to stop him.

That is why the punitive damages are so high. That's what it takes to get through Diaper Don's fat head to STFU.

The original $5 million wasn't enough to shut him up.

Maybe he'll finally get it.
The rallying cry of the left who for years told us that Trump lied about his wealth and was really poor: “Let’s steal away all of his millions!”

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